Solo ToT for Lowbies
While I also died a lot?
I also dinged plenty on my lowbies. I like the occasional boss. However what I don't like is a boss and two minions showing up at the same time. An lt and minions, okay, but the boss should be alone.
At those low levels though it really feels like a good fight when you smack down those Crones or Vampire Lords. Plus, lots of inf, xp and prestige.
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It depends - solo - on the player, powerset, etc. My doms - with lower accuracy at low levels - had problems. My Dark/Dark defender (also in single digits) found it a cakewalk. So did one of my Fire controllers. And I set up a Nec/Thermal MM during this event who's just been breezing through it.
That said, yeah, the tohit penalties on a lowbie are *rough.*
Whoever thought it would be a good idea for a massively multiplayer online role playing game to have a holiday event that encourages teaming was nuts.
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ToT is just too dangerous for lowbies, leave it to the GROWNUP's.
Something feels wrong about this, is'nt halloween meant to be a holliday for the little uns? Nah, must be me. In ParagonCity only the High Levers are cordially invited.
Whoever thought it would be a good idea for a massively multiplayer online role playing game to have a holiday event that encourages teaming was nuts.
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And in general, I'm getting a little disillusioned with all the "scaling" enemies in the game. Since the GM code scales the attacker to the target, it out-and-out shafts low-level characters. Low-level enemies have MUCH lower hit points compared to the damage of our attacks than high-level ones do, so when our low-level attacks get scaled up to high level enemies, they do diddly squat. High-level enemies, on the other hand, have plenty of hard-hitting attacks and nasty powers that most low-level enemies do not, and even when those attacks get scaled down to the low levels, they are still devastating.
If we're going to have an event that takes place in Atlas Park or Kings Row, it'd be nice if the people naturally in those zones could take part in it, rather than being completely ineffectual.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )
What's worse is when this flippin' Vampire Lords come outta the door! How the bloody hell is a lowbie expected to kill them when they constantly hold you and put you to sleep!
*grumble grumble* /rant *grumble*
Put it this way - Atlas Park residents have not a snowball's chance in hell of ever fighting off a banner invasion by themselves. Not unless you get 100 level 1 characters or some such.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Here's the problem the devs have with ToTing. In the beginning ToTing was level appropriate. PI spawned the highest level opponents and AP spawned the lowest level opponents. The trouble was that the devs found that a lot of players were using their high level alts to farm the low level zones, so they made some changes. They made it so you couldn't ToT unless you were in the level range for that zone. 50's could no longer ToT in AP. Instead the players shifted to joining low level ToT teams and continued to farm low level zones by letting the lowbies knock on doors and the 50's killed the spawns. Finally the devs settled on the current ToT setup which is detrimental to low level alts.
Not saying I like it. Just saying the poor devs can't win.
Should at least some of the character's mission difficulty sliders (I am as good as X# of Heroes, Have/Don't Have Bosses when solo) apply to ToT spawns?
Encourages nothing. It's suicide to be solo at lower levels. That's a mandate, not an encouragement.
Now, the banners being pointless for low levels? Yeah, that I can agree on. That portion of the event doesn't "scale" well at all. Some of the scaling being off? Yes. But "Solo lowbie ToT" is not automatically pointless or suicide. No, I'm not going to tear through spawns as fast as my high levels - I have fewer attacks, defenses, buffs or debuffs, running at lower effectiveness. And there are some big powerset differences as far as survivability - as mentioned above, my necro/thermal MM does fine, and has *only* leveled by this event. (Mostly solo, a little bit of another lowbie duo at the end.) Dark/Dark Defender did well. Fire/Kin (again, lowbie) did well. All under level 10. I wouldn't try it with a tanker or brute, though.
Location always helps, too. 1-5 or so, right in front of the Mercy "fort." If something gets to be too much, retreat to the drones - and while you're there, re-stock on inspirations. 6-14 or so, Port Oakes in front of the arena (or near the hospital.) I've rarely had to use the drones, though.
The difficulty of the spawns is just too punishing, is all. In a time before status protection, all you need is a nice holding enemy and you're largely SOL. It's kind of like picking on enemies many levels over your own. Yeah, you can probably do it, but it's a bummer job.
Last year, Trick or Treating was fun, because the fights were good and exciting. This year they're so punishing it's little more than a grind. And what was wrong with having zone-level-appropriate spawns show up anyway, and having THOSE scale? At least then lowbies wouldn't be as screwed.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.
The difficulty of the spawns is just too punishing, is all. In a time before status protection, all you need is a nice holding enemy and you're largely SOL.
Again - pick your location, and even a lowbie power tray (well, level 3 and up at least) doesn't matter.
Agreed that the Banner Event is a lost cause in the lower level zones. Pretty much anywhere below Cap or Steel is a waste of time to try unless a lot of higher level toons are there.
The difficulty of the spawns is just too punishing, is all. In a time before status protection, all you need is a nice holding enemy and you're largely SOL. It's kind of like picking on enemies many levels over your own. Yeah, you can probably do it, but it's a bummer job.
Last year, Trick or Treating was fun, because the fights were good and exciting. This year they're so punishing it's little more than a grind. And what was wrong with having zone-level-appropriate spawns show up anyway, and having THOSE scale? At least then lowbies wouldn't be as screwed. |
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

There are two problems with ToTing for low level characters. The first is that the ToT enemies are the same for all levels. A Vampire lt. is quite a step up from a Death Head Gunner and his one attack power. The second is that difficulty scales with team size, ignoring the new difficulty settings. Adding members can be detrimental as with a large team you will be facing +2s and +3s. The most efficient lowbie ToT team I have been on was in the teens clicking doors right outside the Cap hospital.
Again - pick your location, and even a lowbie power tray (well, level 3 and up at least) doesn't matter. |
Or I can just avoid the even because it's too much hassle. I'll take last year's trick-or-treating over this year's in a heartbeat. I'm sick of everything using the GM code.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Solo ToTing? maybe. But, assuming you strategize and open doors near a secured building with the transporter drones and near the hospital in general, it isn't all that bad. Frankly, at low-levels, group toting is more efficient to level up than running sewers blue-side or farming the first bank mission red side. It boggled my mind to see people forming sewer teams during the event and I even suggested to some that they shoudl tot instead.
My best low-level toting was on Virtue, villain-side at the first door just outside of the Mercy Isle Base, right across from Burke. Was part of a group of 8 farming for brand new villies -- some didn't appreciate the fact that I would let my brute face-plant so often because of my power choice selections. Considering I could run back from the med transporter in about 20 seconds, putting off that self-heal for an hour's worth of play (until level 10ish) was a fine tradeoff (for me : ' )
You see most of the time I can handle a solo Boss when ToTing when at low level. It's when it becomes Boss + Lt or Boss + 2 minions. So much of the ToTing stuff focuses on -tohit (Ghosts, Vampires and Witches) that if it's a Vampire Lord + Sorceress that your tohit drops to almost nothing with them combined.
You know what I'd prefer...cutting the Zombie and Witch badges down to a reasonable number of kills...everything else is 15 or 20...Witches and Zombies are 50 and 75, Zombies aren't exactly a majorly common spawn thanks to the Streng usually taking their place.
Make the costume badges 10, 20 and 30 while your at it instead of 10, 25 and 50...
Come now, Bill. You know what I mean. It's harder than it's ever been, and why? Back in the day, Trick or Treat enemies were your level PHYSICALLY, not just via GM code, so at all levels they acted like enemies of that level. Now, in the low levels, Trick spawns are just HARD. Harder than they have any reason to be. Yeah, I can pick a spot, pack break-frees, gear up, button down and fight for my life.
Or I can just avoid the even because it's too much hassle. I'll take last year's trick-or-treating over this year's in a heartbeat. I'm sick of everything using the GM code. |
After about the 6th death on my level 10 troller, I finally gave up trick or treating.
Suggestion: Limit the "trick" spawns in the lowbie zones to Lieutenants and minions.
With a few exceptions, a lev 10 character soloing a Boss isnt doable, especially bosses with major debuffs/DOTs, combined with other mobs that also debuff. As it stands, ToT seems to be limited to high level characters that can effectively solo, or teams.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )