The ideal stalker-hunter build?




've been hanging around in RV a lot recently..and I have come to realize, all that I see there are stalkers..and by see, I mean their broadcasts. I have tried a lot of things to take them down, and so far, my tank can only deal with the occasional ninja. So i ask you experienced PvP'ers out there, what is the ideal build to take these guys down? Thanks in advance



Originally Posted by Dr_Zemius View Post
've been hanging around in RV a lot recently..and I have come to realize, all that I see there are stalkers..and by see, I mean their broadcasts. I have tried a lot of things to take them down, and so far, my tank can only deal with the occasional ninja. So i ask you experienced PvP'ers out there, what is the ideal build to take these guys down? Thanks in advance

Caltrops, tactics and a brain. From there its all up to you.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



i built my fire/device blaster to do just that. before IO's he was really deadly. there have been other builds claiming to be good at this too. ice, nrg, arrow. but i like the DoT of fire.

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Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
Caltrops, tactics and a brain. From there its all up to you.
The 3rd one is most important



Arctic Air, Force Bubble, Quicksand, Trick Arrows (acid arrow+entangling arrow+glue arrow), Rad Debuffs, Dev blasters, and Veats (not for zone though) are all good stalker killers



As a stalker the thing that gives me the most trouble is scrappers that are /regn.



Fire/TA can be some serious stalker hate, bonfire providing a perma auto damaging patch and TA giving you acid arrow for keeping a stalker out of hide for 21? seconds.

Earth/TAs are awefully annoying. A well played Fire/SS tank can cause some problems for some of the inexperienced stalkers. An honorable mention for the ever annoying flying-sniping blaster brigade.



Banes will be somewhat of a Stalker-killer once GR rolls around - Shatter does nasty damage from Hide and at the perception cap a VEAT can see a stealth-capped Stalker from something like 100 feet away.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Banes will be somewhat of a Stalker-killer once GR rolls around - Shatter does nasty damage from Hide and at the perception cap a VEAT can see a stealth-capped Stalker from something like 100 feet away.

The difference from perception cap and stealth cap is 10ft. If a stalker has Hide, stealth and Stealth IO 10ft is the best you can hope to achieve.

If you want a stalker hunter i suggest Fire/Regen/Weapons scrapper.

Take tactics, and targetting drone with a perception IO for Perc cap.
Webnade + Caltrops
DoT's to keep stalkers out of hide and regen to ensure your still standing when they start to run.

However the thing about stalker now is they are stupidly overpowered hence why there are nothing but them in zones now.

Hibernate, ?
Phase, ?
Moment of Glory?

With almost every stalker having these at it's disposal the only stalker you are going to hunt and kill will be a very stupid one, or one that suffers from lag.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
The difference from perception cap and stealth cap is 10ft. If a stalker has Hide, stealth and Stealth IO 10ft is the best you can hope to achieve.

Veats have a higher perception cap.

However the thing about stalker now is they are stupidly overpowered hence why there are nothing but them in zones now.
While they have easy survivability they are far from overpowered. The only real time a stalker is a threat is when teamed. By themselves not so much.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Oh ok that's interesting, can the same be said for Heats?

Otherwise you may just have convinced me to make a Bane for GR. :P

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
Oh ok that's interesting, can the same be said for Heats?

Otherwise you may just have convinced me to make a Bane for GR. :P

Veats are alone in the higher perception cap club.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



My sonic/devices blaster does well against stalkers...

tactics/perception IO/Targeting Drone/caltrops

you will never be AS'd again.... well not while standing still...

but those dang crits from the sharks...

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
The difference from perception cap and stealth cap is 10ft. If a stalker has Hide, stealth and Stealth IO 10ft is the best you can hope to achieve.

If you want a stalker hunter i suggest Fire/Regen/Weapons scrapper.

Take tactics, and targetting drone with a perception IO for Perc cap.
Webnade + Caltrops
DoT's to keep stalkers out of hide and regen to ensure your still standing when they start to run.

However the thing about stalker now is they are stupidly overpowered hence why there are nothing but them in zones now.

Hibernate, ?
Phase, ?
Moment of Glory?

With almost every stalker having these at it's disposal the only stalker you are going to hunt and kill will be a very stupid one, or one that suffers from lag.

I think the only thing that needs to be looked at is the ability to phaze immediatley after Hybernoob breaks.... for any player...

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



The whole stalker thing needs to be looked at, there is no fun pvping with a zone full of stalkers. The allowing of the stealth IO to stack with Hide + Stealth was a huge mistake !

There are just too many things that are in the stalkers favour.. what other sets have this many boxes they can tick??

Stupidly High Damage both melee and at range!
Array of Heals,
Capped stealth,
3 Panic buttons,

Stalkers have always been "easymode" but now they are just silly.

At least before the IO there were builds that could hunt stalkers, every build should have a weakness and with stalkers I just can't see it.

Best way to kill a stalker?
Gank it! end of.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post

Stupidly High Damage both melee and at range!
Array of Heals,
Capped stealth,
3 Panic buttons,

They only do decent damage from hide. The only time a stalker is a threat is if he is setting or closing a spike for a team. The rest of the time they are pretty much just an annoyance once you get used to them.

Stalkers have always been "easymode" but now they are just silly.
This was only true against bad players pre pvp 2.0. Stalkers were rarely an issue unless you stood still alot or liked typing in zones. Either way if you had that problem you probably deserved to die.

I can probably count on two hands the amount of players left who can stalk at a level that anyone would need to worry about. Most of em never even log in. So if you are still having problems with stalkers you probably need to look at your playstyle and builds and see what you can best change. Odds are slim we will ever see anything more than minor tweaks to pvp for some time, so its best to learn to deal with what we have.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



I'm a Union player, and unless im on anything other than my Tank or Scrapper the stalker threat is very real, and very very annoying.

But I guess it's all part of the epic fail that is the new pvp system.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
I'm a Union player, and unless im on anything other than my Tank or Scrapper the stalker threat is very real, and very very annoying.

But I guess it's all part of the epic fail that is the new pvp system.

I hear you guys have tons of stalker throwing fish spikes over there. Sounds like a great time. Get some support toons and even up the numbers you should be able to wreck em if thats the only skills they have. Get a rad to toggle em up and an emp to keep your blasters up and you should be good to go. Maybe bring out some earth trollers and stormies to.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Yeah, Stalkers are kinda lol if you are constantly moving. The ones spamming Impale and trowing fish are somewhat annoying but once they do that... they're out of hide and free kills for your teammates.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
I'm a Union player, and unless im on anything other than my Tank or Scrapper the stalker threat is very real, and very very annoying.

But I guess it's all part of the epic fail that is the new pvp system.
Movement has always been the key element to this game. Keep moving. Stalker problem solved.

The only ATs that should be having problems with stalkers are Tanks and Scrappers and they can take an AS.

If you're getting ASed repeatedly as a defender, blaster, troller, you're doing something wrong.

P.s. team up. Most Stalkers will only AS and run, they won't perform any follow-up attack if they know your team is near by.



Actually, a lot of stalkers are throwing out a high-damage hold, and as soon as it hits, follow up with an attack. By the time you target them, a SECOND comes out of nowhere with an AS and you're done.

True, that's two stalkers working together (or stealing eachother's kills), but still, dying in two hits from unseen sources stops being fun after a while.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Movement has always been the key element to this game. Keep moving. Stalker problem solved.

The only ATs that should be having problems with stalkers are Tanks and Scrappers and they can take an AS.

If you're getting ASed repeatedly as a defender, blaster, troller, you're doing something wrong.

P.s. team up. Most Stalkers will only AS and run, they won't perform any follow-up attack if they know your team is near by.
Yea personally i wished they would buff stalkers back to the way they were with the 6x damage scaler. They added spice to zones, now they only get to ks the scrapps off the plate, absolutely no threat unless theirs 2 or more.

The funny thing is, even though you seem like one of the whiners that got the changes made in the first place, you're probably still bad..------Macskull on Crop_of_shaolin



Earth/TA w/ phase
and get a friend to do the damage. stalker prob solved



I disagree with many of the comments here.

A stalker is basically a kill-stealer. If you want to rake in PvP IOs and bounty with the least amount of trouble, choose him.

Every stalker I've ever played or talked to basically has one technique. Wait to attack the hero when he's fighting someone else or in the middle of combat. Build Up. Assassin Strike. Spirit Shark.

If that doesn't work. Hibernate. Become invisible/undetectable while you are waiting. If heroes surround you or throw some aoe on your area, phase shift immediately after hibernate ends.

As a stalker, you are doing one of two things. You are either running in with your super speed and build up for burst damage, or you are running away.

It does not take brains to play a stalker; you do not have to be on a team. All you need, is patience (the ability to wait for a target). Just watch who the other villains are attacking and clean up.

In a zone with 3 or more stalkers in the area, caltrops, perception, etc, no longer matters. You will easily defend against one, but while you're fighting him, the other two will kill you. Obviously, the numbers are arbitrary; if you are a tank, it might take 4 or 5...and so on.

But anyhow, I've seen it and tested it numerous times in RV.

Recently, I gave up playing stalkers; it did not challenge me. Now I like to play against them. I've built the /dev blaster and done the other effects to negate a stalkers chances. To be honest? It really doesn't matter.

I've found that the best way to take out a stalker is to use another hero as bait. Don't really bother with a tank or a /regen. Stalkers avoid them unless they know they have the numbers. But follow a controller, defender, or blaster. When one of them strays to far from the rest of the "hero huddle", the stalkers begin salivating. An attack is merely seconds away. During that time, you will probably see the stalker dedicate his time to the assassin strike/build up, maybe a placate, and a follow up spirit shark.

If he goes through that chain, you will likely have the opportunity to build up/biggest attack. Or your hold. Or whatever it is you do. The stalker is a dead man.

The other side of the equation is the stalker that follows another stalker. Sometimes a vet stalker will let the other stalker attack, and draw attention, and then he will attack the attacker.

...meh. Whatever. As you can see, pvp is fairly simple here. Be patient and wait. Lol. "When you are ready, the target will present itself!"

Yeah, you'll still die. There's no way to fight while invisible burst damage is breathing down your neck...but let's be honest. Death doesn't mean anything in this game. So, just come back and do it all over again.



*** dying in two hits from unseen sources stops being fun after a while***

Haha! You think this is bad now you should have seen how bad it was pre i13 when stalkers were 2 shotting scrapper noobs, and that was solo. Thank your lucky stars for the changes that allow you enough breathing room where 2 stalkers are now needed to accomplish what 1 used to be able to do.

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Actually, a lot of stalkers are throwing out a high-damage hold, and as soon as it hits, follow up with an attack. By the time you target them, a SECOND comes out of nowhere with an AS and you're done.

True, that's two stalkers working together (or stealing eachother's kills), but still, dying in two hits from unseen sources stops being fun after a while.