Swanzy's Swatchbox, Live stream spectacular!




Well *****. I was sucked into DragonAge.



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
Well *****. I was sucked into DragonAge.
Heh I can understand that, My older brother has been playing that game almost non stop since it came out. he took 2 days break to finish assassins creed 2 then straight back into it



anyone want to watch me work on sunday night ? (Yes. your sunday night, my monday morning ) I'm thinking about 9-10 Est. I am going to be working on and talking about a personal project of mine I have had on for a while now. wont just be coloring I will be working on the composition and conceptualizing individual componants for the image. would love for the artsy folks to come by and see what its all about and give me some Idea's for improvement.



I can make it!!

Though I strongly suggest you don't listen to any of my suggestions...



heh I know when to take a sugguestion seriously buddy



I shall endeavour to attend.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Obviously he's just faking the accent. He's not from Australia, he's from Detroit. She he can fake an accent with his voice but only REAL Aussies sound like aussies When you read what they typed!
You mean like this?!

"G'doi, Mite. Ahm Ahnold Schwartzenegger ... from Ostrellya!"

((Reads as convincing to me!))

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



I think I should be able to make it.




Send me the details, Eddy, and I'll post it up on the blog.



doi! forgot all about this! ummm... *runs off to time converter*

going to start this around 9pm Est



going live in 5.



sadly the whole thing was ROOOAND by technical difficulties. hopefully next one will run smoother. thanks to all that came out.



D'oh...and this was the first time I got to check it out (maybe I jinx'd it...oops, my bad).

I did get to see enough though to want to ask a couple questions. Hehe. Does Livestream put the yellow dot over your curser like that when you are using Photoshop or is that something else? Also, I noticed you were coloring in RGB mode...is that just because this was all for demonstration purposes only? Unless I know it is never going to be printed, I typically work in CMYK mode in order to prevent unexpected color shifting on the press when a piece is printed. The colors do however never look as brilliant on the screen in CMYK mode as they do in RGB, which can be discouraging at times.

Anyways, I will be keeping an eye for your next show.

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2




I was there too, until I got the "ROOBOOT"! And then there was nothing but darkness! I got skeered being in da dark with 6 other unknown peeps who were also in da dark, so I ran away!

Next time, I'm bringing my flashlight so I won't get lost in there if the lights go out again.

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
I was there too, until I got the "ROOBOOT"! And then there was nothing but darkness! I got skeered being in da dark with 6 other unknown peeps who were also in da dark, so I ran away!

Next time, I'm bringing my flashlight so I won't get lost in there if the lights go out again.
Not sure what the cats have to do with it, but I couldn't help but comment on how silly this pic is.

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2




They're Scaredy-Cats?



I missed this because I am dumb.



Originally Posted by Johnnykat View Post
D'oh...and this was the first time I got to check it out (maybe I jinx'd it...oops, my bad).

I did get to see enough though to want to ask a couple questions. Hehe. Does Livestream put the yellow dot over your curser like that when you are using Photoshop or is that something else? Also, I noticed you were coloring in RGB mode...is that just because this was all for demonstration purposes only? Unless I know it is never going to be printed, I typically work in CMYK mode in order to prevent unexpected color shifting on the press when a piece is printed. The colors do however never look as brilliant on the screen in CMYK mode as they do in RGB, which can be discouraging at times.

Anyways, I will be keeping an eye for your next show.
wow there were more folks there then I had realized.

first question. livestream does the yellow dot, so folks, know where my cursor is.

second question. I mainly work in Rgb that is a bad habit in some cases, but a lot of the time I don't plan on printing most of my stuff s just practise or onscreen stuf. Lately I have tried using Cmyk more often have been very happy with the results so I will be looking to fix my bad habit and use it more.

thanks for coming out and watching! hope you drop by again when things are looking to run smoother

Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
I was there too, until I got the "ROOBOOT"! And then there was nothing but darkness! I got skeered being in da dark with 6 other unknown peeps who were also in da dark, so I ran away!

Next time, I'm bringing my flashlight so I won't get lost in there if the lights go out again.
hehe hopefully next time it wont be an issue.

Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
I missed this because I am dumb.
I wont hold it against you



I wouldn't call RGB a bad choice for you. In fact, I'd call it the correct choice. As Johnny mentioned... you know this stuff won't be printed. Your stuff is going to stay web-based (unless its a commission, perhaps). If you know something is going to stay on the web, RGB is the better choice over CMYK.

For instance, if I knew you weren't doing it already, I would have made sure my Neurotika model sheet was colored in RGB, because its not something I would ever have printed. Its a reference to email to artists and such.

But yes... CMYK is the preferred mode for printings.



From what I've gathered, some folks tend to work in RGB with photoshop and then, if they're looking towards actual printing of the piece, convert it over to CMYK at a certain point to finish it out. Depends a lot on what they're doing with it though.

Photoshop has more options for adjustment when dealing with RGB colors, if I recall.

EDIT: Oh, you get more accurate colors (when working) on the screen if you're working in RGB, for sure. (further editing to clarify that printing is another story)



Originally Posted by Frost View Post
From what I've gathered, some folks tend to work in RGB with photoshop and then, if they're looking towards actual printing of the piece, convert it over to CMYK at a certain point to finish it out. Depends a lot on what they're doing with it though.

Photoshop has more options for adjustment when dealing with RGB colors, if I recall.

EDIT: Oh, you get more accurate colors (when working) on the screen if you're working in RGB, for sure. (further editing to clarify that printing is another story)
Is it difficult to convert stuff into CMYK? I mean, is there alot of tweaks to be made in order to keep the colors true to what they are in RGB? Because I have alot of art that's in RGB that I may want to have printed down the line. I was thinking of printing my model sheets, comic book, and some of my better pieces into a comic book format, and hand those out as references when I'm commission hunting at conventions.



Probably not the most knowledgeable person to answer this question (We're on the fuzzy outskirts of what I've researched), but it seems like Photoshop does a good job with the conversion between the two color systems.

The thing to be careful with is that there's some RGB colors that can't be represented in CMYK, so whatever's doing the conversion picks something that's pretty close but not exact. That kind of thing might need some tweaking or it might not even be noticeable.

It might be something to talk over with the particular printer you're using to see what they recommend and what works best with their specific equipment.



Color matching is such a ***** ^.^



Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
Is it difficult to convert stuff into CMYK? I mean, is there alot of tweaks to be made in order to keep the colors true to what they are in RGB? Because I have alot of art that's in RGB that I may want to have printed down the line. I was thinking of printing my model sheets, comic book, and some of my better pieces into a comic book format, and hand those out as references when I'm commission hunting at conventions.
There is a noticeable color shift - basically the spectrum of colors you see on your computer screen (RGB mode) is wider/greater then the amount of colors you can achieve through printing (CMYK mode). Without being overly technical, colors just will not seem as vibrant as they do in RGB if you convert them to CMYK.

However, most decent printers can tweak the over-all values to still look good in most situations. Also, more then likely you will get your work printed off a hi-end digital printer which is a little more forgiving and can print from an RGB mode image and do a pretty decent translation.

So basically, I wouldn't worry about it too much Bayani. It's something to be aware of so if/when you do print something that may have been in RGB mode, that you convey that to your printer and make sure they tweak it accordingly.

I only brought this up as I have met a lot of people that use Photoshop religiously who didn't really know the difference - and Eddy does, so all is good. And I have been using Photoshop since 2.5.1 (pre-Layers eek) ...lols, so the photoshop-geek in me had to ask when I saw the mode thing.

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2
