More GMs on Redside plz
Just off the top of my head and easy to justify...
1. Port Oakes -- some kind of Council Mega Mek or 5th Column "WWII Wunder Waffe" type of robot. Make it available to both sides, with the spawn point for blue side in Striga. Would require new artwork and animations, so I won't hold my breath, but it would be nice.
2. Cap Au Diable -- Clockwork exist in Cap, so why not have Paladin Construction points in some of the less-traveled areas. No new art/animations required. This would be in addition to Deathsurge.
3. Sharkhead -- Personally I'd like to see a giant Slag Golem spawn, just a bigger version of the regular ones we see there now. This would be in addition to Scrappy.
4. Nerva -- Add a big Longbow transport ship or something that can be attacked in the waters of the zone. Kinda like the ship you take in STF to get to Grandville maybe. Could spawn Longbow along the way to defend it, kinda like Babbage or Paladin spawning Clockwork. This would be in addition to Caleb.
5. St. Martial -- A Kraken-sized Wailer could lead wailer rampages, kinda like the Troll Raves in Skyway, only led by a GM. Tie it into Hardcase's arc somehow maybe?
6. Grandville -- Another Longbow Transport here would work as well, but I'd actually prefer to see Arachnoid invasions, kinda like the Troll raves. Could be tied to have a certain number of Arachnoids defeated in the zone, like Deathsurge is tied to gremlin defeats. Perhaps it would be similar to zombie invasions. Again, this would be in addition to the current Arachnos Transport.
7. All zones -- Lusca and Ghost Ship. These would appear to be no-brainer possible additions that wouldn't require any new art or animations from the dev team, and would allow red siders the chance to take down some of the stuff that's been unique to blue side so far. I'd recommend keeping them out of Grandville however, as the most secure city in the Isles
Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank)) Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.> Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds)) |
Just off the top of my head and easy to justify...
7. All zones -- Lusca and Ghost Ship. These would appear to be no-brainer possible additions that wouldn't require any new art or animations from the dev team, and would allow red siders the chance to take down some of the stuff that's been unique to blue side so far. I'd recommend keeping them out of Grandville however, as the most secure city in the Isles |
Monsters are not very different from AVs (generally, they've got a bit more HP and don't have PToD), and Stheno is an AV already.
Stheno, as an AV, is inside a mission that comes with a warning to bring friends and the ability to downgrade her to an EB. If you run around a corner and right into her, you knew she was somewhere in there and you're supposed to defeat her.
GMs are entirely different... |
I would in addition to what has already been suggested. I would like that redside gm´s stop running like wusses and act like giant monsters.
I'd rather have more original and/or thematic GMs than reused blueside ones. A giant Coralax monster, for example, and I once read about an idea for a Port Oakes monster based on a Family don who ended up sleeping with the fishes...
Leviathan might be a bit difficult in practice. Anyone who's actually done those missions knows why.
Then, since most of these Giant Monsters blueside that are the object of such envy just... wander around until they despawn, one has to ask... what would be the point?
The reward vs. the risk on those things got nerfed badly some time ago, and show no signs of being rescinded.
MA arcs: #1669, "A New Breed Rising"
Then, since most of these Giant Monsters blueside that are the object of such envy just... wander around until they despawn, one has to ask... what would be the point?
The reward vs. the risk on those things got nerfed badly some time ago, and show no signs of being rescinded. |
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!