28 -
Quote://I have concerns about this as well. My wife and I each bought $100.00 worth of points July 27th in anticipation of Nature Affinity, BioArmor, the new Cyberpunk sets, etc. Essentially all the stuff that had been 'advertised' on the Beta server as upcoming. The vast majority of those points are still sitting on our account (I have around 7K points, I think she's at around 6K). So those points are worthless? That $200 will not be refunded? Who do I talk to to dispute this?This for me is the main issue I have with how it's all happened so abruptly. We got one of the most anticipated sets since the points system came in (Nature Affinity) along with bio armor (another one many people were desperate to get) just around the corner only one week before the news was revealed & apparently 3 days after its release is the cut off for purchased points. This stinks of one last money grabbing scheme as I highly doubt the timing is just a coincidence. I know plenty of people who bought a lot of points for these 2 sets alone.
Teleportation Melee, ala Nightcrawler from the second Xmen movie. Something with lots of disorient, stun, knockdown. The new triple-port coming in the I24 set looks fun and tells me that something like that can be done and makes me want it all the more.
Elastic Defense... I know stretching is unlikely at best (most likely impossible with the current system) and that gives me a sad, but something like the landlord in Kung Fu Hustle would be cool. Wibbly, wobbly animations and having lots of avoiding attacks and/or reflecting the damage back at the attacker, or at his friends.
I'd second Forcefield armor...but then if they'd just give a full body version of the ARCHUD from the cyborgpack I could fake it quite happily w/ that aura and invulnerability *chuckles*
Also, I'd love a self multiply MM set, but once again...just give us the ability to edit our minions in the costume creator for all MM sets and there we go. Plus that way people aren't locked into a single 'attack' power, like energy blast or something. You can have dark blasting multipliers, whip wielding multipliers, dual pistoling multipliers...etc. -
Quote:This, please. I've wanted this since the Cyborg Hud first came out.You know that cyborg HUD thing that comes up your face when in combat ?
Maybe making it a full body would look awesome, having displays all at the arms/legs/torso as a second layer of armor and stuff.
Like in this other game. -
Apparently it is only the Villain Bases that are doing it, which was a disappointment because I wanted to set up a danger room in my Blue side base. Hopefully they will figure out a way to keep this as an optional feature in the bases!
Quote:So, I haven't checked out any of the other new stuff in this release, because I have been gleefully floating and rotating objects in my base. I don't have a base with the suddenly possessed defensive items in it...though I'm thinking long and hard about adding that room.New Feature.
BvP or Bases vs. Players.
A new feature for the Base Building Community and the PvP Community at once.
No, not really. We're looking into this.
Seriously Zwill, from what I've seen in the Help channel and on here, most of us base editors actually LIKE this bug. The ability to make a danger room would be so fun...if you guys could figure out a way for us to 'toggle' the aggressive tendencies so we could still use the items decoratively in room we want to have them in. -
Teleportation Melee, ala Nightcrawler in X-2. Something similar to what was described for the speeder set a 'jumpforward, pummel the snot out of bad guys, jump back to safety' set where your character doesn't actually move, just appears to with visual trickery. I could see a set like that having a lot of disorientation as a secondary effect.
Got the pack and have been playing with it. Love it! I've already created one new toon, and it's let me pull an old toon concept out of the mothballs and really start hearing his voice again. Between my wife and I we bought the pack for three accounts.
Things I love
1: The style! The pack is just oooooozing style, and the female parts are very very versitile (as demonstrated by some of the costume parts shown in other threads). The women's tops are gorgeous, the guys swanky. The dress option opens up so many possibilities (and just in time for proms/graduation parties too)
2: Backpacks! More please!
3: The steampack power. I love the way it looks and drooled over the landing (big thud with a shockwave of steam/dust billowing out) I would LOVE to see something like that as an alt animation for Super Jump. Give our leaping heroes a real sense of weight and impact.
4. The Auras. I've been hoping for an aura that can work as a 'holographic' or 'mystical rune' armor and the Victorian does so nicely. The clunker aura also fits for some of my broken down bots and ickier 'gooey' toons. Can't wait for the new trail auras coming in the Issue 20 update.
I do have some feedback on the pack though.
As has been mentioned by others I would love to see
A: A sleeveless version of all the jackets male and female
B: The long coats brought over for the ladies. And the sash belt for the fellas.
C: The colors on the chest and sleeves to match up on the male jackets.
D: The option to color the hair on th men's hats. make the hair and band match colors, or color lock the band, but not the hair. That severely limits the toons that the part can work with.
E: Make the female chest detail and jackets mesh better without clipping. I have a feeling that the new corsets would look brilliant with a biker jacket or trenchcoat if it were not for the clipping.
F: Give us the curly mop hair without the hat please!
G: Make the Bowtie and Ascots a chest detail like the other ties. once again, give us choice, don't lock us into one specific look.
H: Make the steamjump a perma power like Beast Run or Ninja run.
Seriously though, while these are things I would like to see, I am over all very impressed with the pack and look forward to many more.
(Edit): Thought of one more 'pie in the sky' thing I'd love to see in this and any other boosters. Themed base items. Animal cages with the Animal pack. Sword racks with Martial arts, Animated steam gauges and tesla coils for the Steampunk, ect. I know there is probably not enough demand for a full on 'Base Booster' but having some themed items included with the boosters would be really nice. -
Liking this pack so far. Here are a couple of costumes that I've done that I like so far.
Junkyard Jane. Not really sure what her story is yet, but I like the way her costume came out, and I like the idea of her bashing bad guys with her wrench.
And a re-roll of an older toon. Tesla Knight Ritter. Hailing from an alternate dimension where Nemesis succeeded in his plan to take over the world. He now rules with an iron fist that would make even Emperor Cole say 'Dude...chill pill', and is resisted only by a small group of dedicated rebels lead by the preserved head of Nicholai Tesla. The Tesla Knights. Ritter here found his Omnidimensional Chronosynch damaged during a confrontation with Nemesis' automotons and ended up shunted into our reality. He's now focused on repairing his harness and gathering information on how this world defeated Nemesis to take back home.
My character Chymerai can finally have the paws I've wanted for it, and can move like I've always envisioned it moving with Beast Run
My character Heroic Harpy can finally have actual bird feet rather than 'make do' Monsterous Reptile feet.
The Warshade toon Cosmic Coyote was born
My Werewolf Gunslinger character was born.
All just since the pack came out. This one is easily my favorite pack. While I would have loved to see more (always want more) I am quite happy with what is in there. Great job Devs. -
I'd love to see the Resistance Shoulder where it's only on one shoulder made available for the robot arms. I think having that shoulder with it's glow bits, over the Clockwork upper arm, and the Resistance glove would make for a really nice cybernetic arm.
Any word on when this is coming out? I'd really been hoping for yesterday. I wonder if they are delaying it so they can do the 'with skin' option, which I would want.
I would love a pack that is just a bunch of different combat auras. I love the ones from the tech pack and use them frequently to get a nice effect even at the lower levels. some things like holographic armor (for invincible toons), glowing runes around the toon's fist for magic wielders, so on.
Sorry, should have been more clear.
I am using it for the water effect. I moved it so that it was floor level in a different part of the room, set it (no effect even at floor level) then moved it back to the pool and refloated it to the appropriate height. Still no ripple. Like I said, I can see a very faint shadow of like..and X,Y axis showing where the plane is....and discovered with one of my toons that wears a skirt that if she is standing in the pool any part of her skirt below that plane disappears visually, leaving her standing in her shirt and undies...which was embarrassing for her. :-)
I have plenty of power and control, both are in the green, and everything else seems to be fine. Was hoping I wouldn't have to sell and recreate the slow field, but maybe that's what I'll have to do. -
Hey gang, thanks for the responses.
I did try moving the slow field, and then resetting it...no change. It's like, I can see a very faint axis showing where the 'plane' of the field is, but it no longer has the cool ripple effect.
Also, since I paid my base rent all the other animations are working fine Telepads, Work stations, scrying mirror are all animating as normal. Just the Slow field isn't. Do I need to sell it and re create it? -
Hey all. Just logged into my base for the first time in a few weeks and I noticed that my slow field isn't working anymore. It no longer creates the cool ripple effect that I was using for my pond. I have plenty of power and control in my base, my porters and work stations are all working fine. When I am placing the item it shows me what level it is on because the image of my toon cuts off at wherever the item is located (knee down, waist down ect) but no ripple either in edit mode or when I am just in the base. Any idea why this is?
FYI my base rent did recently go past due to the point where my power was turned off. I've paid the rent to get everything powered back up though. Could this be the cause?
Thanks for any help -
LOL! That's great....what kind of powers would the Attorney mob have?
....some kind of slow or immobilize......
[/ QUOTE ]
Restraining Order - PBAOE repel
Sopoena - Teleport Foe
Read the Fine Print - Confusion
Stare Decisis - Immobilization
Injunction - Hold
Class Action Lawsuit - summons horde of lawyers aka Gang War
Equitable Remedy - AoE Siphon Life
Jonnie Cochrane - summons Johnny Cochrane to defend you once every 15 minutes. If you die while Johnny is in play, you auto-rez with debt protection, damage immunity, a +100% damage buff, and full health and endurance. Additionally, you cannot be held, stunned, immobilized, or knocked back, though you may be slept.
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL That is fantastic.
Wow...cool ideas. I like the idea of elemental pets or beast/animal pets. I also really like the idea of picking a cannon group as your pets.
I know the devs have said that the pets have to be humanoid, but from what I've read on the forums they also said that power customization, side switching, and height/Gender switching were so difficult to implement that they likely would never be put in the game an look what's coming down the pipe now. Who knows, with the overhaul that Going Rogue will bring to the game, maybe these things are possible.
And my bad on missing the stickied thread. Just totally over looked it. -
LOL! That's great....what kind of powers would the Attorney mob have?
....some kind of slow or immobilize...... -
So, Ive fallen in love with Masterminds. My wife and I tend to duo either our Bots/Traps (me) and Necro/Poison (her) or our Thugs/Dark (me) and Thugs/Pain (her) and we have been having a blast with it. The MM set up just adds a whole new level to the game, and is the only reason why we managed to slog through Mercy Island and get on to the real game Redside, and we are glad we did *grin*
One of the things that I love about the MM concept is that its so open for varieties. There is so much potential for sets there. Im looking forward to demon summoning *g*, but I thought Id see what other MM pet types you guys would like to see.
Note, I am not a min-maxer, I honestly dont know the percentages of the various buffs, debuffs ect that the powers do. So this isnt really a comprehensive list of HOW these powers would work thats the devs job *wink*. Im just thinking cool stuff concept wise.
Here are a few that Id like to see.
Toys: A staple from comics, the mad inventor who creates a cadre of killer toys. From small toy soldiers to the giant razor clawed teddy bear. Could have some kind of fear inducing power, because killer toys are just creepy.
Pirates: Not entirely sure what the attack power for yourself would be since flintlock is already in the Thugs pistol powerset. Could have Dual blade swashbucklers, a Cannoneer
Insects: Id love to be able to summon a swarm of bugs to attack my foes maybe with some kind of end sucking (foes get tired faster from constantly swatting at the pesky swarms), maybe with electricity as your attack power so you can be a Bug-Zapper .
CatGrls: Im not really serious about this one .ok maybe a little bit. Claws/Regen powers or something Im now having nightmares about an 8 MM team all summoning hordes of Catgirls
Gargoyles: I love gargoyles one of my MA arcs is about them. Itd be cool to be able to summon them as your pets. Stone mele/armor powers, maybe Superstrength and invulnerability for the heavy hitter .
Anyway, what kinds of MM sets would you like to see? -
Hey Demon Hunter! Thanks for the response. Good to know that there's not something I'm missing with that little 'star'. I was going nuts trying to figure out if it was another control *chuckles*
Also good to know about the outside program for the graphics. I dunno if I'd use it. I might though since so far my SG are primarily for my wife and I (so we could get the graphics on our computers pretty easily). Might be incentive to break out my sketch pad and scanner and make some 'comic covers' of my own characters to use *chuckles*
I'd love to see some more decorative options in the wall details, some of the paintings and such that we see in game in the offices.
I'll post some pictures at some point, but right now my stuff is still really basic, mainly due to me still learning how everything works. -
Hi all,
I just recently got into base editing and have fallen in love with the process, as it allows yet another outlet for my creative urges. I've got two bases that I'm working on, one is blueside which is created for myself, my wife, and a couple of good in game friends (with lots of our alts for that prestige bonus). My other base has only one of my toons as it is intended as her personal home/lab.
I've spent hours reading over these forums, looking at tips (yay stacking!) and all the really amazing stuff people have made (I saw a trophy room that took my breath away, and a bowling alley that was simply amazing). I have seen a couple of things that I'm not sure how it was pulled off and wanted to check how you could do it.
I've seen people with what look like customized graphics....for example pictures that aren't in the wall decorations (and aren't the vet comic covers), and plaques (commemorating fallen comrades). How is this done? The closest I can figure is somehow putting a graphic over the modern art frame (the blank white picture) Is this so, and if so, how is this done?
I've also noticed that under some of the lighting options there is a semi transparent yellow 'star', which I assume is indicating something to do with the light provided by that fixture. Is this some form of control on how intense or what color the light from that fixture is? If so, how do you manipulate? I've figured out how to change the lighting of the room in general from the controls, but not how to change it from the specific fixtures.
I'm also fairly new to the game in general. I came in right at I13, so I never partook of base raids, or had to put up with raid pathing or anything. Personally I love having a base as just a home/workshop/Roleplay center for my toons, so I likely wouldn't use the raid options. I would however love to see some major additions to the options for items and editing. From those of you who have been playing the game longer, how likely is that to happen? Do you think the bases will get any love in the near future (maybe after Going Rogue?)) -
Yes. I want this too. Seems like it would be a fairly simple thing to implement that would give the players hours of entertainment. Maybe having the BRB do different things in different zones....like kickball in one, then in another the person's idea to have it follow so that you play 'tag', a Dodgeball version where if it hits you then you are held/debuffed/whatever.
I want -
*rubs his eyes after a marathon reading through this thread*
Ok .what was the original question again *power scrolls back* lets see .analogies, funny stuff, arc advertisements wait, I missed that ID..want to try that arc out later, quickly extinguished flame wars ah right what is the mood of MA J
On Virtue I think it had kind of a dip, but seems to be picking up .went like this.
MA new= lots of people trying it out, making their stories, some good, some not so good.
Farming perfected + Reactivation weekend= HUGE numbers of LF MEOW or LF AE FARM flooding broadcast. Seriously, calls to fight the GM and AV getting drowned out by the LF FARM posts was a bit frustrating. Story based arcs lost in the Meow Mix.
MA Nerf+ Posis message= AE becomes a practical dead zone (compared to before). I think I went three days without seeing a SINGLE looking for AE (not just farm, but AE at all) as everyone was scared, annoyed, angered, or flaming over the events.
Dust settling= people slowly going back to MA, advertising story based arcs, and some (but much fewer) calls for Farms. Nothing worse than youd find in any zone pre MA. People are slowly going back to MA as they realize that their toons didnt get Dev-zapped (not saying that it didnt happen to someone out there, just no one Ive met or farmed with). Normal farms are starting back up too. I took part in a Sewer run the other day first one Id seen in about a month.
So all in all, I think the mood is ok. Possibly not as great as the devs might have hoped for such a major addition to the game, because it was hugely affected by the whole farming fiasco. I really think that Architect and Going Rogue were set to be Cox Flagships against the looming competition, and now MA has an unfortunate black mark on its record and reputation for a lot of players. Hopefully Rogue will work out better.
I think that one of the big things affecting the mood on and about MA is that few people want to fess up and accept responsibility for their part in the mess.
Devs dont seem to want to accept responsibility for the fact that they released the system to early, with easily discovered and exploited bugs. I understand, they were wanting to get the first of their big new shiny toys out for the big 5th anniversary celebration and the reactivation weekend. From a purely technical standpoint it seems that MA could have done with quite a bit more testing before going public. However I can see the devs stance, with competition looming and their paying customers clamoring for more content they made a judgment call and released the new feature earlier than they should have and it shot them in the foot. That followed up by Posis response, which my wife and I agree with many felt extremely heavy handed, even if we didnt feel we were at any personal risk its caused a lot of bad blood between the players and the developers .never a good thing for the health of a product.
Players (a lot, not all) dont seem to want to take responsibility for the fact that we exploited an Awesome Button in the game to the point that it became such a huge, glaring issue that the devs had to step in. The devs were very clear in the pre-release notes and interviews that they didnt intend or want MA to be the next great thing in Farming technology. We did it anyway. I say we because yes, I did farm. Yes, I did Meow. I did all melee Boss only farms. I have two toons that gained an easy 10-15 levels through farms, and another one that I took from 1-36 in a day. Id never farmed before heck, Im still new to MMOs in general, just hit my 9 month vet. Ya know what? I had FUN farming. For me it was equal amounts the insane rewards (unbalanced as they were), and the people. If I got into a Farm team and the people werent having fun, cracking jokes, making the grinding process enjoyable I quit that team and found another. The XP/inf/prestige rewards were great, but those alone were not enough to make me farm. I admit it though, somehow during the MA Meow craze I became a farmer, and got pleasure from it not even guilty pleasure. I am ebil *laughs*.
Now that the craze is over, Im back to what I was doing before. Running regular missions, playing story based arcs (Ive been writing down ones from peoples tags and such on this thread that I intend to try during my days off from work), working on my own. Even helping my wife write her first MA arc. One of the SG that I belong with is using MA to work up a huge RP story for our characters, which Im really looking forward to.
Do I miss the Farming? Do I miss the exciting rush of seeing that XP bar zip around and ding faster than I could keep up? Do I miss getting a reward roll and finding it sold for 50 million influence? OF course. It was fun. That parts over now though, and it doesnt really diminish the fun of the rest of the game for me. *shrugs* Was I in the bad for exploiting the Awesome Button? Possibly. Up to the devs I guess, though considering out of my 20 some toons I farmed with 3 of them, I dont really think Im at that much risk. If anything, only the one I took from LVL 1-36 would really be in danger, which would be a shame since he was really a throw away character created out of insomnia (3am+ costume creator= Lemur Lad) who I popped into MA for a quick test of the scrapper AT that Id never played before. Since farming stopped Ive been playing him in regular missions and the furry little bugger has grown on me to easily become one of my top 5 favorite characters. Hate to see him go, but if thats what happens, I got no one to blame but myself because I was a farmer *shrugs* -
I havent really noticed that much of a difference in the difficulty of the custom mobs. I have two missions which use custom mobs (in one you fight them only in one mish, in the other you fight customs the whole way through) and I havent had any complaints about them being too hard. Now granted, I added a couple of ally characters, which can help balance out the hard hitting. In the first mission the allies arent customs, just a couple of mid level security guards plucked from the prefabricated lists. In the second arc they are custom allies, and they did take some tweaking (first round they were too uber powered and wiped every mob before you got to the bad guys, second round they were too weak and faceplanted within a mob or two, third time seems to have been the charm.). I have solod and played on teams on mine to test them and it worked both ways.
Furthermore, I solod my wifes arc with my LVL 2 controller, and her final mission has entirely custom mobs of a wide variety (scrappers, tankers, blasters, controller), it also has one minion level ally. I found that while the customs were a little more challenging than the baddies in her earlier mission (Family), I was still able to solo the mission without dying. Granted my ally took a dive in the ending boss fight, but I survived and it was a challenge without being a frustration.
Now, I didnt really notice the reward part of those mission. I have no idea how many tickets I reaped (my LVL 2 controller leveled twice through the course of my wifes arc though, so not bad there). For me, personally, the tickets are secondary. I farmed a few times, and it was fun while it lasted, but I always saw MA as way to get some really cool and unique stories from my fellow players (even when I farmed the first thing I spent my tickets on was all the unlockables for building MA arcs *laughs* and used the ill-gotten money from selling my reward rolls to either host costume contests or fly around Atlas dropping presents on newbies (costume slot salvage, a mil influence, so on) I personally found that more fun than spending it on IOs, but thats just me. The XP I kept for myself though *grin*). Not saying, my way is the right way, but worked for me, I had fun, and meant that I wasnt distracted for frustrated by custom mobs.
In case you are curious, My arcs are:
Heart of the Stone, ID 51905
Enter the Clique, ID 57080
My Wifes is,
Lights, Camera, Fashion!, ID 170448
Heart is a more or less serious arc, dealing with one of my all time favorite mythical creatures. Enter the Clique, and Lights, Camera, Fashion are both more classic superhero fare, and are intended to be light hearted, fun arcs filled with little tongue in cheek movie references, like what you find in the real missions. We are both open to constructive criticism on them. To be honest I havent run through mine since the changes made to the MA system, so I dont know if it affected them or not. -
Bug report: When my wife changes any part of a costume, even just color, on a toon with wings, the wings disappear and she has to "buy them back". It makes a simple color change cost an arm and a leg! *chuckles* Can that be fixed soon, please?
Oh, and my wife says Jay is sexy.