Merry Christmas Champion!
Merry Christmas
em/still singing
Tired of Six White Boomers ....
starts humming Christmas List
I just can't wait
Peace everyone Si
Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..
I came on to make a Merry Christmas thread,
But here it already is.
Merry Christmas Champion!!!
A very Merry Christmas to all of Champion and all the other servers out there.
I wish you all a safe and Happy New year from all of us here in P.o.N

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
HO! HO! HO and all that jazz. Happy Holidays from me and LES!
Merry Christmas, fellow Champions!
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
*Finds a wireless hotspot on the road* Merry Christmas!!!!!
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
Well....Happy Festivus!
Merry Christmas and have a Happy Holiday season!
Have Fun That Is An Order
Ignore the coal!!!

Merry Christmas, Champs!
Unfortunately, I will be unable to join you in-game (not that many, or probably any, of you know me) over the holiday season. I got home from work today, only to find my video card has died. (Perfect timing, since I'm on vacation for a week!) I doubt the onboard graphics can handle CoX
My wife (wonderful woman that she is) got me a branc-spankin' new PC... that won't arrive until mid-late January.
Ah well, enjoy the holiday season, folks!

Thank you, Champion.
Merry Christmas All !
Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper
I hope everyone has a "super" Christmas. Har, har, har.
I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.
Merry Christmas everyone
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Merry Christmas All
Some of us are in the future so we got it before yous, ner ner!
/em Tonguepoke.
Seriously though, Merry Xmas all!
Hope yous didn't have to use the "Oh wow! Awesome present! A man can never have too many socks!" line too often.
Happy Holidays, Champion.
Best wishes durin' this season.
See you in the New Year.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Merry Christmas Champs!
Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Merry Christmas fokes.
Merry Xmas to every1 from all of us in Exile!
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
Happy Holidays to everyone!
[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]
Merry Christmas and Happy new year Champs! The greatest server community in all of COX!
Happy holidays everyone!
"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.
I know not everyone celebrates Christmas but many of us do, so I hope it doesn't offend anyone when I say, I wish everyone a safe, peaceful and Happy Holiday season whatever you and your loved ones celebrate this time of year.
Ima Mankiller@Ima
Dee's Facebook SG & Coalition Site
The Phoenix Phalanx,The Phoenix Phalanx Elite and Dark Phoenix Phalanx