The way I feel!




Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
do you pimp out your toons because you think they make you a better player, or are you pimping them out to "keep up with the jones". Do you think this makes you "fit in" with the "in" crowd?
None of the above.
When i "pimp out a toon" it's because i'm enjoying playing it and i look at the sets, i think about what i like about the toon, and then i start slotting for the bonuses that will increase what i enjoy most or reduce what i enjoy least.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Rad Def w/o LR (beeg PHAIL) best -regen per minute of all defenders
1. thinks its just a targeted aoe Slow (who needs that)
2. why do you need to -regen something when its gonna get killed reasonably quick?
"What's an AV/GM" btw?

Kin w/o SB
reasoning -
1. Wow, great power, too bad it doesnt affect me, so why have it?
2. Solo or PvP build
3. Respec'd off cuz player was spammed for it when teaming....and the player cant cope w/ the Powerset's demand



Originally Posted by War_Admiral View Post
And since the SB issue has been beat to death on these boards, I'll just say this as a final note regarding my observations while in game and just reading the boards.

I really get the feeling that a lot of people (including long time vets) would rather take a n00b kin willing to keep the team SBed at all times over a really good kin that doesnt have SB. And that to me is pretty sad.

"Hey, you wanna join this tf!"

"Sure, why not"

"You got SB?"


Not really sure if it's fair to judge a player based on powers he does or doesnt have that help you!

You either know the player is good and his toon will help the team, or you're looking for specific powers in certain builds.
where's steel brigade when needed? he's so good at vocalizing the difference between the responsibilities of soloing and teaming....

As Force said, every hero ought to have some of the basic "stand-out" powers of their powersets. Ought to, but not required at all, considering you're playing for yourself. But when you get into a "teaming" atmosphere, there will be expectations from you that you will need to provide, or you may find yourself back to being your lonesome again.

A teamleader has EVERY right to be as demanding as they want to be. Ummm, last i heard, joining a team is still predicated on a voluntary basis. This doesnt make them right in any means, but it still means its THEIR team, and not yours. Any time i didnt like a TL's calls, i always remember - if i dont like it, i should start my own team..... yeah. If you dont have enough gumption or rep to be able to start your own team, you can either change the build to provide the basic powers that would attract yourself to a team OR go back to soloing. Cuz the only person that complain about that is yourself.

Complaints about not getting picked up about certain powers are silly imo.
#1 - change your build to be more team-friendly and team-attractive
#2 - Start your own team and then you can dictate how things go
#3 - Solo, and you dont have to be bugged about your build



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Kat, I'm really happy for you, I'm gonna let you finish but Fire Breath hits harder than Fireball, has a great cone when slotted and is easily one of the best cones OF ALL TIME
You should perhaps check the DPS. I can hit fireball twice in the time it takes you to hit firebreath once. Also a PBAOE or AOE is always going to trump a cone in my book. Amount of targets hit being determined by which direction you are aiming at just sorta isn't as hawt.

Personally I don't have firebreath on my toons, tried it, wasn't for me. I don't look at other people as noobs for having it. It was listed in my post as an example of one of many powers that the majority have deemed to not be that great.



Originally Posted by War_Admiral View Post
And since the SB issue has been beat to death on these boards, I'll just say this as a final note regarding my observations while in game and just reading the boards.

I really get the feeling that a lot of people (including long time vets) would rather take a n00b kin willing to keep the team SBed at all times over a really good kin that doesnt have SB. And that to me is pretty sad.

"Hey, you wanna join this tf!"

"Sure, why not"

"You got SB?"


Not really sure if it's fair to judge a player based on powers he does or doesnt have that help you!

You either know the player is good and his toon will help the team, or you're looking for specific powers in certain builds.
There are a lot of awesome powers a kin can contribute to a team without having SB. HOwever lets be honest. SB on the 7 other players means some fast mad killing. That means whatever you are trying to complete will be done much quicker. Is it a necessity? No. But damn nice to have and something I would normally automatically assume someone playing a kin would have, definitely. (Not so much anymore, sadly).

I would never denigh any human being a spot on my team based on what powers they have or dont have. It would just be nice to have a headsup on certain key powers missing out of a build.



What an Illiterate n00b . How arrogant and cocky. And youre not even that strong of a player. You're a joke amongst a lot of us.
lol, i love the rep system but dayum Phire...Theres no need to get personal...

*hides home address*

Im fearin for my family and dogs lives now! Might have to build myself a panic room, me thinks.

Member of the Stoned Templars

{|-|} Easy Kills {|-|} A&TC {|-|}



Fire Breath takes 2.67 seconds to animate. You can fire off 2 Fireballs in that time? My corr has 95% global rech, hasten and 90% rech in Fireball and it recharges in 4.5 seconds. Share your hax plz.

Or, you know, less hyperbole. Either works, really. While it is true that Fireball and Rain are much easier to use and are my go-to AoEs for most of the time, I feel depriving yourself of the damage potential of Fire Breath is ill advised. When stuff is lined up right (which you can do yourself while soloing or moving around on teams) Fireball-Fire Breath is a huge combo.

Also Force, Herr. Mids says: base damage/sec for fireball is 3.09/sec, fire breath is 3.92/sec. When enhanced (using my builds enhanced numbers, Ragnaroks in Ball, Positrons in Breath) Ball is 21.6/sec, Breath is 20.1/sec. Hardly a huge dps difference.

While you could chuck out Blaze and Blast in the time it takes to spew fiyah, Blaze and Blast only hit 1 dude. If you look at Breath in a vacuum sure, its numbers look weak. If you look at it in the context of the set and how it synergizes with the rest of the set(which is what matters in game, unless you only ever play with one power at a time) its a great power.

To me, skipping Fire Breath because it looks bad in a vacuum is like skipping Heightened Senses because wtf, 5% defense for tankers enhanced? That's barely more than Weave is at base, and Weave is to all damage types. But as I'm sure you'd agree Force, skipping HS would be ridiculous. It's just not realistic to judge powers like that. Although there are some powers which are real stinkers based on their vacuum and in game performance >.> (sup, Repel)

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Fire Breath takes 2.67 seconds to animate. You can fire off 2 Fireballs in that time? My corr has 95% global rech, hasten and 90% rech in Fireball and it recharges in 4.5 seconds. Share your hax plz.

Or, you know, less hyperbole. Either works, really. While it is true that Fireball and Rain are much easier to use and are my go-to AoEs for most of the time, I feel depriving yourself of the damage potential of Fire Breath is ill advised. When stuff is lined up right (which you can do yourself while soloing or moving around on teams) Fireball-Fire Breath is a huge combo.

Also Force, Herr. Mids says: base damage/sec for fireball is 3.09/sec, fire breath is 3.92/sec. When enhanced (using my builds enhanced numbers, Ragnaroks in Ball, Positrons in Breath) Ball is 21.6/sec, Breath is 20.1/sec. Hardly a huge dps difference.

While you could chuck out Blaze and Blast in the time it takes to spew fiyah, Blaze and Blast only hit 1 dude. If you look at Breath in a vacuum sure, its numbers look weak. If you look at it in the context of the set and how it synergizes with the rest of the set(which is what matters in game, unless you only ever play with one power at a time) its a great power.

To me, skipping Fire Breath because it looks bad in a vacuum is like skipping Heightened Senses because wtf, 5% defense for tankers enhanced? That's barely more than Weave is at base, and Weave is to all damage types. But as I'm sure you'd agree Force, skipping HS would be ridiculous. It's just not realistic to judge powers like that. Although there are some powers which are real stinkers based on their vacuum and in game performance >.> (sup, Repel)
See, Silas is useful for something.

Repel is very useful, actually. It knows mobs into the stratosphere when you're running through a zone.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by War_Admiral View Post
Same goes for taunt on a tank. I think I could skip taunt on my Ice/SS tank. But if I were to respec out of it, there would be some idiot say "Oh God, a tank without taunt" and probably want to boot me from the team.
Well, you could go with two builds, one with Taunt and one without...

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Whoops so someone pointed out that the 5% def number is for s/l, HS gives 20% to exotic damage which is very respectable. So I take that back as an example.

A better example would be the PBAoE damage toggles. They don't hit very hard at all and eat a lot of end, but over time add up to a lot of damage. I never said Fire Breath makes or breaks a build, my point is just that I feel it should not be so readily discounted based purely on its animation time in a vacuum, which seemed to be what was happening.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



People can do just fine with or without if they know what they're doing.
Here's the issue in a nutshell. People really can do just fine without any one particular power in any set, on any AT. However, other players judge them just by looking at their powerset list, or by comparing the current experience on the team to previous experiences with a player that did have the power in question. They think to themselves "We could have mowed through these mobs a whole ten minutes faster if we'd have had someone with SB. He sucks. Why isn't the leader booting them?" What they really should be considering is "We accomplished the tasks set before us. No team wipes occured. I had so much fun that I didn't even notice that the player didn't {insert power in question}." They rarely get to the "this player knows what they're doing" part.

Maybe putting in the ability to look at other people's powers wasn't the best idea, if the best we can do with it is make ill-informed judgement calls based on what we read.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Bud View Post
lol, i love the rep system but dayum Phire...Theres no need to get personal...

*hides home address*

Im fearin for my family and dogs lives now! Might have to build myself a panic room, me thinks.
Reason #1 why I dont go out of my way to make "Uber" builds to impress others.

There's a lot of jerks out there who think their crap don't stink.

Its just a stupid game to me. If I'm viewed as a good player...great. If not, I'll still enjoy the game playing with those I enjoy playing with just the same. Matters not to me.



Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
You should immediately delete that Tank..... And give me the name

I love that name...and the tank is pretty good too. :P



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
They think to themselves "We could have mowed through these mobs a whole ten minutes faster if we'd have had someone with SB. He sucks. Why isn't the leader booting them?" What they really should be considering is "We accomplished the tasks set before us. No team wipes occured. I had so much fun that I didn't even notice that the player didn't {insert power in question}."


I, NOTW, promise to be more active in applying Clear Mind to my team mates.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Every time I see this thread name I can't help thinking of the Sinatra song, "The Way You Look Tonight"

Yes you're lovely ...

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Fire Breath takes 2.67 seconds to animate. You can fire off 2 Fireballs in that time? My corr has 95% global rech, hasten and 90% rech in Fireball and it recharges in 4.5 seconds. Share your hax plz.
There was no exageration. Fireball has a 1 second cast time, firebreath takes 2.67, that is over doubled. So yes I can trow fireball twice in what it takes to throw one firebreath. Both have a 16 second base recharge time. Now the damage of course is not going to be doubled obviously because the base damage of firebreath is almost 40% more. So fireball thrown twice compared to one firebreath means only about 10% more base damage DPS. Now I personally think that is a bit skewed still due to the fact that firebreath is a cone which means to hit the max number of targets you have to fire it off from a measured ideal spot and how often shall you get that lucky?

With all those numbers being thrown out it doesnt change the fact that I never said firebreath was a wasted power. I used it as an example, along with jumpkick as a power that most deem as an inferior power. I also continued on to say my namesake has jumpkick as a concept build. I personally will typically do my builds based on my playstyle, which is very quick paced. No room for long animation powers unless they do some massive damage to justify that animation time to me. I also play all of my toons like a tank and already die enough without unnecessarily rooting myself any longer than necessary. Thats me though. If other people like it, goody. I am not a hater of teh firebreath and will agree it is a totally cool power if it fits in with your playstyle. :-)



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
I am not a hater of teh firebreath and will agree it is a totally cool power if it fits in with your playstyle. :-)
Ok I forgive you now


Breather of Fire

Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..



fortunately and unfortunately, we all are continuously judged.... its a matter whether we accept it for what it is and change or do not accept it and not change....

"good players" are judged and scrutinized as much, if not even more, as "bad players"



Originally Posted by PHlRE View Post
fortunately and unfortunately, we all are continuously judged.... its a matter whether we accept it for what it is and change or do not accept it and not change....

"good players" are judged and scrutinized as much, if not even more, as "bad players"
And i enjoy my relative lack of scrutiny.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Peterbilt View Post
Every time I see this thread name I can't help thinking of the Sinatra song, "The Way You Look Tonight"

Yes you're lovely ...

Really? I keep getting "The Way You Make Me Feel" by Michael Jackson.. which kinda gives me the heebie jeebies.

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug