Dark/Shield Help again




Originally Posted by _Mojo_ View Post
When you're soloing a pylon you shouldn't have AD on auto anyways. DDR doesn't help much against pylons or rikti, so all AD is used for is KB protection and mes resist. You only need it single-stacked if you're doing it properly.

I found the best fodder (which gave me my awesome pylon solo time) to be Communication Officers. Using them, you can freely spam Soul Drain and they will summon portals every so often to refill those that die off.

Just my 2 cents on the matter. Also, as everyone already said, you don't need huge DDR unless you're going up against romans or rads, which is rare. I run about 85-92% double stacked with about a 15 second downtime and it's more than enough for tanking romans.
Your advice was spot on.

I turned off GC for the fight and used three 54 Comm Officers, though I did leave AD on auto since I didn't want to have to worry about it dropping. I got a time of 3:54 using FA with the GSFC proc this time. Sadly, when the Pylon died, I only had one Comm Officer and three Conscripts left, so I didn't have fully saturated AAO and SD for the last part of the fight. I think I could get a faster time if I use more Officers to begin with.

I'm gonna try a few more runs with more Officers to see how it averages out. Still, I am amazed at the difference.



Holy **** Gaiden that is an excellent time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was inspired by your time to redo my challenge and lowered my time to 4:15

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



I've been pouring over my build for a few weeks now and I can't seem to find a happy medium. I want more recharge and recovery but I can't seem to do that without sacrificing soft cap which leads me to losing recharge or regeneration lol. I'm all for a total over haul if you see another way to increase recharge and recovery. I'd also like to keep the slotting in SL to what I currently have now unless there is some magical slotting that has around the same % with less slots

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Holy **** Gaiden that is an excellent time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was inspired by your time to redo my challenge and lowered my time to 4:15

Congrats! 4:15 is better than my initial run, which required insp to live.

I'll take a look at your build and see what I can come up with.



Because Santorican told me to, here is the build I am currently running. It doesn't have any actual problems really, but could be better:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Here's the one I'm thinking of respeccing into. I'll gain 10% recharge, but lose 40 HP, and a bit of regen:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World






Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Because Santorican told me to, here is the build I am currently running. It doesn't have any actual problems really, but could be better:
LOL, I'd probably go with the second build. More recharge means you can spam Siphon Life quicker and it also means you have Shield Charge up more often. The one thing I can recommend is to slot 3 dam/acc and heal/end HOs in Siphon Life as you have enough recharge to run Smite >SL >MG chain.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Andferne View Post
If (and that is a big IF) I could afford the two PvP recipes. I would think about respecting into something like this. But it will be a long time before I could get anything like that. It does not have as much recharge as some of yalls builds. But the resistance is at 38.8 for S/L and all three Defenses just over soft cap at 46.
Fern I'd suggest reading Fury's guide to making influence it will definitely help you on your road to build nirvana. Here are some immediate changes I made to your build. I'd definitely try to get more +hp and get your accolades fo sho.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
LOL, I'd probably go with the second build. More recharge means you can spam Siphon Life quicker and it also means you have Shield Charge up more often. The one thing I can recommend is to slot 3 dam/acc and heal/end HOs in Siphon Life as you have enough recharge to run Smite >SL >MG chain.
Then I'd lose even more HP bonuses. I should probably change out the Crushing Impact to a Dam/End though.

Also, I'm not sure I should listen to you 'cause your avatars are creepy.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Fern I'd suggest reading Fury's guide to making influence it will definitely help you on your road to build nirvana. Here are some immediate changes I made to your build. I'd definitely try to get more +hp and get your accolades fo sho.
Yeah I've gone through and gotten all the Accolades that give a End and/or Health bonus. Unless there are new ones I am not aware of. I've read the guide, or glanced through it. But I just hate playing the market. Thanks for the help on the build. Maybe one day(year) I'll afford it. :P



Originally Posted by Andferne View Post
Yeah I've gone through and gotten all the Accolades that give a End and/or Health bonus. Unless there are new ones I am not aware of. I've read the guide, or glanced through it. But I just hate playing the market. Thanks for the help on the build. Maybe one day(year) I'll afford it. :P
Just solo some arc and hope for some purple drops... sell... get some merits do some rolls... sell

should be good in no time



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Then I'd lose even more HP bonuses. I should probably change out the Crushing Impact to a Dam/End though.

Also, I'm not sure I should listen to you 'cause your avatars are creepy.
You already have a lot of +hp, anything over 2k hp is gravy and lol at my avatar.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Just solo some arc and hope for some purple drops... sell... get some merits do some rolls... sell

should be good in no time
Solo is the problem part now. Since I've 'suped' up my DM/SD to where he is now. I constantly have invites to teams or people around to help (It be leveling, GMs, AVs, Raids, etc). So when I do go farming now a days it's at +3/x8 for better Xp to help others. Can't complain though, when I first came back to playing this game I only had one 'friend' and since then considerably more. lol

One of my concerns is that I am loving this build so much, that I feel like everything else will just be a disappointment. I hope my SS/SD Tanker turns out to be pretty fun like this guy. Otherwise I will of wasted around 2 billion or more influence.



Originally Posted by Andferne View Post
Solo is the problem part now. Since I've 'suped' up my DM/SD to where he is now. I constantly have invites to teams or people around to help (It be leveling, GMs, AVs, Raids, etc). So when I do go farming now a days it's at +3/x8 for better Xp to help others. Can't complain though, when I first came back to playing this game I only had one 'friend' and since then considerably more. lol

One of my concerns is that I am loving this build so much, that I feel like everything else will just be a disappointment. I hope my SS/SD Tanker turns out to be pretty fun like this guy. Otherwise I will of wasted around 2 billion or more influence.
SD/SS tankers are nice. Not gonna be able to get even close to the ST capability that DM gives but the AOE it will provide is just nice.

So why are we talking about tankers again?



Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
So why are we talking about tankers again?
Who's talking about Tankers? Go Scrappers! xP



Hey, I'm working on a DM/SD of my own and I have my own variation of the build that I'd like some criticism on.

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.707

Click this DataLink to open the build!

I'd like to know if you guys can tweak this for any of the following:
More damage, more recovery, more regen, more damage resist, or more global recharge, or any other general improvements you think could be made. Money is no object.
I would prefer to keep One with the shield, as I personally prefer it to conserve power.
I would also prefer to avoid using Enzyme exposures but if they merit a significant performance increase then I will reconsider.
I'd like to keep siphon life frankenslotted as well, though I am open to alternate slottings that might improve efficiency.



I made just a few quick changes to your build.

You lost just 11 hp but I gave you more regen and I changed the slotting in Siphon Life to arguably the best slotting for it and I changed the slotting in Smite and Midnight Grasp because Smite recharges quicker and gives you a higher chance for your procs to fire off.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Only suggestion I really have would be to get the Kismet unique and slot it in your Grant Cover instead of just a end reduction. That 6% goes a long way in my opinion.

On a side note. I hate all of you who have the PvP recipe. xD



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
I've been pouring over my build for a few weeks now and I can't seem to find a happy medium. I want more recharge and recovery but I can't seem to do that without sacrificing soft cap which leads me to losing recharge or regeneration lol. I'm all for a total over haul if you see another way to increase recharge and recovery. I'd also like to keep the slotting in SL to what I currently have now unless there is some magical slotting that has around the same % with less slots
I finally got time to tool around with your build. I haven't even had time to actually play the game this week.

So, I tried building from the ground up and was able to get another 10% recharge and keep softcap, but the recovery was borked, so I tossed that idea. I got a build that had 5% more recharge and awesome recovery, but was .9% from softcap of ranged/aoe, so I tossed that one too.

I can't seem to find a way to make it better for recharge without screwing the build in one way or another. Ironically, while looking at yours my brain found a better way to slot Smite and MG in my build based on something I tried in yours, so thanks for that! heh.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Because Santorican told me to, here is the build I am currently running. It doesn't have any actual problems really, but could be better:


Here's the one I'm thinking of respeccing into. I'll gain 10% recharge, but lose 40 HP, and a bit of regen:
I like the second build better. You won't miss the HP and regen.

Personally, I find your Accuracy too low when SD isn't up. This is a pet peeve of mine, so please don't feel I'm nit picking your build - I have the same issue with Santorican's and other people's builds. I shoot for 95%+ Acc vs. +4. I know it's a bit OCD, but there it is. If you could slot the Kismet unique, it would really help. If you run FA all the time, then ignore this paragraph.

Things I'd change a bit:

-Remove the Ribosome from Tough and replace the Gladiator:Resist with the Gladiator End/Resist.

-Take the slot and move it to Phalanx Fighting and slot the Kismet unique.

-If you find that you don't need the Accuracy, then you could use that extra slot to put a third Membrane into AD - this will help your DDR significantly.

- SL slotting... If you want to keep the Touch of the Nictus set bonus, then I'd really swap the Heal/HP/Regen/Recharge out and stick the Acc/End/Heal/HP/Regen in. You don't need the extra recharge in SL, as Santorican pointed out earlier and your Acc shoots up quite a lot.

- I'd also consider removing another slot from Tough to put the third Membrane into AD for improved DDR. You'd lose .06 EPS, but your DDR would go from 85.8% to 92.8%. If you don't fight debuffers, then it's not worth the trade.

Really, a very nice solid build. I'd just tweak it for my personal general build goals.



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Fern I'd suggest reading Fury's guide to making influence it will definitely help you on your road to build nirvana. Here are some immediate changes I made to your build. I'd definitely try to get more +hp and get your accolades fo sho.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
I like your revisions to Ferne's build. The only thing I'd alter is in True Grit - change the Regen Tissue unique and the Heal IO into Miracle: Heal and Heal/End. You only lose 1.4 HP/sec but gain 52 HP and 0.04 EPS recovery.



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
I made just a few quick changes to your build.

You lost just 11 hp but I gave you more regen and I changed the slotting in Siphon Life to arguably the best slotting for it and I changed the slotting in Smite and Midnight Grasp because Smite recharges quicker and gives you a higher chance for your procs to fire off.
This issue I see is that with his global recharge, he can't run the MG>Smite>SL>Smite chain. This becomes even more problematic if you swap the slotting in MG and Smite as MG's recharge drop even more below the needed 234.2%.

I would leave the Mako set in Smite and replace the Clouded Senses proc in MG with a Recharge IO. He could then run the chain.

Unless you plan on running FA, I agree with Ferne - I'd replace the End Redux in Grant Cover with the Kismet unique. This will significantly improve your Accuracy.

I'd also replace the Resist IO in OwtS with an End Mod since he uses it for End recovery in place of CP.

Finally, I'd remove the slot from Kick. 1.5% damage buff is nothing. Move this slot over to AD and put a fourth Membrane in. This will get you above 95% DDR(97.9%). Is it always necessary? No, but situationally it will help you far more than 1.5% dam buff.

Build with suggessted changes:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



So, when I was going over Sant's build, I found a few improvements to mine, as well as some things I found separately. Here's what I'm thinking about respeccing to:

It takes Maneuvers and Tactics instead of Combat Jumping and Focused Accuracy. This frees up some slots, which I use one in AD to get DDR above 95%(3 Membrane and one Enzyme) and stick a second recharge IO into Conserve Power to help with end. I then remove the Kismet Unique as well, since I actually want to run Tactics all the time for boosted DPS, so the Kismet becomes obsolete.

I'm not sure how end sustainable I'll be. For the pylon run with FA turned on, I was just barely end sustainable. The thing was that I had turned off Grant Cover. I'm hoping that the lowered recharge on CP will cover this. Also, with Tactics running, my end usage is actually .02 lower then with FA. Will the extra .14 eps usage kill me? I hope not. I'm also hoping I won't miss FA's to hit debuff resistance.

Finally, you may notice that I switched the Heca: Dam/Rech in Smite for the Heca: Damage. I then moved the Heca: Dam/Rech into MG to replace the Recharge IO I had in there originally. This raises the damage on both attacks without impacting the ability to run the MG>Smite>SL>Smite chain. This is what I found when going over Sant's build, so thank you to him for that.

Let me know what you think, and if you see any improvements.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Originally Posted by Gaidin View Post
I like the second build better. You won't miss the HP and regen.

Personally, I find your Accuracy too low when SD isn't up. This is a pet peeve of mine, so please don't feel I'm nit picking your build - I have the same issue with Santorican's and other people's builds. I shoot for 95%+ Acc vs. +4. I know it's a bit OCD, but there it is. If you could slot the Kismet unique, it would really help. If you run FA all the time, then ignore this paragraph.
I run FA when I need to. Dark Consumption comes up often enough that I can do that. I can hit +4s reliably with it running.

- SL slotting... If you want to keep the Touch of the Nictus set bonus, then I'd really swap the Heal/HP/Regen/Recharge out and stick the Acc/End/Heal/HP/Regen in. You don't need the extra recharge in SL, as Santorican pointed out earlier and your Acc shoots up quite a lot.
Yeah, I'm still mucking around with the SL slotting. Fortunately Touch of the Nictuses are cheap, so I can swap them around until I find something I like.

Edit: Just took another look at that build...man I need to stop swapping things around, I lose track of what I'm doing. Yeah, what you said. Thanks.

- I'd also consider removing another slot from Tough to put the third Membrane into AD for improved DDR. You'd lose .06 EPS, but your DDR would go from 85.8% to 92.8%. If you don't fight debuffers, then it's not worth the trade.
If I'm fighting debuffers I keep a few purples handy, just in case. There's also the "run away screaming" tactic; beneath this tough, soft-capped exterior is the squishy heart of a Blaster. I avoid Arachnos because I'm generally sick of them, for anything else I'm usually ok. Besides, it's nice to know there's at least something my /SR does better . If I only had more slots...

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Thanks for the build input guys. I definitely wasn't too keen on the slot in kick for the piddly damage boost, that was really a last-minute addition when I didn't know what else to do with my slot. I was also going to replace that endred with the kismet unique, but forgot to before I uploaded the build.

I thought the all-hami-o slotting wouldn't provide enough recharge for the Mg-smite-sl-smite chain but at second glance it looks quite feasible.

For MG: Replacing the recharge IO with a Dark Watcher's Despair Rech/Endred increases recharge by 0.03s but decreases the end cost by 1.5. Thoughts?

Regarding an endmod in OwtS... that's a good idea. I don't know yet know how well this build will run end-wise, but I figured 30% extra recovery would keep me at full end for the duration of the power. If it doesn't, then a swap would definitely be in order. I want to be at full end when the crash hits to ensure I can keep fighting uninterrupted. If I slot for survivability, I was also considering a heal IO to cap my hp for the duration.

I like the alternate slotting idea you guys have for true grit, but I wonder if the 5% heal bonus from miracle offsets the increased regen that slotting two parts of numi's provides.

With two miracles and two numi's SL heals for 269 hp and I regen at 26 hp/s. With SL firing off every 6 seconds using the top chain, this means that my total regen in combat will be (269/6) + 26 = 70.83 hp/s. With four miracles SL heals for 275.7 hp and I regen at 25.2 hp/s, making for combat regen of (275.7/6) + 25.2 = 71.15 hp/s.

There are other factors to consider such as SL having a 95% hitrate but it looks like the more powerful heal of SL does indeed offset the extra regen as long as I'm maintaining my attack chain. This combined with the hp bonus from the miracles would mean that slotting four miracles instead of 2 miracle 2 numi is slightly more advantageous to me.