Adventures in Backwards Marketeering

Adeon Hawkwood



So, I'm playing the game on my shiny new Fire/Regen scrapper the same way I always do, just making random PuGs and running whatever I want to at the moment, which is usually TFs.

Then less than 3 months later, I find myself sitting at level 48 with a full build of level 50 common IOs, no desire for purples or sets.... and about 360 million influence just sitting around from selling ALL of my drops over time on the market for 1 influence apiece.

SO, what does the man that has everything (he wants) do with all this spare money?

Well, I could just give it away, but that's kinda boring. So I've decided to play with the market and see what I can do to it, just for fun.

Call me a random speculator that has no interest at all in making a profit. Call me the worst marketer ever. Hell, call me the Anti-Nethergoat, I don't care... but I'm just going to waste my money doing goofy stuff.

Day One:

So I'm sitting at 357 million looking at the market. What to do first with my hard earned money?

Well let's take a look at the Invention Salvage list for fun. Let's see, the last few sales of Ancient Artifacts are 555, 50001, 40000, 501 and 695. Well that's kinda strange, lots of fluctuations there. Hey look, there are currently a little over 300 bidders that want Ancient Artifacts, and there's a little over 300 people that are selling them for higher than what those people want to pay.

About the same number of people on each side? I've got an idea!

I'll be The Facilitator! I'll just buy up ALL the Ancient Artifacts that exist, price is no issue, and then just sell them ALL for 1 influence! That way everyone that's bidding gets what THEY want, and everyone that's selling gets the price that THEY want! Everyone wins and I can "waste" money being a the good samaritan and hero that I always wanted to be!

So I start buying off Ancient Artifacts. Since the last few sales included a few low numbers, I figured I'd go a little higher than the low ones. I post to buy 10 for 5,000 apiece.



... no sale?

Okay..... 20,000 apiece.

No sale. Huh? Where did all those sales for less than a thousand come from if no one is selling them for less than 20K? Oh well, I'm rich, let's go waste some money.

30,000 No sale
40,000 No sale
50,000 I bought a few, yay! So I buy up as many as I can at 50K, which is a few dozen. I immediately sell them for 1 influence each and rake in the dough! I'm rich! Oh wait... heh.

So I run out of those sold at 50K..... 60K?

Holy crap! Like 95% of all the Ancient Artifacts that were posting were being sold for 60K! What's up with that? Just one big owner, or is that where most people like to sell them at? I have no idea, but I don't care, I buy them all.

Now there's like 30 left out of an original 300-ish.

So I up it to 75K and buy almost all the rest. Down to about a dozen. Up it to 100K and buy all but two.

Upping it to 200K buys me those last two. I post them all for 1 influence and they all sell instantly.. except for about 30. Well that's fine, a few to spare, and look, I brought the price down from $60K to 10 influence, which is where a common SHOULD be if you ask me!

I caused deflation! Yay! Go me!

And the whole thing cost me... let's see, I started at 357mil, and I'm down to 287mil..... what? Just 70 million to completely wipe out all the bids and sales of a COMMON salvage? That seems kinda low. Oh well.

So that's my first experiment, and I'll be playing around for as long as I have money. What do you all think of my "ebil" scheme to not make money?

Do you all hate me for not trying to make a profit? Do you laugh at me for it? Are you the guy that had all those for sale at 60K and made a ton of profit off of my "charity"? Do tell!



I bought 36 for 10,000 each.
I listed them for 45,555 each.

Thanks for the tipoff.



Actually what really amuses me is that a a least some of those bids (both buying and selling) were flippers which means that you almost certainly bought out a flippers stock and then immediately proceeded to sell it back to him .

For what it's worth I don't hate or laugh at you for your "marketeering" activities, it's not something that I'd do myself but if it amuses you then I say go for it. The volatility of the market especially common salvage allows people to do silly things.



I did that a while back with Luck Charms, it was a hoot! and effected the market for almost a whole day.

... I say you try Luck Charms next, 33% more fun in buying all of them ....

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
... I say you try Luck Charms next, 33% more fun in buying all of them ....
to paraphrase Brody, "he's gonna need a bigger boat".

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
I bought 36 for 10,000 each.
I listed them for 45,555 each.

Thanks for the tipoff.

Um... why did you buy them for 10K when I told you I was selling them for 1 influence? You coulda bid 10 influence and got them all!



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
1, 10, 100, 1,000,'s all the same to Smurph.

that's right, all smurph cares about is debt badges anyway.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



I only bought them to ensure those 36 weren't sold cheaply.

All 36 are now sold... 3 hours later. The last 5 all says 10,000 and there are merely 12 for sale and 122 bidding.



Flopping is the new black



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
to paraphrase Brody, "he's gonna need a bigger boat".
Especially if those multi-billion inf ones Fulmens posted are still up (and I would certainly hope they are)...

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



A noble effort but entirely predicatable based on the Luck Charms same activity last year.

Next time if you really want to be an anti-marketeer you should buy the garbage set recipes where no one is bidding and 10 or more are for sale. You can probably get them for 1k each and make a lot of people happy to make the sales.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Next time if you really want to be an anti-marketeer you should buy the garbage set recipes where no one is bidding and 10 or more are for sale. You can probably get them for 1k each and make a lot of people happy to make the sales.
That's a neat idea, acting as a market maker. They'd likely be happy with any sale at all, but of course if Westley really wants to blow their minds he could bid a touch over vendor price.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



I was messing around with Guassian Synchronized Fire Control: Rech/End recipes redside, buying up all that came available. In 2 days I managed to push the price from 45ish mil to around 60mil, but couldn't keep the price that high, after all my bids filled the price just plummetted down to about 30 mil.

I'm now sitting on about 40 of the same recipe and down about 1.6 bil. It was fun. I'm not sure what to do with them all though. I really would like to see if any would sell if i put them all back up for sale at once at a ridiculously high price seeing there's never more than about 2 for sale at any given time.



Originally Posted by Smilin_Joe View Post
I was messing around with Guassian Synchronized Fire Control: Rech/End recipes redside, buying up all that came available.
*points finger* It Was Yooooouuuuuu!!!

..ohwell, I got my defense bonus. *shrug*

Incidentally, I think someone's been doing this in my niche recently. Recipe prices got pushed up about 10m past the (very stable) sales price of the crafted IO.



So that's my first experiment, and I'll be playing around for as long
as I have money. What do you all think of my "ebil" scheme to not make money?
Given that you intentionally lost ~70M, I'd say your scheme to "not make money"
was highly successful.

Not in Fulmen's league by any means, but a fine start...

Well Done!


PS> The story was amusing too - thanks for the chuckle

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by Smilin_Joe View Post
I was messing around with Guassian Synchronized Fire Control: Rech/End recipes redside, buying up all that came available. In 2 days I managed to push the price from 45ish mil to around 60mil, but couldn't keep the price that high, after all my bids filled the price just plummetted down to about 30 mil.

I'm now sitting on about 40 of the same recipe and down about 1.6 bil. It was fun. I'm not sure what to do with them all though. I really would like to see if any would sell if i put them all back up for sale at once at a ridiculously high price seeing there's never more than about 2 for sale at any given time.
Hey, thanks. I had a gold roll pull a rech/end and was shocked to see the spike on the market. Yeah, I listed mine at around 55mil and it sold in about 20 minutes.



I've always wanted to try something like this. Perhaps when I get rich enough, I will. In any event, I enjoyed reading about your experiences!

I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

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Originally Posted by Hart View Post
*points finger* It Was Yooooouuuuuu!!!

..ohwell, I got my defense bonus. *shrug*

Incidentally, I think someone's been doing this in my niche recently. Recipe prices got pushed up about 10m past the (very stable) sales price of the crafted IO.
I'll second that 'It was you!'.

I very recently put in a bid for one Guassian recipe to add to a partial set already slotted after my character leveled, and noticed how the prices on those had risen sharply.

I'll wait and sit on my original low bid, thank you very much. No hurry, no worries.



Originally Posted by Smilin_Joe View Post
I was messing around with Guassian Synchronized Fire Control: Rech/End recipes redside, buying up all that came available. In 2 days I managed to push the price from 45ish mil to around 60mil, but couldn't keep the price that high, after all my bids filled the price just plummetted down to about 30 mil.

I'm now sitting on about 40 of the same recipe and down about 1.6 bil. It was fun. I'm not sure what to do with them all though. I really would like to see if any would sell if i put them all back up for sale at once at a ridiculously high price seeing there's never more than about 2 for sale at any given time.
Jerk. ^_^

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Blah... if you had fun, thats all that matters



I'd point you to the thread where I and a partner bought out every single ceramic armor plate blue and red but the purge ate that long ago..

Buying stuff out = fun.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
I'd point you to the thread where I and a partner bought out every single ceramic armor plate blue and red but the purge ate that long ago..

Buying stuff out = fun.
Rumors of this event are greatly exaggerated. There were 80+ ceramic plate left on my side, as I wasn't willing to bid more than 10,000 (plus a few). Unless you did it again with someone else.

If it *DID* happen, it might look something like this when all is said and done.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
1, 10, 100, 1,000,'s all the same to Smurph.

got -rep for this post with the comment "yuck."

not sure if they're referring to Smurph personally or just his spending habits.

If I mention he pays people to roll around in his money for him, will that get me more -rep?

let's find out!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by RagManX View Post
Rumors of this event are greatly exaggerated. There were 80+ ceramic plate left on my side, as I wasn't willing to bid more than 10,000 (plus a few). Unless you did it again with someone else.

If it *DID* happen, it might look something like this when all is said and done.


Ah you are correct. It has been awhile since we did that so I forgot you that refused to pay more than a certain amount