Coming Soon: Test Server Events
sounds fun... would join if I wasn't in EU
Afraid this might exclude me as I only play blueside. Never got a level 50, or
heck anything above level 10 for that matter, redside.
If it's Co-op, AE, or Hero-side though count me in.
Oh sounds fun so when is it?
Did you want to have a blueside SG for this?
I can copy Oathy over to test a couple hundred times (ok, maybe not a couple HUNDRED times) and convert his Inf into a bundle of prestige. (Gotta find -something- to do with it right?)
What IS the inf->prestige echange rate anyhow? It's somethign ludicrous like 1,000,000inf:2,000pres? Could get about 200k per copy.

Im down with this! I Have 2 50's blue side, 1 50 redside and a sea of thirties and late 20's across the spectrum.
Bold letters makes me feel like you're yelling at me

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