Electric Controllers ???




wasnt there a blurb from Hero-Con about electric controllers and if so how come no one seems to be that excited about it ????

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

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Well, all we know is that the set is coming. Other than that I haven't seen any details released yet. Since we've all been speculating about how such a set would be laid out for quite some time I think people are a bit dried out. Now's a time for wait and see.



Wow! That'd be REALLY cool!! Might finally bump ice/storm as the AT with the coolest looking visuals.

"Mettle ye not in the affairs of lions ...
... for thou art crunchy
and taste good with ketchup!"



I'm making sure to have a space set for an alt, regardless - but yeah, I want to see what's in it. (And to see how close it is to the various suggestions, including mine, over the years. I want gremlins. >.> )



minor grumble.

Well it will be great to get a new control set. But in my heart I was hoping for something other than Electric. It's not that I hate the idea, it's that I feel like the Electric concept has already been done to death. We already have a blast, a brawl, an armor, a manipulation, and an assault set. Meanwhile we lack Water altogether (IMO Ice does not replace it concept-wise), the closest thing to Wind/Air is Storm (which focuses largely on... ice and electricity), and nothing really fits well for Insects.

Yes, I'm being childish and looking a gift horse in the mouth. I just hope getting an Electric set doesn't mean we won't get something truly original in the future. It's been 5 years and the only Control set added since launch has been Plant. IMO Plant added 10 times to the game what an Electric set would have. Oh well, I will play it and enjoy it regardless.



I actually had an interesting discussion with someone who sat down with Sunstorm at Hero con..Sunstorm apparently actually has the Electric Control set done and ready to go, Meaning that we could A) See it before Going Rogue, or B)Have it as a "surprise" powerset along with the headliners of Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning. As to whether it was credible source eh..But the guy didn't seem like the type to lie about this and Electric Control only really needed 3 more powers to make a control set and some number adjustments so it is very probable that the set is already completed. As to the 3 new powers thats the fun part.

P.S. Do not make this set like Gravity, please. /em begs



My hope is that an Electric/Kin Controller or Electric/Electric Assault Dominator will make up for how underwhelming my Kin/Elec Defender is.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by MagicalAct View Post
I actually had an interesting discussion with someone who sat down with Sunstorm at Hero con..Sunstorm apparently actually has the Electric Control set done and ready to go, Meaning that we could A) See it before Going Rogue, or B)Have it as a "surprise" powerset along with the headliners of Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning. As to whether it was credible source eh..But the guy didn't seem like the type to lie about this and Electric Control only really needed 3 more powers to make a control set and some number adjustments so it is very probable that the set is already completed. As to the 3 new powers thats the fun part.

P.S. Do not make this set like Gravity, please. /em begs

I really, really, really hope that Elect control isn't another recycle set (like Earth Assault).



eh... I'd guess something like half of the powers would be recycled. There's enough preexisting powers for that, right?



I really hope that the Electrical Control set is not just a rehash with different graphics.

Theres an opportunity here to make a set that plays differently from all others by using End Drain as the means of control rather than Holds.
It can all be done within the current game engine, and could produce something unique in the way that Illusion Control is unique, rather than just Fire/Ice/Earth Control with different graphics and some minor End Drain tacked on.



Well if we have to go electric I'm hoping endurance drain isn't the big secondary effect. End drain is hard for player characters to deal with when its used on them, and yet does very little to enemy PCs, because their life expectancy is too short. Maybe Elec Control will be different.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Well if we have to go electric I'm hoping endurance drain isn't the big secondary effect. End drain is hard for player characters to deal with when its used on them, and yet does very little to enemy PCs, because their life expectancy is too short. Maybe Elec Control will be different.

That isn't so much a problem with End Drain, as it is a problem with the current implementation of End Drain (and -Recover).

There are things Castle et al can do to make End Drain more useful and balanced.

Edit: The Electric Control suggestion in my sig has a more in depth discussion about End Drain as it relates to control sets.



Exactly what Weatherby said - End Drain as a mechanism looks unreliable because it hasnt been given a chance yet.

End Drain for players currently revolves almost exclusively around Short Circuit - a long animating PBAoE that only gets used by Blasters and Defenders.

Imagine for a second that the implementation of holds were this limited - a Blaster or Defender AoE hold would probably be mag 2 and short-lived, making holds look unreliable.

An Electrical Control set for Controllers could do things like replace the single target hold with a single target drain that drains a +0 enemy out of the box, and a +4 enemy when fully slotted for it, and applied a good 15 second -Recovery. You end up with something a bit different then.

On the downside, the enemy can still run (unless you use your single target immobilise), and it doesnt last quite as long as a standard ST hold.

On the plus side, it works on bosses as well as on leiutenants/minions, and it can even be built up on AVs/GMS.

Same with the standard 4 minute group hold - could be replaced with a group end drain that will reliably drain and -Recover a whole group of enemies in one shot on a 4 minute timer.



I already HAVE an electric controller.

In all truthfullness, it's a defender loaded to the gills with hold and stun procs. Works out pretty well actually.


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I don't think they are going to scrap the pre-established system for controllers for Energy Drain to be the main focus of the set. I believe that End drain will be tacked on just like the -def from earth or -recharge -speed from ice but getting rid of the basic tools of a controller doesn't seem likely for multiple reasons, 1) I do not believe the developers would put that much time into a set that could be easily developed with existing tools and numbers. 2)PvP, I them having to scale back the numbers for drain in PvP for balance. 3)Containment (Granted Illusion sets a precedent for a low Containment set) 4)Playerbase, It seems that there's a large percentage of people that dislike Ice due to their notion of soft control. I see Energy Drain being even softer than slows, fears, and knockdowns, resulting in a large chunk of people that wouldn't even want to try it. As cool as that would be I just don't see it happening especially when you consider how little time it (supposedly) took to have Electric Control completed.



Energy drain is a terrible control method unless it also floors a foe's recovery. Because any NPC enemy can use any attack as long as they have 1 point of endurance. And they'll get that point of endurance back in less than 2 seconds after you hit them.

So elec control will have your standard Immob (electric fence) sleep (like the clockwork use) hold (Tesla cage), an AoE of each (at the very least, an AoE immob and AoE hold) and 3 or 4 other utility powers. Thunder clap and an enhanced version of Voltaic Sentinel (for a pet) are almost a given.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Energy drain is a terrible control method unless it also floors a foe's recovery.
Yep, you're right. Thats why I said:

An Electrical Control set for Controllers could do things like replace the single target hold with a single target drain that drains a +0 enemy out of the box, and a +4 enemy when fully slotted for it, and applied a good 15 second -Recovery.
The duration of the -Recovery is effectively the duration of the hold when sapping.

Replacing sapping attacks with holds is a lot more work in terms of balancing. You have to consider the following differences from holds:

- End Drain works equally on Bosses as it does on Minions (if its percentage based drain).
- End Drain would require different values for PVP
- Slotting END Drain increses the magnitude rather than the duration

None of these are reasons why an end drain set could not work though, and give us a set that plays differently. Thats not a bad thing - Controller secondaries all play quite differently but still work.

If I wanted a hold, a sleep, a stun and some gremlins, I can pretty much do that now by making a Fire Controller, colouring their powers blue and sticking a few Devastation procs in my single target attacks for extra electrical looking goodness.

BTW - I'm not advocating that they replace the ST immobilise. Thats important for setting containment, stopping AVs running around, stopping drained targets running off, and as a bread and butter damage attack.



We already have Electric Controllers. They're called Elec/Energy blasters, and they're sorely underrated for the job they can do. PB --> Short Circuit can almost eliminate most mobs' endurance (-96.4%, according to Mids, against an even-con), while Ball Lightning, which has an enhanceable -recovery element, spam can kill of the rest and keep them grounded. The largest problem is that Short Circuit doesn't completely eliminate the blue bar on higher-level mobs, meaning that Electric Blasters tend to absorb an alpha if they're attempting to lead off. One well-slotted PB --> Ball Lightning can destroy the rest of the endurance bar, but by then the Electric Blaster may very well be dead.

Regardless, we don't need Electric Controllers.

Then again, I might be bitter. I was really hoping the next Control set would be Time Control.



Personally I would LOVE to see more info regarding Elecrric Control and I hope it isnt just some rehashed set with different effects. I am expecting the typical single target and AoE immobilizes in Electric Fences and I assume there will be a pet and i hope its is more than a Voltaic Sentinel rehash.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



My guess is that electric control will look something like this:

Lvl 1: Electric Fence - single target immobilize
Lvl 1: Tesla Cage - single target hold (normalized cast time, recharge, range to match Char)
Lvl 2: Electric Fences - AoE immobilize
Lvl 6: Power Sink - PBAoE self +end, foe -end (possibly Short Circuit here)
Lvl 8: Lightning Field - PBAoE damage aura
Lvl 12: Lightning Clap - Short ranged stun, kb
Lvl 18: Tesla Cages - AoE hold
Lvl 26: Chain Induction Field - essentially recolored Liquefy (from the sonic set)
Lvl 32: Voltaic Guardians - buffed up older brothers of voltaic sentinel, using the Cap Au Diable Gremlin model but recolored. May be like fire imps so 3 pets.



Just to add, this would be what my wish list would look like:

Lvl 1: Electric Fence - single target immobilize
Lvl 1: Tesla Cage - single target hold (normalized cast time, recharge, range to match Char)
Lvl 2: Electric Fences - AoE immobilize
Lvl 6: Chain Induction Field - essentially recolored Liquefy (from the sonic set)
Lvl 8: Lightning Field - PBAoE damage aura
Lvl 12: Lightning Clap - Short ranged stun, kb
Lvl 18: Voltaic Guardian Army - Gang War clone except with electric gremlins
Lvl 26: Tesla Cages - AoE hold
Lvl 32: Lightning Golem - Uber electric pet that looks and act remarkably like Deathsurge



Already saved the name Electromotance on Infinity (Elec/Kin). Thinking science origin, but I still need a backstory. I am very excited about electricity control, to say the least.



I'm just hoping that Electric control will be available for dominators as well!


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What they need is electric as a secondary for controllers. Who doesnt want electric buffs?!!! Can you say hamidon raid resistant! lol



Ugh, I too am not thrilled with Elect/ as a troller primary. I think its to tough to balance. On blasters/fenders, as someone has mentioned, if you haven't completely floored their end and recovery, they can and will continue to attack as usual. If they buff that effectiveness for Controllers and Defenders, it runs the risk of being an over-powers sapper build.

Personally, I'd rather see Time Controllers. And no. Gravity is NOT time.

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