The way I feel!




Testing Testing ! is this game still around? I just kidding but hey Dev's feed us new zones, new missions new surprises. Ill pay extra 30 buck for a expanision. New toons, new travels, base actually made for something. Like place so you can get guns, temp powers, messages, base raids, planners on the wall, side missions and etc. Maybe interactive building or houses.. would that be cool.. kinda like GTA but with more interactive stuffs. how about flying ships for those that don't have fly. Maybe go fishing on grandville waters and earn a prize kinda like Link in Wind Walker I think that what it was called. Any how something brand new but with same concept. The game is reaching its peek. Didn't proof read so bite me if your in the mood to correct someone.



Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER View Post
Didn't proof read so bite me if your in the mood to correct someone.


Should have asked if he had showered first.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Honestly I think the devs have softened their stance on farming. I mean, someone must have pointed out the immense farm benefit of the new difficulty settings, I just think they decided it was the lesser of two evils compared to AE farming.

Prices will hopefully come down with i16 with most farmers moving to normal content which will generate less raw infamy/influence than say a bossfarm or whatever, but lots of delicious recipes and salvage.
hope to god! Ever since the post-AE era, prices just sky-rocketed as the farmers moved to AE and not their usual farms. Because of that, less farmers had been looting purples, thus driving their prices up. Hopefully with the changes, the prices will change too...

To upgrade my mains, i need 3 sets of purples each. Now the damage sets are hitting for 1billion each at this rate! THAT is ridiculous.....



back to the OP - for once i kind of agree w/ that lovely little nublet Elf, hahah. I think the Purples are WAY OVERPRICED for what they really are. So they are a bit better than the top-tier IO's, doesnt mean they should be 10x more expensive! Devs shouldnt rely on farmers to drop down that price. Regular players just dont loot them enuf.

I vote for random "possible" reward purple roll on a "Masters" TF or Trial (a new MTrial :P). You could say 1 or 2 purples given to a team of 8 (thus not guaranteeing a farmer to get a purple in the end unless he's got the whole friggin team rigged). And at least a "Masters" gives it a reasonably high difficulty that not all will be able to do or accomplish on a regularity.



Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER View Post
Well I meant is on the BM subject was referring to the regular IOs like devastions, red fortune, makos ... I was refferring to purples and proc's and pvp IO's there way over price even if you wait.. still going cost you a good chunk. I just dont have like 4-8 accounts to make money or I wont spend money on that many accounts. PVP builds use be around 1 to 1.5 billions now there like 2-3 billions .. on certain toons. Yes you can earn them... like the blue fuzz ball said.. but PVE is boring.. I mean tell how many times have you done the same task force or mission?
PvE boring??? Gahh!!!!
Well, everyone plays this game for different reasons of course. We all know you love to play to compete against others, which is perfectly fine. I love to play with others and to challenge my toonz in that setting. Just picked up the 3 "Masters" in the last two weekends, and we had a HELLA FUN time! Also ran an LGTF w/ basically 2 defenders, a blaster, a corruptor, and a controller, w/ a tank that had severe connection problems. THAT was ridiculous fun.... going back to purples, ive picked up 4 purples and a Respec, and a few Posi's and LoTG's recipe in the two weekends ive played. Not too bad for regular play.... unfortunately all the purps were some sort of "Chance for" lol. No big bucks.

Ive got a pair of inactive toonz which have each 5 near full set of purples (like 25), that costed 1bill each back in the day. They should be near 5bill now each - considering of stripping and selling them lol..... like GOLD!



I'm gonna go stick myself in the eye with a burning coal...or maybe lay down one the freeway for a bit...

I can't believe the Elk spoke English. And I can't believe I (mostly) agree with him.

The Devs didn't create high prices at the markets...we did. And I would be frustrated too if I couldn't count past 3 or 4. All those zeroes following other strange numbers can be intimidating. I wish things were a little cheaper, sure, but playing the market can make alot of IO's affordable real quick.

Other than that Elk...I'd say you just had your first good idea. I'm almost proud of goon.

Server: Champion
SG: Pingu Coalition
50's: Twilight Girl, Fire - Storm, S. Charmichael, Checkers-, Masquerade-, Liquid Tempest, Snack Food, Cinder - Burn, Liquid Embers, Claire Voyant.
Others: Cuddles the Kitten, Sarayu, Ninety-Nine, .Calibre



If purps are easier to get, there is going to be a much higher demand. which causes prices to go up. It just means there are a higher number sold and purchased. Prices wouldnt actually go down unless they make purples extremely common. And then everyone will have 'em. And then you will complain about how there is no way to be better than a casual player even if you invest countless hours. So take your pick, hard to get purps but when you do they give a large advantage, or, easy to get but everyone has them.



Well Dave Im not sure your correct... cause history does tell that more of would drop the worth of the value. Before A.E Purple prices... was averaging 60-80mil still kinda high but at least not 200mil each. Purples and uniques were going for 20-40mil.. Stealth IO for Super Speed.. like 20mil. Should i say respect recipe which climb like 400mil or so.. I remember buying 1 for 40-60mil. A.E was a cool idea but only gainning recipe and salavage on devs choice was pretty lame... so force us to farm tickets which then got nerf making A.E not even worth bothering. So back to grinding levels old school way



I honestly dont really care about the price of purples, i've more then likely complained and whined about them in the past but in the end im still goin to buy them because i want my toons to "RAP3!!"

I wouldnt support purps becoming more common because i dont want every other player to have em. I put the time and effort into making the money to pimp out my toons, which does take a while, yes but what else is there to do once you hit 50? Not a lot, unless you're a lolpvp'er or a GIANT badger, which dosnt really interest me.

Money is unbelievably easy to get in this game and all thats needed isa lil' patience and you can get any IO you want.

You go to a PvP zone to kill people and have fun, not to mash buttons for 6 hours and end up callin it quits because you cant "RAP3!!" the other player. Yea, sure a challenge is awesome fun but if everyone had purples it would just turn into a mash fest...

"Its soooo boring dominating every player that enters RV, I think ima quit."
Ive never herd anyone say anything like that and im 100% positive I wont.

In short, i want people to gasp and stand in awe of my awesome and that wouldnt happen if every other Tom, Dick and Harry was running around with purples and PvP IO's.
It would be "Oh, this scrapper has purples, thats nice but my 3 WS's, 2 PB's and my TA/AR fender has more." (Not a dig at WS's, PB's or Fenders)

If this Thread had been created in the Market section it would have been shot down in flames...truth.

Member of the Stoned Templars

{|-|} Easy Kills {|-|} A&TC {|-|}



lol, you know, wanting Purps to be SO outlandishly expensive so no other one can feasibly buy them except possibly "you", is like a whole new level of narcissism hahahah! Good Gravy!

Dont worry, you dont have to compete against me, i dont pvp. Dave, you know the basic principles of "Supply and Demand"? Ok........interesting pov you got there......



Originally Posted by PHlRE View Post
lol, you know, wanting Purps to be SO outlandishly expensive so no other one can feasibly buy them except possibly "you", is like a whole new level of narcissism hahahah! Good Gravy!
Yes, because 100m is SO expensive... *looks at the Glad Armour +def IO*
Compareing them to the equivilent shineys of other games, purples are cheap.

Mayb i do love myself. I kno i love my toons and i want my toons to stand out from the crowd...Dont you?

Member of the Stoned Templars

{|-|} Easy Kills {|-|} A&TC {|-|}



Yes phire I do. If there is more supply then prices would drop. Once prices dropped, everyone would be like "Hey! Hecatomb for for 15mil? Sure, i'll buy that" making the demand go up, and thus, the price.



Originally Posted by Bud View Post
I kno i love my toons and i want my toons to stand out from the crowd...Dont you?
So far this past weekend, I saw:

* level 16 Regen Scrapper without Intergration. (Did not want to run any toggles.)
* Level 20 FF Defender who had the team bubbles, but never bubbled a single teammate.
* Level 31 SR Scrapper that only had Focused Fighting and Quickness to go with the entire Leadership Pool.
* level 37 SD Tanker that had Active Defense but never turned it on.
* 33 Month badge player with a level 34 Ice/Ice Tanker with Ice Patch, Chilling Embrace, and Icicles that could not hold or control aggro.

Me: "You know, I thought tanking with Ice was automatic, but you sure have proved me wrong today. "
Ice "Tank": I wanted to really kick *** in melee!"
Me: Well if you were serious about that, Ice Melee would not have been your first choice for secondary. "
Ice "Tank": LOL

And that's just what I remember off the top of my head. I would hope that you don't need a ton of purples and PvP IOs to stand out from that crowd, since this seems to be the average nowadays.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
So far this past weekend, I saw:

* level 16 Regen Scrapper without Intergration. (Did not want to run any toggles.)
* Level 20 FF Defender who had the team bubbles, but never bubbled a single teammate.
* Level 31 SD Scrapper that only had Focused Fighting and Quickness to go with the entire Leadership Pool.
* level 37 SD Tanker that had Active Defense but never turned it on.
* 33 Month badge player with a level 34 Ice/Ice Tanker with Ice Patch, Chilling Embrace, and Icicles that could not hold or control aggro.

Lol, well i guess thats 1 way to stand out but not the way i wanna stand out. Thats just...silly.

And ill assume you meant a Super Reflexes scrapper and not a Shield scrap 'cos SD dosnt have FF or Quickness.

Member of the Stoned Templars

{|-|} Easy Kills {|-|} A&TC {|-|}



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
So far this past weekend, I saw:

* level 16 Regen Scrapper without Intergration. (Did not want to run any toggles.)
* Level 20 FF Defender who had the team bubbles, but never bubbled a single teammate.
* Level 31 SD Scrapper that only had Focused Fighting and Quickness to go with the entire Leadership Pool.
* level 37 SD Tanker that had Active Defense but never turned it on.
* 33 Month badge player with a level 34 Ice/Ice Tanker with Ice Patch, Chilling Embrace, and Icicles that could not hold or control aggro.

Me: "You know, I thought tanking with Ice was automatic, but you sure have proved me wrong today. "
Ice "Tank": I wanted to really kick *** in melee!"
Me: Well if you were serious about that, Ice Melee would not have been your first choice for secondary. "
Ice "Tank": LOL

And that's just what I remember off the top of my head. I would hope that you don't need a ton of purples and PvP IOs to stand out from that crowd, since this seems to be the average nowadays.
ty Myr (didnt we have a personal chat about this earlier? lol)

As ALWAYS, its not the Build or Enhancements that makes the Hero, its the Player and their skill. No, this isnt even idealistic talk either.... its a simple fact. You can have the sickest build and still be a lousy player - and ive seen them. Its how you play and the way you interact with others which sets you apart from others......

sorry, impressing me or others that been around, by a big & expensive build is *FAIL*. A player who looks for the success of the team, who has a build that magnifies their AT's ability to achieve that success, a player who has the discipline and determination to be a team player during a "Masters", is a sign of a REAL PLAYER that demands respect from others, merely by their actions - those are "players" who "stand out" in my mind.....

*falls thru rotten pulpit*



Yeah, its unfortunate there's no correlation between quality of build and quality of player.

To be fair a lot of some of the best players I know have only generic IO or moderately priced IO builds, what makes them stand out is their willingness to listen and learn, do their best and play as part of a team.

That said, great players with awesome builds can be more than the sum of their parts and can regularly pull off feats that make me go "daaaaaamn"

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Yeah, its unfortunate there's no correlation between quality of build and quality of player.

To be fair a lot of some of the best players I know have only generic IO or moderately priced IO builds, what makes them stand out is their willingness to listen and learn, do their best and play as part of a team.

That said, great players with awesome builds can be more than the sum of their parts and can regularly pull off feats that make me go "daaaaaamn"
definitely agreeable :P



Originally Posted by PHlRE View Post
ty Myr (didnt we have a personal chat about this earlier? lol)

As ALWAYS, its not the Build or Enhancements that makes the Hero, its the Player and their skill. No, this isnt even idealistic talk either.... its a simple fact. You can have the sickest build and still be a lousy player - and ive seen them. Its how you play and the way you interact with others which sets you apart from others......

sorry, impressing me or others that been around, by a big & expensive build is *FAIL*. A player who looks for the success of the team, who has a build that magnifies their AT's ability to achieve that success, a player who has the discipline and determination to be a team player during a "Masters", is a sign of a REAL PLAYER that demands respect from others, merely by their actions - those are "players" who "stand out" in my mind.....

*falls thru rotten pulpit*
Now, now, no need to get nasty.

Im not debating whether or not a great build makes a good player...which of course it dosnt but there are some things you just cant do with out IO's...Fact...and i never said i wasnt willin to listen and learn. Ive been playin the game for barely a year now and i know there will ALWAYS be something new to learn, even for the people that "have been around".

We're talkin about the market prices...

The price of purples right now seems perfect to me. A market cap would just create a player run black market, like Stray said. Which would defeat the purpose of a cap in the first place, and most likely make the market as dead as Boomtown.

Again, if this thread had been created in the market section the majority of replys would be a no to a price cap.

Member of the Stoned Templars

{|-|} Easy Kills {|-|} A&TC {|-|}



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Me: "You know, I thought tanking with Ice was automatic, but you sure have proved me wrong today. "
Ice "Tank": I wanted to really kick *** in melee!"
Me: Well if you were serious about that, Ice Melee would not have been your first choice for secondary. "
Ice "Tank": LOL

Are you sure he didn't say he wanted to have his *** kicked in melee? I want to see the chat log on that.

sorry, impressing me or others that been around, by a big & expensive build is *FAIL*.

Now here's something I'll never have to worry about. (I don't have a chance at an expensive build unless Ping comes back with more market advice.)

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Originally Posted by Bud View Post
there are some things you just cant do with out IO's...Fact...
Are we playing the same game? I am confused. Admittingly Io's do add an interesting twist to what you can do to builds, they are by far not necessary.

I have tons of level 50's that have nothing but SO's and/or hamis in them. I can honestly say they play just about as good as those with IO's. The only time I feel like IOs are really that noticibly a necessity is if you have a toon that you intend to put a lot of pressure on. Such as solo farming. Or if you are someone like myself who likes to play as if their toons are tanks no matter what their builds are. If you run in to mobs of +4's on invincible by yourself a lot, then a +HP build or soft capped resistance build might be good. Other than that though, for average gaming, SO's work just fine.



He wasn't saying that SOs aren't good enough for average CoHing, because they are. He was saying that there are some things that you cannot do without IOs. For example, softcapping Shield Defense for scrappers/brutes (Tanks can do it with just Weave, I believe but correct me if I'm wrong)

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
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Originally Posted by PHlRE View Post
ty Myr (didnt we have a personal chat about this earlier? lol)

As ALWAYS, its not the Build or Enhancements that makes the Hero, its the Player and their skill. No, this isnt even idealistic talk either.... its a simple fact. You can have the sickest build and still be a lousy player - and ive seen them. Its how you play and the way you interact with others which sets you apart from others......

sorry, impressing me or others that been around, by a big & expensive build is *FAIL*. A player who looks for the success of the team, who has a build that magnifies their AT's ability to achieve that success, a player who has the discipline and determination to be a team player during a "Masters", is a sign of a REAL PLAYER that demands respect from others, merely by their actions - those are "players" who "stand out" in my mind.....

*falls thru rotten pulpit*
While I don't think its overly cool to just publicly berate people for being noobs and having screwed up builds, saying builds do not make the player to atleast some extent is ********. There is a reason why so many people choose very similar optimal builds. Because its been tried and tested and proven that certain powers are needed to make a build the best it can be. You can argue all day long that a tank not having its defense/resistance toggles doesn't make them suck as a player all you want, but a dead tank doesn't hold aggro which is their primary responsibility. A blaster with no stamina that never has any end isn't killing a damn thing half the time. An empathy without clear mind isn't fulfilling their purpose to the team either.

Now if a toon has the primary powers needed to do their job and then wants to get flurry and whirlwind and any other power that is deemed useless by most, more power to them.

Personally I am one who has gotten extremely tired of messed up builds on teams I form. I literally have to look at every build as I am making a team anymore because there is a good chance the people joining cannot fulfill their duties their build is typically expected to fulfill. There has always been issues with a newer player or an RP'r with a concept toon with less than optimal builds, but lately its been 10 times as bad. While people should have the right to build their toons the way they want, in my personal experience the majority with the messed up builds also play those toons messed up and seldom contribute much to the team. The cases of them being good players are far and in between. I mean I have seen a concept build of a scrapper with no travel power. Who cares, that doesn't prohit them from surviving and putting out DPS. In fact I seen a concept build of a blaster who didn't take any of the buildups, aims, etc. They were an RP'r. Ok so they put out less DPS, it was ok, they still faught their little heart out and contributed to the team and wasn't a burden. However those type of gimped builds with decent players behind them is not the norm. Usually its someone who doesn't do their fair share, is aggo'n half the map all the time, wandering off in to mobs themself when they can't hold their own. Or spending the entire mish begging people for inspirations because they are missing everything, have no endurance or can't survive because they don't have their defenses. Or yelling at the emp because they didn't get healed quick enough. etc etc.

There is a huge difference between an "intentional" concept build, and a noob who just doesn't know any better. I love noobs, if they are open to learning, which also doesn't seem to be the case lately either.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
He wasn't saying that SOs aren't good enough for average CoHing, because they are. He was saying that there are some things that you cannot do without IOs. For example, softcapping Shield Defense for scrappers/brutes (Tanks can do it with just Weave, I believe but correct me if I'm wrong)
Kk, my reading comprehension FTL today then. Sorry :-)