Is Virtue right for me?




Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Aww I don't mean that I haven't found decent individuals but I can't say that I have found the right group yet. =P

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
Now, class, does anyone want to volunteer to show us an example of ERP?





You -- in the back there...))
Fingers drift across bare skin, riding the tremble. Breath hitched as lips brush feather-light against lips. Hair grazes across cheek, eyelids flutter. An attempt to find focus fails in the rising electric-heat. All that's left is to give in to the moment... and kiss.


unf unf unf o so hot baby.


im in ur pantz, diddlin' ur naughtiez

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials



Originally Posted by NuclearCowboy View Post
RP sounds like it would be fun if no other reason than it would be different, and would hopefully be devoid of running into too many toons named DarthGokuverine.
Another CAD fan!

In my experience virtue is like the jack of all trades server. Granted we've got an RP rep but if you look you can find a little of everything.



Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
Fingers drift across bare skin, riding the tremble. Breath hitched as lips brush feather-light against lips. Hair grazes across cheek, eyelids flutter. An attempt to find focus fails in the rising electric-heat. All that's left is to give in to the moment... and kiss.


unf unf unf o so hot baby.


im in ur pantz, diddlin' ur naughtiez
((You get an A++++! ))



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
I just watched that movie (well, the first half anyways) mostly as kindling for my nerd rage.

I feel like someone somewhere owes me an apology.
Hahahahahahaha. Fortunately, I didn't spend any money watching that. Although I want those hours given back to me.

Originally Posted by Kai View Post
Whatever english teacher told Meyer she was a good writer?

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I received gentle encouragement for my ERP efforts so here goes.

A: Oh baby, I see that your hardware and software are soo modular....Mmmm I like that. Allows my data to be centralized and then shared across platforms.
B: *giggles* Makes my system all flexible and I can 'respond' to my customers needs faster. I also work in the back room so I can get down to business without anyone seeing.
A: Oooh. I like the way you say that. You processes are very transparent. I got a system you can respond to.
B: Oh really? Tell me more.
A: My Point of Sale data is all OVER the place. Soo messy. I need someone to help me clean it up.
B: So you want me to streamline your data?
A: Oh yeah....that sounds soo good.
B: Well first I'm gonna identify your data to be migrated. Nice and as not to make ANY mistakes.
A: Oh Go on.
B: Then we got to determine the timing of your data migration.
A: Timing is important. Don't want the data tools to 'go online' too soon.
B: No we don't. Then I'm gonna freeze the tools of the data migration so no modifications sneak in that are unaccounted for.
A: Kinky. I like it.
B: And then I'm gonna link your organization processes to the corporate strategy...
A: Oooh link my them! STREAM LINE MY DATABASE!
A: My data stream.... It's increasing! IT'S ..... FLOWING!
A: *smokes a cigarette*
A: *shares*
B: *smokes cigarette*
A: *logs off*
B: *wonders if A will call back about back-end tech support later*

This is about Enterprise Resource Management right?

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Originally Posted by NuclearCowboy View Post
hrhmm...buncha thread hi-jackers around these here parts. Worse than horse thieves, or train robbers I say...

/em spits
No thread makes it past page 2 with out a tread hi-jack ^.^



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((Very good, JJ! "Drinkin' an' cussin'." MRP.

Now, class, does anyone want to volunteer to show us an example of ERP?





You -- in the back there...))
*chugs a beer, pauses, and lets out a room-shaking belch*
ERP!!! *Ahem* Pardon ...

Oh, and welcome to town, Cowboy. Hope to run into you sometime.

Major James Ashe



Originally Posted by NuclearCowboy View Post
ah, I get it
MRP = cussin' and drinkin'
ERP = whorin'
Pretty much. Unless I have something goofy in mind, all my toons are MRP. Funny thing is, though I tend to curse like a sailor IRL, I rarely do it in-game. *shrug*

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
Fingers drift across bare skin, riding the tremble. Breath hitched as lips brush feather-light against lips. Hair grazes across cheek, eyelids flutter. An attempt to find focus fails in the rising electric-heat. All that's left is to give in to the moment... and kiss.
*hisses, backs away, and makes the sign of the cross with two fingers*

Yes, there're RPers; they're more the majority on the forums than they are in the game, and if you're actually in a team with 'em they tend not to RP, which is both very bad and very good *hiss* at the same time. Sometimes you can get 'em started, but it's my experience that most folks can't type eloquent descriptions and dialog sequences while running in panic from an AV.

As far as elitist cliques - sure, there are people who like to play together because they find that the people they play with frequently are better (by whatever criteria) than random PUGgers. I haven't noticed a lot of animosity or contempt among them - they're seclusive rather than offensive. That's even true of the *hiss* ERP/MRP folks, who tend to form up into cliques for more obvious reasons, like.. paternity. Oh NO my man is NOT yo' baby daddy!

Bear in mind that there's no reliable way to verify someone's age in-game before you get involved in *hiss* ERP with em. Wouldn't want a visit from a federal agent to ruin your game/life/pliability.





Originally Posted by Hart View Post
*hisses, backs away, and makes the sign of the cross with two fingers*

Yes, there're RPers; they're more the majority on the forums than they are in the game, and if you're actually in a team with 'em they tend not to RP, which is both very bad and very good *hiss* at the same time. Sometimes you can get 'em started, but it's my experience that most folks can't type eloquent descriptions and dialog sequences while running in panic from an AV.

As far as elitist cliques - sure, there are people who like to play together because they find that the people they play with frequently are better (by whatever criteria) than random PUGgers. I haven't noticed a lot of animosity or contempt among them - they're seclusive rather than offensive. That's even true of the *hiss* ERP/MRP folks, who tend to form up into cliques for more obvious reasons, like.. paternity. Oh NO my man is NOT yo' baby daddy!

Bear in mind that there's no reliable way to verify someone's age in-game before you get involved in *hiss* ERP with em. Wouldn't want a visit from a federal agent to ruin your game/life/pliability.


Quoted for sheer brilliance. Especially the "Oh NO my man is NOT yo' baby daddy!" *falls out of her chair laughing hysterically*

As for age verification...When I was running the Dark Dominion, we had a "no one under 18 rule" and even kept Kichi at bay till she was of legal age :P Simply because we didn't want to have to filter things, we all cussed like you wouldn't believe OOCly and ICly, we made dirty jokes and there were instances in RP of hyper sexuality with the Vixens. It was relatively simple with my group cause we were all very close-knit and you had to BECOME close knit with us to join. We all called each other, emailed each other, bought things online together, all that jazz. So I guess it was easier for us. HOWEVER, for the random ERP bit, yeah...I can imagine that would be bad.

There's a legal question for you though...if you are ERPing with someone online and you don't know their age...and say it WAS a federal agent, kinda like "Predators Caught" thing on whatever station on that an offense? I mean, in THOSE circumstances, those individuals are FULLY aware of the person's age...

in the case of ERP if you ask someone their age, and they say 18, but are really 13, I think the legality is in your favor. Because you haven't actually DONE anything to the person yet? I mean TECHNICALLY the whole "online predators television shows" are kinda "Minority Report-esque," in that...well...they haven't technically DONE anything yet. So aren't you just poilcing thought then? Is it HORRIBLE? Yes. But if they haven't actually DONE anything, is it really illegal? I watch too much Law & Order SVU, seriously. I mean, I understand the need for it, in that it's children and you wanna protect them and all that jazz...and honestly those a**holes need be locked up anyway, but I'm talking pure law theory.

It's kinda like the question that popped into my mind about....god 6 years ago? I've yet to find a proper answer. Here's my question:

If you, at age 14 (in a State or locale the legal age of consent ISN'T 14), and your boyfriend/girlfriend, also at age 14, decide to have intercourse and record yourselves doing this...and then YEARS later, you two get married, and randomly find said tape and watch it. Are you then watching "kiddy" pr0n? Is that illegal? I mean sure, we can ask yourselves, "WHY would you want to watch your 14 year old self get busy?!" But that's not the point, I'm asking PURELY legal theory here. Anybody know? I need like dial-a-lawyer or something, cause I would love to put this one to rest.

(Yes, I spend way too much time in my own head just coming up with ridiculous circumstances and asking ridiculous questions).

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
..bought things online together..



Originally Posted by Hart View Post
Like our website. :P I designed it but we all mutually contributed to paying for it's hosting.

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ERP is simultaneously Gag-inducing and darkly humorous in a way, I submit this video for those whose grip on reality is so pathetic that they resort to living out their romantic fantasies vicariously.




Originally Posted by Hart View Post
..bought things online together..
Be nice, when Urban Legends was up and running we shared the cost on the site. Ok actually we had a friend who covered the hosting (cause she worked for a host service) and ran a UL store. I've got a UL hat, some fridge magnets, a poster sized team pic, an ex-girlfriend has an UL g-string.

That too was a very tight group full of RP and had a very very active "Story" section on the web site.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



Originally Posted by DrJackWolfe View Post
Be nice
Heheh, I know, just being comical :P



*Pulls thread out of the grave, dusts it off*
Cowboy, have you rolled your main on Virtue yet (I know you mentioned in another thread that you were just waiting for i16 to go live)? If so, I have a new alt that may be looking him up: a hulking reptilian tanker/ranch hand named Western Diamondback.

Major James Ashe



Originally Posted by Count_Logan View Post
ERP is simultaneously Gag-inducing and darkly humorous in a way, I submit this video for those whose grip on reality is so pathetic that they resort to living out their romantic fantasies vicariously.

OMG that was too funny!

"Have you ever talked to a woman without giving your credit card number 1st?"



Originally Posted by Count_Logan View Post
ERP is simultaneously Gag-inducing and darkly humorous in a way, I submit this video for those whose grip on reality is so pathetic that they resort to living out their romantic fantasies vicariously.


That clip kills me every time.

"You are surrounded by men who have no idea how to please you."

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Originally Posted by Major James Ashe View Post
*Pulls thread out of the grave, dusts it off*
Cowboy, have you rolled your main on Virtue yet (I know you mentioned in another thread that you were just waiting for i16 to go live)? If so, I have a new alt that may be looking him up: a hulking reptilian tanker/ranch hand named Western Diamondback.
/em steps over, around and through all the Thread hi-jacking

Yeah I did roll him up as an elec/elec Tank and I wasn't liking it. So I rerolled him as SS/Inv Brute (opposite of the original Nuclear Cowboy) with the intentions of Going Rogue with him.



Originally Posted by Count_Logan View Post
ERP is simultaneously Gag-inducing and darkly humorous in a way, I submit this video for those whose grip on reality is so pathetic that they resort to living out their romantic fantasies vicariously.


ERP lies in the same vein as a porn movie or a dirty novel, i have no idea why it would lessen your grip on reality any more than the news reporting a carbomb like it's an every day thing and then reporting a nippleslip as the end of the world. To everyone his own i say.

Not to mention that some fantasies are hard to put into RL practice - Or can you honestly say that you never ever wondered how Lois Lane and Clark Kent made love?



You know, it's really amusing.

Every once in a while, we get a thread like this. The thread is usually a question about RP, or some new player asking about guidelines for RP, or just asking about Virtue in general.

And almost in every single one of these threads, the topic usually gets steered towards MRP, ERP, and catgirls, and similar sub-genres.

What's more amusing, is that this topic usually turns into a bunch of people bashing MRP/ERP/whateverRP and then 'lol'ing at people with social insecurities.

Then there comes a bunch of people who try to explain, justify, and "defend" ERP. And by "defend" I mean they take the "to each their own" stance.

Now what is REALLY amusing and ironic, is that the same people who steer the thread towards ERP, MRP, and their derivative, are the same people who are "bashing" it, for the lack of a better term.

I guess what I'm trying to point out is...are we, as a society, really that insecure about sexuality and eroticism? And if we -are-, then why do we actively seek out to 'bring it up' just for the sake of expressing that it's "unholy"?

It's like that homophobic person who actively talks about homosexuality solely for the sake of proving that they're not a homosexual. Isn't this what people did back in...high school?


Regarding the original post:

1. I honestly can't say for sure that Virtue is MOSTLY dedicated to roleplayers. I've seen a fair share of non-roleplayers who have loads of fun here. But yes, we do RP. And we do love it.

2. I can't say it's FULL of elitist cliques, either. But yes, there are cliques, and there are elitist cliques; just like in every society. You just have to find your own cup of tea.

Personally, I think the best way to see if Virtue is right for you, is to just take a dive. Try it out for yourself. Every opinion you get from this thread is just that: Opinion. And opinions tend to be biased.



I've just joined Virtue as well, as a fun robot from an alternate 1920s (with more TESLA!) who was flung across time by the Tunguska event. Haven't actually found many people to RP with, but I hope it will.