Time to split the servers!
Absolutely, we need more servers. I'm running out of character slots and I'm too cheap to buy more. I know a couple good names we could use for them too: Union and Defiant (and... whatever they are).
I have to hide when I want to solo to avoid getting invites for TFs/SFs. I solo to test my characters' build in different situations, not to avoid my friends.
There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"
I strangely favour the idea of have access to the Euro servers for NA players and NA to the Euro, mostly because I want to play on the German server and not know what the hell is going on.

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!
I strangely favour the idea of have access to the Euro servers for NA players and NA to the Euro, mostly because I want to play on the German server and not know what the hell is going on.
A. True story. I logged on last night and had not one but TWO team invites before my character was fully logged in.
B. I did the Synapse task force Sunday, not because I was thinking, "Hey, I want to run a Synapse task force" but because, before I had decided what I wanted to do, someone invited me to the TF.
C. There needs to be some servers with Villain names. I vote for a Treachery Server.
D. I don't have a point D.
E. Seriously, I'd like a server list merger so we can play with EU players. That won't necessarily solve most people's problems over here, but it would be nice if everyone could visit a server that does Hami raids and Mothership raids on a nearly nightly basis, often both at the same time. Or a server where Positron speaks German.
F. Although I doubt it would ever happen, I wish I could visit any server I wanted to with any one of my characters... team with my friends on Victory, then join a raid on Virtue, or whatever.
G. Pie.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I realise this is a joke, but I'd be all for appending the four Euro servers at the end of the queue and letting us pick from any of the 15. That way, my poor countrymen get to play on a more populated server if they wanted to, and we get... Well, Europeans get to play on more populated servers. How's that?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I strangely favour the idea of have access to the Euro servers for NA players and NA to the Euro, mostly because I want to play on the German server and not know what the hell is going on.
And now the fun starts for real, because on that toon the language settings are all skewed. have is english and the other half remains german. Whenever I join a team my teammates all get confused madly. Always fun to see their reactions.

About the topic. I want more servers to play at. 4 is not enough. I need those NA servers.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
What do you mean? You type some words in English and some in German?
EDIT: But on topic, I want the server lists to be merged like the others

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
Nope, the character is still set to 'German', so any system messages involving it will come up in German, his power list is in German, and some other stuff comes up in German too.
EDIT: But on topic, I want the server lists to be merged like the others ![]() |

Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Suggested for soo many times... WITH arguments.
The server list should be merged. But there are reasons why it doesnt get any dev time.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
If the Devs would finally split up a few servers to further dilute the player pool a bit, it might help.
Split the servers now, before more people have fun! We can't have these "teams" running around like this, it's disruptive, especially at such an early hour in the morning!

Are you guys crazy? If anything they should merge some of the servers so that it's easier to get people involved in things like Rikti Mothership and Hami raids. I'd rather apply the wait and see option until after Rogue comes out though. Maybe it will draw enough people back to the game.
Are you guys crazy? If anything they should merge some of the servers so that it's easier to get people involved in things like Rikti Mothership and Hami raids. I'd rather apply the wait and see option until after Rogue comes out though. Maybe it will draw enough people back to the game.
@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
We should split some servers and merge others.
That seems like a fair balance to me
ps. I like pie!!!!!
Off the whole joke thing, I say consolidating a few servers would be nice.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Why server division is not a good idea.
Welcome to the forum. You have posted one of the oft repeated suggestions, "Divide the servers."
Yes. This is a cut and paste reply that I keep handy, as well as a quick bit of instruction on how to search. Neither are meant to cause fights or to be insulting. The search instructions are in, not just because forum rules say flat out to search, but to help you and anyone else reading this use the search tool effectively.
The body of the cut and paste reply is the way it is because we've seen these arguments numerous times before. They're a summary of the salient points that come up each time. They are not here to insult you, make you feel stupid or otherwise "bring you down a peg." Instead, they are meant as instruction and information. Please read through the points and the explanation behind them to see the issues that are commonly brought up in response. They may not always match your suggestion 100% - in fact, you may have explained around one or two of them - but they're there for consideration and refinement of your idea.
Yes, I do look forward to the time, with some of these suggestions, that someone not only addresses all the points, but does so exceptionally well. It'll probably be added to the end of the cut/paste reply, with credit. For now, though, read and consider the points. They really are just there to help you, and move discussion along to help ideas evolve.
If you're going to see this and say an "evil forum vet is just shooting down your idea," or "You think you're the last word because of your post count," you're wrong. Heck, if you say the second, you've just worried more about my post count than I have in the last four plus years. Tongue-in-cheek comments in here are meant as humor, not put downs.
TL,DR section.
First, my stock answer, one which I stand by and repeat with all due fervor. HELL NO.
Searching effectively
1. Click on "Search" up at the top of the forum.
2. On the left, under "Forum(s) to search," select "Suggestions and ideas."
3. On the right, Keyword Search Terms. This is probably where your problem was if you did search. Try the following, exactly as typed:
+server -pvp -"re: "
This will search for anything with "Server" in the title, including Servers, Split Servers, Divide Servers, and The Server At McDonald's is Rude. It will eliminate "PVP," so you won't see PVP server requests, and the -re: portion of it removes replies, so you'll see the root of every thread that comes up, letting you see just how many threads there are on this. (The last helps for other subjects, as well.)
4. Click the "In subject" radio button. This is a search, not a cute blonde in a bikini. Here, you want to ignore the body.
5. Leave Username Search blank.
6. Date range, Newer Than, change the 1 to a 3, and the time to Months.
7. Result format doesn't matter. Click on "Submit."
As I try this now, (12/3/08,) we have:
More Server PLz
Server Stats RSS Feed
$server modifier ofr chat
Fix the forum server
Earlyissue server
Spliting high population server
Nerf fast server
Server status
Global chat on the Character and Server Screens
Rated M server
Add Ponies, Nerf Vills, split Servers, PistolMelee
Server Visiting
Display Central Time on Server Status Page
Ignoring the smartalec reply, that's three full discussions about this topic.
You should have read one of them if (inevitably) something similar comes up in your search.
Now, on to the topic at hand....
Why server division is not a good idea.
1. Just because YOU like living in Kansas doesn't mean I can't like New York City.
Yay, you love having no lag spikes as you get near the black market/wentworths and a dead broadcast. Congrats. Enjoy Protector. Some of us - many of which you will get replies from with this subject - like *high population* servers. If we *wanted* to be on Protector, we'd *be* on Protector.
I have characters on Protector. I rarely play them (and actually moved a character OFF of Protector to finish leveling it to 50) because *I DON'T LIKE Protector.* I dislike the dryness of broadcast, the low percentage of *horrid* teams I've come across there, the lack of any gathering points- and I've got a decent personality and networking skills. For much the same reason, I typically start in Atlas Park instead of Galaxy City - I *want* to log in to a costume contest with several 50s spamming powers and nonsense arguments in broadcast.
Some of us *like* fast, active servers.
2, New York City, part 2.
In addition, servers have their own personalities. Yes, I mean that literally, there's an AI to worry about if you start hearing "The Polito form is dead, insect. Are you afraid? What is it you fear? The end of your trivial existence?" over your speakers or headset. Freedom is a mess. Virtue is the MRP server. Pinnacle is the "Drunk" server. Others have specific disorders, such as those who think they are Australian, Europe, Everquest, ect.
3. "I saw over nine thousand other people. Anarchy Assault Quest has 12!"
Ok I got bored someone else finish it.
We should split some servers and merge others.
That seems like a fair balance to me ![]() ps. I like pie!!!!! |
We could breed an army of Super Servers! MWHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!
And then we end up in the Matrix (or how it should have been if Duracell hadn't thrown a load of money at the producers to get some product placement going) with Servers using us to play WoW on.
I can hardly ever not find anyone.
Let's face it, it's time for the Devs to bite the bullet and finally split the serves up even further. Every damn time I log on, someone more-or-less immediately sends me a tell while I'm still trying to figure out what this character should be doing tonight. I might be looking at market slots, or eyeballing my build, staring at my base bins, or just trying to pick a contact to start...it never fails.
"Want to run X Task Force?"
"Radio missions?"
"Hey, I decided to re-up! What's cooking?"
"Can you help me against this EB?"
"Zone event!!!!"
Heck, once it was even "We need a fifth for Arena Pentad," I kid you not.
I've seriously thought about hiding more often. But I'm afraid my suddenly dropping off my global list would lead my friends to conclude I was being weird. Instead, I usually man up, grab an appropriate character, and go join some random PUG, Task Force, or group of friends. Who knows when I'll get back to whatever I was trying to do.
When I DO decide to form my own teams, I'm usually too successful. I've tried a few times to run Task Forces with the minimum number of players, to keep the number of foes low and speed through...but oh no, people keep calling their buddies and soon enough we've got eight players ready to go and several more disappointed folks we've turned down. (No joke, I've had this problem.)
This can get tiresome. How am I ever going to cobble together some of my end-game builds if I can't spend a few consecutive minutes marketing?
If the Devs would finally split up a few servers to further dilute the player pool a bit, it might help.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog