Hi guys!




Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
But wouldn't that problem still exist even with multiple threads? On a new system, you'd still have to scroll through where you had previously read earlier in the day, then again if you returned to the previous machine in the same day. Having multiple threads doesn't change that.
It does mean you can ignore the previous day's thread and only look at the current days thread.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
It does mean you can ignore the previous day's thread and only look at the current days thread.
I believe the term I am looking for is "oh snap!"

LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies



So let me get this straight.

The people who use the Rookery have to make daily threads BECAUSE of all the self-inflicted spam? You're telling me that BECAUSE there are so many pancake posts, the residents of the rookery find it hard to read their own threads?

In other words - the rookery is posted daily, and thusly inconveniencing others, to avoid the members of the rookery to sift through their own posts, (which would inconvenience themselves.)

I'm lost for words. Epic Selfish.



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
It does mean you can ignore the previous day's thread and only look at the current days thread.
But if one is checking these threads on a daily basis, as was the example given, then they are already marked from where they've last read. Unless someone went several days without checking on a particular machine, it wouldn't become an issue. Even then, they'd know exactly where they had last read at from on the machines they were using.

And if they skipped a couple days all together and don't care about the prior context, would it really matter if they jumped to the last page of the thread and started from there?

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



It is less convenient to have a single thread. And since there is no worthwhile reason not to have multiple threads, why bother changing? Enjoy being bitter and crabby about it if that suits you.

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



Originally Posted by Xanatos_NA View Post
So let me get this straight.

The people who use the Rookery have to make daily threads BECAUSE of all the self-inflicted spam? You're telling me that BECAUSE there are so many pancake posts, the residents of the rookery find it hard to read their own threads?

In other words - the rookery is posted daily, and thusly inconveniencing others, to avoid the members of the rookery to sift through their own posts, (which would inconvenience themselves.)

I'm lost for words. Epic Selfish.
Let's all get this straight. It's easy enough to mentally ignore a Rookery thread if that is not your thing, but that is boring because it doesn't give you an excuse to be righteously indignant (read: butthurt) about behavior your yourself (amongst others) have exhibited in the past with other "fluff" threads. You could just, yanno, not read them, change the way your view threads around, etc...but that would be boring because then you'd have nothing to rant about.


LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post

HAppy Birthday posts are non-contructive.

Movie reviews are non-constructive.

Virtue Drink game is non-contrcutive.

Travel power is Angrey Angel is non-contructive.

Hello there I just join virture is not real constructive,

and mosto of the other "Contructive" topics that have gone to fluff because of thread derailing.

So, lets just keep the forum to talks about missions, SGs that are looking for members, TFs forming, and powers. Oh wait. Powers would be wrong cause there are specific forums for that. Sgs looking as a single thread...

Mission and TF talk is it.

I do remember the Community people and Devs saying that they let things slide in the server forums due to it being more of a community area.
But Shecky?

No one has a Birthday topic every damn day.

Every other thread listed is just one thread.

No, Rookery violates the rules quite badly.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!





Originally Posted by Fedor View Post
It is less convenient to have a single thread. And since there is no worthwhile reason not to have multiple threads, why bother changing? Enjoy being bitter and crabby about it if that suits you.
It's also less convenient for those that don't participate in the multiple threads to have multiple threads. And since there is no worthwhile reason not to consolidate to a single thread, why not save the other forum goers some time in hunting down individual threads amongst a sea of other topics?

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Because, they're the only ones that matter Rei.



Originally Posted by Xanatos_NA View Post
So let me get this straight.

The people who use the Rookery have to make daily threads BECAUSE of all the self-inflicted spam? You're telling me that BECAUSE there are so many pancake posts, the residents of the rookery find it hard to read their own threads?

In other words - the rookery is posted daily, and thusly inconveniencing others, to avoid the members of the rookery to sift through their own posts, (which would inconvenience themselves.)

I'm lost for words. Epic Selfish.

Really. You have to click on the rookery thread?

Oh because it shows up so often because people use it like a water cooler?

Oh, because like right now I"m talking with someone it it about their sleeping problems and trying to give ideas on how to help them out. Oh that is MAJOR fluff there.

IF ya don't like it, ignore it.

You want to find something there is a search feature up top. It does seem to work.

You want to close it down to one thread, that is your choice, and on the old boards I would agree.

Then again this from the guy who earlier broke the forum rules by complaining about the way the forums are being modded. Isn't that a no-no also, and yet
you are still able to post. Guess it does work both ways.

Of course it is all immaterial because most people don't listen to what the other people who disagree with them say.

(And yes I said one thread on the old boards, course I didn't see this complaint come up on the old boards)

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



*Munches popcorn*


Someone....spawn another one of these threads, k?

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



I believe this is a no-win situation for both sides. One side steadfastly believes that everything Rookery-related should be consolidated into one massive thread, and that will solve the forum clogging problem. The other would like to continue posting daily threads in an effort to stay fresh and keep in touch.

Now, currently I see 3 Rookery threads on the front page of Virtue and 22 non-Rookery threads on the front page. That's about 7.3 regular threads for every 1 Rookery thread. It certainly doesn't seem like that much when put in terms like that, does it?

Oh page 4, I see 4 Rookery threads and 21 non-Rookery threads. That's less than 5.5 regular threads for every one Rookery thread. Again, it doesn't seem like that much, and certainly doesn't seem like you have to scroll through a ton of Rookery threads to get to non-Rookery threads.



Seriously guyz, quit fighting, this wuz my thred to say hallo and be friendleee.



Originally Posted by Vivace View Post
I believe this is a no-win situation for both sides. One side steadfastly believes that everything Rookery-related should be consolidated into one massive thread, and that will solve the forum clogging problem. The other would like to continue posting daily threads in an effort to stay fresh and keep in touch.

Now, currently I see 3 Rookery threads on the front page of Virtue and 22 non-Rookery threads on the front page. That's about 7.3 regular threads for every 1 Rookery thread. It certainly doesn't seem like that much when put in terms like that, does it?

Oh page 4, I see 4 Rookery threads and 21 non-Rookery threads. That's less than 5.5 regular threads for every one Rookery thread. Again, it doesn't seem like that much, and certainly doesn't seem like you have to scroll through a ton of Rookery threads to get to non-Rookery threads.
Now lookee here missy...we dun need none of yer fancy book learnin' logic an' statis...stasi...statisikal thinkin' roun' these parts. This is teh intarwebs by gosh!

LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies



Look, I have kittens!



Originally Posted by Vivace View Post
I believe this is a no-win situation for both sides. One side steadfastly believes that everything Rookery-related should be consolidated into one massive thread, and that will solve the forum clogging problem. The other would like to continue posting daily threads in an effort to stay fresh and keep in touch.

Now, currently I see 3 Rookery threads on the front page of Virtue and 22 non-Rookery threads on the front page. That's about 7.3 regular threads for every 1 Rookery thread. It certainly doesn't seem like that much when put in terms like that, does it?

Oh page 4, I see 4 Rookery threads and 21 non-Rookery threads. That's less than 5.5 regular threads for every one Rookery thread. Again, it doesn't seem like that much, and certainly doesn't seem like you have to scroll through a ton of Rookery threads to get to non-Rookery threads.
Not so much that I believe it'll solve forum clogging, but that the overall benefit for a single thread is greater than that of daily threads. If one is intent on staying "up to speed" with the current Rookery posts, they'll never be far behind. If they aren't intent, then the idea of staying in touch falls apart and they could skip to the latest page.

However, if one is looking for a particular thread that has fallen off of the main page, the fewer threads there are relates directly to how much time they need to spend looking for said thread. A number of story threads being one example here.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



I found this when I did a yahoo image search for laminated raccoons.



Originally Posted by YellowjacketX View Post
Now lookee here missy...we dun need none of yer fancy book learnin' logic an' statis...stasi...statisikal thinkin' roun' these parts. This is teh intarwebs by gosh!
But...but...I like using my book learning logic. Damned college better be worth something!!



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post

I found this when I did a yahoo image search for laminated raccoons.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



I do believe when this was brought up before to the moderators there was a claim that the daily Rookery threads were in fact role-playing threads so were exempt from the forum rules. However, even a non-roleplayer can scan over the daily threads and tell that they are far from RP. Several of the other servers have long-standing threads that are full of fluff and kept to one thread with no issues. I think J-Force on freedom has been around for years.

EDIT: 7-14-2004 and still going strong. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=112009

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Originally Posted by Grae_Knight View Post
I do believe when this was brought up before to the moderators there was a claim that the daily Rookery threads were in fact role-playing threads so were exempt from the forum rules. However, even a non-roleplayer can scan over the daily threads and tell that they are far from RP. Several of the other servers have long-standing threads that are full of fluff and kept to one thread with no issues. I think J-Force on freedom has been around for years.

EDIT: 7-14-2004 and still going strong. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=112009
I do believe that some people just like to gripe about something that has absolutely zero impact on them whatsoever.

LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies



At least you guys can have fluffy threads. If we even think about it on Victory, they get deleted.



Originally Posted by YellowjacketX View Post
Let's all get this straight. It's easy enough to mentally ignore a Rookery thread if that is not your thing, but that is boring because it doesn't give you an excuse to be righteously indignant (read: butthurt) about behavior your yourself (amongst others) have exhibited in the past with other "fluff" threads. You could just, yanno, not read them, change the way your view threads around, etc...but that would be boring because then you'd have nothing to rant about.

I found that very hard to follow. I don't wish to flame you but you're not being very coherant with what you mean. Would you mind trying it again with a little less ad hominem?

What I mean by this is please stop arguing against ME and instead argue against my argument.

Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
...IF ya don't like it, ignore it...
It would be easier for me to ignore it if it was only in one thread. :P



Originally Posted by Xanatos_NA View Post
I found that very hard to follow. I don't wish to flame you but you're not being very coherant with what you mean. Would you mind trying it again with a little less ad hominem?

What I mean by this is please stop arguing against ME and instead argue against my argument.

It would be easier for me to ignore it if it was only in one thread. :P
You mean less truth? I am sure I am not the only person who remembers the Sorah threads, bub.

I'll spell it out for you: It's not hard to just ignore Rookery as is right now, but if you did that you wouldn't have a high horse to be on.

LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies