Dark/Shield Help again




Any reason why the defense is so high?

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Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



I need to update my build, what changes did the devs make to interface and is assault hybrid still the way to go?

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
I need to update my build, what changes did the devs make to interface and is assault hybrid still the way to go?
Sant! Good to see you on the forums. I haven't seen you post in some time. Honestly for updating any build I would wait until i24 comes out. As there will be tons of recipe changes and resistances will be easy to stack. Been tempted to port my guy over to Beta just to see what it would look like.

Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Any reason why the defense is so high?
Mostly due to running everything at +4/x8 and because of the Incarnate content. Having those extra Defense points for those debuffs can come in handy when I do get into trouble. Which is rare seeing as I typically can kill stuff faster than trouble builds. Without the Agility incarnate ability his positional defenses are just over soft cap. I wanted to make sure I could keep him this way without incarnate stuff factoring in. Looking at those bonuses as icing on the cake.



Hey Sanc,

Question for you. Have you considered dropping maneuvers for travel power? You could grab 2 BOTZ to cap ranged then take that 3rd slot to add to proc another attack or whatever? Just a thought. You would have to sub focused accuracy for tactics though at higher end cost. Might not be worth it to you.



Originally Posted by Andferne View Post
Sant! Good to see you on the forums. I haven't seen you post in some time. Honestly for updating any build I would wait until i24 comes out. As there will be tons of recipe changes and resistances will be easy to stack. Been tempted to port my guy over to Beta just to see what it would look like.
Thanks! Its good to be back. I've been reading about the changes to resistance bonuses and I'm pretty sure the dev's are nuts or they have something planned that is crazy difficult that will necessitate the need for all of that resistance.

Originally Posted by Andferne View Post
Mostly due to running everything at +4/x8 and because of the Incarnate content. Having those extra Defense points for those debuffs can come in handy when I do get into trouble. Which is rare seeing as I typically can kill stuff faster than trouble builds. Without the Agility incarnate ability his positional defenses are just over soft cap. I wanted to make sure I could keep him this way without incarnate stuff factoring in. Looking at those bonuses as icing on the cake.
I usually run at the normal soft cap and charge in using shield charge>sd>spring jump> and then run my single target chain on the boss until my aoe's are recharged and if I get into trouble i pop rebirth and keep fighting. Its a different play style.

Originally Posted by ORACLE View Post
Hey Sanc,

Question for you. Have you considered dropping maneuvers for travel power? You could grab 2 BOTZ to cap ranged then take that 3rd slot to add to proc another attack or whatever? Just a thought. You would have to sub focused accuracy for tactics though at higher end cost. Might not be worth it to you.
A while back ago I didn't have manuevers but I traded it in so I could get more recharge in my build. My goal was to hit permanent hasten. I'll have to look into it now that I'm close to that goal.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Looking for Pros & Cons for which of these two are better and why people prefer one over the other.
Tactics Vs Focused Accuracy.

I've originally always taken Tactics over Focused Accuracy as it helps out the entire team. However running through some Carnie tip missions at +4/x8 there are some times where I get hit strongly with -ToHit debuffs and I just have to weather the storm until they have worn off. Would the debuff resistance in Focused Accuracy help against this?



Yes it helps, it's actually the main reason why I choose FA over Tactics if I don't want a specific epic pool. Obviously you'll also need to make sure that you attack fluffies first because they are the worst offenders with their to hit debuffs.



I have a follow up question for Tactics. It shows that it also protects against Confuse and Fear. Would Terrorized fall into this category or is this another status effect?



Originally Posted by Andferne View Post
I have a follow up question for Tactics. It shows that it also protects against Confuse and Fear. Would Terrorized fall into this category or is this another status effect?
fear and terrorize are the same thing afaik



I was curious because my DM/SD scrapper who currently runs Tactics never gets terrorized. But I have a Inv/DM tanker who does regularly in the same kind of DA missions. Would tactics be making the difference there? Or is the difference more just Activate defense (which is typically double stacked).



I tested out the impact of the various changes in I24 on test with my DM/SD. It was the first time I played him since the HO change.

First impression were that he was extremely durable, considerably more so than he was pre-HO change. The build I was using was just over soft-cap with agility and had a ton of recharge (105% before Hasten, plus agility), but also managed to get quite a lot of resistances. My resistances ended up being around:

S/L: 56%
F/C: 49%
E/N: 21.5%
P/T: 31%

And they could be higher if I focused on them. Mostly, I just abused what I could get easily. In addition, I had the scaling resist proc for an additional 10% at low health.

I started playing +4/x8 in the second VIP storyarc. The trolls and clockwork were pretty easy. I could even turn off some of my defense toggles, letting 2-3x more attacks hit me, without sustaining damage (using Ageless instead of Rebirth). I was able to defeat the clockwork as a +4 AV quickly and easily, without using any aids. However, anything with defense debuffs killed me, for instance Clamor in the freakshow mission. Which reminded me why I quit playing him. He would go great>great>great>great>dead, as soon as any enemy used a defense debuff against him. I guess I could build for incarnate cap level defense, but that required gutting perma-hasten and his offensive abilities. Alternatively, I guess I could test out Ageless Radial for the debuff resistance.

TW/Elec Optimization



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
However, anything with defense debuffs killed me, for instance Clamor in the freakshow mission. Which reminded me why I quit playing him. He would go great>great>great>great>dead, as soon as any enemy used a defense debuff against him. I guess I could build for incarnate cap level defense, but that required gutting perma-hasten and his offensive abilities. Alternatively, I guess I could test out Ageless Radial for the debuff resistance.
Honestly, I feel like having Ageless Radial is simply a must as a DM/SD, it gets your DDR permanently to 93%+ which pretty much nullifies all def debuffs and keeps you soft capped if you aimed for a few % over it. If you're fighting anything without def debuffs you can still use other Destiny powers but I feel there is no other Destiny power that fills the hole that DM/SD has so perfectly. Obviously you can always use some more def/res, regen or even recovery, but you pretty much already have enough of them to survive.

My current plan is to build up a second build that has i-cap to melee and ranged to fight against incarnate enemies (not even trials really, because with all the destiny powers you generally don't even have to care). Aoe def is a bit below 50 and it has to sacrifice quite a bit of resistance, hp and regen and i have to go with Spring Attack instead of Ball Lightning but it still manages to pull off the top attack chain (just barely with ageless). Not surprisingly it's much cheaper than the other build because of the missing purple sets. Will see how that turns out.