Peacebringer: Stated versus Apparent Design




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Curse you, Princess Darkstar, for your compelling posts!

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Even though I was still reading through the thread when I read this I just had to post here:


I wouldn't sacrifice 35-45% resistance even for total mez protection AND a 100% damage boost. Not even if that applied globally to all my characters!
Agreed 1000 percent, although I'm not completely sure why we've gone off on a tangent with Warshades in a topic about improving Peacebringers.

Now that I have read the whole thread I still agree with the -def and -res idea, and 10% to each power (On average - some powers do 5% some 15% etc) seems good enough to me and allows some good stacking.
The problem with the dual effect idea of -def and -res is that the -def in the attacks right now is (off the top of my head, which isn't the most reliable place) on average around 10%-11%. Insert a grain of salt here on behalf of my sieve-like memory. So if we give 10% on average to BOTH -def and -res, then it's likely going to be too much for Castle and co. to swallow. If we suggest an overall COMBINED debuff of -10% that splits it 5/5 between -def and -res then the stacking might not be so effective, and the improvement to PB's would be less than we'd like.

I don't have the time right now to crunch the numbers to figure out an attack chain that factors in the 5% resistance debuff with current durations and recharges, so I really couldn't say one way or the other whether that would be enough net gain to improve performance.

Then again, if that 10% average -res that would theoretically be added to what we now have were unenhanceable, then I can easier see it happening.

However I am not sure any of this actually addresses the design weaknesses inherant in PB's. As far as I can see the idea behind Kheldians is that they should be able to shape shift and get great benefit from doing so, without leaving human form useless. So like a Warshade they need good synergy between the human buffs and the forms (Long durations/recharge buffs). The other problem is that a Warshade's self buffs lead to a control/damage role, and I think a PB's powers should give it a defence/damage role, but it is probably too late for that now.
The only PB human form self buff that doesn't carry over into the forms for longer than a few seconds is build up, as Boost Essence and Conserve Power both last a fairly long time.

Although - and I might get flamed for saying this - I'm quite alright with a 15 second duration to Build Up, even with 3 seconds of it eaten up shifting to nova. Three seconds will only give you one extra attack, at best. The main problem isn't the duration of the buff, it's that you must shift down to human form to use it, and because it's a short duration on a medium recharge, if you try to use it every time it's up you end up spending ALOT of time switching from form to form, and it becomes counter-productive.

What I'd like to see on the table is an increased damage/tohit buff given to the power to compensate for its limited use in the forms. Give me a massive burst of damage at the outset that balances out the loss of time shifting form.

I think a human modifier increase (PB and WS though) would help, so would shortening the amination of the form change (To 1 second I think - All ways). That would increase the overall usefulness of human form and tri-form too.
But if a human modifier increase were given to both PB and WS then it wouldn't do anything to address the disparity between the classes. Warshades don't really need any help IMHO. That's why I felt a modifier increase was problematic in the first place - it's hard to justify increasing one modifier without increasing the other.

Then a few of the powers need looking at; Change the human PBAoE to KD so it becomes an attack rather than a control (And it is a very good attack power); Lower the recharge on Photon Seekers to make them more like Unchain Essence than Dark Extraction; Change Build Up to be more like Fiery Embrace and I am not sure what else off the top of my head.
Looking at the powers would go a long way towards evening the two classes, but you do us Peacebringers a disservice when you compare Photon Seekers to Unchain Essence. Photon Seekers should always be compared to the other level 32 Kheldian pet, Extracted Essence.

Unchain Essence is a PBAOE that is available at 26, and should be compared to Solar Flare.

In fact, let's do that right now.

Photon Seekers are available at 32, and is a pet class power.
Extract Essence is available at 32, and is a pet class power.

Photon Seekers have only one attack, which is a self destruct.
Extract Essence has three attacks: Shadow Blast, Shadow Bolt, and Gravitic Emanation (a damage cone, NOT the stunning kind)

Photon Seekers gives you three pets with one summon.
Extract Essence gives you one.

Photon Seekers has a long enough recharge to make stacking the pet summons impossible.
Extract Essence has a very stackable friendly recharge, with hasten/slotting giving you two and three pets out at a time.

Photon Seekers last 60 seconds.
Extract Essence lasts 200 seconds.

Photon Seekers does 91.2 Energy Damage x3 for 273.6 points of unenhanced damage.
Extracted Essence, assuming a seven to eight second attack chain of SBolt, SBlast, SBolt, SBolt (excluding Grav Em due to the murky difference between it and its namesake and due to a 45 second recharge) will increase a WS dps by around 28dps, or doing a total of 225-ish points of damage every 8 seconds, or - seen in terms of total damage output per summon, >5000 points of damage, provided the WS is in combat for 200 continuous seconds (which is unlikely). And that's just one fluffy. And take those figures with a huge grain of salt, given that I'm typing in somewhat of a hurry and didn't think the attack chain through very long.

The disparity between these two powers is obscene, but that's old news. The problem is that Photon Seekers feels and plays like a PBAOE, and so is always being compared to the next closed thing: Unchain Essence, which is unfair.

I should point out that this is looking at these powers in a vacuum - at hardly any time during normal play will you ever be in combat for 200 continuous seconds (mothership raid, AV's, ITF, maybe). Nonetheless, the disparity is still huge.

Suggestions have been made to increase the damage of Photon Seekers and/or shorten the recharge, but what I would like to have is the duration and recharge equal to that of Unchain Essence. In fact, I think the recharge should be even shorter. Don't make the pet stackable like the fluffies (after all, you do get three) but make it so that you can have them up with more consistency. Even perma, should they stick around for that long (Which is doubtful).

Now, on to Unchain Essence:

Solar Flare is a PBAOE available at level 26.
Unchain Essence is a PBAOE available at level 26.

Solar Flare does 67.12 Energy Damage.
Unchain Essence does 115.67 Negative Energy Damage.

Solar Flare has a 20 second recharge.
Unchain Essence has a 240 second recharge.
So in the time Unchain essence can be fired off twice for 480 points of damage, Solar flare can be fired off 12 times for a total of 805.44 points of damage.

Seen in a vacuum, they're pretty well balanced. But how often during the course of normal play are you going to be in combat for 240 straight seconds? No, if like the disparity between Fluffies and Seekers can be closed somewhat by looking at them in terms of normal play, the disparity between these two powers is widened when a normal spawn will feel only one Unchain Essence and maybe two solar flares.

And none of this takes into account the fact that Negative Energy damage is less resisted than Energy damage.

The late twenties and early thirties are where Warshades start to really outperform Peacebringers, and these four powers are part of the reason why.

The other thing that really needs help though is White Dwarf. I love how Black Dwarf Mire makes Black Dwarf feel awesome, but White Dwarf has nothing similar and you just feel like a meat shield causing very little damage. I am not sure how they could change that though since it is meant to be a defensive form, just the extra resistance you get isn't really enough to warrant the lack of damage. I think the idea of a leadership like aura here is quite good, something similar to reflecting the inherant back to the team, which is something I suggested in another thread.
Agreed, and your suggestion is a good one.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



One thing I forgot to mention in my comparison of Seekers and Fluffies is that Fluffies can benefit from hasten, so long as the WS is hastened when they are cast, but the Seekers can't. Well, they DO only have one attack.


EDIT - dangit in all those comparisons I also forgot to mention that both WS powers in the comparisons need corpses, while the PB powers don't. But there's the rub: A Warshade has less of a problem creating a corpse than a Peacebringer, due largely eclipse/mire/nova combinations.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



When i said make Photon Seekers more similar to Unchain Essence I guess I should have elabourated

I am not sure if they currently have a stun component or not, but I would keep the damage, add a mag 3 stun, lower the recharge and increase the radius. I agree about letting them stick around too, if the power ends up on a 120s recharge the pets should stick around for 120s, there is no real need not to.

The only other choice is I can see would be to turn them into real pets, and although I would prefer this I doubt it will ever happen and many people would prefer the frontloaded damage.

That way they would (I hope) be closer to Dark Extraction in power, but like Unchain Essence in function. And the stun would replace the control you would lose from changing the KB to KD in Solar Flare, while the extra damage solar flare can now inflict (Due to actually being usable twice in a row!) would also help.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Sorry for the double post.

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
I don't have the time right now to crunch the numbers to figure out an attack chain that factors in the 5% resistance debuff with current durations and recharges, so I really couldn't say one way or the other whether that would be enough net gain to improve performance.

Then again, if that 10% average -res that would theoretically be added to what we now have were unenhanceable, then I can easier see it happening.
That 10% figure was picked out of my a*s to be fair, but aim for the stars and you might land on the moon

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
But if a human modifier increase were given to both PB and WS then it wouldn't do anything to address the disparity between the classes. Warshades don't really need any help IMHO. That's why I felt a modifier increase was problematic in the first place - it's hard to justify increasing one modifier without increasing the other.
I think the modifier increase would help PB's over WS's because they use more melee attacks, and while it would help WS's too it would overall bring them closer I think.

The main reason for this change isn't to bring them closer however, it is make human form more useful. The power changes are what should be used to close the gap with Warshades.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



See? All the time!

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
When i said make Photon Seekers more similar to Unchain Essence I guess I should have elabourated

I am not sure if they currently have a stun component or not, but I would keep the damage, add a mag 3 stun, lower the recharge and increase the radius. I agree about letting them stick around too, if the power ends up on a 120s recharge the pets should stick around for 120s, there is no real need not to.

The only other choice is I can see would be to turn them into real pets, and although I would prefer this I doubt it will ever happen and many people would prefer the frontloaded damage.

That way they would (I hope) be closer to Dark Extraction in power, but like Unchain Essence in function. And the stun would replace the control you would lose from changing the KB to KD in Solar Flare, while the extra damage solar flare can now inflict (Due to actually being usable twice in a row!) would also help.
Ah. Then we're on the same page. I've heard others make the comparison before, though. Hence the perceived need on my end to correct it.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



I managed to drag my Peace Bringer to lvl 50, there were a lot of times that it was a very frustrating experience - in the end I opted for Nova/Human with a very heavily slotted nova form.
I have been adding ranged defence via IO set bonuses and that helped ease the pain somewhat.

There are a lot of little things that bother me about Peace Bringers, for example the self rez doesn't have a few moments of intangibilty you would expect to have inorder to turn shields on in fact you are immobalized just after rez (to add insult to injury).



I thought the issue with the self rez was just something they have missed out accidentally rather than by design, though now thinking about it I don't know why it wasn't changed in i13.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



I've often wondered that myself.... The fact that WSs get this and PBs don't is actually a huge disparity between the two, as I can account for many situations where I've tried using the self-rez followed directly by Quantum Flight and still got killed, due to the phase not being activated quickly enough.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Perhaps this is mitigated by the fact that Stygian Return requires nearby enemies to work while Restore Essence does not? Since generally if you die there were enemies nearby to kill you, it's not usually a significant hindrance, but it is a difference between the two powers (if we assume the disparity is deliberate and not an oversight).

I'd be in favor of a change to Restore Essence though - I've had similar experiences.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Soul of a Warrior, level 50 PB.

I don't consider myself an expert on PB's- I've needed to take advice from most of the posters here on making the AT work before- but after reading over the thread I really like the idea of changing the -Def over to -Res and having it apply on all forms. Lessen it to 5% or so and shorten the duration so it can't be stacked to rediculous levels. Maybe 20-30% stacked up?

It would help as a buff to damage both solo and teamed, make PB's a bit more effective on teams and probably cut back on some people's complaints about them not contibuting enough compared to another AT.

I've certainly never been kicked from a team, but I have sure felt like my PB wasn't doing as much as others. I have a dual build currently, one Human form and the other heavily slotting Dwarf and Nova. I contribute way more to the team on just about any other toon I can bring.

My PB is fun to play, and I really like the sounds/animations/colors. I'm pretty pleased with my toon's look and concept too! But if I were assembling a 'perfect' team, I'd pick a more focused AT over a PB everytime. And that comes from a guy with a few hundred hours of PB experience who considers himself a fan of the AT.

The damage buff a while back when they changed the scaler was very welcome. It felt great for the first few times I took Soul of a Warrior out! I don't think it really did enough, though.

I kinda like the idea of Cosmic Balance somehow applying to teammates, too. One of the things I love about my VEAT's as how well they can buff nearby teammates passively.