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  1. I will echo the end use sentiment. I have a Street/Shield toon (Russian version of Captain America) and it rips through endurance. Lots of fun though.
  2. /signed. As others have said, I don't think full customization of your pets is viable or reasonable, but selecting from a couple (2 or 3) different looks for each pet shouldn't be an issue. They already give the ability to select alternate animations for many powers so how is this any different? You should be able to easily give MM's the option of different pet looks with the ability to change the colors (with the colors, it would just be the two colors affecting the entire pet, not the ability to change the color of each costume piece).

    Will also agree with the sentiment that saying there are "rating related" reasons for not doing it is a bit contradictory as the costume pieces available to female toons (as well as the sliders on the body type) already lend themselves to a preponderance of T and A.

    Just seems a bit silly that game that has as many options limits what you can do with your pets.
  3. Keeping with my perpetually boring naming pattern of drawing from the primaries and secondaries I made Chronos Lycanus. Take a wild guess what the secondary is Despite the constant bellowing from the mountain tops that the set is horrendous, I am still enjoying it.
  4. I rolled up Shadow Furnace, a Dark/Fire. Have no idea how it works from a standpoint of synergy as I normally don't pick fire (I just can't stand the animations for Fire Blast), but visually it is nothing but awesome.
  5. Quick question. Does Power Boost buff the defense debuff of your Rad attacks?
  6. I rolled up SJ/WP and am loving it. Baron von Brutal is living up to his name
  7. I just rolled an Ice/Kin. Only level 8 at the moment but I really enjoy it. I especially like Ice now was an assault set now that I can change the animation for Ice Blast so it doesn't look like I am throwing snowballs anymore. Seems like Kin will certainly help with the endurance hogging nature of Ice and I can't wait to unleash fulcrum shift with Ice Storm and Blizzard. Should be fun to see.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    I've got an Earth/Fire and a Mind/Electric perma-dom. I like them both, but maybe like the Earth/Fire a little more. Having a pet all the time can be advantageous, and the targeted area effects really shine during the prisoner escape phase of the BAF.

    Both sets have their strengths and weaknesses, and since I can have both I don't have any regrets except that one is stuck on a server I don't play much on any more.

    Oh, and I have a cute, shiny gemstone teddy bear instead of poo-monster.
    I am sure there are numerous posts about this, but out of curiosity, how much does it cost to get a Mind/Elec perma-dom? I just started playing mine again after months away and forgot how much fun a Dom is. Constantly going back and forth locking down and attacking. A lot more fun and engaging than the scrappers I have been playing where it is just wade in and hack away till everything is dead. thanks.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amir View Post
    @McCharraigin running in with that Fire/Elec with full damage was nice. I only got him to the high 20's so I never got to see his full potential. EM/Elec was fotm in pvp,pve when Elec first came out.

    I do wonder how mace would be. I saw a Mace/SR brute while doing a SF (the one in St martial u get from that ice lady forget her name). It was unique , but I'm sure they had a hard time with it all the way up to 48 :P

    Yes, SS is a hard hitter and I guess if you're going for damage it would be the best bet? I find there are so many other ways you can do more damange, quicker attacks, survivability, etc., to be just as good as your SS/WP and SS/FA (although I will admit how solid and ez they are).
    I have a 50 MACE/SHIELD that is really fun. Does very good damage and is pretty tough as well.
  10. Just wondering if there were any opinions out there on this combo? Haven't seen anything in the guides section and just made one myself and am enojying it so far. I read that the effects for the gravity powers were tough to see, but it seems with the ability to adjust the colors of the powers that problem is no longer an issue.

    So, anyone out there play this pairing? In the past? Is there anything I should expect or be ready for?

    Any input is appreciated.

    Forgot to mention, i just find it pretty cool to use the hold and just blast away on the guy while he is suspended in the air. That and the skeet shooting game you can play with lift and flares hasn't gotten old yet
  11. Thanks for the input everyone. He is wearing a jacket (the casual one with the open neck to allow the monstrous fur chest detail to give him that wonderful, horrible chest-hair ) so I guess I will just need to go with making the waist as wide as I can and leave it at that. Maybe making the chest as small as possible and waist as big will at least give a little contrast.

    Again, thanks for the input.
  12. I just created a dark/sonic defender named Lounge Lizard Lenny. The idea is that he is the little known brother of Luciano Pavorati (Leonardo Pavorati...Lenny for short ) who wasn't good enough for the opera circuit so he became a lounge singer. I wanted to make him with the comb-over hair, an older face, and make him chubby, but no matter how big I make the waste it doesn't give the look I want. i see plenty of the NPC contacts having round stomachs. Is there no way to do the same thing with created toons?
  13. Random off-topic question. Did the chance for the sleep from blind go up? Just rolled a Ill/Kin (have a Ill/Rad as well, but it just seems too easy) and it seems that the sleep affect of blind is occuring at a more frequent rate.
  14. Wow, that is a pretty big oversight.
  15. While I can see that you put a lot of thought into this it seems to go against the theme of the other MM secondaries in that it is heavily offensive. Secondary for MM needs to be buff/debuff.
  16. EternalDominion

    Dual Pistols

    I have my DP/Elec blaster at 19 now and absolutely love it. Only thing I would change that I have actually experienced (obviously not counting Hail of Bullets) would be to have Swap Ammo an inherent, like dual blades and the combo system. It is essentially the same thing (a unique trait of the set that gives damage/debuff bonuses). Actually it is virtually identical to the combo system in what it offers. There is no reason it should take up a spot that could be used for Aim. Other than that, I wouldn't change everything. Ever set within a class doesn't need to perform the same way.
  17. This sucks. Done everything they say and nothing works. Not getting any errors. The damn updater just keeps trying to connect. I even went to the link to send them the info and the link kept having a problem. Even re-installed the game and it is still doing the same thing. Best I have done is get to "Verify Files" part but, after verifying the files it hangs up again.

    Are we going to get any help beyond "this should work"? How about testing something before rolling it out before double xp weekend as well as after people have spent extra money on Going Rogue early...

    Any help would be appreciated, and I don't want to do the "bypass the updater" route, since I want to get updates and patches when available.
  18. Having the exact same issue. Pretty annoyed to say the least. Just spent the $30 for the advanced Going Rogue and now I can't even get in.
  19. Have the Dev's posted anything about issues logging on that don't involve errors? The updater pulls up fine for me and then just keeps trying to connect. It has connected twice and allowed me to verify files, but then once that is done, it hangs up trying to connect again and just cycles like that. The workaround going straight to the game works and I can get on, but I want to make sure I still get patches and updates.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
    Not yet, but they're working on that
    Thanks. I imagine by the time I get him to 50 we will be on Issue 23, so I should be good
  21. I haev a level 10 Rad/Elec that I made with red power effects. Will we be able to change the colors of the epic pool when we get to them? It would be pretty silly to be able to change the color of my electric attacks to white and red and then not have the electric mastery powers the same color.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    Ultimately, it is the Devs' game, that you are paying to play. They can change it however they like, including to discourage certain types of play they don't like. Based on my reading of the terms of service, your only right or option at that point is to stop giving them money.

    It is my guess that the Devs have, as part of their game design, a certain rate at which they would like characters to advance. There is probably some margin of tolerance in this. Hitting 50 inside of a day is probably outside that margin.

    In the end, it really does come down to "because the Devs say so." Whether you find that a satisfying answer is not relevant. They don't have to give you a reason. They don't have to listen to your arguments. If you don't like that, stop giving them money.
    Megajoule, I understand and agree with everything you have said. I know that it is the Dev's game and they can do with it as they choose. I just prefer that there is a certain level of accountability. If the game had changed in a way you did not agree with and the only answer given was "because we wanted to" you would just happily accept that?

    I would hope you would raise your questions and try to get a certain level of conversation going to seriously look at the issue that was concerning you. I am not suggesting that they Devs have some obligation to change the game to anything other that what they "intended" the game to become. That being said, I would think the developers would look at the issue and say "Well, this isn't exactly what we had intended, but there is a good portion of the player-base that enjoys this and it doesn't really affect anything anyone else is doing, so I guess we can just let the game mature organically and let the players guide its development."
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
    Who cares if it's "breaking the game?" Seriously. The AE was being used for farming when the Devs warned and even threatened players NOT to use it for farming.

    What did you think would happen?

    No, answer my question. What did you think would happen to AE when all people did was use it to farm when that's NOT the reason it was created?

    Did you seriously think the devs would just allow it? Did you think they would just sit by and watch their new technology and inovation just be farmed to death?

    Get some common sense bro. It doesn't have to break the just has to go against the intended purpose of it's creation.
    Again, a complete lack of a response other than "the devs told you they didn't want you to do that". This isn't paying some site to level up my character. This isn't buying influence online. It is how some people choose to play the game (again, I have only farmed within AE for a week at most).

    I just don't understand how people playing the game in a way that has yet to be shown to me to be in any way detrimental to the game as a whole should be precluded from playing that way.

    So it was created to allow players to create magnificent new works of MMO fiction to amaze and impress all comers and some people chose to use it to aid in leveling their toons. Of course when the devs say they don't want you to use it like that I would expect them to back it up. It doesn't mean I agree with it.

    My arguement isn't "how could they do this? They never said it was bad". I have (quite clearly I think) asked 1 simple question.

    Why is using the AE system any way you choose a problem? You gave an answer and I appreciate you opinion and your feedback, but my question has still yet to be answered.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SkillyHizoh View Post
    Exactly how I feel!

    Here's the kicker, for me....the thing that bugs me the most about it. If the vets who don't like AE would just go do their TF's/Arc without worrying about how someone else is playing the game they both payed for and pay continually to play, then this wouldn't be an issue. I'm not in AE farming 52 maniac slammers hating on those doing the Statesmen TF (which is the only reason to get bonfire, btw xD)....Why is it such an issue for those who don't participate in AE to dictate (by their pissing and moaning) what farmers/power-levelers should be able to do? Just play the game how you want, and leave the others alone.
    Exactly my point. I have yet to have one of the "anti-farming" group provide me any answer other than "nobody groups with me". Hate to break it to them, but the people that are farming likely wouldn't group with you anyway.

    Also, eveything I say is coming from someone that doesn't do a lot of farming. Was never a big fan as I enjoy the story content. But, when the light finally went off that farming through 20 or 30 levels in a short time is a fantastic way to feel out AT's I realized there was a benefit.

    So again, I reiterate my challenge. Please provide any evidence of how farming "breaks" the game.
  25. I asked this question in another forum and didn't really get a legitimate answer, so I will pose it here again.

    Why do "real" players care if people farm in AE, or out of it for that matter? Everyone seems to take this GAME so seriously. Complaining about people spamming requests for teams, asking questions some feel they should already know and other petty annoyances. Who cares? To the people complaining about requests and the such I say this. I am too busy fighting mobs to worry about what is scrolling through the little box in the lower left hand corner of my screen.

    I am like a previous poster that enjoyed using the AE farms to get a character up quickly to see how certain AT's and powersets played. I have a 50 that I leveled all the way up with only a few missions in AE after he was already 48 or 49. Did I not pay my due? I think I just hit the 48 month veteran badge as well. Haven't I played the game long enough to decide if I want some mindless fighting and levelling for a change of pace, as opposed to going through the same mission arcs and same contacts I have seen for years?

    If someone wants to have a stable of 50's that they PL'ed in AE missions, who are you (or the Devs) to tell them they shouldn't? After all, we all pay the same amount of money to play the game. I wasn't aware some people's money granted their concerns a higher level of importance.

    To the people that say the game was not "intended" to be played that way. Who are you (or the Devs) to say how the game should be played? Isn't that up to the individual, especially in a game that is built around varying levels of customiztion?

    So, please, can someone explain to me what is so wrong about people using the AE system as they choose, other than that it offends your delicate sensibilities.
