Yet another Rikti AT Suggestion




Rikti Epic Archetype (REAT) (Spoilers Within!)

(Now with Fresh Ideas!)

(WARNING, Written at 3 AM by a sleep deprived college student. May be slightly incoherent...)

The Rikti have always been my favorite part of CoX lore. One of my toons is actually designed to look like a Rikti. (Or rather, something between Lost and Rikti). Now, with the numerous additions to the Rikti Lore, and considering such a huge part they play in the game lore, many people have suggested that a Rikti EAT be released. Now, with GR coming out soon (which may indeed have special Praetorian Ats for it's release), I think it's time to allow for a different sort of “Going Rogue”.

Ladies and Gentlemen, here is my idea for a Rikti EAT

First Things First- The Basic Lore, and the Unlock method.

Rikti are essentially heavily modified Humans. Therefore, it's only feasible to consider a wide chunk of these Rikti to be former primal earth humans. (You can RP it differently, of course. But your character has to either be Human, a Human Sympathizer, or willing to put up with Humans for their own ends at least.)

The REAT itself could be unlocked through a special taskforce offered by Vanguard, in which you allow a large contingent of Rikti to “defect” to humanity, and grant them asylum in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles under the auspices of Vanguard.

The REAT Starter Zone, Which functions similarly to Outbreak and Breakout, though with a somewhat larger (5 – 10?) level range, is the “other side” of this TF. You start out as a fresh Conscript in the Rikti Empire, eventually discover the truth behind the Rikti War, rebel against the Lineage of War and then escape with your fellow defectors.

The Actual AT-

First things first, A Rikti does not start as a Hero, Villain, or Praetorian. They have their own “special” side.

A Rikti starts out in a special zone in the White Plains as a Conscript. After completing the starter zone, they're placed under Vanguard care, and allowed to go to Paragon, the Rogue Isles, or Praetoria as they wish. They may select to adopt a side in the same manner any Neutral Character would.

All Rikti are of the Science Origin, and are (initially) restricted to the Rikti Body Type, and Rikti Costume Pieces. Like VEATs, they get a bonus costume slot at level 10. However, they also get to choose a single additional “Human” body type, for free, even if they don't have Superbooster Science. (This can be explained as either SCIENCE, A Riktification Cure, or a Hologram or something... Basically it's to keep people from being locked into the Rikti Body Type and the sure to be somewhat limited (at first) costume pieces.)

Like Kheldians, Rikti are also locked out of normal travel pools, though all Rikti can choose between Rikti Portal or Rikti Jump Pack powers.

From the basic Conscript Level, there are two career tracks one can take. The Soldier (Which focuses more on strong armor and attacks, and and relies primarily on Rikti Tech like the Rikti Sword or Rifle), and the Mentalist (which focuses on Rikti Mental powers). Rikti may also have their own EPPs, though this is kind of iffy...
Finally, if you manage to unlock the Rikti AT and get it to level 50, you can have access to the Rikti Body type on any toon you please as a bonus.


  • The Rikti Archetype is unlocked through a Special Task Force available at level 50. (Perhaps the Benjamin Decker/ B'Nadek Task Force? He's not doing anything, and he's like the poster boy of Human-Rikti converts)
  • The Rikti Starter Zone is neutral, open only to new Rikti, and ends in the events of the Taskforce performed to unlock the Rikti AT in the first place.
  • All Rikti are Science Origin, and can only use the Rikti Body Type until level 10, when a second costume slot and bonus human body type may be selected. All Future Costume slots offer a choice between Human and Rikti form.
  • All Rikti start as Conscripts, and can become Soldiers (Melee and/or Ranged Attacks, Stronger Armor.) or Mentalists (Weaker Armor, Stronger Support Skills, Ranged Attacks supplemented by minor melee skills.)
  • Rikti begin as “Vanguard Operatives”, and can choose a side in the same manner as a Hero or Villain would normally during the Conversion Process (though perhaps a bit earlier).
  • Getting a Rikti to Level 50 allows for the use of the Rikti Body Type on all of your toons.


1. The creation of a Rikti Body Type. The Rikti use animations not dissimilar from those of Humans. However, the actual process of creating a customizable Rikti body type (not to mention redoing the costume pieces to fit on the body type in the first place) Is the most obvious challenge involved here. This is why I suggested the free bonus body type at level 10. It's feasible that the Rikti Body Type would be unable to wear anything but the special Rikti Costume Pieces for a few issues, and even then a full conversion of every costume piece would be impossible.
  1. The Creation of a New AT, which is a fairly complex Coding Procedure, which means that this suggestion would obviously be a multi issue project.
  2. The creation of a Rikti Starter Zone, all of the missions involved within, not to mention the Task Force used to unlock it!
  3. It would obviously require GR's Alignment System to even work.

The Rewards:

-Interesting RP Opportunities
-The Ability to expand upon Rikti lore even further. (What is their culture like, for instance?)
-The creation of a fully neutral AT that can be accessed by both Heroes and Villains.
- The ability to (eventually) create that Rikti Warshade you've always wanted to see (What would that be called anyway? Riktus? Nikti?)


MGoblin256 on Rikti Power Pools-

That said, I recall reading a user page on Paragon Wiki (Sadly, I've forgotten where it is. If anybody who knows of this page, a link would be greatly appreciated) that had a really good potential set-up for a Rikti AT that worked in a manner vaguely simillar to the VEATs, with multiple power branches that allowed combinations like those that you've listed.

Unlike the VEAT branches though, they were split into several separate pools (not sets), each featuring powers based on the various types of Rikti mobs. These included Soldier (Sword-Gun), Gunman (Arm-Cannon) Mentalist (Psionic Offense), Mesmerist (Psionic Control), Guardian (Force Field/Radiation combo), Priest (Empathy/Kinetics combo), Magus (Various Elemental ranged powers) and Comm. Officer (Pets). You could take powers from up to four (I think) of these pools (This didn't count against regular power pools such as Fitness, Medicine etc, etc)

Again, my memory of the page is sketchy, since I've forgotten where it is. But I remember that much.
MGoblin on Civilian Reaction-

Originally Posted by Calash
One thing I would suggest, and it would just be for flavor. In Paragon and the Rogue Islands the civilians should run from you when in Rikti form. Not sure how Praetoria would react to they even know about them yet?


I think it'd be cool if Paragon civvies fled from a Rikti player only until he/she has proven his/her good intentions (say the hero reaches level 15: Fewer civillians will flee from the player, and they will gradually start recognizing them as a genuine hero in Rikti form). Rogue Isles civvies should flee from a Rikti player regardless, seeing as the Restructurist Rikti aren't exactly the friendliest of folks.

Like you, I've no idea how the Praetorian civvies would react to a Rikti roaming about.
Tired Angel on APPs and The Unlock Method-

Ive always thought a REAT would be fun and I like your ideas. My own ideas are quite similar and I have kind of thought of the APP for Rikti could include:
* Com Officer training - various powers to summon temporary pets such as drones, rikti monkeys and guardian
* Guardian training - various powers to mimic those of guardian such as a weaker accelerate metabolism, force field bubble etc
* Magi training - various attacks/debuff powers that mimic the way that some Rikti have learnt how to use magic
* Advanced soldier training - Upgrades for Rikti that have gone down the warrior path (e.g. auto power to increase resistance etc)
* Advanced mentalist training - Upgrades for Rikti that have gone down the mentalist path (e.g. a power boost kind of clone to boost powers of holds etc)

The only couple of things I would suggest a change in would be:
* Make it a story arc to open them up rather than a task force, mainly because there are people who only like to solo.
* Not a longer tutorial - I mainly say this because people may like to team from the outset and being stuck in a tutorial zone may not be fun for some. I think you could continue the the story through the use of introductory contacts.
But yeah... it's a crazy idea, it would drive BaBs, JLove, and the rest of Paragon Studios utterly insane, and it's totally awesome.



But yeah... it's a crazy idea, it would drive BaBs, JLove, and the rest of Paragon Studios utterly insane, and it's totally awesome.
*looks up definition of insane and finds a picture of the Paragon Studios Staff*

I think they already /ARE/ Insane.

On a more serious note, a mercenary Rikti AT for both Heroes and Villains could be interesting.



I had an idea for a Rikti Epic Archetype, let me post it again, just 'cause that's what this thread's about. I've added some things to the last version, even. Here there be spoilers.

Rikti Epic Archetype:
There are actually three Epic Archetypes that I have in mind. I'll outline them below.

Now then, Rikti characters would have the option of starting as a Hero or Villain. Our pal Kuhr'Rekt over in Grandville has gone and worked out a deal to allow Rikti Lineage of War members to act as freelance villains in the Rogue Isles, under the usual "survival of the fittest" rules. Rikti-specific contacts are Ambassadors charged by Kuhr'Rekt with the task of guiding these Rikti.

For Heroes, well, the Rikti Traditionalists are fed up with Vanguard trying to keep them a secret, and the rise of freelance Rikti Villains was the last straw. Many Traditionalists have decided to go independant, operating as Heroes, with the intent of demonstrating that not all Rikti are the crazy kill-all-humans type. Rikti Liaisons are Traditionalists who serve to find heroic activities for these Rikti to engage in. Can't spread justice around if you don't know where to put it, after all.

Remember that the Rikti exist only in their home dimension, and Primal Earth. They have no reason to travel to Praetorian Earth from home, so while they can go to Praetoria, they can't start there.

Inherent Power: Telepathic Link
All Rikti gain telepathy during their mutation, and can use it to communicate with other Rikti. Player-controlled Rikti are trying to adapt their telepathic abilities to communicate with non-Rikti, with limited success. However, they can grant others a sort of insight into situations. This telepathic link slightly increases the Defense and ToHit chance of team-mates within 20 feet of the Rikti.

Archetype 1: Rikti Soldier
Origin: Technology
Travel Power: Rikti Teleporter. (Think Headman Gunmen)
The Rikti Soldier has no psionic abilities beyond basic telepathy, and are thus vulnerable without their weaponry. Fortunately, the Rikti are extremely technologically advanced, and no one demonstrates this quite like a well-equipped Rikti Soldier. Wearing heavy armor and carrying powerful Energy Blades, Rikti Soldiers wade into battle, cutting down their enemies with ease. For enemies who run away, the Soldier also carries a potent Energy Cannon, and if things get tough, the Soldier can call on Rikti Drones for backup.

Archetype 2: Rikti Mentalist
Origin: Science
Travel Power: Telekinetic Flight (hey, they can do all kinds of stuff with their brains, right?)
The Mentalist's mutation gives him or her psychic powers above and beyond other Rikti. Though they wear only light armor and carry no weapons, Rikti Mentalists can mesmerize their enemies and assault their very minds. Mentalists can also use telekinetic powers to project force fields around themselves and their allies, as well as employ empathic healing abilities.

Archetype 3: Rikti Magus
Origin: Magic
Travel Power: Sorcerous Celerity (Super Speed through magic. Why not?)
Magic was once a lost and forgotten art to the Rikti, but thanks to humanity, they've re-discovered it. A Rikti Magus wears light armor and carries minimal weaponry, but they can unleash a wide variety of magicks. Rikti magic is still in its experimental stages, and as such, a Rikti Magus will employ a wide and varied, if not overwhelmingly powerful, array of arcane and occult abilities to weaken and harm their enemies, as well as strengthening their allies.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Haven't the devs said they're not going to be doing any more unlockable archetypes?



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
Haven't the devs said they're not going to be doing any more unlockable archetypes?
I believe they said no more unlockable archetypes that are unlocked by reaching level 50. Thus alternate methods of acquiring epic archetypes are still open.

As with any other Rikti Archetype/Costume Piece thread, I support this 100%. They've been in the game long enough to warrant an archetype anyways. I'm tired of just fighting them, I'm ready to be them... For real anyways. My main blue sider is RP'd as a Traditionalist Rikti, and I would instantly remake him without a second thought if such an archetype was added.

Again: /Signed.



I'd rather have Rikti costume parts. Pretty much everything Rikti other than their costumes is possible on some character; we can even get their guns and swords!

(Yes, I realize you can't duplicate a specific Rikti exactly; for example, many have gun + sword, or psionics + sword. Rikti Priests have Empathy and Kinetics powers. Rikti Magus have Electric Blast, Psychic Blast, and Fire Blast)



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I'd rather have Rikti costume parts. Pretty much everything Rikti other than their costumes is possible on some character; we can even get their guns and swords!

(Yes, I realize you can't duplicate a specific Rikti exactly; for example, many have gun + sword, or psionics + sword. Rikti Priests have Empathy and Kinetics powers. Rikti Magus have Electric Blast, Psychic Blast, and Fire Blast)
Having the costume parts would be nice, but a separate Archetype with unique traits, power sets and story-lines along with the costume parts (and, if neccessary, a new body type) sounds far more desirable IMHO.

That said, I recall reading a user page on Paragon Wiki (Sadly, I've forgotten where it is. If anybody who knows of this page, a link would be greatly appreciated) that had a really good potential set-up for a Rikti AT that worked in a manner vaguely simillar to the VEATs, with multiple power branches that allowed combinations like those that you've listed.

Unlike the VEAT branches though, they were split into several separate pools (not sets), each featuring powers based on the various types of Rikti mobs. These included Soldier (Sword-Gun), Gunman (Arm-Cannon) Mentalist (Psionic Offense), Mesmerist (Psionic Control), Guardian (Force Field/Radiation combo), Priest (Empathy/Kinetics combo), Magus (Various Elemental ranged powers) and Comm. Officer (Pets). You could take powers from up to four (I think) of these pools (This didn't count against regular power pools such as Fitness, Medicine etc, etc)

Again, my memory of the page is sketchy, since I've forgotten where it is. But I remember that much.



This sounds very interesting, however if the Dev's decided to do something like this it may not be for a long while.

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Originally Posted by MGoblin256 View Post
I believe they said no more unlockable archetypes that are unlocked by reaching level 50. Thus alternate methods of acquiring epic archetypes are still open.

As with any other Rikti Archetype/Costume Piece thread, I support this 100%. They've been in the game long enough to warrant an archetype anyways. I'm tired of just fighting them, I'm ready to be them... For real anyways. My main blue sider is RP'd as a Traditionalist Rikti, and I would instantly remake him without a second thought if such an archetype was added.

Again: /Signed.
Okay, you could be right on that.

I'm all for the idea, but I'd rather it was just available to everyone instead of having to be unlocked. I'm not a big fan of unlockable anything.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I'd rather have Rikti costume parts. Pretty much everything Rikti other than their costumes is possible on some character; we can even get their guns and swords!

(Yes, I realize you can't duplicate a specific Rikti exactly; for example, many have gun + sword, or psionics + sword. Rikti Priests have Empathy and Kinetics powers. Rikti Magus have Electric Blast, Psychic Blast, and Fire Blast)
Rikti costume pieces would be nice for characters repurposing Rikti tech, but I'd like a Rikti skeleton for characters who are, themselves, Rikti. I know it's out there, but I'd like it because Rikti anatomy is actually very different from human anatomy. From shoulder to elbow and hip to knee, their arms and legs are more narrow than a human's, but from elbow and knee onward, those limbs are thicker. Also, their limbs are longer than humans of the same height. In addition, they all wear those big honking shoulder guards because their shoulder blades actually stick up that far, covered by a layer of skin. Would it be possible to integrate these sort of differences using just costime pieces? I don't know.

Either way, it's out there, but if we do get a Rikti body type, it'd likely be connected to a Rikti EAT, because then BAB would only have to make Rikti skeleton animations for the REAT powers, as opposed to every dang power in the game.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.




...You know, a general Rikti Body Type for /every class/ as a reward for getting a Rikti to 50 is a bit much...

So let's see... Taking bits from other posts...

  • The Rikti AT is Unlocked Through a TF, rather than getting to level 50. (In theory, you could allow anyone as low as level 35 to unlock it then, since 35 is the minimum Vanguard Level.)
  • The Rikti Starter Zone is based off this TF.
  • Rikti have their own unique Body Type, as well as special costume pieces. To compensate, a "Ghetto Science Booster" could be given to Rikti at level 10, allowing an auxillary body type.
  • Rikti Power Pool based off Rikti Mobs. (Guardian, Headman, Mesmerist, Soldier, Comm. Officer, Magus, Priest)
  • All Rikti would Science Origin.
  • Rikti Mind Link Inherent
  • Tradtionalist Heroes, Restrucurist Villains
  • It would take a really long time to make.
But, it's possible! And awesome!



Originally Posted by Bitt_Player View Post
In addition, they all wear those big honking shoulder guards because their shoulder blades actually stick up that far, covered by a layer of skin.
Wee bit of a nitpick with this:

Since I10, some Rikti (notably Mentalists/Mesmerists and Magi) don't have the bulbous shoulder pads of old, suggesting one of two things:

A. Rikti were re-designed in I10 to have normal, human-like shoulder blades, and the bulbous look of some shoulder pads is strictly ornamental.


B. Thanks to varying genes, some Rikti have the big shoulder-blades, while some don't.



Yeah, the shoulders are mostly ornamental. I don't even think U'Kon has them.



U'Kon has the Magus shoulders (More like a mantle really). Honestly though, I think it'd be a bummer if they completely got rid of the big-shouldered Rikti; I personally thought they looked cooler with the disc-like shoulders.

It'd be interesting to hear some words from the Devs on this oddity.

Edit: AND the whole Rikti Archetype subject in general



Originally Posted by MGoblin256 View Post
a separate Archetype with unique traits, power sets and story-lines along with the costume parts (and, if neccessary, a new body type) sounds far more desirable IMHO.
List of powers used by any Rikti critter not replicable by existing player powers:
* Monkey Gas (Rikti Monkeys)
* Transponder (Communications Officer)
* Fusion Pulse (Heavy Assault Suit)
* Fusion Explosion (Heavy Assault Suit)
* Laser Lance (Heavy Assault Suit
* Sweeping Laser (Heavy Assault Suit)
* Fusion Overload (Famine: Rider)
* Paralytic Blast (Famine: Rider)
* Paralytic Aura (Famine: Rider)
* Nuclear Blast (A Bomb)
* Nuclear Blast (Drop Ship)

And even if they did make a Rikti AT, the only power from that list we'd be likely to get is Transponder.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
List of powers used by any Rikti critter not replicable by existing player powers:
* Monkey Gas (Rikti Monkeys)
* Transponder (Communications Officer)
* Fusion Pulse (Heavy Assault Suit)
* Fusion Explosion (Heavy Assault Suit)
* Laser Lance (Heavy Assault Suit
* Sweeping Laser (Heavy Assault Suit)
* Fusion Overload (Famine: Rider)
* Paralytic Blast (Famine: Rider)
* Paralytic Aura (Famine: Rider)
* Nuclear Blast (A Bomb)
* Nuclear Blast (Drop Ship)

And even if they did make a Rikti AT, the only power from that list we'd be likely to get is Transponder.
Sure, you can replicate the powers pretty well, but I'd rather be able to mix those powers to make a passable Rikti warrior; I don't know about you, but the thought of being able to scramble an enemy's brains with a mental attack and then subsequently bifurcate said enemy with a huge, plasma-edged sword on one character sounds pretty yummy.



Many many ATs possess abilities replicable by other ATs.

The reason for Epic ATs is not just the combination of powers, it's the story opportunities.


That is the closest thing to a "Naked" Rikti we have. The shoulders are indeed raised slightly...



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post

That is the closest thing to a "Naked" Rikti we have. The shoulders are indeed raised slightly...
It is indeed the closest we have, but there's a problem:

The Lost still look like they're evolving into the old school Rikti (note the green eyes and low-res textures). Thus, the anatomy might not be properly comparable to the shiny new I10 Rikti.

That said, I think the Lost could use an art update to reflect the changes made to the Rikti in I10.



Two notes:

First, despite the fact that I totally agree that the Rikti's origin should in fact be Science, the game seems to consider them Mutants (based on the enhancements they drop most often), and so that's what a Rikti AT would probably be. Again, I agree with you, but there are strong arguments both ways.

Second, a "Monkey Gas" power is totally workable. It could be like Rad's Fallout power, allowing you to release poisonous gas from fallen teammates OR similar to the Warshade's Stygian Circle, seeping the gas out of defeated enemies nearby (and thus on a crazy long timer), OR it could be a self post-defeat emination. And it would be awesome no matter which of those you picked.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Two notes:
First, despite the fact that I totally agree that the Rikti's origin should in fact be Science, the game seems to consider them Mutants (based on the enhancements they drop most often), and so that's what a Rikti AT would probably be. Again, I agree with you, but there are strong arguments both ways.
Huh? I'm fairly certain Rikti drop Science-based SOs only (Though Mutant/Science DOs are a probability for them, considering the Lost drop said type of Enhancements)



Rikti are even mentioned by Percy Shelly during the Origin of Power arc on Science Origin toons as the epitome of the Science Origin.

So yeah... SCIENCE!



Originally Posted by MGoblin256 View Post
It is indeed the closest we have, but there's a problem:

The Lost still look like they're evolving into the old school Rikti (note the green eyes and low-res textures). Thus, the anatomy might not be properly comparable to the shiny new I10 Rikti.

That said, I think the Lost could use an art update to reflect the changes made to the Rikti in I10.
^ Heavily agreed. The only Lost that actually looks like a real Rikti are the Pariah Prelates, the small one wearing the hoods.
Even then, I have no idea how they thought the Anchorite's were gong to shift into Rikti...

But yeah, a huge, huge /Signed to the REAT. Another one of those things that would be so cool to have in game.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.





All Rikti are of the Science Origin, and are (initially) restricted to the Rikti Body Type, and Rikti Costume Pieces. Like VEATs, they get a bonus costume slot at level 10. However, they also get to choose a single additional “Human” body type, for free, even if they don't have Superbooster Science. (This can be explained as either SCIENCE, A Riktification Cure, or a Hologram or something... Basically it's to keep people from being locked into the Rikti Body Type and the sure to be somewhat limited (at first) costume pieces.)
No need to explain this very much as the lore already supports Rikti disguising themselves as humans. Hero side this is not covered as much as Villain, but the scattering of billboards saying "They are among us" as well as some mission text support this. Villian side has an entire contact with two story arcs with this subtext.

One thing I would suggest, and it would just be for flavor. In Paragon and the Rogue Islands the civilians should run from you when in Rikti form. Not sure how Praetoria would react to they even know about them yet?



Ive always thought a REAT would be fun and I like your ideas. My own ideas are quite similar and I have kind of thought of the APP for Rikti could include:
* Com Officer training - various powers to summon temporary pets such as drones, rikti monkeys and guardian
* Guardian training - various powers to mimic those of guardian such as a weaker accelerate metabolism, force field bubble etc
* Magi training - various attacks/debuff powers that mimic the way that some Rikti have learnt how to use magic
* Advanced soldier training - Upgrades for Rikti that have gone down the warrior path (e.g. auto power to increase resistance etc)
* Advanced mentalist training - Upgrades for Rikti that have gone down the mentalist path (e.g. a power boost kind of clone to boost powers of holds etc)

The only couple of things I would suggest a change in would be:
* Make it a story arc to open them up rather than a task force, mainly because there are people who only like to solo.
* Not a longer tutorial - I mainly say this because people may like to team from the outset and being stuck in a tutorial zone may not be fun for some. I think you could continue the the story through the use of introductory contacts.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
One thing I would suggest, and it would just be for flavor. In Paragon and the Rogue Islands the civilians should run from you when in Rikti form. Not sure how Praetoria would react to they even know about them yet?
I think it'd be cool if Paragon civvies fled from a Rikti player only until he/she has proven his/her good intentions (say the hero reaches level 15: Fewer civillians will flee from the player, and they will gradually start recognizing them as a genuine hero in Rikti form). Rogue Isles civvies should flee from a Rikti player regardless, seeing as the Restructurist Rikti aren't exactly the friendliest of folks.

Like you, I've no idea how the Praetorian civvies would react to a Rikti roaming about.

PS: To the OP: I think it'd be a good idea to keep the first post updated with all the ideas we've compiled so far.