Swanzy's Swatchbox, Live stream spectacular!




Howdy howdy ya'll,

I get quite a few question's and request's for advice about the method in which I go about coloring from folks here and on DA, while it flatters me greatly I find it a difficult process to explain (especially to someone who doesn't really know their way around photoshop), so I normally palm em off on tutorial's by others (the ones I have learned something from), which I don't really like doing but don't have the time to do my own tutorial, So I sorted out my problem.

on Sunday (yeah the American Sunday, not Australian) 10 am EST I will be doing a live demonstration of my coloring on my new Live stream account. I will also cover subjects such as Line preparation, Flatting, and color choice. this could be useful for someone interested in starting coloring or even another artist looking to broaden their skill, I am sure I do thing's atleast slightly different to most here. so yeah, definetly come along! even if you just wanna say hi!

There are probably folks out there thinking, but Eddy? I dont have any interest in coloring or doing arts? what good could this be to me? Well I'm glad I made up that hypothetical question! because I will also be doing speed paintings and sketches with alchemy and photoshop at regular interval's for random folks who come along! so there is the chance for free art aswell. so come along for fun, if enough of you come it could be an interesting social event.

Post up if you will be attending, and if you want to enter the draw for free arts chuck up some references here (I take your name out of the hat if you dont come however )



I'm definitely interested in checking it out but a lot will depend on what time Sunday... I work, have to go see my dad, there's a football game to watch (yeah, American football) and somewhere in there I should find some time to sleep... (Hmmm, maybe during work?)



Oh, this will be great!! I've never done a live stream but please advise what time and I will definitley look to attend!!

I'm working on my art again and just scratching the surface of digitally coloring my art in particular! I have an older version of Photoshop but I would absolutley love to see your techniques and learn whatever I can!

Also, how can I NOT throw my hat in the ring for the free artz!

Really looking forward to this! Thanks Eddy!

[url=http://starwindgraphics.deviantart.com/]My deviantArt page[/url]
Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url="http://www.theimpossibles.org"]www.theimpossibles.org[/url]



Hmm ill see if i come, who knows i might learn how to draw a good line![suck at drawing] Also if you want color i got color for you!



You know I'll do my best to be there Swanzy



would 10am EST be good for folks?



Ya best time for events



Woohoo, I should be able to catch at least part of this!



I'm there! I hate to be the noob that I am but what do I have to do to stream you?

[url=http://starwindgraphics.deviantart.com/]My deviantArt page[/url]
Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url="http://www.theimpossibles.org"]www.theimpossibles.org[/url]



I'll post the link to the stream when I'm going live, It will just be a webpage. all you gotta do is click the link



I'll be asleep. This college student hates to get up before 11 on a day off.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
10 AM EST Sunday? I'll be at work.
sorry buddy

Originally Posted by GeneralKnowledge View Post
I'll be asleep. This college student hates to get up before 11 on a day off.
Understandable. sadly its the only time I will be able to do it. and even as it is, in australian local time I will be starting at midnight (or earlier me and maths are not firmly acquainted) with school the next day.

but if anyone wants to just watch it who will not be able to make it, it will save into My on demand library.



Normally I am not up at that time (self employed building custom pc's so I can and do sleep in ).
I'm more of a night-owl than a morning person...

...however I am very new to digital art (traditionalist up til now) and highly interested in this subject
in general and in your coloring process in particular so yeah count me in.

Can have a crack at Chloe
or Xllusya if you like.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



So that's 3 definites and what sounds like a 4th with Tuter...

Someone bring beer and we'll call it a party!



Hmmm, may want to bump that number up to 5 Caem...and I won't bring beer, I'll only drink liquor



Will be streaming in just under 3 hours.



Originally Posted by GrayHuntress View Post
Hmmm, may want to bump that number up to 5 Caem...and I won't bring beer, I'll only drink liquor

And for you I'll break out the hard stuff...



an hour to go! eek stagefright!



I know absolutely nothing about drawing, but I like learning. Ill be there!



Alrighty, letting dog out, grabbing a drink, and then will be ready for the show!!



I'm ready!

[url=http://starwindgraphics.deviantart.com/]My deviantArt page[/url]
Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url="http://www.theimpossibles.org"]www.theimpossibles.org[/url]



now live!



Here's an annoying toon. Have fun...