Waiting for I16 to launch..




Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Yum. Electric Scrappers. I already have an Elec/WP Brute, so I think I'm gonna do Elec/SR.

I wonder if that will rule or not? I think it will, eventually.


Elec scrappers!!!! Seriously the set just FEELS like it was made for a scrapper! First thing ima do when it goes live!

Mr Buzzing!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Well I have a whole 50 character one man two account SG stable planned out. several 50's and several more 20-40. But most are lowbies and many were rerolled because my account expired and my lvl pacts were broken. Anyway, trying to reroll, redo a few characters, get them back into lvl pacts, and get all the characters that do not have a new proliferation set in them up at least to lvl 14 before I16 live and I lose a particular mission I use. hehe.



Another of my characters has been found by the RMT spammers. All my characters are hidden from searches, but every once in a while one of my characters gets spotted by the creeps. I want I16 to come out so I can turn my e-mail off!

Once again an update comes shortly after a holiday, so I can't make the most of it. So I'm not as excited about the power customization as I was.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Posi just tweeted before the end of the month.
Well, yes. I think we knew that already, Posi. It would be pretty silly for the open beta to last more than a month.



Dammit, I guess I'll have to wait a couple of weeks.



I managed to somehow convince myself that the only chars I need to play are Elec/WM, Spines/Fire (with the customization, no bananas plz), and rad/mm.

So. Yeah. I'm just counting the days, really. i16 is so awesome, I'm bored of live servers.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I've been avoiding participating in any betas open or otherwise for the last couple of issues. I don't want the new issues spoiled for me, I'd rather be pleasantly surprised, so I keep myself in the dark intentionally.
I need to follow your example Westley. I find myself in a catch 22. I login to live and get on a toon and then think, "You know, it would be much better if I wait until I16 to do this. Then I can do it like this.".

I go over to test, pop on a toon, and I think, "Well, I could do this now, but I am just gonna have to do it again when I16 hits live."

I have therefore spent the better part of what would be my play time on the forums instead. As in, I have been here for hours now, reading and responding, and reading, and responding.

But now that I think about it, posting will be so much better once Issue 16 hits live. Then those people who haven't looked at it on test will stop speculating about the doom it will bring with nothing to back them up. Jeez! I am hopeless! PLLLEEAAAASEEE get the bugs worked out so you can give us Issue 16 soon!

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Maybe that person is unhappy that there isn't more in the upcoming Issue? Or they are happy CO is "hurting" CoH/CoV? I think they want issue 16 to happen so too.

Or English isn't their main language.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Posi just tweeted before the end of the month.

Picture Jack Emmert in front of a mirror on patch day, holding a tinfoil Goa'uld
hand-device and shouting, "You dare question ME?! Kneel before your God!"
-An anonymous GDN victim



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
I need to follow your example Westley. I find myself in a catch 22. I login to live and get on a toon and then think, "You know, it would be much better if I wait until I16 to do this. Then I can do it like this.".

I go over to test, pop on a toon, and I think, "Well, I could do this now, but I am just gonna have to do it again when I16 hits live."

I have therefore spent the better part of what would be my play time on the forums instead. As in, I have been here for hours now, reading and responding, and reading, and responding.

But now that I think about it, posting will be so much better once Issue 16 hits live. Then those people who haven't looked at it on test will stop speculating about the doom it will bring with nothing to back them up. Jeez! I am hopeless! PLLLEEAAAASEEE get the bugs worked out so you can give us Issue 16 soon!

My feelings exactly expressed into words...



Please excuse me for going off topic for a moment, I only do it in the interest of saving this thread.

There are some (and will likely be others) in this thread who view it as an excuse to flame NC Soft and/or other members of the community. They will bait you into turning this thread into nothing more than a flame war. Don't let them. Instead just click "USER CP" at the top of the screen and add them to your ignore list. Let them spew forth their flames, while you stand safely behind a shield of immunity.

If you feel like this is backing down, it is not. You see, anyone who is capable of having an intelligent conversation or debate, is able to do so citing their reasoning. They don't make up facts and figures. They use real facts and figures. They never result to personal attacks. Personal attacks only display the attacker's lack of intelligence. Show yourself to be better and don't take the bait.

Now... to get back on topic...

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Ignore lists are fine tools. It's too bad the old ignore lists didn't carry over from the previous forums.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



I have to admit I'm getting kind of excited for this issue; every time I log in and see that it's not downloading "the new issue" (rather than say just any ol' patch), I feel a bit let down.

To pass the time, I've been working on a new AE arc, one that - as luck would have it - won't be hit by the XP nerf as it uses no custom mobs other than placed bosses. I really hope I get it done before the new issue comes out, because I have a lot of alts to get to the tailor when it does. I can imagine the tailors are going to be very crowded too...



Nah, it was a smarter move. There's no rush atm. Fix some bugs while they let that free month that comes with the purchase of a CO box run out and THEN release I16. Let them debate whether they consider CO fun enough to stay subscribed to, or drop it like a hot potato and come back home to CoX.

MA helps relieve the stress on the devs to make new stuff so I hope they're going to really be hitting that old criticism of "no 50 content" hard with Going Rogue. CO's endgame is basically farming crummy little newspaper missions hoping to get a Purple recipe drop, so it doesn't have anything better to offer....and Praetorian Earth *should* be 40-54, if not exclusively 50+.

ps: gimme Zombie Invasion zombie horde as a usable faction. I don't want my zombie arc to get xp nerfed just because there's no good zombies besides Vahz and BP..I'd grudgingly substitute them in. I sort of wanted the Nightmare zombie to fill out my custom faction's boss category anyway.



Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
Nah, it was a smarter move. There's no rush atm. Fix some bugs while they let that free month that comes with the purchase of a CO box run out and THEN release I16. Let them debate whether they consider CO fun enough to stay subscribed to, or drop it like a hot potato and come back home to CoX.

MA helps relieve the stress on the devs to make new stuff so I hope they're going to really be hitting that old criticism of "no 50 content" hard with Going Rogue. CO's endgame is basically farming crummy little newspaper missions hoping to get a Purple recipe drop, so it doesn't have anything better to offer....and Praetorian Earth *should* be 40-54, if not exclusively 50+.

ps: gimme Zombie Invasion zombie horde as a usable faction. I don't want my zombie arc to get xp nerfed just because there's no good zombies besides Vahz and BP..I'd grudgingly substitute them in. I sort of wanted the Nightmare zombie to fill out my custom faction's boss category anyway.
I'm pretty sure Praetoria can be a starting zone as well, so its most likely 1-50.

You say all there is to do at 50 is run paper missions? What about mothership raids, ITFs, LGTFs, STFs, LRSFs, Invasions (when they happen), Ouroboros, etc. I understand you may not like those things, but it doesn't mean they don't exist and are "endgame" content.



You say all there is to do at 50 is run paper missions?
no, that's all there is in CO I mean.

I hope Praetoria has pick-upable raids like the RWZ. Hamidon...not so much, Hamidon was long and boring. But the War Zone one is fun. There's just absolutely no need for sub-50 content when you'll have access to blueside, redside, MA...I really dug revamped Faultline, but...like, no one even goes there anymore. Probably why they haven't spent effort on revamping Boomtown even though CoV has an arc where that hazard area is being reclaimed and rebuilt.



Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
no, that's all there is in CO I mean.

I hope Praetoria has pick-upable raids like the RWZ. Hamidon...not so much, Hamidon was long and boring. But the War Zone one is fun. There's just absolutely no need for sub-50 content when you'll have access to blueside, redside, MA...I really dug revamped Faultline, but...like, no one even goes there anymore. Probably why they haven't spent effort on revamping Boomtown even though CoV has an arc where that hazard area is being reclaimed and rebuilt.

But you can put that down to a large majority being in MA at the moment, after issue 16 goes live we'll HOPEFULLY see a lot higher activity in the normal mission teams. Think if you'll ask where people want to go do their missions in the 15 - 20 range, most will say faultline [though i am personally tempted by bloody bay at the moment with i16].

Personally for end game content in praetoria, im hoping for some raids that are designed for small number of players, i know the mothership can be achieved with like 2 teams only but would be nice to have something on a lesser scale if that makes sense.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Yeah, maybe Tyrant has built up things that call for supers to band together and slap Praetorians silly. They could try to send an army through with a big ol' planetbuster bomb like how Earth beat the Rikti Smash Praetorians and stop them from launching a warburg nuke through the gate.




Are we there yet?!?!



Unfortunatly, no. Hopefully next week. *sigh*



Originally Posted by Silver_Raven View Post
Unfortunatly, no. Hopefully next week. *sigh*
i did read somewhere it was said fall to launch i16---so that would put it at the 22nd of this month (on a tuesday), the 22nd is fall---



I am predicting next week or the week after. I am basing this on a couple of things. First, we know that they plan on doing a Double XP weekend after the launch of I16. Double XP weekends always draw a huge crowd. If they are figuring CO into the mix (and there's no reason they should not be), the optimal time for that Double XP weekend is either the 25th-27th of Sept or the 2nd-4th of Oct.

With some folks making a decision between one game or the other around that time, they want everything to run smooth as silk. They don't want the new issue to be buggy or, even worse, unstable in any way. Therefore, they want to keep a "buffer" of at least a week to get any kinks ironed out.

If they are shooting for the weekend of the 25th for Double XP weekend, they want to get I16 on live next week. If they are shooting for the weekend of the 2nd, they want to get it out the door by the week after next.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



They just did a double XP weekend. As far as I know, they only do those twice a year. No way they're gonna have another one this soon.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
They just did a double XP weekend. As far as I know, they only do those twice a year. No way they're gonna have another one this soon.
Ahh... but they ARE. Straight from the mouth of our very own Niviene...

Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
Greetings Players,

Due to the stability issues that occurred with the North American servers this past Double XP Weekend, we plan to offer another Double XP Weekend in North America after Issue 16 launches.

We would like to take this opportunity to apologize to those of you who were unable to enjoy the event as a result of this, and would like to thank you for your patience as we work to resolve these types of issues in the future.

We appreciate your continued support.

The City of Heroes Team
So there ya have it.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".