Advice on skipping travel power




Ok, I'm a day one veteran but not really a number cruncher. I have the MA booster pack and love love LOVE ninja run. That, along with the regular run is not all that far off from SS, my travel power of choice. I find myself taking swift from the health pool instead of leaping since again, ninja run fills that nicely. My question is this: would any of you slot swift or the basic run power, or just ignore that and save the slots for better things?

This isn't build specific, mind you. I'm tinkering with a lot of alts of various ATs and have found this to be pretty consistent across the board (that I'm digging ninja run and almost always take the fitness pool for end recovery and swift).

To be honest the only compelling reason I see to slot either of the run powers is to be able to drop in an IO set at some point. Thoughts?



Just from a cursory point of view, AFAICT, Swift unslotted increases Run Speed by 0.35, or 35%. This certainly makes it worth slotting. Add in the fact that, AFAIK, Swift doesn't suffer from Travel Suppression, I'd say go for it.

Sprint improves Run Speed by 50% and also doesn't not suffer from Travel Suppression, so you would get more bang per Enhancement out of it, but it's a toggle that also uses Endurance (0.14625 / 0.5 secs), while Swift is Always On and costs no Endurance.

As you can see, there are pros and cons either way.

Edit: that's just for generic enhancements; not considering sets.



Originally Posted by Bill_of_Rights View Post
Ok, I'm a day one veteran but not really a number cruncher. I have the MA booster pack and love love LOVE ninja run. That, along with the regular run is not all that far off from SS, my travel power of choice. I find myself taking swift from the health pool instead of leaping since again, ninja run fills that nicely. My question is this: would any of you slot swift or the basic run power, or just ignore that and save the slots for better things?

This isn't build specific, mind you. I'm tinkering with a lot of alts of various ATs and have found this to be pretty consistent across the board (that I'm digging ninja run and almost always take the fitness pool for end recovery and swift).

To be honest the only compelling reason I see to slot either of the run powers is to be able to drop in an IO set at some point. Thoughts?
can't slot the passive with anything but generic IO's IIRC. And sprint, you can slot the run speed set, but not the universal for the -knockback IO. So, really, i can't see either being a good place for IO sets. I'd only slot them if you have slots to burn. One stalker build i'm working on that has a few extra slots left over, (BS/SR) that i may dump into swift/quickness for kicks. But all in all, NR and sprint, with swift is about as fast as a slotted flying Char. That's really fast enough when you add in all the potentual short cuts in this game. (pocket D, oro, base portals, mission recall... ect ect ect.)

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EDIT: Oops. Mis-read what you posted.

Regarding the normal Swift and Leaping, I think others covered it.



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
can't slot the passive with anything but generic IO's IIRC. And sprint, you can slot the run speed set, but not the universal for the -knockback IO. So, really, i can't see either being a good place for IO sets. I'd only slot them if you have slots to burn. One stalker build i'm working on that has a few extra slots left over, (BS/SR) that i may dump into swift/quickness for kicks. But all in all, NR and sprint, with swift is about as fast as a slotted flying Char. That's really fast enough when you add in all the potentual short cuts in this game. (pocket D, oro, base portals, mission recall... ect ect ect.)
On the other hand, both Swift and Sprint (and Hurdle, if you want to add that to the mix) come with one slot by default, so you really only need to spend slots if that's still not enough



Thanks for the input. I'm going to leave them unslotted for now and just roll with sprint, swift, and ninja run. What the hey, the upside of having the 66 month badge is a boatload of respecs that I'm never going to use, right?



Another option, which is one i'm trying on my ninjaz/thermal mm is to pop in extra slots into sprint. My ninja runners are all using swift and hurdle from the FITNESS pool (not health...but close ). Normally i add 2 slots to swift, hurdle, AND sprint (which really isn't that big of a deal to me as i'm not going for min/maxing and soft-capping via IO's and all that jazz. lastest experiment is working rather well with just the 2 extra slots in swift. A 3 slotted hurdle will also give you a good vertical boost in jumping and a VERY good jumping speed...usually FASTER than what you can achieve running! Something to think about. After all...that run speed is good...till you jump and slow down tremendously ( is noticable). Then again...i normally don't pick health unless it's on a toon that has +regen to stack with it (again...i don't trick out stuff with IO's very much).

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



What terrble animation? and how?

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I rather LIKE the animation...but each his own.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



You can shut off the Ninja Run animation?

How do you do that?



I've been gradually switching over all my SJ toons to be NR toons. I still take CJ as it provides in-combat movement bonuses as well as DEF. I have been switching from this:


to this:


It's the same number of powers, but I prefer this setup because:

1) NR is more stylistic than SJ
2) NR provides a run speed bonus so I don't have to bunny hop in tight areas like caves
3) CJ+Hurdle provides a ton of in-combat mobility and movement in missions so I don't have to keep toggling SJ on/off
4) Hurdle+NR is basically the same speed as SJ by itself

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



So for travel power purposes swift or hurdle which will get you around better with NR? Sprint doesn’t give a bonus to jump speed IIRC. Does hurdle help jump speed better than swift helps run speed? If it’s a wash it would seem that hurdle would be better simple for the additional vertical movement.



Originally Posted by hewhorocks View Post
So for travel power purposes swift or hurdle which will get you around better with NR? Sprint doesn’t give a bonus to jump speed IIRC. Does hurdle help jump speed better than swift helps run speed? If it’s a wash it would seem that hurdle would be better simple for the additional vertical movement.
Rreally depends on your taste...but as a general rule i'm learning, even with swift+sprint with ninja run going (even with both 3 slotted) you're still going to be running just a smidge slower than you can jump with hurdle 3 slotted and ninja run going.

If you're going for sheer utility with minimal effort...3 slotting hurdle + ninja run will get you going nicely for both speed and height. Jump Speed is usually pretty close to SJ speed, though the height isn't even close (unless you're a Kinetics, which goes without saying). If you're a speed freak like me that likes to squeeze out everything he can out of stuff, swift+hurdle+sprint (all slotted to taste)+ninja run (and of course quick/lightning reflexes/etc if you have such powers, also slotted to taste). If you're a kinetics...i woudn't even really worry about slotting any of these powers as your Kiniblities fill your needs quite well without them.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



NR + Inertial Reduction + Siphon Speed + Swift + Hurdle = capped everything =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
NR + Inertial Reduction + Siphon Speed + Swift + Hurdle = capped everything =)
I just did this on my Kin/Energy... (Well, minus Swift, anyway) Holy crap, fun times.

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