Hi guys!




Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
I love Iron Man....Ghost Rider I enjoyed its campiness...until I found out that it was unintentionally campy...then my heart gave out a single emo tear of blood.
((Myeh. I knew they weren't really going for campy. That just makes it all the better for me. It's like, in spite of the ******* mistakes that were made, what should have been a piece of **** turned out to be something highly entertaining. When the monkey at the typewriter turns out a good novel, it's still a good novel, even if the intended text was "give me another bannana, plz". ))



The best comic movie ever was Adam West Batman.



Originally Posted by Pogothulu View Post
NUH-UUUHHH!!!!! The Bale Batman movies are the bestest EVAH!!! *nodnod* But, even though I cant stand the comic book character, the Iron Man movie was very good and I did nlove the first Hellboy movie. The theater I saw the second one in had some technical problems so I really couldnt enjoy seeing the sequel. To be fair though I will objectively watch it at home though before formulating an opinion on it.
((The Bale Batman movies still fail to capture the character as he appears in the comic book. They are good movies, but they still give me that feeling that the creators are ashamed to be dealing with a comic book. Like they gave him body armor. Batman generally doesn't wear it. And the whole ninja thing, while interesting, had nothing to do with the Ra's al Ghul I know. I understand that they're adapting to make it work, but they veered too far for me. Plus they're both too bleak for me to watch repeatedly ad nauseum.

Iron Man totally trumps the Batman movies on those counts. It perfectly captures the Tony Stark I remember from the good ol' Michelinie/Layton days. And it put him in a universe where there are other superheroes. It was awesome! Good performances. Great action. Dynamic storytelling. Snappy dialogue. Iron Man ftw!

And Hellboy is easily better in every respect than either Batman movie. IMHO.))



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
The best comic movie ever was Adam West Batman.
((I like how on the dvd commentary, Adam West keeps referring to himself as Batman. ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((I like how on the dvd commentary, Adam West keeps referring to himself as Batman. ))
I adore Adam West. He, along with Alan Alda, tops my list of "bestest people ever".



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I adore Adam West. He, along with Alan Alda, tops my list of "bestest people ever".
((That's a pretty nice start to a bestest people ever list. ))



I lack the energy/concentration to argue this. So whatevs. LOL

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
I lack the energy/concentration to argue this. So whatevs. LOL
((Success. Now Sorah and Sid won't have to catfight in front of all of us over SATC. ))



Sorah just knows I'm right about the greatness of Adam West.



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
She was my least favorite because she was the biggest hypocrit.

Charlotte may have been a naive, conditioned, agenda-ridden little girl, but she accepted that.

Samantha may have been "loose," man-hating, committment phobe, but she accepted that.

Carrie was love-sick and self abusive, but she accepted that.

Miranda was a wannabe-feminist and tried to shove her personal dogma down everyone else's throat all the while, she was in complete denial over her own MAJOR flaws most of which were in direct contradiction with her "ideals." (And she never deserved Steve. Just sayin')
I think I may be tipsy enough to argue this.

Charlotte was a stupid little girl who was too idiotic and blind to ever consider that her whiny, sniveling desire to be a kept woman crippled her as a person.

Samantha was fine. Her libertine ways were her expression of her power.

Carrie was a masochist who ended up with Mr. Big, who was, honestly, a really lousy person.

Miranda was smart, sassy, and blessed with a sharp wit; she might have lacked a bit in the self-awareness arena, but her major flaw (i.e., the inherent contradiction of her viewpoints with her unrequited desires) were at least understandable, and characteristic of anybody in our generation.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
The best comic movie ever was Adam West Batman.
Oh, that movie. Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb.

(I do <3 that movie, but for its campiness.)



ADAM WEST RULES!!!! I LOVE watching the Batman tv show for all its campy awesomeness!!

Chief O'Hara: Batman, How'd you open that safe in 30 seconds flat?
Batman: With my Bat-30-Second-Flat-Safe-Opener.

Pure win!!

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Right you are old Chum.


Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



((Remember the classic two-parter where Jill St. John was the Riddler's bad girl, and fell in love with Batman while she was disguised as Robin? And how about the way the Robin mask made her breasts disappear? Ahhhh... those were the days.))



*Rezzes thread*

Okay I had no where else to put this XD Hahaha

Anyway, a fabulous friend of mine out here in LaLa Land did the music (composed, wrote lyrics, etc) for this video. Its audio is NSFW so if you're going to watch it at work, put headsets in XD trust me. Visuals are not bad.

I wanted to share it cause I think it's freaking hilarious and I think you will too hahaha Not to mention, how awesome can it NOT be when they have Scott Baio?


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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
If only stupidity was fatal *wishes hard*
You failed to use the subjunctive!

I have you now...



Originally Posted by Count_Logan View Post
You failed to use the subjunctive!

I have you now...
ROFLMAO Awesome pic XD

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It looks like R2D2 is getting ready to take one for the team.



This thread has given me horrible urges to watch the Super Mario Brothers movie again.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
This thread has given me horrible urges to watch the Super Mario Brothers movie again.
That movie was so awesome XD hahahahahaha *dies laughing*

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I knew there was a reason I liked you, Sorah!



((Hey, Sorah! Here's what you couldn't see during the base tour:

Wish you'd had your graphics set higher -- it's cooler in person. ))



I WILL have the coolest apartment ever....once I reallyfigure out how to do what I wanna do. XD

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