PvP server merg
You are better off just coming to freedom with the rest of us.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

well that would cost a ton of RL money or an insane amount of time to rebuild my toons on a different server, plus with about a handfull or servers beeing slow at all times i think it just makes sence for the devs to merg some of them and stop waisting time and energy on soo many servers that aren't full!
Once they get around to server merges the game will be far pat the point of it mattering. You don't have to move all your toons or relevel everything. Pick one on each side to make/transfer and go to it. With the market as it is and only really needing cheaper builds to be successful in zones starting fresh is not as daunting a task as it seems. And if you are into pvp its totally worth your time. Alot of people who are freedom now came from other servers and started over. As long as you are decent people you can usually find helpful people who make the move a little smoother.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

then i lose my sg that i created years ago, i lose out on the fun of having multiple toons for pvping and wil spend most of my time trying to get inf and lvling new toons, i just think its too much work, i'd sooner stop playing and take my 2 accounts to a whole new game
i'd sooner stop playing and take my 2 accounts to a whole new game
As far as expecting anything from the devs, don't. Depending on them for anything at all is just setting yourself up for disappointment.
I was wondering if anyone thought it be a good idea to merg 2 of the smaller servers to improve the game play in both PVE and PVP, also why cant RV be like warburg where everyone can attack everyone or instead make another PVP zone @lvl 50 that works the same way warburg does?
i'm on guardian right now and would love to see us merg with another one of the smaller less active servers.... if anyone has any suggestions or ideas regarding how to acheive/approach this please feel free to contact me! |
1. Transfer stuff to Freedom or start over there
2. Try and play against the two or three people left on Guardian
3. Unsub and go somewhere else
Option 1 is probably the best investment for your time if you're insistent on staying with this game, but in the long run I'm guessing option 3 is probably best.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
You realize that even the 1% chance of the devs doing something for us drops to 0% when you insult them like that.
If we don't respect them they won't respect us. Instead of sitting there and saying nothing is ever going to happen, contact one of them high up and feed them ideas. There are a number of devs and at least 1 will listen.
I'm clueless on how to contact the devs, others apparently have, and i would totally ask them questions. I mean, they can't close my account for having opinions right?
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
Instead of sitting there and saying nothing is ever going to happen, contact one of them high up and feed them ideas. |
You realize that even the 1% chance of the devs doing something for us drops to 0% when you insult them like that.
If we don't respect them they won't respect us. Instead of sitting there and saying nothing is ever going to happen, contact one of them high up and feed them ideas. There are a number of devs and at least 1 will listen. I'm clueless on how to contact the devs, others apparently have, and i would totally ask them questions. I mean, they can't close my account for having opinions right? |
oooh crack pipe...brb to type more.
You realize that even the 1% chance of the devs doing something for us drops to 0% when you insult them like that.
If we don't respect them they won't respect us. Instead of sitting there and saying nothing is ever going to happen, contact one of them high up and feed them ideas. There are a number of devs and at least 1 will listen. |
The server merge idea comes up quite often... and since I haven't seen anybody post this in...
From Memphis Bill
Why server consolidation is not a good idea. Welcome to the forum. You have posted one of the oft repeated suggestions, "Consolidate the servers." Disclaimer Yes. This is a cut and paste reply that I keep handy, as well as a quick bit of instruction on how to search. Neither are meant to cause fights or to be insulting. The search instructions are in, not just because forum rules say flat out to search, but to help you and anyone else reading this use the search tool effectively. The body of the cut and paste reply is the way it is because we've seen these arguments numerous times before. They're a summary of the salient points that come up each time. They are not here to insult you, make you feel stupid or otherwise "bring you down a peg." Instead, they are meant as instruction and information. Please read through the points and the explanation behind them to see the issues that are commonly brought up in response. They may not always match your suggestion 100% - in fact, you may have explained around one or two of them - but they're there for consideration and refinement of your idea. Yes, I do look forward to the time, with some of these suggestions, that someone not only addresses all the points, but does so exceptionally well. It'll probably be added to the end of the cut/paste reply, with credit. For now, though, read and consider the points. They really are just there to help you, and move discussion along to help ideas evolve. If you're going to see this and say an "evil forum vet is just shooting down your idea," or "You think you're the last word because of your post count," you're wrong. Heck, if you say the second, you've just worried more about my post count than I have in the last four plus years. Tongue-in-cheek comments in here are meant as hummor, not put downs. TL,DR section. First, my stock answer, one which I stand by and repeat with all due fervor. HELL NO. Searching effectively 1. Click on "Search" up at the top of the forum. 2. On the left, under "Forum(s) to search," select "Suggestions and ideas." 3. On the right, Keyword Search Terms. This is probably where your problem was if you did search. Try the following, exactly as typed: +server -pvp -"re: " This will search for anything with "Server" in the title, including Servers, Combine Servers, Consolidate Servers, and The Server At Mcdonalds Is Rude. it will eliminate "PVP," so you won't see PVP server requests, and the -re: portion of it removes replies, so you'll see the root of every thread that comes up, letting you see just how many threads there are on this. (The last helps for other subjects, as well.) 4. Click the "In subject" radio button. This is a search, not a cute blonde in a bikini. Here, you want to ignore the body. 5. Leave Username Search blank. 6. Date range, Newer Than, change the 1 to a 3, and the time to Months. 7. Result format doesn't matter. Click on "Submit." As I try this now, (12/3/08,) we have: Consolidate Server Server Stats RSS Feed $server modifier ofr chat Fix the forum server Earlyissue server Merging low population server Combine slow server Server status Global chat on the Character and Server Screens Rated M server Add Ponies, Nerf Vills, merge Servers, PistolMelee Server Visiting Display Central Time on Server Status Page Ignoring the smartalec reply, that's three full discussions about this topic. You should have read one of them if (inevitably) something similar comes up in your search. Now, on to the topic at hand.... Why server consolidation is not a good idea. 1. Just because YOU like living in New York City doesn't mean I can't like Kansas. Yay, you love having huge lag spikes as you get near the black market/wentworths and a busy broadcast. Congrats. Enjoy Freedom. Some of us - many of which you will get replies from with this subject - like *low population* servers. If we *wanted* to be on Freedom, we'd *be* on Freedom. I have characters on Freedom. I rarely play them (and actually moved a character OFF of Freedom to finish leveling it to 50) because *I DON'T LIKE FREEDOM.* I dislike the banality of broadcast, the high percentage of *horrid* teams I've come across there, the lag around any gathering point- and I've got a decent connection and system. For much the same reason, I typically startin Galaxy City instead of Atlas Park - I don't *want* to log in to a costume contest with several 50s spamming powers and nonsense arguments in broadcast. Some of us *like* nice, quiet servers. 2, Kansas, part 2. In addition, servers have their own personalities. No, I don't mean that literally, there's no AI to worry about if you start hearing "Daisy, Daisy" over your speakers or headset. Freedom's a crowded mess. Virtue is the RP server. Pinnacle is the "Drunk" server. Others have specific communities, such as those from Australia/NZ, Europe, etc. 3. "I only saw one other person. World of Conancraft has eleventy billion!" So what? We don't run around camping spawn points in this game. People are in missions. People are spread across many zones. Search on a map or do a /whoall and you'll miss those in missions, as well as those who are, for whatever reason, on /hide. Your "search" there didn't give you a full picture, not in the least. I understand the "feel" of things being "not very populated," but take a good look around when you're in game. Typically, you don't really have a lot of visibility. Standing in steel canyon, there could be multiple, full 8 person groups surrounding you, and it's likely you'd never see them. We have buildings, walls, architecture, trees and more limiting our visibility. Yes, it can make you feel more alone... but that's rarely the case. Add to that that the population is spread between many, MANY zones, most quite large, and among two sides... well... 4. "I put up my LFT flag and nothing happened!" Learn to search. Don't just wait. Form a team yourself. 5. "I AM SPARTACUS!" No, not any more. Remember logging in and seeing all those slots? Everyone has those - some buy more than the base 12, you get an extra one each year, you could have a total of 36 on any server. Everyone does. Every one has a character with a unique name. Maybe not a *good* name, but a unique one. Every one has a character with a unique name. Maybe not a *good* name, but a unique one. Now merge servers. Suddenly, CoolBlasterDude from server 1 is getting merged with CoolBlasterDude from Server 2. Who gets to keep their name? Nobody has been able to answer this with any degree of satisfaction. Add a number? But I am NOT CoolBlasterGuy1. And what if the name's too long? Does the older character keep it? What if they're not as active? People are *VERY* attached to their names. They are, quite obviously, part of their character. 6. "This Is SPARTA!" Sorry, Sparta exists already. You are GenericSG 8734 287 9798. What else has a name? Supergroups. And I can *guarandamntee* that the same name is in use on multiple servers. Sometimes it's 'branches' of the same SG, sometimes it's coincidence. But with *everything* involved in an SG - from its identity and reputation on the server, to everything stored in the database about what it owns, what its base is like and such, this would be a disaster in the making. And no, auto merging them when the servers merge, even if they have room to, is not an option. This, of course, assumes that they *CAN* move supergroups as a unit. More than likely, it'd just be a mass character move, with bases, prestige, anything stored in bases and all SG affiliations just gone forever. 7. "I am... where'd Spartacus go?" Remember all those slots? Well, you start with 1/3 of the available ones. You can buy up to 36 total (24 on top of the ones you get initially.) Now, what do you suppose would happen if you merged two servers, and someone has, say, 20 characters on each? Not unusual. In fact, before those extra slots, I had *filled up* several servers. Do those characters just disappear? Do they move? Free move to another server sounds great, right... well, except you now kick them from their supergroup, remove them from their friends lists and more. This makes for angry and unhappy customers. Or rather, ex customers. 8. I will play where I damn well want to. And you can too. And that should be blunt enough. If I want a crowded server, I'll go to Freedom. If I want an RP server, I'll go to Virtue. I do NOT want to be shoved onto another server I *don't* like. If I wanted to go there, *I'd be there.* If the server you're on isn't "busy" enough for you, you have two options that won't bother anyone else. (A) If it's low enough, reroll. You have a ton of character slots for a reason. (B) If you don't want to reroll, server transfers are available, and relatively cheap. They also finish fast - you should be up and running and being spammed to join someone's SG on the new server in a few minutes, in most instances. So YOU can go to the server of YOUR choice without screwing ME over. 9. "It'll free up server hardware for Freedom!" No, no it won't. Freedom, because of the load it tends to have, already has more resources dedicated to it than other servers. And ALL of the servers have been upgraded multiple times. The servers are not allocated exactly the same. The servers that handle less of a load have less dedicated to them. So this argument doesn't fly. 10. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Last but not least (at least until better points come along to be added,) server consolidation is widely viewed in the industry as an MMO going on life support. No, we don't have WoWs numbers (and you should actually pay attention to when and how they got those.) They're an abberation in the MMO industry. COH has had and does have a very successful, sustainable population even at its lowest points, so there's no economic need to combine anything. The flip side of that, of course, has been suggested above - you crowd people together, break up their SGs and friends lists, cause characters to go missing and poeple definitely *will* quit, both out of annoyance and a sense of "The game is almost dead!" In conclusion.... As stated before, when it comes to server consolidation... HELL NO. |
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
You realize that even the 1% chance of the devs doing something for us drops to 0% when you insult them like that.
Yea, because coming at them level headed has paid off so well for the pvp community in the past. Please let your sub lapse for a month. Then use the money to go buy a clue. Thanks.
There is a huge difference between putting your ideas on a piece of paper that you leave beside them and telling it to their face. For all we know they might have not even read that piece of paper, but actually telling them they need to listen and respond. |
You have no clue and should probably stop posting on the subject. Though sadly this has not stopped you in the past so you will probably keep going. There was many communications in the past, just because you never hung around here before doesn't mean it never happened. I have told you before about learning your history if you want to talk and be taken seriously. This is another one of those times.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

Yea, because coming at them level headed has paid off so well for the pvp community in the past. Please let your sub lapse for a month. Then use the money to go buy a clue. Thanks.
You have no clue and should probably stop posting on the subject. Though sadly this has not stopped you in the past so you will probably keep going. There was many communications in the past, just because you never hung around here before doesn't mean it never happened. I have told you before about learning your history if you want to talk and be taken seriously. This is another one of those times. |
No, i'm not completely aware of the past, and i assumed the idea has already been thrown, as a lot of people were attached to pvp before i13 and would have done anything to get it back.
What i don't understand is why we gave up. If we keep pushing something, it will fall over. We're dealing with human beings that can be influenced. This is not something to be considered impossible, because if you try hard enough something will change.
I think we're doing it wrong, at least some of it. The devs are never going to listen to us if everytime we have time to throw some words in we throw in pages and pages of ideas. We need to summerize, and tell them what needs to be fixed or changed right away and save the little stuff for later.
The past is a large factor in winning, as i wouldn't want to make the same mistakes some others have made, so i wouldn't mind hearing what has happened.
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
What i don't understand is why we gave up. If we keep pushing something, it will fall over. We're dealing with human beings that can be influenced. This is not something to be considered impossible, because if you try hard enough something will change. |
For starters, most video games have a clear design vision and goal. When Nintendo makes a Zelda game they focus on elements that are very Zelda Like, such as the sword play and adventure. When Nintendo makes a Mario game they focus on elements that are very Mario Like, such as vertical puzzles requiring jumping. You wouldn't approach Nintendo asking them to incorporate a motorcycle into Zelda, and you wouldn't approach Nintendo to suggest that Mario with a machine gun would be a great idea. When you play a Video Game you automatically accept some of the limitations set in place by the developers, and accept how those limitations affect the world you play in.
When confining ourselves to looking at the MMO space we can see empirical evidence of what happens when a game loses a sense of what it is, and what it is going to be. The first example is Planetside. The game started out as a simulation of a genuine war, and playing the game involved learning skill sets that would be applicable in an actual war-time situation. Commanders needed to learn how to move supply trains (ANTS), run armor columns (MagRiders, Sunderers), organize protective squads (lightings, threshers), direct air support (Galaxy, Liberator), and manage air combat (reaver, skeeter). Taking a continent would require hours of raging war where people who didn't have FPS skills could still be very useful driving, flying, healing, repairing, or setting up defenses. At some point the developers lost the campaign vision and started to adjust Planetside to cater to the session based gameplay of Quake and Unreal Tournament. The Warp Gates were readjusted and the concept of having to take a set number of conts was done away with. The move away from the original gameplay decimated player population. Today Planetside only has one server, and survives almost solely on the profits of Everquest.
Then there was Star Wars Galaxies. Need I say more than NGE? Now, I didn't play SWG, so I'm not intimately familiar with how proceedings went down. What I do know is that the developers decided to target the WoW audience with a severe game modification, which caused one of the largest examples of nerdrage witnessed from legions of Star Trek Fans.
The third example comes from NCSoft and Destination Games, and it's Tabula Rasa. Through it's beta Richard Garriot promoted and developed TR as a Team based game very similar to City of Heroes. However, after the game launched and Mr. Garriot left for his trip into space, the developers decided to change the fundamentals of the game from a PvE combat system to a system that catered to PvP. Much like our game, CoH, the engine for Tabula Rasa had never been designed for PvP play. The world that Mr. Garriot had created simply didn't support PvP combat, and PvP play was often dismissed pre-launch because it just didn't fit the game. The result of the developers giving into that squeaky wheel was a financial disaster for NCSoft, costing the company millions of dollars.
That event also has had repercussions on other NCSoft games. As the primary financial backer of City of Heroes, to say that NCSoft is gun-shy about funding any PvP development is an understatement. From NCSoft's perspective, they'd rather have PvP-oriented players go to AION, which was designed from the ground-up with PvP combat in mind, and using an engine that was built to handle PvP encounters (CryEngine).
The point from these examples is that games that lose their vision, their goal of what they are, go under, very fast, and generally wind up with somebody loosing a chunk of money. Well, except for Planetside. The dev team was so small and the development was so little, I suspect if it had been killed off 2 years ago SOE would have come out ahead from subscriptions and box sales.
Now, from my personal opinion, PvP play is dead in City of Heroes. PvPer's don't just have to convince Castle, Positron, or PhosyB that something has to be done with the PvP system. PvPer's will also have to convince NCSoft that there is actually a large enough market that PvP development will be able to pay-back on profits. Squeaking the wheel at the devs alone won't actually do any good if you also have to convince the people holding the pocket-book as well.
There's also another aspect I wanted to address, which is the squeaky wheel / push hard enough and something happens idea. Very few people stop to think that squeaking the wheel too much can also result in a public backlash.
The case in point here is PetitionOnline. PetitionOnline has been abused so much that several years ago, almost every IDSA (Interactive Digital Software Association) / ESA (Entertainment Software Association) member had a strict policy that anything brought up for petition on PetitionOnline was to be automatically ignored. So, if you made the mistake of putting a suggestion on PetitionOnline, you'd actually guarantee that the petitioned event would NEVER HAPPEN.
In the same way, some suggestions that are brought up over and over, and over, and over, are automatically ignored. Server Merges and Vehicle Additions stand as two examples probably on the developers list of threads to not read.
In these cases, squeaking the wheel or pushing again and again and again is more likely to cause the developers to clamp down and not do ANYTHING, than it is to accomplish any desired goal.
No, i'm not completely aware of the past, and i assumed the idea has already been thrown, as a lot of people were attached to pvp before i13 and would have done anything to get it back.
What i don't understand is why we gave up. If we keep pushing something, it will fall over. We're dealing with human beings that can be influenced. This is not something to be considered impossible, because if you try hard enough something will change. I think we're doing it wrong, at least some of it. The devs are never going to listen to us if everytime we have time to throw some words in we throw in pages and pages of ideas. We need to summerize, and tell them what needs to be fixed or changed right away and save the little stuff for later. The past is a large factor in winning, as i wouldn't want to make the same mistakes some others have made, so i wouldn't mind hearing what has happened. |
Since I13 I've started two PvP feedback threads, one of which was brought to the attention of the devs, and which began an exchange of PMs between myself and a developer. Unfortunately, while I think they've taken note of our concerns, I don't think there will be any meaningful changes to the way things work. That is why most players have just stopped trying. So please, don't tell us we're not trying hard enough, or we're not doing it right.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
back on topic... what about test? could we not just get a bunch of people to go there?... its alllll freee
People don't want to spend the time duping crap to test, copying characters, and respec'ing them there. Besides, at a point when most of the PvPers left have moved to Freedom, there's really not much point in getting them to move again.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
well i'm glad to see i atleast got a response, dicussion is always good..
but i am going to state that FREEDOM will not ever be an option, i have played there its chaotic and during any event its impossible to logg into which defeats the purpose of being able to play... i simply want to improve game time on the small and empty server known as guardian.... not just in pvp but over all!!!!
You make a valid point here. If your computer is steam powered, best to stick to Guardian. If you have a reasonable computer, Freedom is the place for you. It really all just boils down to your box and connection.
but i am going to state that FREEDOM will not ever be an option, i have played there its chaotic and during any event its impossible to logg into which defeats the purpose of being able to play... i simply want to improve game time on the small and empty server known as guardian.... not just in pvp but over all!!!!
but i am going to state that FREEDOM will not ever be an option, i have played there its chaotic and during any event its impossible to logg into which defeats the purpose of being able to play... i simply want to improve game time on the small and empty server known as guardian.... not just in pvp but over all!!!!
The login issues have long been fixed. If your pc can handle it you will have no problems playing there.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

I was wondering if anyone thought it be a good idea to merg 2 of the smaller servers to improve the game play in both PVE and PVP, also why cant RV be like warburg where everyone can attack everyone or instead make another PVP zone @lvl 50 that works the same way warburg does?
i'm on guardian right now and would love to see us merg with another one of the smaller less active servers.... if anyone has any suggestions or ideas regarding how to acheive/approach this please feel free to contact me!