Oh No! Not the bees!





A while back, I designed the costume linked above for a future alt, but eventually shelved the idea for lack of a good way to represent insect control powers. However, with i16 running, we now have the powerful tool of Power Customization to work with. However, I've been working on the concept for a while and can't seem to force any of the power-sets to appropriately represent anything that would make me think 'Oh, No! Bees!'

So, do any of you have suggestions?



First thing that comes to mind is a mastermind with punks/poison, to represent a street gang being "hive'd" by some sort of weird mutant.

Another thought, more akin to what you were thinking, is energy blasts if you can get the little "particles" in the blasts colored black, as if it were a bunch of bees. Maybe radiation can do it better, and has the bonus of the debuffs being "Oh god what is that!? No! Not the bees!!!" and spreading to whoever's near them.



Anything + Rad Emission... color it black and brown. the debuffs would simulate a swarm nicely, as you can get them to look kind of dusty/cloud-like if you use dark colors.

That's really the only thing I can think of off the top of my head. I suppose you could try something like a dark/dark scrapper. I used the dark armors once for a swarm concept.. where the character was supposed to be surrounded by a swarm of bees/insects. The sound effects for them are spot on as well.

AHHHHHHHHHH!!! spines/dark would be my final answer... spines = stingers, dark = swarm

@Ninth Cloud



Originally Posted by Tir_McDohl
First thing that comes to mind is a mastermind with punks/poison, to represent a street gang being "hive'd" by some sort of weird mutant.
I rather like this idea. And I can see turning the poison gold/yellow to represent mysterious addiction honey that she's got the thugs hooked on.

Although, with the dual pistols. It's going to be hard to resist the horrible pun and name her 'GunStinger'.

Originally Posted by Ninth Cloud
Anything + Rad Emission... color it black and brown. the debuffs would simulate a swarm nicely, as you can get them to look kind of dusty/cloud-like if you use dark colors.
I've tried Rad Emission before and like the powers it gives, for the most part. Metabolism and Rad Aura might look kinda funny. 'Become stronger with the power of BEE!'

Now, what do Defender/Corruptors have that are a good match for a bee soldier. . .



Something with storm perhaps? I'm suggesting that based on that if you get into your folks ether, tornado really could appear to be a swarm of bees. Some of the other powers could conceivably work - but you'd need something stronger than ether.



Dark Miasma, You can color it just perfectly to fit a swarm of bees.

Bee's can debuff ToHit, cuz ITS BEE'S your freaking out! They can cause Fear!! They could heal? They could Rez? Call it Queen Bee Powers?

Dark Servant could be colored to look like a swarm of bees flying together to form it.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Originally Posted by Scientist_16 View Post
I've tried Rad Emission before and like the powers it gives, for the most part. Metabolism and Rad Aura might look kinda funny. 'Become stronger with the power of BEE!'
Color it gold and call it honey, or propolis.

Character index



One of my alts, Mr. Bee, is an Archery/Psy Blaster.

Arrows represent his sting and I used the power customizer to make all of his Psy powers dark yellow and black. The end result was pretty cool.

Thinking of taking the flies aura at level 30 too, because they're so small. I think it would work.



Originally Posted by Scientist_16 View Post
Although, with the dual pistols. It's going to be hard to resist the horrible pun and name her 'GunStinger'.
That's not horrible. That's genius! Do it!

Or I will.



Originally Posted by tensionfade View Post
Something with storm perhaps? I'm suggesting that based on that if you get into your folks ether, tornado really could appear to be a swarm of bees. Some of the other powers could conceivably work - but you'd need something stronger than ether.
. . . .What? Folks ether?

Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
Dark Miasma, You can color it just perfectly to fit a swarm of bees.
Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I was going to suggest recolored Dark too.
Sadly, my first and only 50 on this server was a dark/dark corruptor, so I'm not too eager to go down that path again.

Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
That's not horrible. That's genius! Do it!

Or I will.
With my blessing, since I won't be able to scrape up enough money for some extra slots for a while.

Post screenshots, though.



Originally Posted by Chompie View Post
And against my better judgement.. I'm going to release my greatest secret. Yellow and Black Energy blast (fiddle with it a while, you can get it right) looks kinda like you're shooting bees at the enemy.
You too can be the Beeflinger!
I was gonna keep that concept for myself, but Blasters haven't gotten Thorns for a Manipulation set yet.
Seems relevant there. And it really does look like you're flinging bees.
To me, at least.



Go redside and do the mission that gives you a jar of D-E swarms temp power over and over.



Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I'd rather not go through 45 levels before the concept pays off. . . Although, I will be making use of those bees-in-a-jar. Presuming this alt is a villain. Which she probably will be. Because bees are terrifying.




Bees...My God.

I jest. I'm likin' the look you've got so far.



I have a chubby little bumble bee named Pachibu. He's a Force Field/Dark Blast defender. I like him a lot and he makes lots of little friends in games. He is even acquainted with a few care bears.
Our bees should be friends! Send me an in-game global message some time.

Also! I am not sure but you could always color Storm just right or maybe Dark Miasma and make it look like pollen? :P

My Global Chat Handle: @The Dreaming Shadow



And before anyone can ask how bees can possibly hurt something like a robot, here's a demonstration with the most famous robot ever.



I'll probably get neg-repped for this, but I'm going to go against the grain and say that the Energy Blast and Rad toggles look kind of... ugly. The Dark palette doesn't really handle light colours too well, and the result is a very muddy look. IMO, you'll probably be able to make something a bit more pleasing to the eye with a honey, pollen, or floral theme. I'd keep trying to find a balance between concept and aesthetics.

Just don't be like this guy:

He had a whole phoenix concept, and that shield was supposed to be all... fiery and stuff. Sometimes you just have to tone down the RP and consider what looks good instead of what looks closest to a concept idea.



Originally Posted by Nurvus View Post
I'll probably get neg-repped for this, but I'm going to go against the grain and say that the Energy Blast and Rad toggles look kind of... ugly. The Dark palette doesn't really handle light colours too well, and the result is a very muddy look. IMO, you'll probably be able to make something a bit more pleasing to the eye with a honey, pollen, or floral theme. I'd keep trying to find a balance between concept and aesthetics.
I disagree only on the matter of the Energy blast, which I think had the colors separate well instead of blending into a mess like the Radiation powers did.

I'm sadly creatively bankrupt as to how I'd have a 'Floral' theme, or an appropriately 'Honey' theme without just going a fairly generic gold/yellow.

Originally Posted by Nurvus View Post
Just don't be like this guy:


He had a whole phoenix concept, and that shield was supposed to be all... fiery and stuff. Sometimes you just have to tone down the RP and consider what looks good instead of what looks closest to a concept idea.
I'd have gone with thermal radiation instead of Force Fields for that sort of concept. . . I can't really blame him for trying to make his Force Fields more fiery rather than being forced to re-roll when i16 hit and made that an option.