Peacebringer: Stated versus Apparent Design





Would you agree that increasing the PB damage modifiers would have absolutely zero affect on those that choose to build toward control now?

I could be a claws scrapper, take darkness mastery and slot for KB and dump every slot I could into the APP powers and call that control based by your statements.

But it would still be a damage based archetype, correct?

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post

Would you agree that increasing the PB damage modifiers would have absolutely zero affect on those that choose to build toward control now?
Oh yeah. I just don't know how much it'll do to close the gap between WS's and PB's. It'll go a ways, but I don't know how far. Like I said, I never say no to increases in damage, I only say no to that as the only answer.

I could be a claws scrapper, take darkness mastery and slot for KB and dump every slot I could into the APP powers and call that control based by your statements.

But it would still be a damage based archetype, correct?
You could, but with a PB you don't have to dump ALL those damage slots, owing to the higher modifier. In fact, I played with a support PB a few weeks ago who slotted all his powers with one lv 50 ACC IO, one lv 50 DefDEBUFF IO, and two lv 50 DAM IO's as a rule of thumb and did a fantastic job debuffing. Lower damage powers and ranged attacks would be slotted more towards DefDEBUFF and not so much for damage, but by selectively slotting the heavy hitters for damage and using hasten he could be a respectable damage dealer too. He was a bi-form nova/human, so that helped in the damage department as well.

My point is that he didn't build specifically for damage, but didn't have to give it up to be fairly good at something else.

No scrapper can do quite that well. You'd still be doing good damage on your scrapper with a mix of enhancements, but your control still wouldn't measure up.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



I think Peacebringers are a bit too diluted - they need a clear focus.



I did an ITF a couple of days ago, I took my SoA Huntsman, everyone on the team said 'Yay a Huntsman'.
Another player turned up with a Peacebringer, the leader said 'Errgh, do you have somthing else?'
Nobody said 'Yay a Peacebringer'



Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
I did an ITF a couple of days ago, I took my SoA Huntsman, everyone on the team said 'Yay a Huntsman'.
Another player turned up with a Peacebringer, the leader said 'Errgh, do you have somthing else?'
Nobody said 'Yay a Peacebringer'
I think this is another issue entirely than the OP. What you are describing is IMHO just plain ignorance....especially if the PB was a well built(sorry Human only PBs) Tri-Former. The AoE damage from a souped up PB in Nova is impressive. And if the team needs an off-tank for tough times, the PB can amply fill that roll.

Hmm.....after re-reading that first paragraph, perhaps it is relevent after all. Human only PBs (again IMHO) simply don't perform as well as Tri-formers on TFs, especially where AoE is concerned. And in large teams AoE is more important. When it comes to AVs and GMs, Human only's slightly better(to Tri-Form) single target damage isn't as important as debuffs to the team taking down the AV/GM.



So a Peacebringer only really benfits a team of 3-4.

Any larger team and its likely to have a tank/brute/crab/scrapper or enough defenders or controllers to not need a tank and enough blaster/doms/SoA/firekins ect to not need a second rate blaster.



As much as I dislike the whole notion that PB's are damage dealers only, I'd like to see this thread stay on topic and the perception of PB's as gimp stay in other threads. This thread is quite an interesting discussion, revealing more about the different players who play PB's rather than PB's themselves.

Like Joe, I'll never say no to an increase in PB's overall damage, but it seems to me that when the Devs designed Kheldians, WS's were designed as a excellent soloist Control/Damage AT and PB's were designed as a wonderfully adept team-player Mitigation/Aggro-Magent/Damage AT. I therefore think that while increasing the damage output of PB Human-form attacks is definitely a step in the right direction, it is just the first step, and the overall direction is not and should not be focused on pure damage alone, survivability both in solo and team situation is quite important.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I must admit I'm finding the notion that the defense debuffs present in PB attacks are enough to push anyone into thinking that PBs are anything more than damage dealers with a few extra tricks.

Every broadsword attack has a 7.5% defense debuff on it. Same for katana. Less than the PB attacks? Sure. But still stackable. Are we are calling those two sets debuffers?

Now IF half of the defense debuff was nuked and an appropriate amount of dam-res debuff was added in its place, I'd probably change my tune. Or if each blast had a different debuff attached. Either way.

As it stands, I build for hitting 95% of the time as soon as I can after SOs. I may be in the minority there, but I don't see a bunch of NPCs packing the kind of defense that the arguably overkill to the point of silliness PB defense debuffs would be needed to hit regularly.

I guess I need some more info, because I'm still failing to see how a PB is anything but a damage dealer with a situational tank form.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I guess I need some more info, because I'm still failing to see how a PB is anything but a damage dealer with a situational tank form.
Well, the way I see things, you'd be absolutely right to assume PB's are nothing more than damage dealers, if their attacks didn't cause the obscene amounts of KB that they do. Since KB is a part of the equation that makes Peacebringers and so is the constant defense debuff that is applied with every repeating attack, we're left with a character class that is designed to mitigate and survive damage more reliably than terminating a foe with speed and efficiency — with the exception of minions, naturally. Hence my conclusion that PB's are not purely, damage dealers. I tend to judge a class by what it does most reliably, and damage has not been the most reliable aspect of Peacebringers in my experience.

My suggestion to add a -Res self-stacking debuff to each PB attack, as well as your suggestion to increase the damage in Human-form attacks would, no doubt, nudge Peacebringers even more to the damage dealing arena, but I'm biased towards my idea simply because it enhances my teams' DPS as well as mine.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Knock = Mitigation
Defense Debuffs = More efficient termination of foes

Claws scrappers get 100% knock with both focus and shockwave.

I tend to judge a class by what it does most reliably, and damage has not been the most reliable aspect of Peacebringers in my experience.
The only 100% knock power a PB has access to is Dawn Strike. The human and dwarf Flares have an 80% chance. Rad Strike has a 60% chance. The human and nova detonations have a 50% chance. The human and nova ST Blast only has a 10% chance.

All of these attacks Always do damage when they hit, and thanks to the defense debuffs, they usually do.

Still sounding like a pure damage dealer.

I think I am beginning to see the true difference between our viewpoints.

You want to push the PB further into the realm of team based AT and I want to pull it further away.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
You want to push the PB further into the realm of team based AT and I want to pull it further away.
I don't want to push Peacebringers into being a team-based AT, they're already there, considering their Inherent power. As far as bringing Peacebringers into the solo performance people are used to getting from Scrappers, that I'm not too keen about. I would not object to it, but it is not one of my goals as far as Peacebringers are concerned, and even if it were, I'd rather enhance other aspects of Peacebringers before looking at adding more damage.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Bill, nuking the Def debuff in favor of a damres debuff is exactly what I would like to see happen. Nail on the head. It would increase our damage by roughly the same amount as increasing the damage modifier, and would have the added benefit of decreasing those resistances we PBs are always banging our heads against.
EDIT - It would also increase our value to a team, allowing us to be off-debuffers just like we're off-tankers now. I've never liked -def debuff and never will. enemies are easy enough to hit as it is.

With regard to Broadsword and Katanna, 7.5% defense debuff is nothing to sneeze at, but keep in mind that Gleaming Blast, Glinting Eye, Solar Flare, Dawn Strike and Bright Nova Blast all debuff defense at 18%, which is more than double anything the weapon sets have to offer. Devoting just two slots of common IO's to defense debuff at level 50 brings that amount up to (if my math is right for a change) 36.5%.

For comparison, a Rad Defender's Radiation Infection debuffs defense (unslotted) at 31%, and a /Rad Controller's Radiation Infection is debuffing at 25%. So, while not superior to those two, it's about as comparable debuff-wise as the damage is comarable to that of a scrapper or blaster.

That's just under half of the PB's arsenal that debuffs defense, with the other five debuffing at 9%, which is admittedly not all that much higher than 7.5.

The problem - playing devil's advocate with myself - with nuking the defense debuff in favor of resistance debuff is invention sets. There are two IO's I can think of that are commonly slotted in PB attacks from def debuff sets, both of them procs - Achilles' Heel's chance for damres debuff and Touch of Lady Grey's chance for neg energy damage. Some sets like Touch of Lady Grey and Undermined Defenses can give +damage and AOE defense, and some folks may have those slotted as well.

While respecs have been awarded before for IO conflicts, I worry that it's unlikely that Castle would force people to divest themselves of an entire class of IO's.

Oh, well. To get back to your suggestion, if you haven't guessed by now, while I will disagree with your view of a Peacebringer's role, I will happily /sign off on an increase to the PB human form damage scalar, with the added suggestion that the smashing component of our attacks be removed, making our attacks 100% energy damage.

And I do agree with this:

Originally Posted by star_seer
I think Peacebringers are a bit too diluted - they need a clear focus.
If that focus ends up damage dealing, c'est la vie, but as it stands PBs are designed to do more than damage. It's just that the design is a poor one.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
I don't want to push Peacebringers into being a team-based AT, they're already there, considering their Inherent power. As far as bringing Peacebringers into the solo performance people are used to getting from Scrappers, that I'm not too keen about. I would not object to it, but it is not one of my goals as far as Peacebringers are concerned, and even if it were, I'd rather enhance other aspects of Peacebringers before looking at adding more damage.
Agreed. The inherent makes it plain that kheldians were never meant to be a solo archetype. The persistent damres debuff, anemic damage and deadlier enemies they had to deal with in the beginning are an indication to me that apparently they were designed to be all but crippled unless they were on a team - and thank heavens they changed that.

But that's the thing - it isn't just Bill that's trying to diminish the team-dependent aspect of Kheldians. Most - if not all - of the changes made to Kheldians have been made because much of the player base has been - whether by choice or because of a negative perception of the archetype - soloing.

We see the benefits of the inherent more because we team, sometimes with each other. (although I need to look up from my novel this Thursday and actually show up for sg night). So I'll happily admit I'm biased, because I've seen what a variety of Khelds can do when filling a variety of roles on large teams.

Doesn't mean I'm swinging over to the all-damage side - I'll still push for multiple roles because that's what I enjoy about khelds - but I do recognize that the reality will likely fall somewhere between.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



The is nothing the make Peacebringers desible to a big team - the are the TF leaders girl friend of Archtypes.



Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
The is nothing the make Peacebringers desible to a big team - the are the TF leaders girl friend of Archtypes.
Um.. okay.

So what do you think about the topic at hand?

Is a higher damage scalar what we need, or do you think we need something more? Or something different?

Thoughts on that, please.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
The is nothing the make Peacebringers desible to a big team - the are the TF leaders girl friend of Archtypes.
I had to read this three times just to parse what he was trying to say. Clearly this is an expert whose word should be given the highest possible weight.

In other news, I've found PBs actually seem to be better on TFs than Warshades (though of course both are good), since the nature of Cosmic Balance makes them better able to stabilize and enhance the TF team than the WS. Which isn't to say that a higher damage scalar wouldn't be welcome - but I've already commented on that upthread.

As for having a 'clear role', to my mind that's precisely counter to the design of this AT. It's the very cookie-cutter mentality I mentioned earlier in the thread as something Kheldians are somewhat unique in managing not to do. And, while I'll grant that this probably causes the same teaming problems most generalist/hybrid classes get, I don't think it's a problem for the Devs to solve - it's par for the course for a generalist AT. Yes, many team leaders get tunnel vision and want "damage dealers", "tanks", "healers", or other such arbitrary labels to fill spots on their teams.

These roles are not without their own problems (especially that last one), but they do simplify matters for the person forming the team and while they're oftentimes overly simplistic or flat-out wrong they continue to be commonly employed in-game. A given Kheldian is more of an unknown quantity. Will this person have Dwarf? Will they be built to tank? How will their damage output be? Will they have Nova? How much control will they have to offer? The beauty of the AT is that a Kheldian invited to a team could be any or all of these things and more. Let's not "fix" that.

As for the teaming woes, well, I've never favored pandering to ignorance. There's a simple solution, too. If the pigeonholing team leaders aren't inviting you, then you become the team leader and form your own team. Hopefully as a Kheldian you have some experience with the game and can lead a team effectively (unless you just PL'd, but that's another can of worms entirely).

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



The problem - playing devil's advocate with myself - with nuking the defense debuff in favor of resistance debuff is invention sets. There are two IO's I can think of that are commonly slotted in PB attacks from def debuff sets, both of them procs - Achilles' Heel's chance for damres debuff and Touch of Lady Grey's chance for neg energy damage. Some sets like Touch of Lady Grey and Undermined Defenses can give +damage and AOE defense, and some folks may have those slotted as well.
Which is why I mentioned nerfing the existing defdebuff values and adding damresdebuff of an equitable value.

Then no one would be forced to lose their defense debuff based IOs.

I think, having run a few sonic blast set using characters up the flagpole, that I would accept that change. It would add team benefit and would increase damage output.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Which is why I mentioned nerfing the existing defdebuff values and adding damresdebuff of an equitable value.

Then no one would be forced to lose their defense debuff based IOs.

I think, having run a few sonic blast set using characters up the flagpole, that I would accept that change. It would add team benefit and would increase damage output.

Heh. And with that painful, ear-splitting sound that PB powers make, it's even thematic.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
The is nothing the make Peacebringers desible to a big team - the are the TF leaders girl friend of Archtypes.
Hmm... in my 50 levels of Peacebringing, I've had only one person tell he wasn't happy with my PB on his team. He was a tank, Stone tank, I think. He basically complained about my KB and how since my DPS was low compared to Blaster/Scrapper, I didn't really contribute to the team anyway.

The facts however told a different story, because you see... my playstyle essentially contradicted his as I was stealing aggro and had the audacity to endure alpha-strikes on my own and eliminate the minions in a spawn before the team got there.

I'm sure it was very annoying to see my PB teleport into a spawn in White Dwarf, taunting everything around her, then using Solar Flare, Photon Seekers, Invoke Panic and Pulsar nearly at the same time, leaving most minions and Lieutentants dead/disoriented/feared and then shifting to Nova to blast stuff from above while the team makes its way to the spawn.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



And with that painful, ear-splitting sound that PB powers make, it's even thematic.
That sound has been done away with on my computer and I'll never have to hear it again.

I was surprised at just how easy it was, too.

Create directory, create subdirectory, copy in silence.ogg, rename to peaceeyes1.ogg

Enjoy the complete lack of the worst sound effect in the game while all other sounds function normally.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Which is why I mentioned nerfing the existing defdebuff values and adding damresdebuff of an equitable value.

Then no one would be forced to lose their defense debuff based IOs.

I think, having run a few sonic blast set using characters up the flagpole, that I would accept that change. It would add team benefit and would increase damage output.
I would personally favor this as well. The problem with peacebringers isn't caused by their modifiers - it's that their powers don't fit together as nicely as those of warshades. Just in an aesthetic sense, it feels more appropriate to me to alter the powers than to fiddle with the modifiers to cover up the problem. Since the cottage rule precludes the comprehensive redesign of peacebringer powers that would get to the core of the problem, altering the secondary effect seems like the best option.

Comparing the secondary effects of rad blast and the peacebringer attacks, we see that, while the durations tend to be analogous, peacebringer attacks have scale 1 (or occasionally 2) debuff, while rad blast has anywhere from scale 1 to scale 3 debuffs. If we scale back the debuffs all to scale 1 I could see adding in about scale 1-1.5 (7.5-11.25%) res debuffs as well (for comparison, sonic's debuffs are scale 2, or 15% on peacebringer modifiers).

I particularly like that this is a buff that will benefit both soloers and teamers. I know that we're mostly talking about solo ability, but I think that peacebringers can also have somewhat of a reputation problem on teams, mostly because of knockback. Obviously we're not going to get rid of KB just to appease those who don't understand it, but at least having resistance debuffs might provide somewhat of a counter.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Great post. Th reason I want a human form buff are silly, and selfish. I spend a ton of time on my costumes, and I want to see them.

This is well written, and thought out. I do hope Castle takes a look at it. I feel that the desires of the PB community have been ignored for a long time. The excuse that "Epic" meant epic story were blown out of the water with the introduction, and power level of the VEAT.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Great post. I think the excuse that "Epic" meant epic story were blown out of the water with the introduction, and power level of the VEAT.
Much better.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Which is why I mentioned nerfing the existing defdebuff values and adding damresdebuff of an equitable value.

Then no one would be forced to lose their defense debuff based IOs.

I think, having run a few sonic blast set using characters up the flagpole, that I would accept that change. It would add team benefit and would increase damage output.
While the idea of dropping the DefDebuff for DamResDebuff excites me, I'm left to wonder...does this change make a PB overpowered in teams? Even a small amount of DamResDebuff is noticable, while the DefDebuff is hardly needed outside very specific circumstances. Solo, I see it working wonders without needing nerfs for balance.

I applaud those trying to make a better solo PB. I'm just a bit worried that any changes in that direction would warrant a nerf or two to balance a high performing team PB(such as I play).

Edit: Despite the obvious intent for Khelds to team(the Inherent) perhaps there could be a scaling DamResDebuff based on the number of teammates...increasing as you have fewer teammates, maxing when you are solo. I havn't a clue how difficult this would be to implement, but it could be justified any number of ways.