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  1. I'm probably moving on saturday, so alas, I am out. have fun!
  2. Happy Birthday! Hope it is fantastic! *hugness*
  3. I'll be at my cousin's wedding so I won't be able to come. Hope you guys have fun!
  4. Was surprised someone hadn't beaten me to this.

    Just remember... Don't Panic!
  5. Congratulations! I love minigamers!
  6. I voted too! Good Luck!

    (I feel your pain on the countertops... mine are this awful sandy brown dot pattern thing. and they are also well covered due to lack of space. *hugness*)
  7. Fanny and Kadmon's Engagement party.
    I had major family aggro for T-giving last year. =/

    Since my last post, Fanny has informed me that I am indeed bringing brownies. so consider that a given.
  8. You stay safe too! We'll miss you!
  9. Well, between falling space stations and cookie wars, I'm thinking michigan won't know what hit it.

    *hugness* I wish i could help out.
  10. Boooooo to computer problems. Hope you are able to get it fixed.
  11. don't have any characters red side that are high enough level. have fun everyone!
  12. I may be convinced to bring brownies. >.>
    I've been told they are amazing... <.<
    we'll see.... ^.^
  13. Just finished listening to the show..... awesome job as always guys! Keep up the good work!
  14. I was really looking forward to finally making it this year too.
  15. I'd prefer Origins, but could also try to make my way to Gencon if that's where is chosen!

    Very bummed about lack of Hero-con. couldn't go last year because my grandfather was in the hospital and really wanted to go this year. Oh well.
  16. cool idea!
    I approve!

  17. My family is celebrating Mother's Day on Saturday this year, so I won't be able to make it. =/
  18. Clearly the server hates us. *pout*
  19. Azuara


    I really wanted to play this time, but I was traveling all day today... don't think I'd be able to get an entry in on time. will still play arc though.