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My comp is more than capable to handle it and my connection is the best available. I was unaware that they fixed there server issues with freedom. but that wont' have any effect on the crouded maps everywhere. I simply won't play on freedom, the constant harassment forces people to go into hide leaving them unable to get invited to good teams...my point will always stay the same NO to FREEDOM, yes to improved GUARDIAN population, you could merg 2 slow servers into guardian and not have the crouded maps that exist on freedom! and again if merging doesn't work there must be something that can be done regarding pvp zones involving other servers... but i WILL NOT concider FREEDOM as an option!
but i am going to state that FREEDOM will not ever be an option, i have played there its chaotic and during any event its impossible to logg into which defeats the purpose of being able to play... i simply want to improve game time on the small and empty server known as guardian.... not just in pvp but over all!!!!
Ok i definately wasn't looking to creat drama between people and servers, who brought virtue into this convo anyways? this is the all things GUARDIAN! its a discussion and nothing more. On that note i hear the name issues but losing the guardian feel??? everyone you know will be there with you and having to small servers blend will not come close to the chaos that is freedom. open your minds a little we wont be over run we'll simply have more people to play with on all levels... imagine not having to wait 45 minute just to build the team for you tf... imagine having more people for you sg to help with prestige giving you that kick A## base... it really wouldnt be as damaging as some of you think!
well i'm glad to see i atleast got a response, dicussion is always good..
then i lose my sg that i created years ago, i lose out on the fun of having multiple toons for pvping and wil spend most of my time trying to get inf and lvling new toons, i just think its too much work, i'd sooner stop playing and take my 2 accounts to a whole new game
thats actually a pretty decent idea, but i also think that guardian is just too slow, there aren't enough people on guardian and with the wave of ae babies pvp is going to remin very slow. maybe if there was a pvp zone for a bunch of servers to meet in? but i cant see that being very acheiveable.
well that would cost a ton of RL money or an insane amount of time to rebuild my toons on a different server, plus with about a handfull or servers beeing slow at all times i think it just makes sence for the devs to merg some of them and stop waisting time and energy on soo many servers that aren't full!
I was wondering if anyone thought it be a good idea to merg 2 of the smaller servers to improve the game play in both PVE and PVP, also why cant RV be like warburg where everyone can attack everyone or instead make another PVP zone @lvl 50 that works the same way warburg does?
i'm on guardian right now and would love to see us merg with another one of the smaller less active servers.... if anyone has any suggestions or ideas regarding how to acheive/approach this please feel free to contact me as i would be gald to go through the process and try to get results. -
I was wondering if anyone thought it be a good idea to merg 2 of the smaller servers to improve the game play in both PVE and PVP, also why cant RV be like warburg where everyone can attack everyone or instead make another PVP zone @lvl 50 that works the same way warburg does?
i'm on guardian right now and would love to see us merg with another one of the smaller less active servers.... if anyone has any suggestions or ideas regarding how to acheive/approach this please feel free to contact me!