The way I feel!




I going to express my feeling even though the dev's might delete the post. I witness so many changes each issue that its simply retarded. I work so hard on toon investing hours and hours so I can put IOs. Finding out that it going be nerf on the next issue. (Fire/psi) dominator. The i13+ was hoping for changes and to encourage more players to PVP cause they were complaining that they would get owned coming to zone. Well Dev's those new players are still getting owned and the pvp is like pvping in water. An Single Origin Whatever would still have trouble laying a finger on a Shield Tanker... even my Purple and IOed toon has trouble hitting a tanker without build up. The heal decay is so lame and it slow me down activating my heal. Black Market and W.W prices are outrages...and now nerfing A.E. damn! I guess were going be force to go buy from ****** if we want show some love on a toon. F your changing colors on power who emps? That should been done around issue 3 or somewhere on the lower issue. So DEV'S how about leaving PVP alone back to i12 status or not make a zone where i12 rules so simple.



A well written (for him) post by Elf Stalker. I'm honestly at a loss for words. Feedback Section is ------> that way, though.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



I agree, I went to RV the other night with Fang and it took around 10 vills to drop me... (Kinda proud of that tho )



Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
A well written (for him) post by Elf Stalker. I'm honestly at a loss for words.
I have to agree. Elf Congratz ... Ima give you some reputation too for that one XD




Nice post Elkie.



Im surprise that you guys or gals are agreeing with me on this issue. I really never had an issue with in game money cause of my two accounts but seeing the prices at the market im like wow! some crap is really expensive. I have friends that don't have multi accounts and there struggling to get at least 1 toon IO. They would love to pvp and hang in there but they can't cause there hp is low and they get rock. I love fast pace action and when im in the zone i feel like im on dail-up. A.E is nice there some pretty fun missions but to be honest and most can say it was good place to level toons and get tickets to get recipes. Honestly was there soemthing wrong get tickets to get some rolls. At least the market were down on certain things. Numinas and LOTG drop in prices. You could gotten a
Numina + + for 40k, 7.5 Luck of Gamblers were going for 60-70mil and even cheapers on some days. Take it all away! make almost unpossible to get any rare drops now. Who wants to sit there all days trying to get 1 good drop. Any how they should make little easier to get drops so the market could be down. I really think that game owners are in bed with these chinese gold farmers.




Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER View Post

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



I agree 999 percent. DR was KIND of needed because softcapped blasters was silly, but the market prices are RIDICULOUS. You are making endgame loot worse than WoW, and thats saying something! PVP IOs came out and everyone was excited, but how many people actually got them? I got one before the "fix" and it was worth 40 mill, now they are worth 100 mill to 1 BILLION inf for ONE IO! Who can afford that??? Yea more and more people buy inf I am even tempted to buy some cause I want a top edge toon myself.

Purples are crazy overpriced, 100mill-200 mill for one IO, and you need 4 or 5 to get a decent bonus. I thought CoX was supposed to be the casual MMO that doesn't have crazy "phat lootz" mindset but the way this game has gone I would beg to differ.

Plus the one thing pvp had going for it was speed, and they take that away with travel suppression. If it is made to help melee'rs, why do 2 ranged toons get suppressed? sometimes I wonder if they even listen



I don't know if people knows this, but you don't have to buy purples. You can get them on drops. And no, you don't have to farm a mission for'em either. Of the seventy that I've gotten on my main, I've only gotten a handful from bein' on a team, and it wasn't a farm team. And no, it doesn't involve the Wall in Cimerora. So no, you don't have to pay top prices on the Market, nor do you even have to participate in it.

As for the PvP IOs, good luck with that.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



You know, I never thought I would agree with Elf on anything, however, I have to agree with him on most of this along with what Ace said.

Nerfing the hell out of the game at this point is not a smooth move, what with actual competition out there and all.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
I don't know if people knows this, but you don't have to buy purples. You can get them on drops. And no, you don't have to farm a mission for'em either. Of the seventy that I've gotten on my main, I've only gotten a handful from bein' on a team, and it wasn't a farm team. And no, it doesn't involve the Wall in Cimerora. So no, you don't have to pay top prices on the Market, nor do you even have to participate in it.

As for the PvP IOs, good luck with that.
Honestly, unless you really enjoy playing your 50 to the exclusion of all else, IOing it with anything at that level is pointless, aside from building for PvP. Not that PvP is all that much fun anymore.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Honestly, unless you really enjoy playing your 50 to the exclusion of all else, IOing it with anything at that level is pointless, aside from building for PvP. Not that PvP is all that much fun anymore.
I know. I was really just shootin' a hole in the argument that you need to have uber influence/infamy to get purples.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



While i totally agree with the PvP portion of Elfs post i dont agree with the market part. Its easy to get IOs on a toon as long as you dont use the BUY IT NAO!!! option. The last five bids are usually very misleading. Patience is the key to IOing out your toons. Just remember that you can also sell at the high prices that you complain about buying at. Lots of good advice in the market section of the forums.

Im rich because you trust the previous 5 bids!!
My market signature is the highest bid!!!!



Originally Posted by scott2hot006 View Post
While i totally agree with the PvP portion of Elfs post i dont agree with the market part. Its easy to get IOs on a toon as long as you dont use the BUY IT NAO!!! option. The last five bids are usually very misleading. Patience is the key to IOing out your toons. Just remember that you can also sell at the high prices that you complain about buying at. Lots of good advice in the market section of the forums.
Yeah I didnt agree with him on the market part of his post either. As someone who is patient and as someone who makes money off of those who are impatient I like the prices right where they are. :-)



*contemplates nuking Wents from orbit*



Originally Posted by scott2hot006 View Post
While i totally agree with the PvP portion of Elfs post i dont agree with the market part. Its easy to get IOs on a toon as long as you dont use the BUY IT NAO!!! option. The last five bids are usually very misleading. Patience is the key to IOing out your toons. Just remember that you can also sell at the high prices that you complain about buying at. Lots of good advice in the market section of the forums.
Its not always a buy it now mentality. Buying everything patiently could take months to IO out a toon for PvP. Tack on accolades that had silly requirements in many cases (apparently fixing that in I16). And leveling to 50 (apparently wont be as easy in I16???). Well it can be hard to adjust everytime the devs have a brilliant idea for adjusting a power for PvP.

Then add on the fact that its a pita to take IOs out of a toon if they are made obselete for some reason. Let along strip a toon completely.

I agree with whoever said this game is certainly all about the phat lewt these days. You could see it comming when IOs were released.

Best thing they could do would be increasing the drop rate for IOs, and PVP IOs. Increase supply would reduce prices on the market.



I think its all about how you play the game.

If you want to give every toon you make some fantastic build, and you PL and harvest season for a 50 happens all the time then I can see where its impossible to keep up with Io'n a toon.

Without pl'n, and casually playing the game an hour or two a night it takes quite some time to get a toon to 50. If you play the market for 15 minutes at the end of each night you play, and play the toon casually you should have enough stockpiled by time that toon hits 50 to have a decent build.

Or atleast that is my method. I save my good recipe rolls that I use in builds, and sell the rest while leveling. I casually flip some stuff at the market, which I just started doing when Ping started writing his guides. Before I started actually flipping at the market I was able to still have enough for a decent build by time each toon hit 50.

So yeah if you are getting a new lvl 50 every couple weeks or days instead of every few months, it might be tough.

If you level your toon up at a regular rate, plan ahead on your build so you know what to save or sell and use all aspects of the game at your disposal, ie. the market and base storage it really isnt that hard to keep up with the Jones's.



Well I meant is on the BM subject was referring to the regular IOs like devastions, red fortune, makos ... I was refferring to purples and proc's and pvp IO's there way over price even if you wait.. still going cost you a good chunk. I just dont have like 4-8 accounts to make money or I wont spend money on that many accounts. PVP builds use be around 1 to 1.5 billions now there like 2-3 billions .. on certain toons. Yes you can earn them... like the blue fuzz ball said.. but PVE is boring.. I mean tell how many times have you done the same task force or mission?



I think I still hold the record for longest without a purple drop at 8 months.



Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER View Post
but PVE is boring.. I mean tell how many times have you done the same task force or mission?

sigh... I kinda agree with this, I only really do the TFs anymore 4 years of the same contacts does get a tad old it is always kill this, find that, rescue him/her...

but <--- gets pwnd at PVP so I stay away from there I know my limits ...



Originally Posted by Darzer View Post
*contemplates nuking Wents from orbit*
Egad. I hope not. That's where I get all my stuff.


Also on Steam



Interesting bit of trivia, AE is to blame for a lot of the high market prices on purples and rares. I'll not go into detail, but a bit of perception should make it obvious.



Originally Posted by GuessWhosBack View Post
And leveling to 50 (apparently wont be as easy in I16???).
"Oh noes! No moar AE farmz?!" It's going to be the exact same as it's always been, even a little faster for the first 20 levels (the devs increase the leveling speed, not by much, but is should help).

Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER View Post
Well I meant is on the BM subject was referring to the regular IOs like devastions, red fortune, makos ... I was refferring to purples and proc's and pvp IO's there way over price even if you wait.. still going cost you a good chunk. I just dont have like 4-8 accounts to make money or I wont spend money on that many accounts. PVP builds use be around 1 to 1.5 billions now there like 2-3 billions .. on certain toons. Yes you can earn them... like the blue fuzz ball said.. but PVE is boring.. I mean tell how many times have you done the same task force or mission?
Supply and demand + Human "intuition" 101: there is a very small supply of PvP IOs, thus people are going to play rediculous amounts for them.

Originally Posted by Darzer View Post
I think I still hold the record for longest without a purple drop at 8 months.
*Calculates when purples came out until the next issue* I may have you beat.

Originally Posted by Stray Kitten View Post
Interesting bit of trivia, AE is to blame for a lot of the high market prices on purples and rares. I'll not go into detail, but a bit of perception should make it obvious.
/agree. Now with AE farming a thing of a the past *crosses fingers* more recipes will be hitting the market.



Good post, Elf. Now the next step is to give some examples of how you would fix your problems. Just complaining without offering solutions isn't good enough to get things changed.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.