Issue 16 AE Changes
All BS aside. I liked AE for power leveling and trying diff toons. I wouldn't play if I had to do normal content. This nerf has pretty much removed my desire to play. So... I'll give it a couple days and reconsider, but initially. I think PlayNC is going to lose customers over this.
I certainly understand your feelings HellPyre. No one really likes being given something, and then having it taken away, especially when you have to pay to play.
My concern is that normal content (AE style) is going to suffer because people will be less inclined to play it with a penalty system in effect. Does PlayNC want to create a slow death for the AE, because that is what I think will start to happen with the changes to the AE in i16. Very sad, as I LOVE what can be done with the the AE!!!
How many people have to complain before PlayNC will actually listen (and act) on what their customers have to say...
Ditto.... I think my whole SG and global friends all managed to quit in a day... Everyone played 1 day and now some are so disapointed and going to Champions Online. /cry
Oh well I will fight threw it for a little bit and hope they revive AE xp again. Since people liked playing AE missions.. I have plenty of lvl 50's but enjoyed playing both AE and the regular missions. Now AE is pretty much dead.. Even ticket volume sucks so can't even accrue ticket volume at a decent rate to get random enh.\salvage.
I would have to say some changes were great. But other changes really hurt game playability and caused many of my friends to leave. Since I played the old school way (Pre-AE) I am sorta used to it. Although liked AE to grind out tickets quickly..
This issue could make or break COH unfortunately. To me it is breaking it.
Originally Posted by HeroicGamer2
04-28-2009, 02:39 AM #37
This conversation thread about changing the AE system reminds me eerily of the arguments about balancing characters, which resulted in wide-spread nerfs to character powers and enhancements. Many people quit playing CoX because the changes were so drastic. Fast forward many months, and a fun new release comes out and here come the arguments... By all means Devs, do something about the Rikti Com Officers, which seems to be the concern of the week. BUT: The problem I see is that there will always be something for people to complain about. My concern is that the Dev response to these complaints may be overly drastic, again. Note to the Devs - I do not enjoy being given something, only to have it taken away, especially for a game that I pay to play! Please be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater, again. -------------------- Read this carefully, Devs. Enjoying ourselves in a recreational game that we pay for is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than your misguided and obsessive need to "challenge" us. -Myrmydon |
Originally Posted by JKwervo
04-28-2009, 02:43 AM #38
*nerf* Darn! Oh well.. I will just have to rebuild. Ah.. this works *nerf* Darn it.. well I will rebuild again.. oh this might *nerf* Grr.. this is getting annoying.. rebuild agai- *nerf* I wasn't even finished rebuilding the las- *nerf* But.. *nerf* I *nerf* ......*nerf* *nerf* *nerf* |
*Sigh* I just knew it was going to happen again...
Ditto.... I think my whole SG and global friends all managed to quit in a day... Everyone played 1 day and now some are so disapointed and going to Champions Online. /cry
Oh well I will fight threw it for a little bit and hope they revive AE xp again. Since people liked playing AE missions.. I have plenty of lvl 50's but enjoyed playing both AE and the regular missions. Now AE is pretty much dead.. Even ticket volume sucks so can't even accrue ticket volume at a decent rate to get random enh.\salvage. I would have to say some changes were great. But other changes really hurt game playability and caused many of my friends to leave. Since I played the old school way (Pre-AE) I am sorta used to it. Although liked AE to grind out tickets quickly.. This issue could make or break COH unfortunately. To me it is breaking it. |
For those of you who haven't been paying attention, the devs have stated that this current XP situation was not the end-all, be-all of their options, just something they could put into place for now to stop the exploits and that the real solutions would come later once they can get them coded. All you need is the patience to wait it out, as ridiculous and enraging a concept as that may be to you...
I dont like this new episode that I consider to be the end of my subscriptions.
I 37 years old, I play the MMO for over 15 years, I enjoy it for many reasons but the leveling has become tiring and repetitive for me.
I was looking for an MMO that would allow me to do my level quickly and be able to devote myself to more interesting things (pvp, meet people, create inventions, making badges, etc ...) everything but xp me tired.
So yes you can tell me to stop the MMO because they are all like this, I thought I found one that suited me through the AE.
I can not spend more than 2 hours of play simultaneously, when I started COH 3years ago, I put up a 1yr to level 50, then I stopped because I thought it was too long and binding.
Today, thanks to AE I could ride a 50 in 2 weeks and can then enjoy the game to make things interesting.
I think the future of MMOs will be deleting this part xp but that's another story ...
It's a shame to give the people back then and under what pretext?
Do you sincerely that you will attract more people doing this? I doubt it.
I have never prevented anyone from playing, most of the time I was playing solo, I have two accounts and buy often respec to my characters in order to optimize.
You can consider me a good customer.
The AE did not prevent the group to TF or missions outside because I was looking for badges, drop, influencing and friendly meeting.
The AE did not kill or prevent COH to groups, you will see with time.
French servers empty, this new version will from others like me.
I would wait to see if a less drastic solution would be made soon but this kind of method to "axe cut" disgusts some who have spent much time and money in this game
LOOOL gawd this thread fails at life.
AE was gifted to players>Players abuse it by farming it to no end>AE gets nerfed>Ppl who dont know how to play the game QQ's over the lost of there only source of lvling and quit
TBH if you quit cause of the EXP changes to AE then maybe you wernt a real player? I played this game before AE and it hurt lvling bad cause of getting to 50 instantly. And alot of lvl 50 ppl asking where stuff is they should already know like (Where is the tailor?)
I think the AE nerf was good for the game making players go out and explore the vast world of CoX. AND they made it even more easier for you to find teams by making the vast world just like AE with the SSK system just to make you happy.
LOOOL gawd this thread fails at life.
AE was gifted to players>Players abuse it by farming it to no end>AE gets nerfed>Ppl who dont know how to play the game QQ's over the lost of there only source of lvling and quit TBH if you quit cause of the EXP changes to AE then maybe you wernt a real player? I played this game before AE and it hurt lvling bad cause of getting to 50 instantly. And alot of lvl 50 ppl asking where stuff is they should already know like (Where is the tailor?) I think the AE nerf was good for the game making players go out and explore the vast world of CoX. AND they made it even more easier for you to find teams by making the vast world just like AE with the SSK system just to make you happy. |
I do not think the SSK will help group.
Just because one side of the people earn less xp and the other group a lower level does not help.
I know the difficulty of mounting a 50, I have 1 year to make one and that was why I left this game
I came through the AE and I'm not alone.
Now the EA loses his primary interest, I return to counter Stricke or there are no need to play a full level

Yeah, all i see in these posts is crying that you can't PL and get a 50 with minimal effort. people had fun and played the game long before AE was introduced and they will continue to do so. IF AE really was the whole experience for you and you liked it only for grinding xp and tickets quickly, well.....there's the door. Can i have your easily gotten, unearnt stuff?
sorry nothing for you, all will be deleting
Yes return to counter "stricke"
The Death of CoH? Nah. They'll go back to the same 53 people that they had before MA was released.
Simply put, MA allowed everyone to do what only the hardcores could do before; farm, power level, slot IO's, etc.. The hardcores got upset with this and have been whining and crying on the forums ever since, and finally got their way. Their way will take CoH back to their tiny population of hardcores like this guy
who can now power level his SG mates and farm for those superb purples!
Within 3 months this game will return to its previous desolate state and those 53 people will be happy once again!
I think this thread has gone off topic a bit...
The point that I was attempting to make was that the changes in i16 are excessive and will hurt legitimate use of the AE system. There is such great potential with the AE, and there are alot of very good story arcs out there!
Unfortunately players will be penalized when playing story arcs with "standard" customer critters. Also... "hard" or "extreme" custom critters (which are the only AE options to receive normal xp) will hurt teams and destabilize the arc storylines.
I understand the devlopement team's wish to remove farming from the ae, but I strongly feel that they have gone too far. Unfortunately, this is not the first time the dev team has "thrown the baby out with the bathwater".
And it appears that the only way to get a measurable response from the devs is to complain... LOUDLY AND OFTEN! I find myself posting more in the last few days than at any other time since I joined the forums, and that is because I believe so passionately that the AE could be the future of much of CoH. After all, the devs have said that poular stories from the AE will eventually find their way into the canon of CoH, enriching the online experience for all...
I truely believe the AE system has incredible potential, and some of the i16 changes will help the system. Just not the 75% reward for "standard" custom critters!! I'm thinking a reward of 80% - 90% would be more appropriate. People would still want to play, but not be overly penalized for doing so...
The devs hear you and have said that they will be changing the way experience is given. But they had to release it as is to get I16 out in a reasonable time frame. It's disappointing that it's taking so long, but it's a very complex system with many conflicting demands.
Whether AE helped COH or hurt it. It helped revive COH which was in all essence hurting. Yes there are people who play nothing but AE. But for those who brag about there pre-AE experience being so great then please continue to do your TF's\PVP\Raids. Those that do enjoy AE have every right to post there comments in these forums as they grown accustomed\enjoyed the AE way. Leveling\Farming or whatever. AE helped revive a game that was starting to lose its luster to many people (Not all).. If AE is what helps keep COH alive then so be it. I played pre-AE and post AE and I enjoyed them both.
Ditto.... I think my whole SG and global friends all managed to quit in a day... Everyone played 1 day and now some are so disapointed and going to Champions Online. /cry
Have you actually tried Champions yet?
It's not even Beta quality yet. It's so unfinished it's a joke. That's what happens when you let Marketing dictate your release date.
Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.
Whether AE helped COH or hurt it. It helped revive COH which was in all essence hurting. Yes there are people who play nothing but AE. But for those who brag about there pre-AE experience being so great then please continue to do your TF's\PVP\Raids. Those that do enjoy AE have every right to post there comments in these forums as they grown accustomed\enjoyed the AE way. Leveling\Farming or whatever. AE helped revive a game that was starting to lose its luster to many people (Not all).. If AE is what helps keep COH alive then so be it. I played pre-AE and post AE and I enjoyed them both.
The AE brought me back to CoHv, and I was having fun playing the Dev content, while breaking up the routine with Custom critter arc/missions, and creating Custom critter arcs. I was not power leveling nor farming. This time around I only got to level 20 (Though I did probably make over 20 alts that got close to this level.).
I saw the changes being made to the MA with I16 open beta, and did not like what I was seeing . What the Dev was doing did not jive with what I had seen. Things like Player critters needing 18 powers to be at 100% xp of Dev critters, when many of the power groups only had five or six powers in them. Saying that Stand/Stand Player critters where not as difficult as Dev critters so that they were only worth 75% xp. Both of these painted a big sign over the Devs head, blinking Ignorant of the MA system, for me.
I ran a couple of test in the Beta MA, during open beta, to verify my observations, and then posted the results in the Beta forum. I was not the only one to do this. We continually stated that the changes to the MA would not affect farms, only Player critter arcs/missions. Not once did the Dev come into the Beta MA feedback forum and discuss the proposed changes, nor commented about all the data that was being posted. All they did was post what the changes were.
I16 releases, and my Boss farm that I built to test my observations has not been effected at all. I get full xp/drops from this mission. My Story arc on the other hand was royally ******. Ive been dinking with it since the I16 release, and at least I got it to give normal xp for the Dev critters, but my created critters do not give full xp. This includes my Custom Lt that is Hard/Stand, Plant Assault (Set to melee.), with the Heal and AM from the Rad group. I had an Easy Rescue scenario that popped two of these, and they just handed my level 15 Thugs/Dark MM, along with his Lt and two minions, there *****, in under 30 seconds. Both custom Lts hit AM, and went to town on us. Two +1 Dev critters groups, with Lts and Minions, could not do what these two 0 Level Lts did to me, and they were not even worth full xp.
Ive argued, experimented and posted my result enough, and I am through fighting this change, within the game. Like I said the AE brought me back to CoHv, and the I16 changes to it have caused me to unsubscribe, again (Been in and out of this game since June 04.). I beta tested CO and know that I will not be going there. I did try the Aion open beta, and found it to be fun (Though a little limited in the classes.), maybe Ill check it out until something else comes along. I might check out GR when it comes out, but more and more CoHv has been leaving a foul taste in my mouth.
Have you actually tried Champions yet? It's not even Beta quality yet. It's so unfinished it's a joke. That's what happens when you let Marketing dictate your release date. |
Lol. Don't rush over though, I mean we wouldn't want the last 53 people in COX to leave PlayNC totally empty. Of course you 53 people could all make one SG called "The last COX players" and could always go to the same instance together just so you don't feel to alienated in a new game.
I asked this question in another forum and didn't really get a legitimate answer, so I will pose it here again.
Why do "real" players care if people farm in AE, or out of it for that matter? Everyone seems to take this GAME so seriously. Complaining about people spamming requests for teams, asking questions some feel they should already know and other petty annoyances. Who cares? To the people complaining about requests and the such I say this. I am too busy fighting mobs to worry about what is scrolling through the little box in the lower left hand corner of my screen.
I am like a previous poster that enjoyed using the AE farms to get a character up quickly to see how certain AT's and powersets played. I have a 50 that I leveled all the way up with only a few missions in AE after he was already 48 or 49. Did I not pay my due? I think I just hit the 48 month veteran badge as well. Haven't I played the game long enough to decide if I want some mindless fighting and levelling for a change of pace, as opposed to going through the same mission arcs and same contacts I have seen for years?
If someone wants to have a stable of 50's that they PL'ed in AE missions, who are you (or the Devs) to tell them they shouldn't? After all, we all pay the same amount of money to play the game. I wasn't aware some people's money granted their concerns a higher level of importance.
To the people that say the game was not "intended" to be played that way. Who are you (or the Devs) to say how the game should be played? Isn't that up to the individual, especially in a game that is built around varying levels of customiztion?
So, please, can someone explain to me what is so wrong about people using the AE system as they choose, other than that it offends your delicate sensibilities.
Try my AE Arc: Out of Place, Out of Time ID#304340.
Leave your Arc title in the feedback and I will check yours out as well.
I'm not even sure why I'm getting into this "jerk hackers" trainwreck...
The thing I really don't get is the idea of the XP nerf on custom critters as being a "punishment". That's not the case. A "punishment" would be if they stripped XP or inf gains from the toons rather than the critters. This is a "nerf" which is simply a modification to the risk/reward ratio - which is accurate to how the system has been frequently used by the playerbase before. If there is less risk, it is not too strange for the threat to provide less reward. This goes on in the content all the time with hardly a blink - The Freakshow Xp modifications come to mind as an example (which have gone up and down before).
Farmers, you will always be with us. If you don't like what is happening now, find another thread in this VERY forum on how to adapt your strategies to continue to PL, farm, and otherwise bulldoze your way through whatever challenges (or lack thereof) you see fit to place between yourself and your goals.
I'm actually looking at my dumb "quote a day" calendar on my desk and amazingly, it has an apt quote for your plight:
"If you have to will to change it, you have no right to criticise it"
"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge
The AE brought me back to CoHv, and I was having fun playing the Dev content, while breaking up the routine with Custom critter arc/missions, and creating Custom critter arcs. I was not power leveling nor farming.
I saw the changes being made to the MA with I16 open beta, and did not like what I was seeing . What the Dev was doing did not jive with what I had seen. Things like Player critters needing 18 powers to be at 100% xp of Dev critters, when many of the power groups only had five or six powers in them. Saying that Stand/Stand Player critters where not as difficult as Dev critters so that they were only worth 75% xp. Both of these painted a big sign over the Devs head, blinking Ignorant of the MA system, for me.
I ran a couple of test in the Beta MA, during open beta, to verify my observations, and then posted the results in the Beta forum. I was not the only one to do this. We continually stated that the changes to the MA would not affect farms, only Player critter arcs/missions. Not once did the Dev come into the Beta MA feedback forum and discuss the proposed changes, nor commented about all the data that was being posted. All they did was post what the changes were. |

I currently have a few questions for the devs...
Are the devs actually paying attention to what we write?
How much player outrage will NCSoft accept before they fix their "fix"?
Does NCSoft want to give the AE a slow lingering death?
Do these Devs actually THINK about things before they change them?
Issue 16 hurts legitimate users (the kind that NCSoft have supposedly tried to encourage) of the AE TOO MUCH!!!
Originally Posted by JKwervo
*nerf* Darn! Oh well.. I will just have to rebuild. Ah.. this works *nerf*
Darn it.. well I will rebuild again.. oh this might *nerf* Grr.. this is getting annoying.. rebuild agai- *nerf* I wasn't even finished rebuilding the las- *nerf* But.. *nerf* I *nerf* ......*nerf* *nerf* *nerf* |
I asked this question in another forum and didn't really get a legitimate answer, so I will pose it here again.
Why do "real" players care if people farm in AE, or out of it for that matter? Everyone seems to take this GAME so seriously. Complaining about people spamming requests for teams, asking questions some feel they should already know and other petty annoyances. Who cares? To the people complaining about requests and the such I say this. I am too busy fighting mobs to worry about what is scrolling through the little box in the lower left hand corner of my screen. I am like a previous poster that enjoyed using the AE farms to get a character up quickly to see how certain AT's and powersets played. I have a 50 that I leveled all the way up with only a few missions in AE after he was already 48 or 49. Did I not pay my due? I think I just hit the 48 month veteran badge as well. Haven't I played the game long enough to decide if I want some mindless fighting and levelling for a change of pace, as opposed to going through the same mission arcs and same contacts I have seen for years? If someone wants to have a stable of 50's that they PL'ed in AE missions, who are you (or the Devs) to tell them they shouldn't? After all, we all pay the same amount of money to play the game. I wasn't aware some people's money granted their concerns a higher level of importance. To the people that say the game was not "intended" to be played that way. Who are you (or the Devs) to say how the game should be played? Isn't that up to the individual, especially in a game that is built around varying levels of customiztion? So, please, can someone explain to me what is so wrong about people using the AE system as they choose, other than that it offends your delicate sensibilities. Thanks, |
Here's the kicker, for me....the thing that bugs me the most about it. If the vets who don't like AE would just go do their TF's/Arc without worrying about how someone else is playing the game they both payed for and pay continually to play, then this wouldn't be an issue. I'm not in AE farming 52 maniac slammers hating on those doing the Statesmen TF (which is the only reason to get bonfire, btw xD)....Why is it such an issue for those who don't participate in AE to dictate (by their pissing and moaning) what farmers/power-levelers should be able to do? Just play the game how you want, and leave the others alone.
Exactly how I feel!
Here's the kicker, for me....the thing that bugs me the most about it. If the vets who don't like AE would just go do their TF's/Arc without worrying about how someone else is playing the game they both payed for and pay continually to play, then this wouldn't be an issue. I'm not in AE farming 52 maniac slammers hating on those doing the Statesmen TF (which is the only reason to get bonfire, btw xD)....Why is it such an issue for those who don't participate in AE to dictate (by their pissing and moaning) what farmers/power-levelers should be able to do? Just play the game how you want, and leave the others alone. |
Also, eveything I say is coming from someone that doesn't do a lot of farming. Was never a big fan as I enjoy the story content. But, when the light finally went off that farming through 20 or 30 levels in a short time is a fantastic way to feel out AT's I realized there was a benefit.
So again, I reiterate my challenge. Please provide any evidence of how farming "breaks" the game.
Try my AE Arc: Out of Place, Out of Time ID#304340.
Leave your Arc title in the feedback and I will check yours out as well.
I like ALOT of the changes and new features brought to the game with i16. However I am VERY disappointed that "standard" AE custom critters will now only be giving 75% of the normal rewards (xp/influence/prestige). I believe that this cut of 25% rewards will likely stop alot of people from being interested in regular AE story arcs!
Isn't the goal of Paragon Studios regarding AE, to encourage player created story arcs, which people will WANT to play?
I have an AE story that I am trying to get a dev reward for. I put hours of work into it, and I'm concerned that it will be hard to form story arc teams with the current cut to rewards. I know it's always possible to make the custom critters harder, but I see that as likely interfering with the storyline, because teams will be forced to work harder on difficult critters and lose track of the storyline.
I truely believe the AE system has incredible potential, and some of the i16 changes will help the system. Just not the 75% reward for "standard" custom critters!! I'm thinking a reward of 80% - 90% would be more appropriate. People would still want to play, but not be overly penalized for doing so...
Please let the development team know how you feel about this!!!