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  1. I've met many friends along the way. Some have come and gone, but many have stayed until the end. Thank you all. Across every server, within this forum, and PUG teams, I say thank you. Oathbound, I'm coming to get you....don't give up on your dreams...don't ever give up.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    That is a great Airhead... And animation wise, would be hilarious even if just the legs were animated into a willd running motion - Kind of running with the bomb but getting nowhere...
    Maybe something like this?

  3. Just read this earlier today, and just wanted to see what others thought about the upcoming changes in the 606 (if it will even still be the 606). Here's the full announcement if you have not read the other changes as well.

    Originally Posted by The Ocho
    "Combining the Multimedia and Screenshot and Fan Art Forums. Both of these sub forums deal with different forms of visual representation. Combining them should give those of you who frequent them a wider exposure to some great creative talent!"
    Looks like we're gonna be roommates...