Pyro's Custom Built Rig







Sweet, just how far are you gonna customize this CR? Are you gonna add die cuts or resin molds? I've seen some sweet paint jobs that look like car finishes... Can't wait to see the finish, may I suggest one thing... a really BIG monitor, over 24" or two 20"s... also will you be using one of those awesome 1GB graphic cards, or SLI-ing it? How crazy will the HD be? A terrabyte? Minimum 4GBs of RAM no?

I love a good custom pc...



Drooling over this already since I plan on buying something that can handle Rogue somewhere around it's release and I have yet to decide if I wanna go custom route or what...



This sounds like it's gonna be *really* kool beenz! I can't wait to see what technical artistry ChristopherRobin comes up with!

(*noms her official Amerikatt "Raspberry Enchilada" Flavored Fish-Stix (tm) and awaits the unveiling!*)

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



(Scratches behind Amerikatt's ears and shares his milk and cookies while we wait for the show to begin...)



I always wanted to see how this process worked, (and partake in it eventually). Maybe this will give me an idea of how working with CR is when it finally comes time that I have the funds to afford a gaming rig, he is my first choice for a builder now. I look forward to the updates.



Building your own computer is actually very easy these days. It's mostly a matter of inserting things into the only slot they'll fit in, and putting screws in holes (though not necessarily in that order).

Let's see the list of specs!

Also, as always, I highly recommend: Tom's Hardware's Best Graphics Cards For The Money as a resource!



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
Building your own computer is actually very easy these days.
Has been for quite some time, TBH No jumpers to set for IRQs or the like any more. So *very* nice.

(Starting this process myself, ATM. Have most of the parts selected, first bits getting shipped - nice having a $159 power supply for $90, and then getting rebates on top of that. )



God, I hated those little jumpers, and the tiny little diagrams that you had to read in the manual to figure out which to put them on.



You know when I first read that CR built custom PCs, my brain had a little flicker. i built my last comp and it really is on it's last leg. I can't wait to see this thread unfold.

CR why do you not partake in the Tech section then? I read it and this one religiously.



hmm I've been contemplating custom built computer for some time, this thread will be very interesting to follow. I look forward to seeing how it turns out.

Member of the Hyperion Force



This IS an art form, throwing parts together won't guarantee they'll be compatible, it's kind of like an organ donor waiting for 12 people to die. Though it's NOTHING like that! Still, I am very curious to learn the specs... that is if CR doesn't mind giving his secrets away. I used a site last Xmas to build mine. What a nightmare... parts in, parts not in, they shipped and ****** up the graphic cards, that's right 2, how do you mess up 2 cards? Anyway we had to re-package the whole thing, it was like putting Moses in the water, well if your basket is run by UPS.

Anyway it finally came back perfect but what an ordeal over just buying an off the shelf one. Which 8 months later is what my local Futureshop (Bestbuy owned, but a Canadian franchise) has... I mean specs wise. Everything is coming out now with a minimum of 3GB, because Vista eats a GB just to run. I've even seen 9 or 12 GB on the shelf!!! With double my HD and the latest graphic cards for the price I paid 11 months ago.

Hey I am very happy with my baby. Dual 9800 GTs, 500GB HD, and dual 19" monitors. Yet, I would sell her in a NYC minute for MORE improved specs, that I probably don't need. I run Everything on disgustingly high specs, and to see WoW run with such crispness, almost makes the game forgivable, if it's player base wasn't so stupid.

but I digress, good luck to Pyro, though from the looks of CRs rig, it looks like you're in the best hands! I'm gonna have to subscribe to this thread now...



Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
I run Everything on disgustingly high specs, and to see WoW run with such crispness, almost makes the game forgivable, if it's player base wasn't so stupid.
Which is funny, because out of the two games, I find this playerbase to be complete retards. I mean, tanks not taking mez toggles, empaths having medicine pool? Guh.

WoW never really seemed to need high specs to play it. It's this game that needs a great performing system to really get the most out of it. With all the particle effects and physics going on, it can be a lag fest on spammy teams. I know my SG's ITFs and LRSFs have crashed more than a few PuG members. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Well when I did play continually, I played with a very good close knit group my very first year on Virtue. And when Kilo, Crescent, Alex, Larissa, Kheprera, Spinomania Turboski, and Cosmic were on Liberty, I had a great year playing with a dozen or so of the Envisionaries, as well as many people from this forum.

Not the same experience on WoW where my mage got spammed for teleports and every idiot and his mother wanted to duel. I hate that about Champions, not being a PVP gamer, it's wasted on me. Since Wentworth's opened, I rarely get hit up for influence, about the most attention getting spam I get is during a costume contest... but then it's to be expected. I like that this game is very different from WoW, this game spoiled me for WoW, and I look forward to Ultra Mode.

I tried LOTR for a little while, and it was beautiful, but I couldn't get all my friends to migrate there, as 2 of them were set in their Macs, and didn't want to bootcamp or run parallels or vm fusion. I am looking forward to Star Trek Online, and Star Wars the Old Republic... but COH will always be my home.

Edit: those tanks and empaths you played with, must be a few WoW players straying because it's Stupid Tuesday Patch day for them.



CR I see you in other threads. Come on man my inner geek needs to know the shiny!



Zoinks one day old and already I need to play catch up in this thread.

First off just let me say thanks to Pyro for starting this thread (and The Hot Pencil while I'm at it )
and thanks everyone for all the interest so far. A quick update with what I've been up to in the last 24
hours or so and then I will dive in and start posting up stuffz and answering what questions I can. As Pyro
did mention I don't want to drop all the juicy details too soon because I would like for him to have all the joy
that comes with NTS (New Toy Syndrome) it's a very common condition that (mostly) guys get when surprised
by something shiny that appears with lots of buttons to push and things to try out... good luck getting their attention
anytime soon.

Once he receives the system then I will be much more free with the pics (and maybe even short video clips)
and of course he can post up any cool images of his own as well.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Ok so here's where I'm at...
I got to enjoy Turkey day with 4 generations of extended family all meeting together
in large hall we rented and it was great to see everyone again. Then after drifting into
a turkey filled coma for a few hours Black Friday struck!

From 5am Friday morning until 4am Saturday morning was spent reading through hundreds
of parts lists and spec sheets for compatibility and cost/benefit analysis (until I'd swear the
numbers had formed a secret alliance and were making more new numbers appear in a dastardly
plot against my sanity lol).

But now 3 towers 4 monitors 2 notebooks a workstation, a random HTPC (home theater pc) and over a
hundred parts and peripherals later I'm for the most part done ordering stuffz. There are still a
few bonus goodies I want/need and a couple components that sold out before I could get
to them that I have to re-order (check for how long they will be out of stock for) or
find alternatives to but for the most part I can relax.
I even got most of what I was after although a few items got yanked out of my virtual cart
(something I had never seen happen before) as they became sold out before I could click ok BUY IT! to
complete the transaction (Bastiches!!! ) but that aside I believe there will be many very happy people this holiday season.

P.S. Black Friday down... bring on Cyber Monday!

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



You do this much to build custom PC's, I have new respect for you and I can't wait to see the finished product. I want, no, need you to build me a PC when I get the money.

Ah, that's too long to wait.



*throws smoke bomb down*

*knocks out CR with drugged bacon and kidnaps him to build a PC*



I know. I briefly discussed building pc's with him. I told him the website I go through, and asked him what he went through and he said, "Oh, I go through about six vendors."

That's dedication. When I start looking for my new monitor I'm going to be talking to you CR.



Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
Sweet, just how far are you gonna customize this CR? Are you gonna add die cuts or resin molds? I've seen some sweet paint jobs that look like car finishes... Can't wait to see the finish, may I suggest one thing... a really BIG monitor, over 24" or two 20"s... also will you be using one of those awesome 1GB graphic cards, or SLI-ing it? How crazy will the HD be? A terrabyte? Minimum 4GBs of RAM no?

I love a good custom pc...
I will cram as much as I can into the time I have.
In Pyro's case his hdd may fail at any moment and he is going through CoH withdrawal (the horror )
so time is a factor and some of the more exotic things take a lot of time. Also this is a very busy
time of the year for me so I go more for what will make the biggest impact given the time, resources
and budget available. That said, I have not done any resin molds before that is out of my league
for the time being and there are many drastic things one can do (I saw a guy that built his pc
into a working mini fridge that sat under his desk and kept his beer cold lol) to set their personal rig
apart but it's different when you build something for a client... something you think is awesome they might
find garish and over the top, what's cool for you many be atrocious to them. Asking lots of questions and
taking the time to learn their preferences is the key I feel to having happy customers that keep coming back.

Honestly the mods I do are more geared towards better performance, better cooling, (dremel cuts
or fan mods) better lighting (note: better doesn't always mean more or brighter sometimes you have
to actually dim things that are too bright) and noise reduction (rubber grommets and feet to reduce
resonance, sound damping material, baffles, decoupling etc etc). I do things that are purely for aesthetic
when I have more time or a bigger budget or both. Having just said that though I am trying something totally
new for enhancing the look of Pyro's rig though... we'll see how well it works out.

The monitor he already has is a good one and he is satisfied with it but it's being run out of spec (low)
cuz his current machine can't handle it and will lag if he doesn't play at low rez with minimum settings on the
analog cable. He has a 20", normal aspect ratio, high rez, flat panel which has a native resolution of 1600x1200
(already better than 1080p) that is being run (If memory serves) at 1280x1024 on the old analog connector so my
goal is for him to run at full resolution now on a pure digital setup with all game settings maxed... with no lag.
And when he is ready to upgrade to a 24 or bigger down the road the system is far enough ahead of his current
needs that it will already be set to handle that as well.

Without saying too much yet... yes his videocard will be truly awesome (and even more awesome assuming
I have time to get the mods done I want to on it).

Scalable Link Interface (or SLI) in a Nvidia proprietary technology for using multiple cards in tandem
and no I did not go that route... this will be better I think.

Let's just say that Pyro won't measure his storage in Gigabytes anymore...
Oh and this system ran past the 4GB marker a few miles ago... and hasn't looked back.

P.S. Fish sticks come in Raspberry Enchillada??? Why was I not informed of this?!?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Okay just based on CR's last post I believe Pyro is in for an awesome machine.
I find it very cool that CR has taken Pyro's current monitor into consideration and is preparing him for a possible upgrade. To me that already shows good customer service. I look forward to following this more.



If anyone wants to pay me $1000, I will build them a system. Parts will cost extra. Dissatisfaction guaranteed.



Very cool update, looking forward to the final spec list... I will have many, "why did you such and such..." questions. Be prepared for a press conference CR.