When is wave 5?




Read the thread titled wave 4 of closed beta invites. 1st post, that's the most we've got about the next wave.



Originally Posted by Kindeller View Post
Love it!

Go back to then!
I cant.
We've missed it.
Just now!
When will then be now?

Anyone else feel like they just read a passage from Waiting for Godot?



Forget wave 5... let's just go to open beta

If it's ready, of course



yeah how many we need in waves for beta geeze...if you need 5 waves of peeople then just open it up already..clearly you need more then are willing to help test it



I'm guessing wave 5 already happened. It just wasn't announced.



Originally Posted by Soulie View Post
I'm guessing wave 5 already happened. It just wasn't announced.
Likely, however good news, at least. We have a patch on Test today, which means two in one week. It won't be long now.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by brewha View Post
Any clue when wave 5 is?
Wait a minute there was a wave one?

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Well I just got a Champions beta key, so I guess I have something else to do, besides refresh my inbox.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
I know exactly when it will happen!

Wave 5 is scheduled for [@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]AH CRAP I'M BEING TRAMPLED BY YOUR SIG!!!!
LoL. This coming from someone who has a sig which is actually larger in size.

*starts humming a familiar Alanis Morissette song*

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Wave 5... unknown..

Open Beta.. Well.. September 1st of course. :0)



Wave 5? Thier on wave 11 bro! Your still not in?



Originally Posted by JDub View Post
Wave 5? Thier on wave 11 bro! Your still not in?
You say that as a joke, but you're probably more accurate than you think.



And the most likely answer is "never".

Check it out. Open Beta Soon!

--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...I have the patience of a coffee-fueled flea...



Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
And the most likely answer is "never".

Check it out. Open Beta Soon!
Maybe next week, just in time for the CO release.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Maybe next week, just in time for the CO release.
I think the earliest we can hope to see open beta is on Thursday.



If open beta starts tomorrow or thurs, depending how polished it is theres a chance for live for CO release!

One can hope

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Originally Posted by i3eowulf View Post
Anyone else feel like they just read a passage from Waiting for Godot?
Oh my God! I totally thought the same thing. Knowing stuff is so cool =P



Originally Posted by Soulie View Post
Well I just got a Champions beta key, so I guess I have something else to do, besides refresh my inbox.
Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Maybe next week, just in time for the CO release.
I wouldn't worry about CO. I was in the closed beta. The graphics are dated, the gameplay is even more dated. Sure you can choose from more that two colors on a costume piece, but CoX has waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more costume pieces to chose from. We're getting the ability to customize our powers colors (or animations for some sets), with more being added in the future (power pools and hopefully MM pets). Plus, in CoX you aren't railroaded down a couple of mission plotlines to get anywhere. CoX gameplay has more in common with open world games like GTA then old fashion MMO's. Want to do missions, fine. Run around the city causing havoc and chaos, great. Team or Solo, your choice. Plus CoH has one thing CO doesn't have, an Atlas Park area where heroes of any level can get together and hang out. And with the new super side kicking, you'll probably see more teams form there as well.