Most Hated/Most Loved




When I first submitted my arc for review, one mistake that I made was that my custom villains had some very annoying powers.

So my question is this:

What are the most annoying powers to you? Especially mention those that would hurt the "fun factor" of an arc.

Also, of the standard COH/COV enemies, what types do you most hate to fight and what types are your favorites?

@Gypsy Rose

In Pursuit of Liberty - 344916
The Vigilante - 395861
Suppression - 374481 - Winner of The American Legion's February 2011 AE Author Contest



Well my arc originally had thugs/traps.
I had a blast wacking them in their tightknit mission room, several lieuts with gangwar...
Ofc when others tested it they did find it a "tad" to hard, well debtfeast really.
So I had to balance them abit more.

As for playing, well during the launch I had my fair share of fighting willpower elite bosses with... rez. (urk) Even had an ambush of 4 or so the same elite boss while fighting the main elite boss... that was interesting.

Now I've not been inside the architect for some time but I do remember fighting tanker boss... that runs "screaming" around the big room and beyond (Since you have to run after you might aggro other undefeated minions).
Since a tanker has lots of hitpoints and sometimes heals the damage back... its not often fun fighting that type.

For me, thus careful use of gang-war and willpower is a must. If your main char is abit above the norm (enchantment wise), make certain you test the arc on a character with less "power".

As for standard CoH/CoV favourite... I love to hate the Circle so I love bashing them.
As a tanker I hate fighting the sorceresses in croatoa (you taunt and they fly away well they did so in missions for me).

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



- rez powers
- healing powers combined with already very hard to defeat foes
- Unstoppable
- Too many Slow powers
- MM bosses (though these do not bug me so much)
- Detention Field


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Next to nothing ever phases Ultimo Girl. Nothing short of sheer numbers or a tough boss can take her down. So I don't have a problem with most enemies, but I'm sure that would probably change if someone set everything in a group to extreme.

As for other characters, I'd say any enemy group people make that has too many holds and debuffs in it. A certain group in a MA Arc I played made a mess of President Evil cause they had too many powers to lock down me and my pets. I personally never put more then one enemy in a group that's capable of using mez powers. Unless we're talking unique bosses.



Mace/WP.. Brings me back to the EB that constantly rezzed because it took so long to kill him that his rez would be recharged again for another round O__O



The one power that irritates me is Caltrops, especially now that you can't just fly over the damn things.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Rage and Targeting Drone. Aim and Build Up to an extent, but Rage and Targeting Drone, especially on a boss or higher, mean that defense sets might as well not have a secondary.

Instant Healing. Really, there's no point. You can't make a dent, might as well go make a sandwich.

Power Sink and Energy Drain. They're auto-hit and take off half your end bar. Drain Psyche too, it's right up there with the Ring Mistresses' Mask of No Recovery for You, and the effect lasts a good while.

Anything with a debuff that stacks to extremes due to a lack of variety in the enemy group. One guy with Darkest Night is fine. Five or six of them, not so much.

Special case: Fire armor EBs. Their resistance is so high that characters relying on fire damage might as well not bother.

As for standard enemies, CoT at Spectral levels are the only ones that really irritate me. I might avoid certain standard groups on certain characters, but there are none that I avoid entirely.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Things that annoy the heck out of me:

When every mob type (minion, lieut, boss, EB) is an MM of some type and they ALL summon mobs. It's not hard due to mob difficulty, it's hard due to extreme lag on an 8-person team. Fighting off 12 Gang Wars at once is near-impossible with all the other mobs there making it lag like a Mothership raid.

/Ninjitsu minions on a huge outdoor map with the 'Defeat All' tag.

Diversity just for the sake of diversity. Is there really any reason for malta, Rikti, Rularuu, Family, Crey, Freakshow, Vanguard, Arachnos, Longbow, and every other level 50 enemy/ally to be fighting against you on the same map? No? I didn't think so. If there is a *good* story reason for it, kudos. Otherwise, lame.

Most loved:

Challenge. I like having mobs that debuff, but not when I'm on a full team. For example, I made an arc where all the mobs except the bosses have debuffs that will stack - it is designed for 1-2 people to play through, more than that it is pretty much unplayable. It makes the player think outside the box a bit more than usual and has them come up with new tactics to win. And yes, I clearly state in the description of the arc that it is meant to be soloed or at most, duoed.



Here I thought that this might be a thread about arcs you loved and those which you thought were totally overrated.

Anyhow, I'm annoyed that I'm going to be losing XP for taking Transference off of my Grav/Kin LT. Now that it's being fixed so that it actually does drain you endurance (55%!!!!) there is no way I want a LT being able to spam that on players.

Most evil is people who put mezz protection on critters. The only exceptions are Resilience (Mag 2 stun protection is pretty weak) and Grounded (Knockback and Immobilize) as those don't stop the most important control powers. Indomitable Will is the most evil since it blocks Fear and Confusion as well, making a critter nigh-immune to nearly all forms of Mezz and therefore utterly unfair for many ATs.



WP and Regen on high end Bosses and over, and people who use the mez shields far too much.

On Ten Thousand Fists, my first story arc, I had to do a lot of balancing to get the mix of units right. The second half of the arc features just the custom mob that is the focus of the story, and since I didn't want any minions (for plot reasons) I had to take a lot of time making sure that the LTs who were the main staple were balanced enough to take on en masse.

Actually, thinking about what might happen in I16, given the difficulty sliders and such...I might need to go back and re-tweak the Bosses, too, if they spawn more frequently than normal. And maybe add in some more specific bosses...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Slows. Especially on minions. I ran one arc with all customs, only 3 minions in the group, all with different powersets. Diversity is good, and they fit the group thematically, but one had glue arrow, one had Caltrops, and the third had ice blasts and ice armor. I was on an Inv tank, so they didn't actually stop me, but charging down a hallway toward a spawn was more like wading in neck deep water.

I admit to doing the same thing without thinking about it in my first mission. But it was only one mission with a slow, and making him a Lt actually fit the story better. I am not sure what will happen to his xp with I16, I don't remember what is and isn't standard for the powerset. Guess I will find out.

What standards do I hate fighting the most? Dark Ring Mistresses. I don't mind the rest of the Carnies at all, but the DRMs make me avoid their missions.

My favorites on my tank are split. I love finding a couple of Warhulks and/or Fake Nemesis and beating them up. But for standard missions, I never get tired of beating on 5th Column. I am really glad to see them coming back into the game.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Anything im fighting against that has a nuke. Wait until they're almost dead then boom over 2k damage! My poor alts are dead

Willpower/regen characters are a real pain to fight.

Thug masterminds i actually like fighting, makes things chaotic

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Caltrops/Quicksand/Glue, nukes (especially if they have +dmg too), and too much defence.

You also have to think about combinations of powers in a custom faction. One of my global friends had an arc with Ice Armour characters who were also being buffed by Lieuts with /Cold Domination shield buffs - that wasn't fun, even with plenty of ToHit/Acc they were hard to hit. The mobs weren't that nasty damage-wise - it just took so long to defeat them (because I was constantly missing) that it became dull and frustrating.



Most hated: Mind / Illusion control (really, any set with a high magnitude fear or confuse). Very few sets resist either in any appreciable way, and confuse is especially annoying since it even overcomes Blaster defiance.

Most loved: Really hard to say--any combination that 'meshes' together in a surprising or effective way.