Change Axe's knockBack to knockDown

Ad Astra




I can understand as a Blaster why Knock-Back is much more preferable than a Knock-Down effect on powers, but as a Melee, I am not sold on the same principle.

A few nights ago, I decided to play my Fire/Axe Tank, sure its not the best AT build, but she was created in the original days of the game, where Fire tanks were allowed to be great or before the great fire tank nurf. Never the less, I joined a Positron, got my level nurfed from 50 to 15 and went to work. As I engagd clockwork, it became incredibly annoying that I would hit the clockwork once and it would get knocked back a considerable distance. I could ignore the other 6 Clocks on me, and run after the Clock I knocked away or switch target and swing. In practicallity it was more expedient to simply change target and swing. The experience went as follows:

Target Clockwork
Hit by clock, zapped by clock, zapped by clock, hit by clock, zapped by clock, hit by clock
Swing at clock, hit and knocked way away
Hit by clock, zapped by clock, and so on...
Re target clock
Hit by clock, zapped by clock and so on
Swing at clock, hit and knocked way away
Hit by clock, zapped by clock, and so on...
Re Target Clock
Hit by clock, zapped by clock, and so on...

I hope the sequence above, helps illustrate the frustration experienced by using my axe powers, when compared with mace, both have same damage capacity but Mace has a disorient effect and Axe has knock-Back. When a mace user strikes, the victim remains within range of a second attack while possibly disoriented, the axe user simply knocks the target away to prevent a follow up attack. This has an effect of drastically dropping the damage ability of the axe wielder over a stock of time, since the mace can go hit hit hit, while axe is hit, chace, hit, chase, hit.

It would be nice if the Axe attack for tankers would have its seconday effect changed from Knock-Backs to Knock-Downs. Its not like I need the knock-back as a survival mechanism.



Ps: Perhaps other melee attack types should be switched from Knock-back to knock-Down as well, I find my MA scrappers having the same issue.



This is more of a playstyle preference. Some prefer the KB, others don't. I do see how it can be annoying to a player. It would be nice if these secondary effects could be swapped as part of powerset customization (ie. swapping KB to KD).

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
Target Clockwork
Hit by clock, zapped by clock, zapped by clock, hit by clock, zapped by clock, hit by clock
Swing at clock, hit and knocked way away
Hit by clock, zapped by clock, and so on...
Re target clock
Hit by clock, zapped by clock and so on
Swing at clock, hit and knocked way away
Hit by clock, zapped by clock, and so on...
Re Target Clock
Hit by clock, zapped by clock, and so on...

I hope the sequence above, helps illustrate the frustration experienced by using my axe powers, when compared with mace, both have same damage capacity but Mace has a disorient effect and Axe has knock-Back. When a mace user strikes, the victim remains within range of a second attack while possibly disoriented, the axe user simply knocks the target away to prevent a follow up attack. This has an effect of drastically dropping the damage ability of the axe wielder over a stock of time, since the mace can go hit hit hit, while axe is hit, chace, hit, chase, hit.

It would be nice if the Axe attack for tankers would have its seconday effect changed from Knock-Backs to Knock-Downs. Its not like I need the knock-back as a survival mechanism.



Ps: Perhaps other melee attack types should be switched from Knock-back to knock-Down as well, I find my MA scrappers having the same issue.
They were getting knocked back because they're clockwork. Clockwork have something like -200% KB resist, which turns all KD into KB.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Clockwork are vulnerable to knock, and knockdowns become knockback when fighting even cons.

All Ax powers are either knockdown (0.67 Mag) or Knock up. (which doesn't move them).

Try fighting something other than clocks.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Clockwork are vulnerable to knock, and knockdowns become knockback when fighting even cons.

All Ax powers are either knockdown (0.67 Mag) or Knock up. (which doesn't move them).

Try fighting something other than clocks.
^ This
Axe, against all other mobs, does KD ALREADY.

I know I shouldn't, but...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



you say you have the same problem with MA? MA only has 1 knockback power crane kick.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
you say you have the same problem with MA? MA only has 1 knockback power crane kick.
Yeah, didn't notice that comment.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




Dragon's Tail is a PBAOE knockdown (0.67) unless slotted for KB (or versus clocks)

Crane kick is pretty high Mag KB, but it is only one power.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Don't forget Tsoo are also prone to KB. There's a couple more, aren't there?



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
They were getting knocked back because they're clockwork. Clockwork have something like -200% KB resist, which turns all KD into KB.
Exactly what I was going to say. The OP's suggestion was actually implemented years ago. (Crane Kick probably remained knockback because it was the one power in the Set with that effect, and that was before CAK was a viable replacement for it)

You also have to watch out for foes that are really lower level than you. With Exemplaring that shouldn't be much issue though.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
The OP's suggestion was actually implemented years ago.

Like most of what finds its way onto this board, the OP wasn't a real suggestion. Real suggestions require a modicum of work on the poster's part, and that's a foreign concept on this board.



Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
Don't forget Tsoo are also prone to KB.
I don't believe that's correct. I can't recall any instance of KBing a Tsoo using a KD power (unless the Tsoo was gray). I also just checked the Tsoo versions of [Resistance], and none have a KB weakness. Compare to [Clockwork.Clockwork Minion Powers.Resistance], and you'll notice Clockwork have negative resistance to Sleep, Knockback, Knuockup, and Repel.



Thank you for responses,except Brogo who needed to be a smart you know what, my posting was as I referenced with the clockwork, and thus fix or no fix, they were being sent all over and it simply frustrated me as I indicated. Ironically, I did had problems with Martial Arts, but again it was with clocks, I did not made the connection that clocks were the common denominator, at the time.





Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Clockwork are vulnerable to knock, and knockdowns become knockback when fighting even cons.

All Ax powers are either knockdown (0.67 Mag) or Knock up. (which doesn't move them).

Try fighting something other than clocks.
I've notice that one of the axe powers knocks back other stuff besides clockwork.

Simply add a option to the options menu to lower my knockbacks to knockdown magnitude. And also allow the team leader / mission owner to control this.

Knockback doesn't really bother me as long as its a power doing good aoe damage. Bonfire and tornado users do tend to get annoying however, but thats only if nobody is using aoe immobilize cages. You can control alot of the annoying knockback powers by having a competent controller spam the AOE immobilize cages. (some power sets don't apply)

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post

Simply add a option to the options menu to lower my knockbacks to knockdown magnitude. And also allow the team leader / mission owner to control this.

We have now filled our monthly quota for this suggestion!



Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
Thank you for responses,except Brogo who needed to be a smart you know what, my posting was as I referenced with the clockwork, and thus fix or no fix, they were being sent all over and it simply frustrated me as I indicated.
You can't even take the time to name an actual poster in this complaint. Please do us all a favor and refrain from posting in this particular forum. You clearly are not capable of doing even the amount of work necessary to complain correctly, much less enough to make an actual suggestion.

This is the suggestions forum, not the complaint department.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
You can't even take the time to name an actual poster in this complaint. Please do us all a favor and refrain from posting in this particular forum. You clearly are not capable of doing even the amount of work necessary to complain correctly, much less enough to make an actual suggestion.

This is the suggestions forum, not the complaint department.
Frankly you are not worth it!



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
And also allow the team leader / mission owner to control this.

That is a horrible idea that has been rehashed eighteen million times, and only 3 people are ever in favor of it.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post

That is a horrible idea that has been rehashed eighteen million times, and only 3 people are ever in favor of it.
Completely agree again on this, Fahx.

Someone else can control my character's powers only if I can in turn control those of others. Like that pesky Scrapper - can I put a leash on him/her so he/she stays with the group instead of going ahead to aggro another spawn? Or the Defender who insists on Fortituding the Tank instead of ME! - I want to be Fort'ed, SB'd, AM'd. etc., first and foremost, NVM whether it would be "good" for the rest of team? And that Tank should stay 10 yeards ahead of ME at all times to make sure no aggro'd mobs get past him/her and in my face. Oh, and the second Tank should stay 10 yards behind me to take care of ambush aggro.

Allowing one player to control the character of another player in any way, shape, or form remains a hugely BAD idea.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
Someone else can control my character's powers only if I can in turn control those of others.
Or when they start paying my subscription



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
I've notice that one of the axe powers knocks back other stuff besides clockwork.

Simply add a option to the options menu to lower my knockbacks to knockdown magnitude. And also allow the team leader / mission owner to control this.

Knockback doesn't really bother me as long as its a power doing good aoe damage. Bonfire and tornado users do tend to get annoying however, but thats only if nobody is using aoe immobilize cages. You can control alot of the annoying knockback powers by having a competent controller spam the AOE immobilize cages. (some power sets don't apply)
/No to the menu option to lower knockback, just like a big /no to speed sliders /no to removebuffs and /no to block buffs

There are certain trade offs to every AT. Some have no bad qualities, (In ones opinion) others are full of them (In that same persons opinion).

And team leaders already have a kick button - there is no other control you need if a team member is 'messin up your flow'



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
I've notice that one of the axe powers knocks back other stuff besides clockwork.
One (Swoop) has knockUP. None have knockBACK unless slotted for it or fighting vulnerable foes

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
/No to the menu option to lower knockback, just like a big /no to speed sliders /no to removebuffs and /no to block buffs
I agree with you on the no lowering knockback issue and I tend to agree with the speed slider as well, but why are you opposed to the ability to block/remove buffs? There are people who for whatever reason can't handle particular buffs (particularly the Thermal shields and Speed Boost) normally because their computer is older. Now these people will normally ask not to be buffed when playing on a team with someone who has those powers but people are forgetful and when they get into a routine may well end up buffing them accidentally. In that situation why shouldn't they have the ability to opt out of the buff?

Additionally there are people who enjoy griefing events (particularly costume contests) but casting costume obscuring buffs on participants.

We already have an option to prompt before being teleported and both resurrection and Mystic Fortune have an automatic prompt. Why not add a "prompt for all ally buffs" option (exclude abilities that are purely healing). Yes it would be frustrating for a player to have to click on every single buff screen that gets cast but for players where certain buffs make their game unplayable I think it would be a godsend.



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
One (Swoop) has knockUP. None have knockBACK unless slotted for it or fighting vulnerable foes
Seems like it happens a lot at random, and some foes which are knocked up at even con get knocked back when they're one or two levels below you. I just tried out my axe Tank and dinged while street sweeping, and suddenly the Lost I was fighting started getting randomly knocked back.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post

We already have an option to prompt before being teleported and both resurrection and Mystic Fortune have an automatic prompt. Why not add a "prompt for all ally buffs" option (exclude abilities that are purely healing). Yes it would be frustrating for a player to have to click on every single buff screen that gets cast but for players where certain buffs make their game unplayable I think it would be a godsend.

Sounds like a giant pain in the neck for the devs for little or no benefit for the players. You already see the inherent problem there yourself: which buffs would count? You couldn't even limit it to ST vs PBAOE. It would have to be on a power by power basis, and even for the people that turn down certain buffs they only do it for a tiny few (meaning, of course, that any attempt to generalize it would resort in the user either disabling the feature or being prone to in combat menu choices). There are a lot of buffs in this game and the vast majority of the time every character wants nearly all of them. There are situations, of course, when a certain character in a certain situation doesn't want one, but that varies a great deal.

You'd trade one annoyance that happens a fraction of the time for an annoyance that comes up much more often. If you really think about it a moment you can see the trouble here. It's really no different than most issues in this game of this sort..........player communication is by far the most appealing option to resolve issues. You can't simply have the devs attempt to solve all of your problems, because inevitably everything they do has the potential to create a new problem.

This would be no different, and I'm sure these kinds of reasons are why this oft proposed idea has never seen the surface.