Epic Power Pool: Dual Pistols




For Scrappers.

I need to wait until we know the powers from the Blaster primary to elaborate on this more but...

Tier-1: Rubber Bullet: Minor Damage: Immobilize: -res

Tier-2: Cryo Round: Minor DoT (Cold): Hold

Tier-3: Ranged Shot: Moderate Damage

Tier-4: Poison Tipped Bullet: Single Target: -res, -def (double the values of Melt Armor)

Tier-5: ?name?: ?PBAoE or Targeted AoE?: Moderate damage



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
For Scrappers.

I need to wait until we know the powers from the Blaster primary to elaborate on this more but...

Tier-1: Rubber Bullet: Minor Damage: Immobilize: -res

Tier-2: Cryo Round: Minor DoT (Cold): Hold

Tier-3: Ranged Shot: Moderate Damage

Tier-4: Poison Tipped Bullet: Single Target: -res, -def (double the values of Melt Armor)

Tier-5: ?name?: ?PBAoE or Targeted AoE?: Moderate damage
Not going to happen. This has been suggested since before time began in this game and the answer has always been a resounding "no".

Pistols are a ranged set, therefore going to Blasters and Corruptors in GR.



sounds like a good start.

I proposed setting dual-pistols as a Patron Power for villains, suggesting that Maelstrom could be a Patron. Presuming that he's not already attached to Task Forces or Missions...


Miss Freeze:

He's suggesting it as an EPIC POWER POOL

And you'll find if you take a scrapper to 50, or a Tank for that matter, the Epic Pools do contain ranged attacks.



Originally Posted by Miss_Freeze_NA View Post
Not going to happen. This has been suggested since before time began in this game and the answer has always been a resounding "no".

Pistols are a ranged set, therefore going to Blasters and Corruptors in GR.
But didn't scrappers just get blaze mastery in their epic pools...

Char, RoF, fire blast and fireball are all ranged attacks last I checked.



Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
But didn't scrappers just get blaze mastery in their epic pools...

Char, RoF, fire blast and fireball are all ranged attacks last I checked.
In fact, melee characters get ranged powers in their APP/PPPs specifically because they generally have none for the first 40 levels of the game. I don't know why Miss Freeze thinks a ranged APP for Scrappers isn't going to happen, since "ranged" is pretty much the definition of Scrapper APPs.




Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
But didn't scrappers just get blaze mastery in their epic pools...

Char, RoF, fire blast and fireball are all ranged attacks last I checked.
sure did... but c'mon... dual pistols would stretch into theme, RP & general bad @ssery. I just plain like this idea...

In the immortal words of Socrates, "I drank what?"
-- Real Genius




First work on Fire Mastery. Secondly, how exactly would Pistol Mastery work if they have no pistols to choose from?

Yes, you don't need pistols to be Munitions, but hear me out here; Ancillary Power Pools cater to 'master' things that are already there:

Weapon Mastery: Katana, Broadsword, Claws, Dual Blades
Body Mastery: Martial Arts, Spines
Dark Mastery: Dark Melee

I'm not against the idea, but try to remember that the APPs are made to try to 'fit' with the theme.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post

First work on Fire Mastery. Secondly, how exactly would Pistol Mastery work if they have no pistols to choose from?

Yes, you don't need pistols to be Munitions, but hear me out here; Ancillary Power Pools cater to 'master' things that are already there:

Weapon Mastery: Katana, Broadsword, Claws, Dual Blades
Body Mastery: Martial Arts, Spines
Dark Mastery: Dark Melee

I'm not against the idea, but try to remember that the APPs are made to try to 'fit' with the theme.
Terrible arguement.
I say that because you can select Dark Mastery without having either the Dark primary or the dark secondary.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
For Scrappers.

I need to wait until we know the powers from the Blaster primary to elaborate on this more but...

Tier-1: Rubber Bullet: Minor Damage: Immobilize: -res

Tier-2: Cryo Round: Minor DoT (Cold): Hold

Tier-3: Ranged Shot: Moderate Damage

Tier-4: Poison Tipped Bullet: Single Target: -res, -def (double the values of Melt Armor)

Tier-5: ?name?: ?PBAoE or Targeted AoE?: Moderate damage
After some thought, I like the idea. Throw it in for Tanks and Brutes too and we've got a deal



Tier-1: Rubber Bullet: Minor Damage: Immobilize: -res

Tier-2: Cryo Round: Minor DoT (Cold): Hold

Tier-3: Ranged Shot: Moderate Damage

Tier-4: Poison Tipped Bullet: Single Target: -res, -def (double the values of Melt Armor)

Tier-5: ?name?: ?PBAoE or Targeted AoE?: Moderate damage
I've been thinking more about the proposed powers and trying to match the themes with Weapons Mastery. I'd also like to keep the damage change feature from the main power set.

Weapons mastery is setup as: Immobilize, AOE Status Effect, Damage, Toggle, Damage.

So here's my set suggestion.

Tier 1: Double Shot - base single target attack : Damage

Tier 2: Fluid Grenade - player tosses a grenade creating an oil slick. The behavior of the oil slick depends on the damage of the base shot. (requires tech / ui work).

Tier 3: Change Ammo - change the ammunition : using the same damage types as the main power set, but with changed rations. 60 / 40 split on smashing/lethal - elemental damage.

Tier 4: Targeting Drone - lift straight from weapons mastery
New Tier 4: Scatter fire - the pbaeo / taeo surround fire from the main set

Tier 5: Scatter Fire - the pbaoe surround fire from the main set.
New Tier 5: Overconfident - self buff / debuff - described below.


Okay, The Tier 3 power works to fill a couple of purposes.

Incendiary + Fluid Grenade = Oil Slick on fire effect. Strong DOT
Cryo + Fluid grenade = ice patch causes enemies to fall down
Chemical + Fluid grenade = choking cloud effect, minor hold, resistance drop.

I think this proposal would be... acceptable... to the developers, aside from the tech / ui work needed to mod the fluid grenade. It would allow the devs to largely re-use existing animations in the game, although creating a choking cloud effect for the chemical patch might require new animation work.

Fire and Dark sets would still be viable for their damage / status effect capabilities. Body Mastery is still viable for it's Physical Perfection and Endurance Reduction. I'm not entirely sure that my Weapons Mastery II proposal balances well against Weapons Mastery I.

I'm halfway thinking keeping the targeting drone makes the power-set... too over-powered, but I can't help but think that taking Targeting Drone out and putting another attack in would most certainly be too strong.

*** EDIT! ***

Edit, oh good, nobody has responded yet. Lets me post this bit in. To reiterate, my concern with the proposed set is that it's a little too... versatile... for the Devs to consider. While I can see my idea for a multi-effect fluid field effect being met by using the Trick Arrow pet trick. As I understand Oil Slick, placing oil slick summons a pet that is vulnerable to energy / fire damage only, and when hit, triggers the flaming field. Theoretically, my multi-effect fluid field would spawn 3 different pets, each only vulnerable to Fire, Cryo, and Toxic damage. Hitting one of the spawned pets immediately despawns the other pets and the animation triggers.

Combined with an accuracy boost... I think this is just too much for a Scrapper epic power. Looking at the stalker patrons, I had a bit of an idea. The theory behind the I want Dual Pistols on Melee is that players want to get in close. Well, there is a Patron Power that boosts defense... Shadow Meld... so...

Lets drop the targeting drone and move the proposed Tier 5, the PBAO / TAOE blast to Tier 4. In place is a new Tier 5: Overconfident.

The idea behind Overconfident is that the player is in a pitched battle and is getting themselves worked up, moving faster and faster, till they drop from exhaustion. It's very easy for a player to get in over their heads.

The power itself lasts 2 minutes with a recharge of 12 minutes. The power is split into 4 parts and is equal buff / debuff.

In the first 30 seconds the player gains a 25% recharge time and 10% resistance to all damage. The player suffers from a 15% defense debuff and a 25% defense debuff resistance debuff. The player gains a .5 mag taunt aura

In the second 30 seconds the player's recharge increases to 50% with a 20% resistance to all damage. The player suffers from a 30% defense debuff and a 50% defense debuff resistance debuff. The player gains a 1.0 mag taunt aura

In the third 30 seconds the player's recharge increases to 75% with a 30% resistance to all damage. Defense drops by 40% and resistance to defense debuffs drops 75%. The player gains a 1.5mag taunt aura. The player gains a 20% recovery bonus

In the final 30 seconds the players recharge caps at 100% with a 40% resistance to all damage. The player suffers from a 50% defense drop and a 100% debuff to defense debuff resistance. The player gains a 2.0mag taunt aura. The player gains a 40% recovery bonus.

As the power drops the players suffers from a -1000% penalty to regeneration and recovery, and cannot be healed for 15 seconds.

The conceptual idea is that as the player engages in continued combat, they open themselves up to further and further to enemy attack. As their AOE taunt grows in magnitude, enemies are... encouraged... to smack the Overconfident player around. The final stages of the power are a frenzy as activity as the player fires off attack after attack. Recovery increases allowing players to sustain the attack chains in the heat of combat... till it's over. Exhausted, body torn apart, weakened from the strain, the Overconfident player must quickly retreat from battle.



I quite like this. I've always wanted a Broadsword-wielding Scrapper with Dual Pistols!



Originally Posted by reclusesphantom View Post
i quite like this. I've always wanted a broadsword-wielding scrapper with dual pistols! :d
this thread is getting crazy!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Personally, if I were a dev, I'd stick to a single Utility Pistol for Scrappies to make the Blaster/Corruptor DP sets a bit more special.

Lots you can do with a trick pistol, mind...

41a: Air Taser (ranged mag 3 stun, minor electrical)
41b: Grapnel (LOS-only TP Foe, minor smashing damage, knockdown)
44a: Incendiary Round (moderate fire DoT)
44b: Gas Round (-ToHit, chance for Choke/Vomit Hold)
47: Explosive Round: (T-AoE, moderate smashing, KB)

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



does anyone remember Martrix Online or has played it.. I know they have a type of fighting style involving pistols and other types of guns, don't ask me what that fighting style is but I think they can utilize something like that as a pistol scrapper.



Originally Posted by States View Post
does anyone remember Martrix Online or has played it.. I know they have a type of fighting style involving pistols and other types of guns, don't ask me what that fighting style is but I think they can utilize something like that as a pistol scrapper.
Probably Gun Kata.
And it won't happen.
Scrappers = Melee
Blasters = Ranged
Pistols set = ranged

There is little to no point of having a pistol and not firing it.
And in the case of firing it, while a ranged/shield AT would be so much win, I dont know when or even if theres a chance of us getting one.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
If this is performance art, you're doing a fine job.
Did you read the OP where it was a suggestion for a scrapper ancillary power pool? You know, those power pools that give scrappers (and tankers) ranged attacks.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by Vitality
For Scrappers.
Perhaps... if the set consists of a large variety of pistol whipping manoeuvre and no shooting at all

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Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
Did you read the OP where it was a suggestion for a scrapper ancillary power pool? You know, those power pools that give scrappers (and tankers) ranged attacks.
Yep. And it's a suggestion that was made over a year ago and was silly, then, too.



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
Yep. And it's a suggestion that was made over a year ago and was silly, then, too.
Silly for a melee set, yes. It's perfectly in line with the other ancillary sets for melee ATs.



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
Yep. And it's a suggestion that was made over a year ago and was silly, then, too.
Would you mind explaining how adding another ranged set to the ranged epic powers is silly?



Scrapper epics have a single-target ranged attack in them and a area-effect ranged attack in them. They also tend to have a hold, an immobilize, or some other controllish power, or a debuff. Pistols are conceptually narrow, would need to be jiggered to avoid causing redraw, wouldn't work like existing pistols work, further adds to an archetype that doesn't need anything at this point, overlaps with 'weapon' mastery, and has less conceptual or interpretive depth than other ancillary options.

Once those sensible reasons are outlaid, I can move on to the non-sensible ones, like how every time an Equilibrium fan is disappointed, an angel gets its wings.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Terrible arguement.
I say that because you can select Dark Mastery without having either the Dark primary or the dark secondary.
Not a terrible argument, because they CAN choose Dark as Primary and/or Secondary. Do you require it? No, but you can, and then it gives you the theme of really mastering Darkness.

With Pistols? There's no primary or anything related to it.

I'm not AGAINST the idea, but it's just something that needs to be thought about, even for a moment.



Sorry Talen, I do not agree with you. I would like to see a pistol ancillary. I do not want gun kata though. Do want:

A sustained rapid fire single target 18 tick dot (9 bullets each gun) with a reload animation afterward. Needs lower accuracy because rapid fire with any gun tends to be inaccurate.

A 45 degree cone also with reload animation.

A knockdown shot with minimal damage ( special animation where toon loads and chambers a different round.

A armor peircing round similar to acid arrow but single target only with lower debuff, no more than 13%.

A auto power that improves accuracy. ( not to-hit )

Those were not in any particular order.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Sorry Talen, I do not agree with you.
Good for you. For my own involvement in this conversation, though, I'd much rather you address my points (conceptually narrow, would need to be jiggered to avoid causing redraw, wouldn't work like existing pistols work, further adds to an archetype that doesn't need anything at this point, overlaps with 'weapon' mastery, and has less conceptual or interpretive depth than other ancillary options) than just iterate a wish-list of powers you'd like to have.

Can you?