Peacebringer: Stated versus Apparent Design




Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Lovely, so now Peacebringers will be chastised if they're not spending "enough" time in Human-form, so much so that TriForm Peacebringers would become obsolete, and you call that a change to better the AT?
And after all that grief you got for suggesting they add an aura component to restore essence, you're saying this?

LX, I'm with you on a lot of things, but adding a recovery aura to the shields would no more make teams demand that you stay in human form than your suggestion make them demand that you stay in the back and become a heal-bot.

The recovery aura isn't the only component of the suggestion. By giving the forms the -res component to their attacks, the forms will help with a team's blue-bar too - by helping them kill faster. If it takes less effort to down a spawn when the nova's spamming aoe's than it does when the human form is "rockin' the shields" then the net effect on the team's collective blue bar is the same.

When attacking hard targets like AV's or Giant Monsters, I've got to think any team in their right mind would be crazy not to want you in one form or the other to bring those massive resists down.

It's not a bad suggestion.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Ahh, how cute. I wonder which spineless ******** left me this piece of neg rep for my OP:
Hard to type when I'm laughing so hard. I think we should all point at that little gem and make fun of it's author's mother.

And this:
I'm only egotistical because I'm better than you at everything.
is priceless. Consider it sigg'd.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I believe this same thought process also could apply to making Khelds *ONLY* act as tri-formers.

Fewer choices is a bad direction to go.
Just to be sure, you do realize that I am arguing for that as well, right? I've said it more than a few times, and at the end of that post you quote. We're working together on that.

I would be against this. As much as I'd like to see mezz resistance in human form (look what the VEATs can do!), I wouldn't want to give up the power of Eclipse for it. Screw that.

I'll keep hitting break frees.

Realize you may be up a creek with that attitude. I could see more damage happening for melee attacks or something like that than keeping Eclipse as is as well as mez protection. If you allow Eclipse to stay, plus mez protection (even a minor amount), you really are looking at a Tank mage. I could easily make an IO build for that which would give me a lot of recharge and defense, making most mezzes miss (while I get to mezz enemies back), and then the resists to make what damage hits me laughable.

There is NO way any developer is going to give that to you (and that's why Dwarf alone still has it), and I would agree with them. That's putting things in extreme easy mode.

Keep in mind that I didn't even toss out a balance point for a cap. Fiery Aura Tanks get about 48% resists to all but Psionic and Toxic, so even capping out at 40-50% is pretty darn nice for an all human Kheld if you get a bit of mez protection (think about all your other toys to play with, etc.). And maybe you could get some mez protection into Eclipse if you found a balance point for that (either non-permable, less of a resist buff, etc.).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
And after all that grief you got for suggesting they add an aura component to restore essence, you're saying this?

LX, I'm with you on a lot of things, but adding a recovery aura to the shields would no more make teams demand that you stay in human form than your suggestion make them demand that you stay in the back and become a heal-bot.
There are several differences between what I suggested be done with adding an AoE heal effect, and adding a +Recovery AoE buff to the shields. Let me count the differences, and see where they lead:
  1. I suggested a change one power, not three.
  2. The power I suggested be changed are heal powers that almost no PB would refuse to take, where-as some PB builds don't even have Human shields, naturally, mine's like that.
  3. The power I suggested be changed is a click power that a PB can click and forget, and therefore does not force the PB to stick with the Human form so the prolonged power-effect will help the team, not so with the +Recovery AoE component were it added to the shields.
  4. According to my suggestion, the most complaints a PB will have may be: "HEAL ME n00b", according to the +Recovery AoE suggestion, it may as well be: "Don't you dare use Nova, you gotta buff us NAO!".
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
The recovery aura isn't the only component of the suggestion. By giving the forms the -res component to their attacks, the forms will help with a team's blue-bar too - by helping them kill faster.
If you remember my original suggestion thread, I suggested the -Res component be added to any and all PB attacks, across all three forms. This was done so that a PB could help the team while it's active in all its three forms. Adding something that buffs the team only in one form will become restrictive and making that buff a passive buff will restrict PB teamplay even more. If however each form were given some sort of passive enemy control/debuff effect, I'd be much happier, but these effects should not buff the team in ways force multipliers already do.

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
If it takes less effort to down a spawn when the nova's spamming aoe's than it does when the human form is "rockin' the shields" then the net effect on the team's collective blue bar is the same.
It's the conception of how teammates will want you to play once they know you're a walking Light-stick of Accelerated Metabolism, not the game balance, I'm worried about. Forcing PB's to take shields and spend time in Human-form to buff their team's endurance recovery seems much more likely to happen than the team demanding the PB rock one AoE heal power that has a long cooldown and doesn't heal for much anyway.

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
When attacking hard targets like AV's or Giant Monsters, I've got to think any team in their right mind would be crazy not to want you in one form or the other to bring those massive resists down.

It's not a bad suggestion.
I'm not saying it's such a bad suggestion, I'm just saying for me it's not good enough yet. Also, my team does not dictate to me what form I take and how I fight, that's up to me as a Kheldian and I will be against anything that changes this, using on passive toggle powers.

About fighting AV/GM enemies, that's why I suggested adding a -Res component to each and every PB attack, across all forms... you know?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Realize you may be up a creek with that attitude. I could see more damage happening for melee attacks or something like that than keeping Eclipse as is as well as mez protection. If you allow Eclipse to stay, plus mez protection (even a minor amount), you really are looking at a Tank mage. I could easily make an IO build for that which would give me a lot of recharge and defense, making most mezzes miss (while I get to mezz enemies back), and then the resists to make what damage hits me laughable.
Let me repeat myself. I'd rather keep Eclipse "as is" then have any nerfs to it for sake of "mez protection." I'll keep hitting Break Frees before I agree to an Eclipse nerf.

Nerfing Eclipse would be probably the biggest nerf in the history of Kheldians (and one that in my opinion would take the "epic" of HEATs Warshade-wise), and not one I would EVER like to see put into action.

Again, just so we're clear: I didn't just ask for mez protection in that previous post. I said it'd be NICE (look at what the VEATs can do!), but before I'd agree to a nerf to Eclipse, I'd just rather go without mez protection.

That's what break frees are for, right?

Are we clear?


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
There are several differences between what I suggested be done with adding an AoE heal effect, and adding a +Recovery AoE buff to the shields. Let me count the differences, and see where they lead:
  1. I suggested a change one power, not three.
The reason the effect was spread across three powers was put in the suggestion specifically to make the total magnitude of the overall effect more expensive. You invest more powers to get that +24% recovery, whereas your suggestion of making reform essence's 25% heal a healing aura would only require one slot. So while yes, different in the amount of powers taken, the net gain is still around 25%. In fact, the recovery suggestion is less of an overall gain due to it being more expensive in the power choices area.

For that matter, I believe Doc's suggestion stated that the +recovery part couldn't be enhanced, while reform essence could, could it not? So that's a 24% enhanceable persistent recovery gain spread across three powers verses a 25% enhanceable burst of healing (vise regeneration) in one power.

You're right, they are different - yours is a bigger buff.
  • The power I suggested be changed are heal powers that almost no PB would refuse to take, where-as some PB builds don't even have Human shields, naturally, mine's like that.
And wasn't one of the problems with the shields that they weren't desirable to take? Why would that be a bad thing? And if PB builds that don't have the shields aren't spending time in human form, then you're still debuffing with the forms in the form of damres, so how would this hurt that playstyle at all? More options is never a bad thing.
  • The power I suggested be changed is a click power that a PB can click and forget, and therefore does not force the PB to stick with the Human form so the prolonged power-effect will help the team, not so with the +Recovery AoE component were it added to the shields.
As stated before, there's more than one way to help the team. Accelerate Metabolism wears off, but you don't see /Rad controllers trying to make it perma with IO's, and even if you could, I highly suspect the most popular ways a rad controller helps a team are the debuff toggles. I think you're overestimating the value of recovery in the players' eyes. It's valuable, yes, but recovery is something nearly everyone has by 20 in the form of stamina. Most people don't sweat recovery as much as they worry about keeping their hit points up.

My point is that just as you can swoop in with Nova to rescue a teammate, fire off a few blasts, drop to human and hit your heal that happens to heal that teammate as well, you can do something similar by taking just one shield. Drop to human form and toggle the shield on near the tank who's just been sapped. It's only 8% verses the heal's 25% (upwards of 50%, slotted), but if you're on a team then there's also most likely multiple ways of recovering +end, be it from the tank himself, an emp, a rad, or a kin. +recovery isn't exactly rare. And in both suggestions you've also debuffed the damage resistance of the enemies around the tank with your nova blasts.

  • According to my suggestion, the most complaints a PB will have may be: "HEAL ME n00b", according to the +Recovery AoE suggestion, it may as well be: "Don't you dare use Nova, you gotta buff us NAO!".
Stop pinning poor player attitudes on the powers. Uneducated players will whine about ANYTHING you're not doing often enough that they can obviously see is a benefit to them. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that they'd complain much louder about not seeing those pretty bright rays that emanate from them every time a heal aura goes off than they would about not seeing some passive buff.

Players that complain about such things seldom recognize the passive buffs/debuffs.

If you remember my original suggestion thread, I suggested the -Res component be added to any and all PB attacks, across all three forms. This was done so that a PB could help the team while it's active in all its three forms. Adding something that buffs the team only in one form will become restrictive and making that buff a passive buff will restrict PB teamplay even more. If however each form were given some sort of passive enemy control/debuff effect, I'd be much happier, but these effects should not buff the team in ways force multipliers already do.
Oh I remember. And if you'll remember I'm one of your suggestion's biggest defenders. It's an excellent, well thought-out suggestion. In fact it was your suggestion that brought the -Res component to this thread in the first place. Doc_Hornet was just trying to incorporate themes he'd read in this thread.

And if you can debuff resistance in the forms and buff Recovery in the human, then you ARE helping the team in all three forms. If you don't play in human all that much and don't take the shields, no one is stopping you, and you're still helping the team. Why is giving more options to powers you don't use so pernicious to your playing style? I'd be willing to bet a month's salary that so long as the bodies are hitting the floor no one really pays attention to who's buffing who.

In fact, in my experience everyone generally feels like they did it all on their own.

It's the conception of how teammates will want you to play once they know you're a walking Light-stick of Accelerated Metabolism, not the game balance, I'm worried about. Forcing PB's to take shields and spend time in Human-form to buff their team's endurance recovery seems much more likely to happen than the team demanding the PB rock one AoE heal power that has a long cooldown and doesn't heal for much anyway.
Light-stick, meet heal-bot. Who cares what other people say? If you're a good player (and you are) they won't expect anything but success. And while 30 seconds (after enhancing) isn't anything that will let you rock an aura, it's certainly not a long cool down.

And saying a HEAL doesn't do much in comparison to increased RECOVERY when both are buffing at the same percentage is just outright wrong. You'd do better comparing regeneration to recovery, because an enhanceable 25% injection of hit points every thirty seconds beats out a steady, unenhanceable 24% boost to your own recovery any day.

If your team mate loses two-thirds of their health to an alpha strike, that heal will save them. If they lose two-thirds of their end to a sapper, that 24% recovery boost isn't going to do much.

I'm not saying it's such a bad suggestion, I'm just saying for me it's not good enough yet. Also, my team does not dictate to me what form I take and how I fight, that's up to me as a Kheldian and I will be against anything that changes this, using on passive toggle powers.

About fighting AV/GM enemies, that's why I suggested adding a -Res component to each and every PB attack, across all forms... you know? [/FONT]
Again, no one is disparaging your suggestion, or claiming credit for something you previously suggested; the -Res in Hornet's suggestion comes pretty much directly from you. He just excluded it from human form in favor of a different buff.

And if you're willing to stand up to people who would theoretically want you to play a heal-bot to preserve your playstyle, what's stopping you from doing the same in this theoretical case?

Geez, I feel like I'm in bizzarroworld, where the champion of controll/defend roles for kheldians is coming out against a non-damage suggestion that makes kheldians more team-friendly not because it's unbalancing, but because he's worried it will threaten his personal playstyle. Not that you are - I'm just saying that's how it appears to me.

Please don't take offense if I've misunderstood, but do you see why I'm incredulous?

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Just to chime in on the ideas for the human-form, I'd like to say this:

Ever since they made the inherent work in the forms, I can't help thinking that there's been perhaps too much emphasis on Tri-Form. After all, one of the major disadvantages of Tri-Form (not being able to make use of the inherent) evaporated, which was a great buff to Tri-Formers while leaving Human-Only the same. I've always loved the many viable variants this AT has for its builds, both PB and WS, but I've wondered if perhaps there ought to be some advantage to being in human form beyond being better able to benefit from Fitness, etc.

In other words, if we get a new power that only works in human form and makes build variants more distinct and different from one another, I'm not sure that's a bad thing. As for teams dictating play, plenty of Kins have been skipping SB lately I've noticed, so apparently peer pressure from teams is a not insurmountable force.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



OK, I'm sold then, but the first one to tell me I need to take shields to buff my team, gets booted.

You're quite convincing Joe, you know that? Are you sure you're not a silvertongue? (Lawyer)

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Wishful thinking 101:

Inherent: Add -1% Resist Debuff (all types) for every teammate (all ATs) on your team to each of your attacks.


It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
OK, I'm sold then, but the first one to tell me I need to take shields to buff my team, gets booted.

You're quite convincing Joe, you know that? Are you sure you're not a silvertongue? (Lawyer)

More tin-plated than silver.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Wow, it took a while to read through this thread. I'm playing a 30+ PB and still thinking on how to build her in future levels along tri-form lines. As a relative PB beginner (and even game player at just under a year), I find the discussion here quite interesting.

From what I've read and experienced so far, PB's can be built quite a number of different ways with different foci using human-only or a bi- or tri-build. If I was limited to a bi-build I'd almost certainly go with the Nova form rather than the Dwarf form. Perhaps this observation alone gives an idea where the PB's weaknesses lie.

Face it. PB's can be a clunky AT to play, so much so that macros and/or binds are a necessity. At the very least, power trays have to be switched along with the forms. The delays in shape-changes takes a lot away. As mentioned earlier, the human-form build-up times are partially (and significantly) lost in the delay. So, first, smoother transitions between forms without activation delays would be nice.

A number of suggestions were made about modifying Nova power effects, including -DamRes instead of -Def (wouldn't -Regen be nice!), along with the potentially mitigatory benefits of KB. As it is, the Nova form, with a consistent attack chain combining AOE with single target attacks coming straight out of the box at level 6, is very nice. And slotted up as the levels go up, a PB Nova can dish out some highly reliable (95% hit prob) and serious damage while debuffing the enemy for the party to strike as well. Also, inherent flight gives the Nova form the additional ability to maneuver and place the KB's effectively. Damage is solid, although I agree with those who have mentioned that it'd be nicer to focus on one damage type instead of two versus enemies' damage resistance. Given the nature of the PB's attacks, though, with its KB's and visuals, I wouldn't expect the devs to change the dual energy/smashing effects of the Nova long-range blasts.

Where I see more of a problem instead is the Dwarf form. Sure, it's defensive as heck, mez defense, +HP, +taunt, and all, but the problem is, it still doesn't deliver. Almost every time I've gone into Dwarf form, eventually the enemy would deliver more HP damage on me than I on them, contrary to what I have experienced with the Nova form. I've experimented a lot with this and almost every time come up short with the Dwarf or Dwarf/human pair than I have with the Nova or Nova/human pair. The Dwarf attacks look and sound cool, but... the DPS is so weak that to take out a large group of enemies a PB will almost certainly have to jump back into human and/or Nova form (perhaps unless they are playing the group role of a single tank, something I've never done). Human form itself can be scary good with the best of the melee attacks, but even with shields can be vulnerable in the thick of battle.

It takes a fair amount of practice to quickly switch between these three forms and play them smoothly. (A tip of the hat to you PB guide writers for all of your suggestions on how to do this.) The discussion so far in this thread has piqued my interest and curiosity, as well as giving me a few new ideas about how to play and slot a peacebringer. I enjoy playing her a lot, as difficult as she can be to play.



I like much of what is said here. I'm for increasing Team AND Solo Play. My thoughts are:
-Remove KB and Change to KD, less chasing of foes will increase damage and team popularity.
-Change Light Form to Crash Like One With Sheild [decrease recharge time a little and pull out the ability to add recharges.] This will make human solo builds very viable.
-Photon seekers could be changed to a mid ranged sniper attack with 3 heavy AOE hits.
-Return the Fitness pool to work directly in the forms.

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



Originally Posted by DojhromTRW View Post
-Remove KB and Change to KD, less chasing of foes will increase damage and team popularity.
This is highly unlikely to happen. If they haven't removed the KB from energy attacks after all this time, I doubt they're going to remove it for PBs. And frankly, if you're making your teammates chase after things, you're doing it wrong. There are plenty of techniques to avoid making KB a problem.

-Change Light Form to Crash Like One With Sheild [decrease recharge time a little and pull out the ability to add recharges.] This will make human solo builds very viable.
I don't think this would really help very much. If they make it a OWTS or SOW type godmode, I think most would miss the high resistances - even assuming they kept them all at the same strength instead of hitting the non-SL resistances even more, they would still be more than halved. At that point, given the choice between a 'cap all your resistances' 3-minute godmode with a crash every 500 seconds, or a 'bit of extra resistances' 2-minute godmode with a light crash every 300-360 seconds, I think I'd prefer the real godmode.

On the other hand, if they kept the resistances and duration the same, it might be a bit too powerful, depending on how much the recharge is lowered. If you nuke the crash and put it at, oh, say 600s unmodifiable, I have a feeling it might be *too* strong - though people with very high recharge builds would probably disagree.

-Photon seekers could be changed to a mid ranged sniper attack with 3 heavy AOE hits.
Not going to happen due to the cottage rule. The power could use some help, that's for sure, but it'd have to stay a self-targeted summoning damage-oriented power to satisfy the cottage rule.

-Return the Fitness pool to work directly in the forms.
As far as I know, the fitness pool hasn't ever worked in the forms. Regardless, I don't think it's really necessary - endurance, at least once you put an endredux in some of the powers, isn't usually a problem. Plus, if you did it for peacebringers, you'd have to do it for warshades, and they don't need the help.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Only real power I want changed to KD rather than KB is Solar Flare for Peacebringers (can't recall if there is a WS equivalent... the one control cone that does KB is probably okay... you just have to plan for it). It really doesn't work well for human form, as you usually want things kept close... though I'll often toss it out when Photon Seekers is going off.

I want KB for the Nova powers, though. Some mobs do resist KB, so I want that to work when I need it for a ranged form.

Photon Seekers, I just don't know. I think lowering the recharge would be helpful (and not overpowered... they certainly don't do enough to justify their current damage), and increasing the range on their damage... all too often a random minion at the edge of a group gets most of the damage, making it less useful than it should be.

One more random idea... I think that if they made human form powers workable in the other forms (the heals, etc., not the attacks), Dwarf would still be usable if you gave human form a little bit of mez protection. Probably a tech problem, but it's something to think about. Could toss some higher melee damage to Human form, too (scale 1, rather than .85).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
One more random idea... I think that if they made human form powers workable in the other forms (the heals, etc., not the attacks), Dwarf would still be usable if you gave human form a little bit of mez protection. Probably a tech problem, but it's something to think about. Could toss some higher melee damage to Human form, too (scale 1, rather than .85).
I've always thought that there could be several different workarounds similar to what you suggested, Grey Pilgrim, to address Castle's worry that "Dwarf would become obviated," but evidently it's either not workable for them, or they just simply don't want to implement changes like that to Dwarf form.

Maybe not even something as difficult as giving access to human form powers while in dwarf form--could be just adding a specific "aura" for going into dwarf form that benefits the team, much like leadership. If this were the case, teammates would begin to look at all the different playstyle forms people choose when they play Khelds the same way they do other ATs.

"This person's a tri-former. Ok, cool... They're all-around. They can fill in the gaps, dish out the damage, and protect the team when they switch to Dwarf."

"This person's a bi-former (human/nova). Ok, cool.... They're a massive damage dealer. Good we needed a blaster-type on the team."

"This person's a human-former. Ok, cool.... They're pretty much like a scrapper. He'll be in melee range most of the time...asking for CM."


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Yeah, this is why I find suggesting anything for Kheldian issues. Rather than just looking at pure power balance, they also clearly have tech issues that would need to get worked around (a major reason they're not quite as solid of an AT as other ones). And we have no clue what has been attempted, other than something with the forms.

It's smart not to announce a change or even propose something until you have something somewhat together, but I do wish a dev could chime in with something. Kheldians are a very cool idea (and play a lot different than other ATs) that stand out in CoX, even though they're still a bit wonky because they are more complex from the formshifting, huge amount of powers, etc.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



HEAT-specific epics would be a helpful way to make the end-game better for both types of khelds (the Epics of the Epics!). A HEAT-specific power pool or two (available at level 6) might also be worth exploring, and would give players more opportunity to enjoy whatever was generated, compared to epics.

PBs could be offered a power pool with teammate buffs/heals that were better than medicine pool, but not as good as "purebred" buffers. Warshades could be offered different kinds of teammate buffs and/or a selection of debuffs. The pool powers / epics offered could focus primarily on human form, but could also, perhaps, offer the opportunity of some variation in how khelds function when in the forms (All aliens look identical and are capable of exactly the same things, when humans aren't? Huh?).

It may not be a popular view, but I like the knockback in solar flare. It feels all super-hero-y and stuff, it doesn't have 15 magnitude knockback, and PBs on the whole still have less knockback than energy blast (and its still a popular blaster primary). I hope solar flare doesn't get homogenized with footstomp and that PBs keep a little of their own flavor.



Negative Rep Comment:

Bad player in general, uses no real information, guess work does not equal accuracy.
Dangit... Someone found me out.

Sorry, guys... I've been lying all along!

I really don't have any Kheldians, nor have I spent thousands of hours leveling them up, creating builds for them, writing guides, helping other people build theirs, answering questions about them, or posting 80% of my posts in this section of the forums.

I apologize... Can you all find it in your hearts to forgive me?

.....Naw, screw that coward.

You guys get to keep me, whether you like it or not!

Sorry, dude!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Sorry, guys... I've been lying all along!
Just for that frank admission, +rep for you!

(Some neg rep comments tend to be self-descriptive.)



For the human "mez" problem, I wonder if having an unenhancable hold/stun/sleep defense would be viable. This way They could have a set number to get out of suffering said effects. Human forms could more readily use the powers they have, while dwark form woul dbe far more reliable.

Just a thought.

I am by no means a kheldian expert, and my favorite kheld, being a human only pb, is still quite young. And to be honest, of my characters, he simply is way down there on the powerscale. Darned if he has some really cool powers, though, and crazy as it is, I actually like the sounds. The light.

And's meh. And I have little hope for his future. Having played mostly 'squishy' archetypes, I know just how debilitating mez is, and I know that going straight human will be even tougher, as later on there are groups that can lock one down until you drop, if you lack a break free. (Rikti, malta, I shake mine fist at thee!)

I always wondered about the dwarf=mez armor thang. Forgive my stupidity, but I thought dwarf=tank form, a.k.a. not killing well, but surviving it all. But I'm sure if peacebringers had mez armor, they'd be unstoppable tank-mages that killed all in sight.

I do see the -resistance idea working out well, as that seems more credible than simply making peacebringers higher damage than their cousins. That said, the kb=evil crowd might still have issue. But with enough -resistance, they could overlook it. Dead knocked back targets mean no chasing anyway.

(That said, I'd actually like the kb to be more reliable if power can get someone out of my face, let it do so. If not, the 'it may give you breathing room' thing is a bit...annoying. I like to know my tools, how they will react.)



I've been following this thread, and I think the best ideas so far are giving -Res to PB attacks, and/or adding one power to each Kheldian that provides force multiplication.

A straight damage buff would be nice in all cases, but I don't think it'd be right to apply that to just one of the two HEATs.

Human mez protection would be great to have, but I have to agree an Eclipse nerf in exchange for that would be terrible. From what I know of game balance, the Eclipse nerf to balance out human mez protection would have to be major. And that would be a "Lex Luthor stole forty cakes" terrible.



Not sure how you can even see comments... the mods seem to have removed comments, as far as I can tell. Or did they get moved somewhere that I cannot see?

Not that big a deal... most a silly way of going "go you!" or "boo you!" to a post.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Yeah, they recently removed them from "plain sight" (YES!), but the rep system is still fully functional. In order to check for rep comments on a particular post, you have to manually go to your own post and click the "rep" button...


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



What if instead of giving human shields mez protection, as has been suggested a huge number of times, they gave human form either inherent or in shields, a great deal of mez resistance; say something like 100 - 200% (warning: numbers pulled out of ***) of mez resistance (maybe enhanceable by resistance?). it wouldn't protect you from mez, but switching down from dwarf wouldn't be nearly as painful because chances are the mez will end soon. It's just a thought.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Keep in mind that I didn't even toss out a balance point for a cap. Fiery Aura Tanks get about 48% resists to all but Psionic and Toxic, so even capping out at 40-50% is pretty darn nice for an all human Kheld if you get a bit of mez protection (think about all your other toys to play with, etc.). And maybe you could get some mez protection into Eclipse if you found a balance point for that (either non-permable, less of a resist buff, etc.).
Even though I was still reading through the thread when I read this I just had to post here:


I wouldn't sacrifice 35-45% resistance even for total mez protection AND a 100% damage boost. Not even if that applied globally to all my characters!

Now that I have read the whole thread I still agree with the -def and -res idea, and 10% to each power (On average - some powers do 5% some 15% etc) seems good enough to me and allows some good stacking.

However I am not sure any of this actually addresses the design weaknesses inherant in PB's. As far as I can see the idea behind Kheldians is that they should be able to shape shift and get great benefit from doing so, without leaving human form useless. So like a Warshade they need good synergy between the human buffs and the forms (Long durations/recharge buffs). The other problem is that a Warshade's self buffs lead to a control/damage role, and I think a PB's powers should give it a defence/damage role, but it is probably too late for that now.

I think a human modifier increase (PB and WS though) would help, so would shortening the amination of the form change (To 1 second I think - All ways). That would increase the overall usefulness of human form and tri-form too.

Then a few of the powers need looking at; Change the human PBAoE to KD so it becomes an attack rather than a control (And it is a very good attack power); Lower the recharge on Photon Seekers to make them more like Unchain Essence than Dark Extraction; Change Build Up to be more like Fiery Embrace and I am not sure what else off the top of my head.

The other thing that really needs help though is White Dwarf. I love how Black Dwarf Mire makes Black Dwarf feel awesome, but White Dwarf has nothing similar and you just feel like a meat shield causing very little damage. I am not sure how they could change that though since it is meant to be a defensive form, just the extra resistance you get isn't really enough to warrant the lack of damage. I think the idea of a leadership like aura here is quite good, something similar to reflecting the inherant back to the team, which is something I suggested in another thread.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post