Disappointment and Specs

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My main is an Invuln/EM Tanker, and after returning following a year-and-a-half hiatus, I've discovered that CoH has lost one of the key elements that kept drawing me back.

Once upon a time, There was no 'required' power pools. You didn't have to stress over Set bonuses or 'Optimal Slotting'. In short, The game was playable (and enjoyable) no matter how hardcore or how casual I decided to be.

Now, however, I find that without specific power pools, specific IO sets, and perfect Spec, I can no longer just jump into any aspect of the game I want to and be competitive. It feels that the post-50 game has devolved into a gear race/Theorycrafters only kind of game (primarily because of the invention system).

What I want to know is why did this happen? ...and when? Why did one of the things that made CoX unique in the MMO world get destroyed like this on top of the Ridiculous weakening of Invuln over the years?

(Yes, I'm feeling considerably bitter about all this.)



What is it that you want to do that you feel you can't be competitive at?

Many, many people seem to have an experience different from yours - still having fun on characters without IO sets or Optimal Slotting.

What happened to make you feel that Optimal Slotting was the norm rather than the concern of just a subset of players?

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Just a few examples:

Anything involving PvP. At all.
I did ITF today. Invuln Tank. 3/4 Alpha Strikes would kill me. No time to do ANYTHING.
Oh, an AV? Either drop unstoppable, or just drop.

Needless to say, the amount of damage I was taking? I did -not- feel like a tank. Not one bit. I spent more time in the red than anything else, and it's infuriating.

EDIT: As one player told me, "Oh, you need to have Tough and Weave to be a decent tank at the top end". So that's TWO power Pools I'm apparently required to have (Fitness/Fighting) to be able to function worth a crap at the upper tier of the game. Purely ridiculous.



Originally Posted by Code_Red View Post
It feels that the post-50 game has devolved into a gear race/Theorycrafters only kind of game (primarily because of the invention system).
The post-50 game IS the Invention System. That's why it was added, to give people who reach 50 something to do.

It sounds like what you need to do is start over. And Invulnerability is not as weak as it once was. The Defense Debuff resistance has helped a lot, and I personally really like the End Drain resistance, too. It's not what it used to be, sure, but none of the Defense Sets are as strong as they were before the GDN. You might want to try out Willpower the second time around, but I think you can probably enjoy Invulnerability again too.

[edit] Now, PvP, that's a different kettle of fish. You probably want a different Power Set for that. I wouldn't know, but the recent revamp totally changed everything. You'll need to ask someone else what the current FOTM is.



Originally Posted by Code_Red View Post
Just a few examples:

Anything involving PvP. At all.
I did ITF today. Invuln Tank. 3/4 Alpha Strikes would kill me. No time to do ANYTHING.
Oh, an AV? Either drop unstoppable, or just drop.

Needless to say, the amount of damage I was taking? I did -not- feel like a tank. Not one bit. I spent more time in the red than anything else, and it's infuriating.
Not sure what your situation is, but I have a level 50 SS/Invuln brute who managed to be the lead tank for an ITF twice so far. I do not have a ton of IO sets either, only a few cheap sets and otherwise just have "generic" IOs slotted, nothing major - I'm not a theorycrafter and I build whatever sets I think might be cool and that I can get on the cheap. I don't have Fighting pool, just Fitness, Super Speed, and Mace Mastery

And I'm a brute, not a tanker, so I think if I can do it... there's gotta be something else going on here other than "the changes for the game".

PVP has gone all kinds of wonky, that part's true, but everyone complains about that. Not that it was all that great before either, however.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Code_Red View Post
Just a few examples:

Anything involving PvP. At all.
I did ITF today. Invuln Tank. 3/4 Alpha Strikes would kill me. No time to do ANYTHING.
Oh, an AV? Either drop unstoppable, or just drop.

Needless to say, the amount of damage I was taking? I did -not- feel like a tank. Not one bit. I spent more time in the red than anything else, and it's infuriating.
PvP was redesigned specifically so someone with SOs could hope to compete against someone with IOs. It's just that the system is radically different than PvE, so black is white and left is right. It takes some learning.

The ITF is loaded with Cimerorans. If you did enough RWZ content before you left to run into the Rogue Vanguard, you saw that they were specifically designed to shred melee. In many ways, so are the Cimerorans. It takes a bit of planning and thought if your team doesn't have a goodly amount of buffs and debuffs, but it most definitely doesn't require godly IO loadouts.

Do they help? Yes. Are they necessary? No, and anyone who has told you so is wrong.

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Well PvP is probably unavoidable. In any game top end PvP requires you to spend ages optimizing your build.

However for PvE the game is still balanced around SOs, IOs make the game easier but they are by no means required.

In your specific case, invulnerability has been the subject of several rebalances throughout the history of the game so my suspicion is that your build is not really suited to the current style of invincibility (this is purely a guess on my part, I've never played a tank above level 20). You might want to swing by the tanker forum and ask for advice on slotting Inv (specify SOs or people will assume you're asking about IOs).

Finally I will note that Invincibility does rely on Defense for a good bit of it's mitigation and Romans have pretty hefty defense debuffs. With SO slotting you probably didn't have enough defense or DDR to prevent a cascading failure against an 8-man spawn size so you were basically reliant on your resistances alone for mitigation. The simple solution for this (other than using IOs) is to select other teammates to compensate. Adding a Defender/Controller/Corruptor/Mastermind with Defense buffs would probably have solved most of your problems.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
you probably didn't have enough defense or DDR to prevent a cascading failure against an 8-man spawn size so you were basically reliant on your resistances alone for mitigation.
That's another good point. You likely have avoided taking Dull Pain and maybe even Resist Physical Damage because back then the passives were considered useless powers. If you're going up against Cimerorans then you might want to pick them up. That's where your Defense Debuff protection is, and taking both of them will double it. (from 25% to 50%, which could be the difference between having half your Defense and having only 1/4 of your Defense)



I have two level 50 Invul tanks, both of which have tanked the ITF without the Fighting Pool. So as others have said, it can be done.

The ITF can be a tough TF, especially if you don't know to watch for the Cims' brutal defense debuffs. Reminds me of the first time I tanked Carnies, not knowing about their end drains--it was ugly.

And as Adeon said, Invul had some buffs a while ago, and if your build is not setup to take advantage of them, that could be a problem too.

I second the suggestion that you drop by the tanker forum and ask for advice--we're very friendly! Lots of people there could give you some suggestions on how to optimize your build without the Fighting Pool or IOs.

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Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
That's another good point. You likely have avoided taking Dull Pain and maybe even Resist Physical Damage because back then the passives were considered useless powers. If you're going up against Cimerorans then you might want to pick them up. That's where your Defense Debuff protection is, and taking both of them will double it. (from 25% to 50%, which could be the difference between having half your Defense and having only 1/4 of your Defense)
Psst...Invul's def debuff resistance is actually in RPD and Tough Hide, not Dull Pain. But I agree that older Invul builds might very well have skipped one or both of those powers, which would certainly contribute to the problems the OP had on the ITF.

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Originally Posted by Code_Red View Post
Once upon a time, There was no 'required' power pools. You didn't have to stress over Set bonuses or 'Optimal Slotting'. In short, The game was playable (and enjoyable) no matter how hardcore or how casual I decided to be.
It still is.

Now, however, I find that without specific power pools, specific IO sets, and perfect Spec, I can no longer just jump into any aspect of the game I want to and be competitive. It feels that the post-50 game has devolved into a gear race/Theorycrafters only kind of game (primarily because of the invention system).
Ah! It sounds like what you actually miss is the way tanks were grossly overpowered and were able to handle an entire team's worth of enemies without assistance. This was not a good thing for the game and teaming overall, despite the fact that some people liked it. If you want to tank for a big team, you'll probably need their help to stay alive. *OR* you can get hardcore by picking certain pools and using IO's to accomplish things that aren't really intended.

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Originally Posted by Code_Red View Post
Once upon a time, There was no 'required' power pools. You didn't have to stress over Set bonuses or 'Optimal Slotting'. In short, The game was playable (and enjoyable) no matter how hardcore or how casual I decided to be.
And... it still is.

IOs are 100% *optional.* Useful? Sure. Do they open up other options and abilities? You bet. Should you look into them? If you want. Are you gimp or useless without them? Hell no.

Has the game changed? Sure. Have powersets and ATs changed? Yep. (Especially that last - ask any dom.) Does it require anything more than SOs? Nope. Now, I tend to go for common IOs, sure (Invention: Damage, for instance, as opposed to sets,) solely because they don't "go bad" and need replacing.

As far as PVP - I'm surprised you found anyone to fight, frankly, barring setting something up with friends. If you plan to PVP - plan to learn a lot about how things work. Specifically, how *differently* things work. Wander into the PVP section, look up Macskull (for instance,) read and learn. Then find a group willing to take you in and show you - and prepare to be defeated multiple times as you learn, faster than you expect. But you will learn, if you don't give up.



Originally Posted by Code_Red View Post
My main is an Invuln/EM Tanker, and after returning following a year-and-a-half hiatus, I've discovered that CoH has lost one of the key elements that kept drawing me back.

Once upon a time, There was no 'required' power pools. You didn't have to stress over Set bonuses or 'Optimal Slotting'. In short, The game was playable (and enjoyable) no matter how hardcore or how casual I decided to be.

Now, however, I find that without specific power pools, specific IO sets, and perfect Spec, I can no longer just jump into any aspect of the game I want to and be competitive. It feels that the post-50 game has devolved into a gear race/Theorycrafters only kind of game (primarily because of the invention system).

What I want to know is why did this happen? ...and when? Why did one of the things that made CoX unique in the MMO world get destroyed like this on top of the Ridiculous weakening of Invuln over the years?

(Yes, I'm feeling considerably bitter about all this.)
Wait, what? You've come back and suddenly the specs have ossified on you?

You kids today. You want locked-down specs? Back in ought-four you were Lord Zero of Wuss Manor if you didn't have Speed for perma-Hasten, Fitness for Stamina, Fighting for Tough and/or Weave, Presence for a multi-target taunt, and defenses 6-slotted for resist/defense and your heavy attacks 6-slotted for acc/dam.

Or at least you felt like it next to the guy who herded the entire zone, assuming your computer didn't melt down trying to render the particles when he finally started laying into them.

The Romans hit like a truck in melee, it's what they're designed to do, and anybody outside of a stoner in granite can be quickly overwhelmed. I'll agree with other posters in this thread that the Invuln passives have gotten a lot more useful even as the formerly mainstay toggles have been toned down to less meteoric heights.

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Frankly I'm glad to read Invulns have done the ITF without Fighting Pool and without IO defense bonuses. My Invuln has both of those things, and he's quite strong for the ITF and against Cimerorans in general, but it's nice to hear others have had success without tweaking their builds too much.

My Invuln has also done well exemplared waaay down, where his set bonuses and fighting pool do not work. Just using basic Invulnerability/SS, with degraded enhancement values due to exemplaring a 50 to below 20, he's held large numbers of end-draining clockworks at bay in Posi and Synapse Task Forces.

The OP might want to take a closer look at Invulnerability before playing the bitterness-at-the-nerfs card. Current Inv (after recent minor buffs) is usually regarded as the second-strongest defensive primary after a Granite-form Stone Tanker, before IOs, and it benefits well from IOs due to its layered mitigation.

But think for a second -- Inv doesn't have the penalties to offense and mobility that plague a Granite-form Tanker. That means...that Inv is probably the strongest defensive set in the game that does not penalize your offense and mobility.

Other Tankers might envy that. I know a Brute did, last time I ran an ITF with my tanker...while waiting for a rez, he typed, "HOW are you STILL ALIVE???"

Inv is a great set. There are sets out there that probably merit complaints; I don't think this is one.

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  1. lolPvP
  2. If you're having trouble "competing" then you're doing it wrong. The point of the PvE game is to HAVE FUN, not compete with other players. If you want to compete with other players, see #1 above.



It seems obvious to say, and others have said it with more words, but power choices are key.

I took my 50 ma/inv scrapper and decided, just to be fun, to do a second build as a knockback monster. Just using SOs, but the first build was about half SO the rest frankenslotting for Regen, etc.

She was unplayable. Sure, she could punt even level minions into the next county, but that was about it. It was a totally useless toon.

BUT... [and it's a big but]

My invuln choices were the same, slotted the same [mostly]. My fighting was bad. I was as effective one of those team members who spends half their time chatting during major battles.

Read and study the guides. Use Mids to place the key powers, pick some pool stuff that's good for PvP if that's what you dig. Respec, rebuild, enjoy.



Are you familiar with the changes brought on by Enhancement Diversification in Issue 6?

I"ve tanked the ITF several times on Inv/Mace. Tough and Weave never present.

I have all nine Inv powers slotted for capped resistance and defense. Also, Dull Pain for maximum recharge and heal.

Or, you could post your build, or post it in the tanker forums for assistance. You should specify that you are using a SO-only build.

www.paragonwiki.com is a great source of information for this game.

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Originally Posted by Code_Red View Post
Once upon a time, There was no 'required' power pools. You didn't have to stress over Set bonuses or 'Optimal Slotting'. In short, The game was playable (and enjoyable) no matter how hardcore or how casual I decided to be.
While that's true to a certain extent, there were always people who worried about that stuff. Before IO sets it was Hamidon Origin enhancements.

There's a lot of good information in the forums, but reading them takes its toll on your psyche. There are all these guys out there who spending billions on their builds, six-slotting Taunt, capping defense, and all the rest. You can't let that get you down. That is not the norm. That is the extreme far end of performance.

I play with people who obsess about getting the maximum bonuses from IOs, and others who never touch IOs. I can't really tell from how the character plays whether the player has IOs or not. On teams it doesn't matter as much, especially if you've got a defender or controller around.

What really makes the difference is understanding what your character's strengths and weaknesses are, and what actions to take when faced with a difficult situation. That takes a good knowledge of what the mobs' capabilities are, which comes from playing the game.

You can make tanks that can easily solo x8 spawns without spending billions. However, most tanks are vulnerable to some kind of attack. Invulnerability is vulnerable to defense debuffs. So, while you may have had trouble against Cimerorans, you'll do fine against Nemesis or the Circle. If you want to make your tank robust against everything, you'll have to take certain power choices like Tough and Weave, or depend on bonuses from IO sets.

If you're having problems with a particular villain group, look in the combat log and see what attacks are causing you damage. Then enter the power name in the chat window in brackets and say that in local. The power name should be bolded when displayed. Click that and you can see the details of the power in a dialog window. That'll tell you why the power hurt you so much, and give you ideas about what you can do to counter it in the future.



The only IOs I use on my characters are common IOs... and only to replace the SOs. That's about it. Who needs to min/max? My characters run just fine without it.



I only have one character that uses common IOs, one that uses sets, and two that I've actually put any effort into. Most of my characters still use SOs, because I'm too lazy to swap them out.

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Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
...I will note that Invincibility does rely on Defense for a good bit of it's mitigation...
Okay, when the Hell did THIS happen? For the better part of five years (that I'm aware of), Invuln was a Resist-heavy set. When'd they change that?!

...now I'm just confused...



I have, at last count, 14 tankers.

2 have tough. 0 have weave. 14 are perfectly capable of being primary tank for a team.

There are no "required" powers in the game other than the forced pick of your 1st secondary power.

Fitness pool gets an "almost required", especially for tankers, but even it can be worked around without too much trouble.

It seems to me that either you've got unreasonable expectations from the early days when a tank could /em newspaper while holding an entire map's worth of aggro, or you've got a very out-of-date build that skipped "worthless" powers that aren't "worthless" anymore.

I'd suggest heading over to the Tanker forum and posting your build, you'll get plenty of advice (and probably some criticism so be sure and pick up tough hide first )

On a side note: the ITF can be very difficult for any toon that uses Defense as a major component of thier mitigation. Those Romans pack a nasty defense-debuff effect.

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Invulnerability is a hybrid set. It has both resistance and defense backed up with Dull Pain.



Originally Posted by Code_Red View Post
Okay, when the Hell did THIS happen? For the better part of five years (that I'm aware of), Invuln was a Resist-heavy set. When'd they change that?!

...now I'm just confused...
A bit over five and a half years ago, actually.
Invulnerability uses both resists and defense for mitigation. At the higher levels Invincibility is one of your biggest sources of mitigation. It was working as not intended for years until the Devs noticed it was double stacking with itself.

Anyway, like those before already said, i'd suggest asking in the Tanker forums
Plenty of people there will be more than happy to explain with a bit more detail.

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Originally Posted by Code_Red View Post
Okay, when the Hell did THIS happen? For the better part of five years (that I'm aware of), Invuln was a Resist-heavy set. When'd they change that?!

...now I'm just confused...
Since forever?

Invul has all the Res portions, with Invincibility providing a taunt aura, +def to self for every enemy in range, and Tough Hide gives an auto +def.

Invul is STILL very good. My build is Invul/EM as well. Mostly I've run him on vanilla IOs, but the game hasnt become harder with IOs. I am slowly setting him, simply for an excuse of something to do, and to plug the gap of Psi in his build, being Invul.

Oh, and Cimerorans are NASTY. Nastier than Vanguard. They are meant to be. I dont know *why* Romans hit harder than anything else, but meh, whatever. Compensate and keep a wary eye on them. They die the same as anything else that has ET used on it.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.