A Rant on the Death of Polite Postings




That's cute. Somebody gave me negative rep. I'm sure I know who it is, but I won't mention any names here. Regardless, it's because they were upset because I didn't like the arrogant attitude they were sporting when they posted.

I've been reading thru the forums recently, looking for interesting info, and I keep encountering the same sort of unpleasantness - this forum is populated with quite a few nasty fellows. Don't get me wrong: there are MANY people who seem to be nothing but friendly and helpful and for that I say "thank you," and many more are simply conversing, but there are some real jerks out there who seem to be consistently nasty in their postings.

In the interest of improving relationships, I would like to share something my mother always said, "If you can't say something nice, then just shut the **** up." I'm not saying you shouldn't give constructive criticism, or even disagree wholeheartedly with the opinions of another, but you can do these things TACTFULLY. The use of put-downs, condescending monikers and out-and-out rudeness is unnecessary and, frankly, unimaginative. If you TRULY feel that you cannot make a comment without being nasty -THEN DON'T MAKE THE COMMENT. Is is going to sour your day because you couldn't put the newbie down for asking a ridiculously simple question that anyone should know the answer to? Is it that important to belittle others?

That being said, go ahead and give me the negative rep points. It really doesn't affect me in the slightest. As I said before, I rarely go on these boards (mostly because of the negativity), so it isn't going to change anything for me. Actually, I might even think of it as a badge of honor. I try to ask civil questions (after I have first tried to Search out the answers), I try to be positive and polite, and I expect the same of others. The only people who are going to bother to take pot-shots at me for this are the jerks, and it will brighten my day a little to know that I irritated some moron.

Love, baby - that's where it's at...



This forum is mainly filled with faitly nice people. Certainly far better of an average than most internet forums.

However, on any given day, there are going to be some people that just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Are they going to take it out on people that probably don't deserve it? Probably. And they will sometimes apologize for doing just that. Heck, even I have a bad day every now and then. I usually try to keep things civil regardless, but there are just some times when the angry Aett comes out.

There are also people, who are called trolls, who go and outright pick a fight just because the internet anonymity gives them cover from actual trouble. These people are often times combative right from the get go, and those threads quickly become a flamefest (usually directed at said troll). While we all know that we shouldn't feed the troll, sometimes it's just way too fun.

There are also some people that, while their OP is civil, take any disagreement of their idea as a personal insult. They can't separate out that people don't like their idea, but are fine with the poster (well, up until they take it personally, and usually attack back). These people do need to learn that not everyone is going to think that their ideas are the greatest ever, and that civil disagreements can occur.

Yes, we should all try to keep it civil. However, we're all just human, and sometimes we let our emotions get the best of us. The only thing that we can do is try our best, and try to apologize when we can't.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Gysin View Post
In the interest of improving relationships, I would like to share something my mother always said, "If you can't say something nice, then just shut the **** up." I'm not saying you shouldn't give constructive criticism, or even disagree wholeheartedly with the opinions of another, but you can do these things TACTFULLY. The use of put-downs, condescending monikers and out-and-out rudeness is unnecessary and, frankly, unimaginative. If you TRULY feel that you cannot make a comment without being nasty -THEN DON'T MAKE THE COMMENT. Is is going to sour your day because you couldn't put the newbie down for asking a ridiculously simple question that anyone should know the answer to? Is it that important to belittle others?
You know, not that I disagree with your general premise, but it REALLY undermines your premise when you complain about rudeness and drop an F-Bomb in the same sentence. At the very least, I'm sure your mother would have been more tactful when she said it. This kind of reminds me of that comment I spotted in Search one day:

rude people can **** themselves .|.. ..|.
I can't quite replicate the double middle finger right in this font, but yeah. That. When you try to criticise people for being rude, nasty, non-constructive and all-around bad, it really pays to avoid falling into these categories, yourself. I'm even going to ignore the fact that this is seriously off-topic for this forum, but you just contradict yourself.

And, no, I didn't give you any negative reputation points, and though I should probably notify a mod, I won't. Just so we're clear.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'll continue being rude when I feel rudeness is called for. I'll continue being kind and helpful when I feel kindness is called for.

One day I may cross the line a little too far and the mods will say, "Time for a forum break, Bill." I won't be angered by this action, because every time I've been modsmacked I've been able to look at the post in questions and agree that it went against the forum rules, warrented or not.

So while I completely understand the OP's wish for everyone to be civil and kind and thoughtful with each other, I also understand that it won't happen.

The best we can do is note which individuals bring nothing but BS to the forums and do our part to get rid of them.

Bannings do occur around here. The notify mod button is there for a reason. Use it.

Be well, people of CoH.



I would like to point out that the F-Bomb was a joke. I'm sure we all know how the phrase actually reads - nobody says it with that sort of language. I was exaggerating to make my point - that there is a polite way and an impolite way to say something, even if you are offering criticism.

Hey, and I got one "thumbs up" and one "thumbs down"! Still in the red! LOL

Just to clarify - I'm in no way trolling. I am very serious about this. I really feel that there is a lot of improvement that can be accomplished here. I know that many are going to take offense (Who is this nobody with the 14 posts telling ME how to behave?) but I hope the intent of the post isn't lost.

I would like to ask: Why would a Mod be involved? I haven't been aggressive or nasty. I have spoken my mind in an attempt to point out what I feel is a problem.



Originally Posted by Gysin View Post
"If you can't say something nice, then just shut the **** up."
Wow. Irony: Not dead.



The intent is very clear and admirable. The goal is hopeless.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
. At the very least, I'm sure your mother would have been more tactful when she said it.
Not that I at all disagree with what you're saying.. but you may be wrong with this line..

Our corner neighbors, single(?) mom with at least 2 kids. I constantly hear her screaming at them, dropping the F word more times than most rappers.
And it seems to usually be for nothing, too >.>

That's all I wanted to say



I know that some of the things that I say can come across harsh, and sometimes rude, but I do so on a per-case basis. I can recall calling the OP 'junior' for an idea about original images in bases. I call this no more rude than saying 'if you don't like what an SG is posting, then quit the SG.'

The Suggestion forums are going to be rude, and we/they are going to be harsh; we want the good ideas to become better, and the genuinely bad ideas will either be pounded into something acceptable, or be tossed into the same fire they came from.

Consider us the 'Hell's Kitchen' of online forums; we eliminate the bad, and refine the good until we're left with excellent.

There are a few Gordon Ramsey figures about, but thankfully, most of them have the decency to use proper language.



Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
I find it more than amusing that you chose the S&I boards for this thread.

Just sayin.
Well, I suppose one could take the viewpoint that "If you can't think of anything nice to say, shut the f--- up" is a suggestion.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Well, I suppose one could take the viewpoint that "If you can't think of anything nice to say, shut the f--- up" is a suggestion.
Though one of the many problems with just written communication is sometimes people completely misread what the intention is. You think it is nice or funny and someone takes it completely the wrong way.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I thought "Suggestions and Ideas" was the suitable place for the topic. I had an idea that I wanted to share, suggesting that we all take an extra moment when posting and consider the person's feelings before we speak. As I said I don't post very often, so if it is misplaced blame it on simple ignorance of board customs.



One point I find important in maintaining civil discourse on boards is ignoring all aspects of rating systems. I don't care how I am rated, I don't rate others. Discussion proceeds via discussion, not inane point systems.

Tone does matter, certainly. But there are times when the gloves tend to come off. They come off faster on the internet because the fists inside the gloves are on the other side of a comm interface, to be sure.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



Originally Posted by Gysin View Post
I thought "Suggestions and Ideas" was the suitable place for the topic. I had an idea that I wanted to share, suggesting that we all take an extra moment when posting and consider the person's feelings before we speak. As I said I don't post very often, so if it is misplaced blame it on simple ignorance of board customs.
There IS no appropriate place to put a rant, especially about the 'lack of polite postings'. Maybe in the General Discussion you would've gotten a few to agree with you, but otherwise you're simply blowing smoke, and it's not something that most of us approve of.



Actually, Sig, I have gotten a few to agree with me, some have disagreed (one seems to just want to be contrary), and a few have actually boosted my rep because of this thread. Regardless, that isn't why I started it. I started it because I wanted to bring something to peoples' attention. I am sorry that doesn't meet with your approval, but as long as you hold to the ideal that you are free to say as you please, then I will abide by that convention as well.



Originally Posted by Gysin View Post
"If you can't say something nice, then just shut the **** up."
Is this along the same lines as "Fighting for peace is like ****ing for virginity"?




In a perfect world, everyone would be polite. That being said this is a place in which discourse is not limited only to the polite (there is no rule against rudeness in the Message Forum Rules and Guidelines), unfortunately some will choose to stretch the boundaries of acceptable discourse.

Not much else can be said on this subject.


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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