Super Booster Pack VI and Beyoooond...




So as to not threadjack the Booster Pack V thread, starting something new. In that thread, folks postulate what might or might not happen after the mutant pack is released. What would you like to see happen: Start over and work back through origins on another pass? Drop the origins theme as a guideline and go for specific targeted themes? Anyone theme that is greatly missing from your game or could help you more thoroughly realize your characters and creations?

In other words, what would you want for your $10 U.S. from Super Booster Packs VI and beyond?



Heh well I've already said what I'd like after the 'Origin' packs are finished.

A pack called 'Enemy Mine'.

It includes not complete costumes but parts used by NPCs, some parts would be restricted to gender (Carnival of Shadows mask and Bustier is limited to female for example) while others would be available to all (Freakshow cybernetic chest detail for example).

As mentioned these wouldn't be complete costume but there would a lot of parts, because of the quanity of parts there wouldn't be a power with the pack.



I think they're already working with specific targetted themes. Science booster was all about mad scientists, Ninja booster was self explanitory. So much so, that some folks still wonder if it was indeed the Natural booster pack or just a targetted theme.

I think it would be Paragon Studios best interests to have blended packs, something for everyone. A cowboy booster pack might not appeal to all, but a Wild West, or a Weird Wild West with cowboys, Indians (yes I said "Indians"), gamblers, gold panners, dude ranchers, and Australian "western" themes, as well as steampunk west and a horse to ride, would have something appealing to a much broader range.

I personally would like to see future efforts themed, such as the western gear, retro-future, steampunk (with Nemesis tie-ins), colonial/patriotic, etc.

But I would like to think that before moving past the archetypes, we get booster packs related to the epic archetypes.



Yea I could see a "gun pack" one with different models of rifles and pistols with DP coming out with GR.Different styles of clothing like wild west,colonial,swat/military,and something futuristic.

Steampunk would be cool with nemesis inspired costumes,plus something along the lines of Gaiman's Teknophage/Mr.Hero steam ideas.

A monsterpack with different heads maybe more werewolves,vampires and other horrors.It would be good to get some tentacle arms,hands with longer claws/talons,etc.

A villain/hero pack which would of different groups costumes examples; PPD helmets,Freakshow appendages,CoT robes,etc.

So many possibilities....



As I said in the other thread, I like the idea of cycling through the origins but targeting different themes.

The upcoming mutant pack could be animals (monstrous bird head, talon gloves, feathers, fins, tentacle-ish arms, etc. Maybe a loping beast run power).

Then back around to tech origin. This time, instead of cyborgs, do steam punk. The possibilities are endless.

Magic again, this time with an undead flair. I'd love to see really good transparent skeletal parts.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Several new sets of auras would be fantastic. There have been VERY few updates to auras, and it'd be nice to see new options.



I would love a pack that is just a bunch of different combat auras. I love the ones from the tech pack and use them frequently to get a nice effect even at the lower levels. some things like holographic armor (for invincible toons), glowing runes around the toon's fist for magic wielders, so on.



Agreed, auras need some lovin'. I'd drop money for a big pack of auras, both combat and passive.



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
I think they're already working with specific targetted themes. Science booster was all about mad scientists, Ninja booster was self explanitory. So much so, that some folks still wonder if it was indeed the Natural booster pack or just a targetted theme.
I don't know why anyone would wonder, since Avatea specifically said so.



If I just got the auras we HAVE but enabled as combat auras, I'd be a happy, happy camper.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
If I just got the auras we HAVE but enabled as combat auras, I'd be a happy, happy camper.
Oh god, same. I'd still wait until thirty, too. One of my favourite things about the kheldians is that their eyes only 'leak' when you want them to. If my fire brute could have leaky-fire eyes only during combat that'd be just fantastic.

I'm another one who would love some NPC costume parts. While I like using creativity to overcome the boundaries, there are certain pieces that are just too specific, like the Carnie mask. Jester short just isn't close enough.



I'd love more Auras and a Steampunk booster.

Maybe even a Pirate Booster since we have a Ninja one?



Yeah I haven't bought any of the boosters yet, I was going to buy the magic booster, because of the hoods, but it turned out that the temp was useless to me.

I'm still waiting for a booster that contains natural themed clothing, not martial art robes. I'm talking about hoodies, masks (porcelain, hockey, ballistic), vests, knee and elbow pads, pretty much the stuff you already have in games like APB. Someone came up with a rumor that the natural booster would contain thug themed clothing and I was kind of hyped, but as it turns out we got something completely different.

I also thought of country flags as capes once, but that would probably be too much work for the devs.

Or we could just get the costume pieces "for free" with the "free" updates, you know just like in the past, just an idea.



Originally Posted by Gaspard View Post
Or we could just get the costume pieces "for free" with the "free" updates, you know just like in the past, just an idea.
We still get a fair share of free costume pieces with the basic price of subscription. Depending on your view of it, in I16, we got a boatload of new "costume pieces" in the form of power colorization/customization. In I15, we got the Ulterior and Vines costume sets. In I14, female widows got buttcapes. I13 gave us a number of other costume pieces and costume sets as well.

You can't say that the devs haven't continued to give out free costume pieces and character customization options for the price of your basic subscription without having it be an outright lie. We're still getting them for free. We're just getting the option to buy more costume pieces (along with a bunch of other stuff) for free as well.



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
We still get a fair share of free costume pieces with the basic price of subscription. Depending on your view of it, in I16, we got a boatload of new "costume pieces" in the form of power colorization/customization. In I15, we got the Ulterior and Vines costume sets. In I14, female widows got buttcapes. I13 gave us a number of other costume pieces and costume sets as well.

You can't say that the devs haven't continued to give out free costume pieces and character customization options for the price of your basic subscription without having it be an outright lie. We're still getting them for free. We're just getting the option to buy more costume pieces (along with a bunch of other stuff) for free as well.
Lol, yeah I remember all those costume pieces my SoA got in i16, that was sick.
Issue 15 had ulterior, which was basicaly just a new thights pattern and vines that are just a new detail for thights (it's pretty easy to miss them aswell because they are so god damn subtle.)

But yeah in all honesty, the roman costume pieces were cool, same for the vanguard pieces. They were all pretty neat and part of an issue, you have me there. But that was issue 10, which was 2007, I think. The roman pieces were in issue 12, which was last year...I think. Oh yeah then there were some normal jackets and things in issue 13, aswell.

Surely the boosters are (kind of) cool additions, but I just find it kind of odd that some of us (including me) go "oh this booster should have this and that, that'd be sick!" while we just used to wish for them to be part of an issue, not pay separately.

That's just me, but I got them jimmy legs and little muffin hands.



I would wager that I17/whichever issue coincides with GR, has some new costume goodness. I would hope so, at any rate.

And GR should have some new gubbins (yes, not free, but hey ho)

I do seriously hope we get stuff like SWAT armour, NPC parts and suchnot.
More hairstyles, please dear lord...theres still a very small pick of decent (IMO) hair styles, that dont look utterly useless for more 'normal' characters (PPD cop, soldiers, casual costumes etc)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I do seriously hope we get stuff like SWAT armour, NPC parts and suchnot.
Yeah, me too. That's why I wasn't quite satisfied with this natural booster. But I got a pretty strong intuition that there will be more thematic boosters, mercenaries and soldiers may be one of them, who knows.
I have been wanting those parts for my characters and AE enemies quite a while now.



Originally Posted by Gaspard View Post
Surely the boosters are (kind of) cool additions, but I just find it kind of odd that some of us (including me) go "oh this booster should have this and that, that'd be sick!" while we just used to wish for them to be part of an issue, not pay separately.
Well, I can think two different mentalities the devs could use for determining whether a costume piece or other cosmetic benefit merits placement within a booster pack or should just be freely given. The first is that if the costume piece was thought up specifically to be introduced as a booster pack combo piece (i.e. "I think the next booster should have orc costume pieces; Sexy one, make it happen") then the piece would be in a booster pack; otherwise it's free distribution. The second is that costume pieces are only given out freely under 2 conditions: either they are thematically aligned from either a visual or design standpoint with a specific in-game story arc or zone (i.e. Roman and Vanguard costumes), or they are assumed to be so neutral in theme as to be impossible to be put into a booster pack (i.e. Ulterior). Honestly, it could just as easily be a combination of the both insofar as it's an arbitrary decision on the part of the devs using both assignment mentalities.

Either way, I doubt the devs will ever stop giving us issues that doesn't involve some "free" costume stuff, even if it is just overflow that the Sexy one has lying around.



Hmmm... another pass on the Origins, focusing on other elements this time, would be very nice...

Tech - Steampunk and clockwork
Magical - Supernatural/Terror
Science - Biological and Symbionts
Natural - Spy/Noir
Mutation - ((this is difficult to imagine, as the first Mutation wasnt released yet))

Special themed packs would be nice too... the Aura Booster would be very welcome, as would be a "special effects pack" (explaining: costume parts with special details, like transparency and or strange shapes on limbs)

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
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