Peacebringer: Stated versus Apparent Design




Sorry about the garbled post - what I was trying to say is that the perception seems to be that a Peace Bringer is a 'mercy spot' on a task force. Its that last guy you scape up because he is the only person interested.

The same does not apply to a Warshade who can stealth some tedious bits and TP the team to missions and end bosses as well as doing very substantial damage when offered large spawns to drain.

I would guess that the vast majorty if players don't have a clue what cosmic balance does or give a damn about it.

When a team needs a tank the probably don't shearch for Peace Bringers. When a team needs a Damage dealer they don't search for Peace Bringers. When a team needs a support role they don't search for Peace Bringers.

So Peace Bringers can either form teams or solo.



Exactly. And even solo, a PB can feel pretty sub-par.

Case in point: Bill Z Bubba is the one who had me do the +4x8 Arachnos test with VestigeOne in the first place, and he also asked that I do the same with my PB, "AlienOne."

I just tried it tonight, and although I used the same strategy as I did with VestigeOne (accolades, full tray of insp, etc.), there were still 2 left standing in that mob when all the "uber" stuff dropped, and I was downed in basically one hit.

Pretty frustrating, especially when your PB is purp'd out.

I've also got that on video, but it's 3:30am at this point, so I'm going to wait to try and get it on YouTube.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Man, busy point in the semester for a good thread to get going. Anyway, Joe basically said what I was arguing for in my long post, I just talked about a lot more to do it. I agree that something needs to happen, but a straight damage buff to human form isn't enough/isn't really addressing the root problem.

That's why I tried to mention more specific things in my post. There are clear problem powers for Peacebringers that could easily be tweaked, making them and the AT work more effectively. On top of wat I recommended earlier, I rather wonder if people would like having the buffs we earn from the team lowered, in return from a greater base power? I'm not sure how they would go about balancing that out, but that might help address the "solo versus teamed" disparity some.

I also would still really like to know what the reasoning is behind the long animation change to Nova or Dwarf. It's constantly pointed out, and really does hang things up for a shifting AT. If they don't want to do away with that, it would be nice if we could access some human form powers while in the forms, too.

So I guess that's what I'm arguing for: improvements that are going to tackle the more specific issues Peacebringers, and then Kheldians have.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
Sorry about the garbled post - what I was trying to say is that the perception seems to be that a Peace Bringer is a 'mercy spot' on a task force. Its that last guy you scape up because he is the only person interested.

The same does not apply to a Warshade who can stealth some tedious bits and TP the team to missions and end bosses as well as doing very substantial damage when offered large spawns to drain.

I would guess that the vast majorty if players don't have a clue what cosmic balance does or give a damn about it.

When a team needs a tank the probably don't shearch for Peace Bringers. When a team needs a Damage dealer they don't search for Peace Bringers. When a team needs a support role they don't search for Peace Bringers.

So Peace Bringers can either form teams or solo.
Again, I propose that this is the domain of the ignorant. I play my 50 PB quite often. On only one occasion has my PB been told that she wasn't wanted on a TF(an ITF of course). On all other occasions, she's been welcomed. It's obvious that your experience and mine differ.



On top of wat I recommended earlier, I rather wonder if people would like having the buffs we earn from the team lowered, in return from a greater base power?
I actually proposed this instead of what I have in the OP but it was met with much resistance.

Personally, I would have no issues at all with the inherent's damage buff being nerfed in order to gain more static damage, but of course, I'm biased on the side of soloing, and I accepted that fact.

Be well, people of CoH.



I'm not saying Peace Bringers get booted from task forces, just that they are not particulary sought after, strange for a supposedly team based archtype.

I guess they are about as desirable as a scrapper, maybe slightly less, like a second tank.



Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
I'm not saying Peace Bringers get booted from task forces, just that they are not particularly sought after, strange for a supposedly team based archetype.
And here's the real problem: I think the Devs meant for Kheldians to be the ones starting teams and leading their teams to victory. Everything in Kheldian design leads me to this conclusion and while Warshades lead the charge by blowing stuff up, leaving scraps for the team to clean up, Peacebringers are more focused on protecting their charges while the team works together to kick butt.

The thing is, a lazy Kheldian is a dead or lonely Kheldian, and a lot of people simply don't like to have to invest that kind of commitment in a class they already spent 50 previous levels of gameplay on another class to unlock!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
And here's the real problem: I think the Devs meant for Kheldians to be the ones starting teams and leading their teams to victory. Everything in Kheldian design leads me to this conclusion and while Warshades lead the charge by blowing stuff up, leaving scraps for the team to clean up, Peacebringers are more focused on protecting their charges while the team works together to kick butt.
That's a pretty interesting line of though. I'd never even considered such a thing, but actually I find it compelling. I can especially see this line of thinking coming from the dev team at that time, which was heavily invested in how things worked conceptually (in their heads, at least) as opposed to mechanically or in "balance" terms.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I actually proposed this instead of what I have in the OP but it was met with much resistance.

Personally, I would have no issues at all with the inherent's damage buff being nerfed in order to gain more static damage, but of course, I'm biased on the side of soloing, and I accepted that fact.
Realistically, I do wonder if that is what is needed to make some adjustments. Depending on the other teammates, a Dwarf can get ridiculously high resists, and extra damage to boot. Heck, I'm surprised people don't make more if than they do... you are still a Jack of All Trades, but those team buffs can make a big difference.

Anyway, I've always felt like Nova was pretty solid for what it does (other than some formshifting issues), but the sticks in the mud are Human and Dwarf form. Looking at things now, I think Human form would be better with VEAT-like resists, mez protection, and capabilities, and that would leave Dwarf free to be the tanking form. As it is, Human and Dwarf overlap a bit, and are at odds when it comes to balance. And it's a difficult thing to fix, as you have "tankmage" issues to be wary of, balance between the forms to consider, etc.

Which leads me to my depressed conclusion that nothing is going to happen on all of this until after GR, and that's still a long ways out. Seriously, if a few of the "off" powers for Peacebringers would be fixed, it would be a nice stopgap until later, but I brought those up (among other posters) after I13, and nothing happened then, either.

Anyway, what I really hate about discussing Kheldians is that there are some tech issues for the forms, etc. that the devs seem to have run into, but they are (probably wisely, so they don't have to go back on plans, have us be impatient, etc.) keeping mum on what those are, as well as what they want to do. I feel much more in the dark about this than arguing for tweaks to Fiery Aura, for instance.

Quite frustrating, all in all.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
And here's the real problem: I think the Devs meant for Kheldians to be the ones starting teams and leading their teams to victory. Everything in Kheldian design leads me to this conclusion and while Warshades lead the charge by blowing stuff up, leaving scraps for the team to clean up, Peacebringers are more focused on protecting their charges while the team works together to kick butt.

The thing is, a lazy Kheldian is a dead or lonely Kheldian, and a lot of people simply don't like to have to invest that kind of commitment in a class they already spent 50 previous levels of gameplay on another class to unlock!
You bring this up numerous times, LX, and you may be right. Nevertheless, if its true - its about as borked a reason behind AT design as I've come across.

To use HEATs properly, we all have to be mini-Napoleans or Pattons - Leaders.

I know that some ATs & Builds cator to certain personalities (support, stealthy, thoughtless smashing...) but there's so many choices that you can find what fits your style. But when you get to 50 and get your 'reward' AT, it's only good if your a 'Leader' personality? Bad design... Bad...

I enjoy being on teams, but I don't like forming teams, nor leading teams. Should I have stuck with Scrappers then?



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
You bring this up numerous times, LX, and you may be right. Nevertheless, if its true - its about as borked a reason behind AT design as I've come across.
I never said it was a good design strategy, just that I sense that was the design-concept when Kheldians were first envisioned, and also, that I personally happen to like it.

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
To use HEATs properly, we all have to be mini-Napoleans or Pattons - Leaders.
And the fact that the Devs have now allowed team-bonuses to apply to Nova/Dwarf forms proves that the Devs wish to allow people to play their Kheldians, even the TriFormer ones, with a more leisurely pace and simply fight battles with one form or the other without feeling required to form-shift mid-battle. So your line of though is challenged by I13's changes, isn't it?

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I know that some ATs & Builds cater to certain personalities (support, stealthy, thoughtless smashing...) but there's so many choices that you can find what fits your style. But when you get to 50 and get your 'reward' AT, it's only good if your a 'Leader' personality? Bad design... Bad...
You would be right if the assumption was that everyone is supposed to enjoy every AT in the game. I pay $15 a month to be able to play CoH/V and yet, most of the character AT's that CoH/V offers, specifically the melee-centric AT's have never appealed to me, and most likely never will. Is that bad design? No, not really. Games designers who work on class-based games must take it for granted that not every player will like every class, so naturally Kheldians may seem a wasted effort as far as some of the player-base is concerned. Heck, VEATs are a wasted effort as far as I'm concerned...

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I enjoy being on teams, but I don't like forming teams, nor leading teams. Should I have stuck with Scrappers then?
I'm not saying you should have stuck with Scrappers, I'm merely saying that I personally enjoy my Kheldians the most when I play them just like I described. There are other ways to enjoy playing Kheldians, however, if you're playing Kheldians and expect to enjoy their solo-performance level on the same face-melting basis that Scrappers produce, you may be disappointed even if you're playing a Warshade, and playing a Peacebringer may bring you to tear your hair out.

I also enjoy playing my Kheldians in All Kheldian teams, and I enjoy playing my Kheldians while pugging with others after being invited to a pug.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Peace Bringers would be a great team asset if they had access to a 'fulcrum shift' type power. (from zeroes to heroes in one move)



Who wouldn't be a great team asset if they had a 'Fulcrum Shift' type power? Sure, it'd be nice, but plenty of players manage to be assets without such a power. All non-Kineticists, in fact.

I'm not sure, but Star Seer may be referring to force multiplication. This is one area of the generalist spectrum that Kheldians do not cover. They have no significant debuffs or buffs and so cannot fill a force multiplier role on a team the way a Defender, Controller, Corruptor or Mastermind can. In order to truly be a generalist AT I'd like to see some sort of force multiplication powers added, but in practical terms I'm not sure what I'd be willing to give up to get it or where it'd fit into the current setup for Khelds.

In short, it'd be nice to have, but I'm uncertain how/if it would work with the AT as it stands now.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
...In order to truly be a generalist AT I'd like to see some sort of force multiplication powers added, but in practical terms I'm not sure what I'd be willing to give up to get it or where it'd fit into the current setup for Khelds.

In short, it'd be nice to have, but I'm uncertain how/if it would work with the AT as it stands now.
I think it could work as long as the PB actually had to continually do something more than passively spend endurance points to keep the buff/debuff effect going...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I'm purely a novice, when it comes to Kheldians, I have one Human-form PB that's 30 and the rest are all around 10, but reading this excellent analysis got me thinking in some weird ways...

And, while I doubt it's a completely original idea, I had these thoughts...

Nova form is 'Assault' (from Leadership) - a simple toggle Damage buff (and WSs trade TP for Fly). Even the attacks are named the same. And, of course, the shapechange has no arms, so it gives up Melee attacks.

Dwarf form is the opposite, a Resistance buff, with melee powers, instead of blasts, and trading Fly for Teleport.

So, why couldn't they be changed to behave just like that - Additive to the 'Prime' form, instead of a complete replacement? It would certainly ease the slotting issue!!

And it might be Overpowered. And it would almost certainly enrage the forms-dancers, who have mastered the art of layering the multiple instances of the various attacks.

But why couldn't it be that simple?

Be Well!



Since VEATs recently gained an extra power in their patron pools how about adding a fulcum shift clone to PBs at 38, call it Lunimous Flux and give it a nice graphic. Add a tar patch clone to warshades and call it Stygian Slime or somthing.



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
You would be right if the assumption was that everyone is supposed to enjoy every AT in the game. I pay $15 a month to be able to play CoH/V and yet, most of the character AT's that CoH/V offers, specifically the melee-centric AT's have never appealed to me, and most likely never will. Is that bad design? No, not really. Games designers who work on class-based games must take it for granted that not every player will like every class, so naturally Kheldians may seem a wasted effort as far as some of the player-base is concerned. Heck, VEATs are a wasted effort as far as I'm concerned...
Base AT/Builds not appealing to you is one thing, because there's almost certainly one that is amongst all the other options. However, getting a HEAT *is* a reward that all Heroes, of all personality types, get when reaching 50. I'm of the opinion that HEATs should have something to offer all playstyles, not just Leaders of Teams (and I know you don't have be a big leader to play them, but you do suggest that they're at their most optimal when you are...and I think you're right).

Should all those player personality options be bound together in a Single HEAT, or should there be a second HEAT, One designed to be equally effective soloing or teaming, as a leader or a leiutentant? I think that the one HEAT we have should be the latter, and if not modified in that direction, a second HEAT should be introduced that is.




Bravo on your opening post. A most cogent discussion on Peacebringers. I switched to human-only Peacebringers in part for many of the points you've articulated. And I readily agree: fun though I find them to be, Peacebringers could use a boost to put them on a par with Warshades (not to mention VEATs).

You initially suggested a damage boost, and while this would be nice, I think it muddies the water with the Nova's damage specialty. The current suggestion seems now to be -Res rather than -Def on attacks.

Might I suggest something else?

Here are the parameters as discussed in this thread:

1) Dwarf form's specialty is Resistance
2) Nova form's specialty is Damage
3) Human form's specialty should be something unique to the other two forms
4) Peacebringers should add something to the team
5) Khelds should be jack-of-all-trades, not quite a tank, not quite a blaster, not quite a scrapper
6) Cottage rule: no replacing powers (minor alterations as per past dev changes allowed)

and I'd add my own parameter:

7) Change should be thematic and explainable in game terms.

My suggested change for a Peacebringer specialty would be this: Endurance.

• Peacebringers would start out with a bonus amount of total Endurance points, say 110 points instead of 100.
• Add a +Recovery aura of 8% for each human-form shield type for a total of 24% +Recovery with all three shields running. Aura radius distance would be similar to Shield Defense or SoA team bonuses. No slotting for additional End Recovery. It's a fixed amount. Bonus doesn't function while the Peacebringer is mezzed.
• Cosmic balance would stand as is.
• Work in the discussed -Res instead of -Def attack effect change, but only for Nova and Dwarf form attacks. (I'm not quite sold on this discussed -Res change, but include it here as a possibililty.)

This fits the parameters thusly:

1) Dwarf form is still your +Res form.

2) Nova is still your +Damage form.

3) Human form now has a unique specialty... giving +Recovery to the team (and self), allowing it scrap/blast for still significantly less damage compared to either other Kheld forms or standard ATs, but longer sustained combat.

4) One of the reasons SoA are popular are the team bonus auras. This change replicates that. Human form Peacebringers will add something to the team: +Recovery, but an overpowered bonus. Like everything else, you're not quite a Kin. The amount is less than half of Speed Boost. It's a constant bonus (as long as the shields are up and the PB's not mezzed), but it's a radius so that not all the team will be boosted at the same time. It's split up with the three shields so that it takes a significant amount of endurance to run for full effect and it requires three power choices in the already notoriously tight Kheld AT builds for the max +Recovery effect.

If you add the -Res replacement to Nova/Dwarf attacks, the forms would also add to the team as well.

5) Peacebringers would still be jack-of-all-master-of-none. In addition, these changes wouldn't overshadow any other AT sets. Bonus Base Endurance would not perform Regen or Willpower, and the +Recovery of shields would not outperform Speed Boost or AM.

6) Cottage rule holds. The +Endurance points change initial stats, not a power. Fiddling with base AT stats has been done before. The +Recovery aura addition to an existing power is not too dissimilar to the additional powers given to existing Electric Armor or Energy Armor powers recently.

7) This change is thematic and explainable in game terms. Humans are the most compatible hosts Khelds have found. More of their internal energies can be processed and used by the human host better than any other planetary race. This is reflected in the glowing eyes discharge of excess energies. We can even transmit some of that excess power to others nearby. Humans have evolved to be generalists, not specialists; it's our species' strength. Hence, human-form Khelds can blast like novas, melee and resist damage like Dwarfs ... only just not quite as good.

I think these changes would address the problems discussed in this thread, would make the Peacebringer unique and valuable to teams, boost it to a par with Warshades, and fix a problem Peacebringer have of lacking Warshade's multiple +End recovery attacks for Endurance management. These changes would be usable solo as well as on a team, a plus in my book.



• Add a +Recovery aura of 8% for each human-form shield type for a total of 24% +Recovery with all three shields running. Aura radius distance would be similar to Shield Defense or SoA team bonuses. No slotting for additional End Recovery. It's a fixed amount. Bonus doesn't function while the Peacebringer is mezzed.

As a soloist, I'd love it. Teams would certainly consider you a welcome addition, especially in the pre-SO levels. And those same teams would gripe non-stop at you the moment you shifted to nova or dwarf.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Doc_Hornet View Post
3) Human form now has a unique specialty... giving +Recovery to the team (and self)
Lovely, so now Peacebringers will be chastised if they're not spending "enough" time in Human-form, so much so that TriForm Peacebringers would become obsolete, and you call that a change to better the AT?

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Should all those player personality options be bound together in a Single HEAT, or should there be a second HEAT, One designed to be equally effective soloing or teaming, as a leader or a leiutentant? I think that the one HEAT we have should be the latter, and if not modified in that direction, a second HEAT should be introduced that is.
I'm not against introducing a second HEAT, but I doubt it would end up differently than HEATs and VEATs. You see the issue here is that there is yet another design-constraint the Developers have to work with which most players would absolutely love to ignore, this constraint of course is the fact that no EAT must be allowed to surpass any other existing AT in everything that it does.

The whole idea of character-classes relies on each class having strengths and weaknesses so that the class has its own unique collection of playstyles. If you ignore this and create a class with no weaknesses you'd end up with City of <insert ubber class here>, instead of City of Heroes or Villains, especially once Going Rogue allows us to switch sides.

No longer will we have regular AT's because in a game where specific roles are not required for 95% of the content, any AT will do to level up to Lv50 and unlock the UbberAT and from then on, that's the only thing players will create, especially if there are no restrictions/weaknesses put in place for that AT.

In other words, it's Human nature to give in to the chocolate and avoid the bread and butter...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Ahh, how cute. I wonder which spineless ******** left me this piece of neg rep for my OP:

Still pulling numbers and "theories" out of his ***. This player is either too egotistical to understand hes causing harm or too stupid to just stop.
I'm only egotistical because I'm better than you at everything.

And it's probably a good idea to learn how to use punctuation prior to questioning someone else's intelligence.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I'm only egotistical because I'm better than you at everything.


I got one problem with that attitude, though... It's MINE, and you can't have it!!!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



One note for people proposing ideas. Kheldians are not VEATs. Nor are they Kins. The devs aren't ever going to make them that way (cottage rule again), and it would be a terrible idea if they did do it. If you like VEATs, play a VEAT: making every other class into one is not a good thing, it makes the game bland and play the same.

Kheldians can be improved in ways that keep them unique and what they are. It is is possible. But it really hampers things when people keep having such unrealistic expectations for them.

One of the better ideas I saw in here that works within the constraints of the Kheldian AT would be lowering the def debuff and adding some resistance debuff (though people belittle that def debuff far too easily... I know I was able to focus less on accuracy for my PB for most of his powers, since I slotted for good accuracy with my openers, and relied on that def debuff to carry over for the other powers). So keep thinking along those lines, as well as keeping all approaches to Khelds open (human form only, dual, and tri forms).

I also wonder if some more things could happen if caps were instituted. If Human form had a lower resistance cap than Dwarf, could you give it some mez resistance and health? etc. Same thing for the cosmic balance modifiers, etc. No time to think about it more while at work, but just throwing it out there.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
One note for people proposing ideas. Kheldians are not VEATs. Nor are they Kins. The devs aren't ever going to make them that way (cottage rule again), and it would be a terrible idea if they did do it. If you like VEATs, play a VEAT: making every other class into one is not a good thing, it makes the game bland and play the same.
I believe this same thought process also could apply to making Khelds *ONLY* act as tri-formers.

Fewer choices is a bad direction to go.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I also wonder if some more things could happen if caps were instituted. If Human form had a lower resistance cap than Dwarf, could you give it some mez resistance and health? etc. Same thing for the cosmic balance modifiers, etc. No time to think about it more while at work, but just throwing it out there.
I would be against this. As much as I'd like to see mezz resistance in human form (look what the VEATs can do!), I wouldn't want to give up the power of Eclipse for it. Screw that.

I'll keep hitting break frees.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



cool ideas being tossed about here, i am loving the one about adding -res to the attacks...

as it is, WS's have slow and -rech, why cant PBs have -def and -res? (perhaps 10% for each).

Also, just a little nit-pick: You said that a Human PB (outside of Light Form) is just about as tough as a dwarf form, with more damage looking at just Resists alone.

You forgot to add in +hp and using Essence Boost while in Dwarf, if my math is correct, with fully slotted powers the dwarf is about 40% tougher