The ideal stalker-hunter build?




If i rolled a toon on justice specifically to roll his elec/therm, would I be able to get it to 50 relatively quick? or is it just as arduous as on freedom, being as how a majority of PL'ers on freedom disgrace the art that PLing seems to have become.



Con and I know most of the serious PLers on Justice and we've been known to do some of that ourselves. I don't think I'd level a toon on Justice just for PvP though - the zones are dead 6 days out of the week (or they're the same few mostly bad Scrappers/Tankers or Stalkers) and arenaing the same few people gets old, even if most of them are good. The bad ones will either insist you play by their rules or they'll find some stupid reason to turn you down. Only reason I've even leveled PvP toons on Justice anymore is because that's where most of my blueside cash is, and because I've got the best-equipped hero PLer of my available characters there. I figure I'll just PL, IO, and accolade them and then transfer them to Freedom or Virtue or something.

(TL;DR version: no.)

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
(TL;DR version: no.)
I read the wall of text above, but the part in paranthasis(lolsp) is too long for me to read, can i have a TL;DR for the part in the (...)?



Why would a stalker not take AS its a killer power thats like a petless MM there is no point in it other then to weaken your toons power. Also i would think stalkers spam shark cause they dont have many other range attacks anyway. I have a lvl 50 stalker thats why I wonder this.

------------------------------------------------------------ Stealth is your ally -------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- Trust no one ------------------------------------------------------------------



Don't worry ninja, I think I've gotten 8-9 stalkers to 50 and many more into high 30's low 40's and I still wonder this.

Its not about not taking AS in all cases, but in the preference to throw sharks rather then AS even when the target holds perfectly still for them.



OOO I get why now still kinda dumb cause its so fun to AS some one :P

------------------------------------------------------------ Stealth is your ally -------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- Trust no one ------------------------------------------------------------------



Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
Honestly. If sentry is killing people on justice, with an elec/therm/mu, theres three possibilities.

He only fites HONR FITEKLUB style.

Fites in arena with insps and DR turned off.

A Majority of Justice zone players are pathetically bad?(Besides Con and mac fo sho)

way to suck up to mac and con dude.

No DR with ele/therm is a joke. The thermal has a bunch of resistence and so has more time to drain your end before you kill them.

I only kill people with my ele/therm in duels, since hes not built for warzone.

As for justice players being bad, i wouldn't know. I've never seen better then some of them though. mac and con are not the best. con himself said sid and imp more pro like then him, i think.

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
If i rolled a toon on justice specifically to roll his elec/therm, would I be able to get it to 50 relatively quick? or is it just as arduous as on freedom, being as how a majority of PL'ers on freedom disgrace the art that PLing seems to have become.
If killing my garbage ele/therm would help you sleep at night go ahead. Every build has a weakness. Mine is a ele/ tank. Even with HE i couldn't get him below 75% and he didn't pop geas, it was pretty awesome.

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



Originally Posted by Macro_Ninja View Post
Why would a stalker not take AS its a killer power thats like a petless MM there is no point in it other then to weaken your toons power. Also i would think stalkers spam shark cause they dont have many other range attacks anyway. I have a lvl 50 stalker thats why I wonder this.

I've actually heard of a petless thug/dark or something killing a bunch of people with super proc'd out attacks. Now that is skill, lol

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



Originally Posted by Sentry4 View Post
con himself said sid and imp more pro like then him, i think.

He did not. And I would thank you kindly to never speak for me again.

Imp and Sid are two of the better pvpers from Justice for sure though. There are a few other good ones. The fact that sid and imp are the only 2 names you throw show how little you know about Justice's pvp heritage which is actually quite rich and full. Sadly though a couple really bad pvpers with far to much rp in their blood have helped discredit any good name it actually deserves. And yes, you are one of them.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
He did not. And I would thank you kindly to never speak for me again.

Imp and Sid are two of the better pvpers from Justice for sure though. There are a few other good ones. The fact that sid and imp are the only 2 names you throw show how little you know about Justice's pvp heritage which is actually quite rich and full. Sadly though a couple really bad pvpers with far to much rp in their blood have helped discredit any good name it actually deserves. And yes, you are one of them.

Yea you definitely did, i'm not the only one i know to quote you on that. Or atleast someone asked you about some pros, you named them and said you weren't as good as the pros. Which was odd, and that's why i remember, i always assumed you arrogant.

I forgot to take the history class on CoH justice PvP. All i played was SC with prowler for a year. Then SC died, i started watching tournies and went to totally destoryed using SO's and an SC build and then made Juggernaut.

I only remember you throwing out 4-5 quick names, i only reconized 2 who still played.

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



Originally Posted by Sentry4 View Post
Yea you definitely did, i'm not the only one i know to quote you on that. Or atleast someone asked you about some pros, you named them and said you weren't as good as the pros. Which was odd, and that's why i remember, i always assumed you arrogant.

I forgot to take the history class on CoH justice PvP. All i played was SC with prowler for a year. Then SC died, i started watching tournies and went to totally destoryed using SO's and an SC build and then made Juggernaut.

I only remember you throwing out 4-5 quick names, i only reconized 2 who still played.

Misremember more **** baddo. Btw its not quoting unless you actually quote me. And yes your pedigree as a zone stalker on Justice helps sell your point that you should be commenting on pvp in any ******* way.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by Sentry4 View Post
All i played was SC with prowler for a year.

Now, let's see how many of the good Justice PvPers I can list. Some of them don't play anymore, some don't play on Justice anymore, some were on test teams before I13, some were on test teams after I13, and some really only do zone or the occasional arena on Justice.

Con, Dream, Doll, Mini, Sand, Exit, Gerswin, Black Mute, Flea, Quatermain, Smoke, Gunrock, Deth, Solo, John, Lucas, Phantastik, Philly, Zizka, Amabert, Gurch, Imp, Sid, Cleo, Ra, Hery, Toona, Merc, Dent, Troken, Rakin, Ice Knight, Mere, Red, Swansu... and I'm sure I've forgotten some, my apologies.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Movement has always been the key element to this game. Keep moving. Stalker problem solved.

The only ATs that should be having problems with stalkers are Tanks and Scrappers and they can take an AS.

If you're getting ASed repeatedly as a defender, blaster, troller, you're doing something wrong.

P.s. team up. Most Stalkers will only AS and run, they won't perform any follow-up attack if they know your team is near by.



Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
how little you know about Justice's pvp heritage which is actually quite rich and full.
I'm not gonna lie this part made me giggle. XP



Originally Posted by SonicBang View Post
Lets all move to champion.

Yea yea I know be careful what you wish for. But TBH, i need more pvp action and yes I think wrecking noobs (especially from freedom) is fun. Don't judge me.
Do you still use your blaster or are you using a new toon now?



Originally Posted by SonicBang View Post
I'm not gonna lie this part made me giggle. XP

I am not going to lie, its true. If you know anything about pvp you should know the name Peritus. And that name alone should be enough to carry Justice, and we have far more than that to lean on.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Hey. Sentry. Problem with your theory is, more then likely, my stalker would kill you with hide untoggled and never using placate.

On the plus, I don't suck up to people, they are honestly some of the better PvPers left, if you refuse to acknowledge that, then you need some coffee.

Note, that this is PvP, Arena 1v1's are not fiteklubs, and neither are ZONES. Now please, go troll a different thread and show off your extreme knowledge of the HONRBLE PVP FITEKLUB ARTZ!.

I've got two more things to say, On your Elec/therm, you will NEVER beat a mind/rad/power in any kind of duel, prolly won't beat a /elec scrapper either, or a good psy/EM blaster, or..

Can I be an official Justice PvPer? Last i checked i was an official Guardian PvPer, Freedom, Triumph and I dunno bout infinity, people on infinity didn't leik me much.



Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
I am not going to lie, its true. If you know anything about pvp you should know the name Peritus. And that name alone should be enough to carry Justice, and we have far more than that to lean on.

No its just the way that was said all formal and stuff about your servers heritage :P



Originally Posted by Forgottenn View Post
Do you still use your blaster or are you using a new toon now?
well i play mostly vills cause they the underdogs but i bring my common IO blaster to arena every once in awhile, but i was playing my dark/cold now im playing my mind/elec again



Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
I am not going to lie, its true. If you know anything about pvp you should know the name Peritus. And that name alone should be enough to carry Justice, and we have far more than that to lean on.
This. And I dont even play on Justice.



I kind of stopped leveling my colds after they wrecked movement slows in I13. :/

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
Can I be an official Justice PvPer? Last i checked i was an official Guardian PvPer, Freedom, Triumph and I dunno bout infinity, people on infinity didn't leik me much.
^ ^ ^



Originally Posted by SonicBang View Post
well i play mostly vills cause they the underdogs but i bring my common IO blaster to arena every once in awhile, but i was playing my dark/cold now im playing my mind/elec again
Once they get this stupid mac bug fixed we will have to fight then and i can find out if i still got it with my stalker.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
I kind of stopped leveling my colds after they wrecked movement slows in I13. :/
I am not sure if I remember right but doesn't cold hurt stealth. Because I had a cold something trollor on champions that would all ways wreck my stalker. Maybe sonic remembers what Emperyus was exactly.