Swanzy's Swatchbox, Live stream spectacular!




I don't spose there's a record of this live event somewhere? I think my sister would enjoy watching it.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
I don't spose there's a record of this live event somewhere? I think my sister would enjoy watching it.
Click the link someone provided above, about 2-3 posts. Then find the button that says "on Demand" on the lower left. It should pull up the recorded sessions. Pick one that's fairly long, and you will see more details naturally. Unfortunately the chat is not recorded with it...



Sorry I missed this one Eddy!

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Originally Posted by Starwind View Post
Sorry I missed this one Eddy!
Not a problem man, these things happen

Going to do another one to celebrate....wait for it... the beginning of free time! that's right! no mwaor school work! whahaha

I'm thinking Friday night your time. (so Saturday morning on mine)

I'm going to tackle a rather important issue that is brought up frequently when coloring is spoken of. mouse VS tablet, thats right... Im going to color a whole picture, with a mouse for those of you out there who cant get your hands on a tablet I will do My best to arm you with knowledge that will help you. alot of people feel like they are handicapped in the coloring front cause all they have is there mouse and that is simply not true. you just have to learn the right way to use it. the great Adam Hughes colors with a mouse, he refuses to use a tablet and that man has no problem coloring .

so yeah, should be an interesting one. tune in



I'd like to point out that Adam Hughes tends to color using overlays on his marker work, so that does require VASTLY less fine control than coloring from scratch, and wouldn't be greatly helped by a tablet anyways.



I'll probably do it around about 11 am my time, if anyone would like to be awesome and timezone fu that I would be grateful, otherwise I will let you know within an hour atleast I would say



11:00:00 a.m. Friday November 20, 2009 in Australia/Queensland converts to 08:00:00 p.m. Thursday November 19, 2009 in Canada/Eastern

That's the same as US Eastern Time.

Here's an online timezone converter.



11am Friday morning has, too. I just included the days so you could see that 11am in Australia is the evening of the day before in North America.

So if Eddie's going to do his 11am Queensland show on Sunday, we watch it Saturday night. (8pm EST, 5pm PST, etc.)



Yeah its saturday for me here, foo has the time differance right though 2 and a half hours till I start this thang.



I might be able to pop in while working on a still life.... we shall see.

What's the URL again?



OK, I'm using every TV stand and free-moving chair in the apartment, but I've got a nice set-up going on over here with a still life, my easel, charcoals, and laptop (and Watchmen: Ultimate Cut). I'll be at the livestream ^.^



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
OK, I'm using every TV stand and free-moving chair in the apartment, but I've got a nice set-up going on over here with a still life, my easel, charcoals, and laptop (and Watchmen: Ultimate Cut). I'll be at the livestream ^.^

Your forgetting the surround sound for eddies voice.

Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p...cGallary-1.jpg



Originally Posted by Crestent View Post
Your forgetting the surround sound for eddies voice.

*sets it up*



About to start ya'll