Hi guys!




Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post

Beer Pong or Flip Cup?
((I don't think he's around anymore to answer.

At least we had a nice kegger to see him off.

Much love, Bradders, wherever you go. ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((I don't think he's around anymore to answer.

At least we had a nice kegger to see him off.

Much love, Bradders, wherever you go. ))
I sent him a msg yesterday, hope he read it.

Is he not even going to post on your forums anymore H?

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
I sent him a msg yesterday, hope he read it.

Is he not even going to post on your forums anymore H?
((He better! >:l ))



((Ha! Thread jump! I got tired of hijacking the "So anyone give into temptation about CO? thread" and I don't want to piss off the OP of that thread by continuing to do so, so I'm bring this discussion between Sorah and me over here, where there is no subject to hijack!

And thanks, Haet, for giving us a nice little thread about nothing.

Now, on with the pointless, but enjoyable discussion...

Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
I know what you were saying, but I was simply pointing out the sheer ugliness of the game by pointing to Byrne/Lee comparison. But you invoked storytelling by it XD

However, I don't care much about storytelling/immersion comparison in terms of the game cause...

1) I usually hate the content the devs put out in terms of "story"
2) I started my PC gaming with text-based RPGs...LOL I didn't have pictures of character to look at XD
((And I was saying that Byrne isn't ugly so much as boring.

1) I'm not talking about the dev's storytelling. When I play there is always a story in my head. My characters are never running around knocking off bad guys for XP. They are actually doing meaningful superhero work. Or they're thrill-seeking. Or someone is out to get them and they're hitting the streets to find out who. Or they have a secret crush on Azuria and will do anything she says no matter what.
2) My first video game was Pong. My first RPG was D&D, which I bought at the local hobby store, only to find out that NO ONE in my vicinity played it. So CoH is basically my first online RPG, though I played games like Wolfenstein and Morrowind where you have characters that you move through a storyline.
3) I'm a comic book geek from waaaaay back. Everything revolves around comic books. Unless it revolves around baseball.

Hope that doesn't piss anyone off. ))



See but I am so not a fan of Byrne's artwork...as an artist :S

I've seen his stuff in the CPL days...and his stuff when he was supposedly "good."

He really didn't really...what's the word I'm looking for...evolve. Now, I know things back then were a little less sleek back then, and art is always changing...but I mean, I also saw my ex-boss' artwork from CPL days...and then his stuff during when he was "good" and his stuff NOW. His stuff is constantly getting better.

It's just my personal opinion. And in terms of aesthetic tastes...I just don't find his squishy figures appealing. And that's what they look like to me...squishy. Like they are made outta marshmellow. Almost harkening back to Kirby days or something, I dunno.

Now, you look at any other artist of his name-recognition caliber? They have almost all grown, changed, adapted, gotten better. JRJR, Bob Layton, Jim Lee, Marc Silvestri, etc.

I think JRJR is the best example to use here though, because he too was, what I call a squishy artist, he's not squishy anymore His stuff looks damn delicious.

That's me. I'm weird. <_<

But seriously, compare:

^------Byrne during CPL

^------Byrne as a professional

(and I think his site is ANTI LINKING or something) so here's the link:


^------Byrne as of 2008


^-----Bob Layton during CPL

^-----Bob Layton as a professional

^-----Bob Layton as of 2008

Hell, from when I STARTED drawing western-style comics:

To what I can do now:

Again, though, we're arguing taste, which is silly LOL!

I hear that the man in question is notoriously...moody? I dunno if that's the right word, so he may like come down on me in the blogosphere calling me a giant *****. LOL Oh wellz.

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What amuses me the most, Sorah, is that your eyes haven't changed a bit. They just fit better now.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
What amuses me the most, Sorah, is that your eyes haven't changed a bit. They just fit better now.
ROFL nah. I had rounder drawn eyes then, and I didn't know how to draw eyes. Now I actually understand the structure of an eye <_<

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
ROFL nah. I had rounder drawn eyes then, and I didn't know how to draw eyes. Now I actually understand the structure of an eye <_<
Careful, talk about eyes too much and theists will say that they prove deity's exist.




Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Careful, talk about eyes too much and theists will say that they prove deity's exist.

Dude what the hell are you doing up?

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No idea. I logged off from Champions to "go to bed" like 2 hours ago. I hate sleeping. It's unethical.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
No idea. I logged off from Champions to "go to bed" like 2 hours ago. I hate sleeping. It's unethical.
You should get in gaaaaaame.

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
See but I am so not a fan of Byrne's artwork...as an artist :S

I've seen his stuff in the CPL days...and his stuff when he was supposedly "good."

He really didn't really...what's the word I'm looking for...evolve. Now, I know things back then were a little less sleek back then, and art is always changing...but I mean, I also saw my ex-boss' artwork from CPL days...and then his stuff during when he was "good" and his stuff NOW. His stuff is constantly getting better.

It's just my personal opinion. And in terms of aesthetic tastes...I just don't find his squishy figures appealing. And that's what they look like to me...squishy. Like they are made outta marshmellow. Almost harkening back to Kirby days or something, I dunno.

Now, you look at any other artist of his name-recognition caliber? They have almost all grown, changed, adapted, gotten better. JRJR, Bob Layton, Jim Lee, Marc Silvestri, etc.

I think JRJR is the best example to use here though, because he too was, what I call a squishy artist, he's not squishy anymore His stuff looks damn delicious.

That's me. I'm weird. <_<

But seriously, compare:

^------Byrne during CPL

^------Byrne as a professional

(and I think his site is ANTI LINKING or something) so here's the link:


^------Byrne as of 2008


^-----Bob Layton during CPL

^-----Bob Layton as a professional

^-----Bob Layton as of 2008

Hell, from when I STARTED drawing western-style comics:

To what I can do now:

Again, though, we're arguing taste, which is silly LOL!

I hear that the man in question is notoriously...moody? I dunno if that's the right word, so he may like come down on me in the blogosphere calling me a giant *****. LOL Oh wellz.
((I pretty much agree with you about Byrne. I wouldn't compare him to Jack Kirby. I wouldn't compare anyone to Jack Kirby. The work he did -- and the number of books he put out a month -- was amazing. I've seen some of his original pencils and the printing process back in his day did not do him justice. Neither did his inkers. Some people don't like his style, but you can see his influence in nearly every comic book artist that followed him.

JRJR is like... amazing. He started out good an just got... amazing. If there was one word I'd use to describe his work, I'd say... amazing.

And you should check out Byrne's blog. It's nice to read the opinions of someone who knows they're right about everything.

And Sorah, you know I cannot wait to see your first credited work! I can see you getting better with every piece you post.))



((I pretty much agree with you about Byrne. I wouldn't compare him to Jack Kirby. I wouldn't compare anyone to Jack Kirby. The work he did -- and the number of books he put out a month -- was amazing. I've seen some of his original pencils and the printing process back in his day did not do him justice. Neither did his inkers. Some people don't like his style, but you can see his influence in nearly every comic book artist that followed him.
I'm literally talking about Aesthetics (not story telling, or his ability to pump out books). Kirby's rendering, his ability to create a 3 dimensional environment/setting with believable characters in terms of detail, realism, whatever, isn't as good as artists today. That's all. It's not his fault, he was the father of this stuff. But again, that's like comparing a Muscle Car from the 60s to the Prius of today in terms of gas mileage. Times and priorities change. :P It's just different. But Byrne has no excuse. LOL!

JRJR is like... amazing. He started out good an just got... amazing. If there was one word I'd use to describe his work, I'd say... amazing.
Lollerskates. I've met him twice, nice guy

And you should check out Byrne's blog. It's nice to read the opinions of someone who knows they're right about everything.
So I hear. :S

And Sorah, you know I cannot wait to see your first credited work! I can see you getting better with every piece you post.))
Well, I took a strange route. I was trained as an inker...and while I am a competent inker and I know the skill well... I realized it wasn't what I wanted to DO. I want to pencil. I want to tell the stories (and make more money too <_<) I love that I know how to ink and I will always treasure the abilities and it helped with my penciling and structure SO much, but now I'm in pencil training LOL! So I went from apprenticeship to another apprenticeship XD *facepalm*

And at this rate, it seems I may end up writing something before I ever draw legitly ROFLMAO!

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
LOL! [...] Lollerskates. [...] LOL! [...] ROFLMAO!
I think you're a little sleep-deprived, Sorah.

Also, you're really making me feel old today.



How did you know I'm sleep deprived?! haxx0rz!

Yeah dude, I went to bed last night after hilarious phone conversations with my baby's daddy (HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH A.L.F. I'm joking I don't have a kid) at like 5:30am? Didn't really fall asleep till an hour and a half later? Then got rudely awaked at 8:30am

Been punchy ever since and unable to go back to sleep. SUCKFAIL!

But I'm working! Look at my newest Work In Progress


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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
How did you know I'm sleep deprived?! haxx0rz!
Age might have stolen my beauty, but it's given me magical powers of perception called "experience".

That's a nice piece, BTW. I've always loved shots of heroes and their secret IDs staring at each other in some way.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Age might have stolen my beauty, but it's given me magical powers of perception called "experience".

That's a nice piece, BTW. I've always loved shots of heroes and their secret IDs staring at each other in some way.
Psh, plenty of older people are still spanky. Helen Muren (Murren? whatever) is still gorgeous and she's like 60? Total GILF LOL!

And guys get better looking with age!

As for experience...damn you. Can I have some?

Thanks for the compliments! I am having a lot of fun with this one. I still gotta do a lot of work on it.

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
And guys get better looking with age!
If you mean Mr. Connery, hands off, I saw him first.

As for experience...damn you. Can I have some?
Alas, were it truly that easy.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
If you mean Mr. Connery, hands off, I saw him first.
But...but...fine. But I get dibs on the next dude. Haha!

Alas, were it truly that easy.
I can be your apprentice...it'll be like Jedi's only we won't run from every fight <_<

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
I can be your apprentice...it'll be like Jedi's only we won't run from every fight <_<
So it'll be like the Sith, and when the time is right, you will rise up, strike me down, and take my place as Master?



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
So it'll be like the Sith, and when the time is right, you will rise up, strike me down, and take my place as Master?
Well, come on, we can live in this world together. No need for us to get power hungry. Unless of course you're into that kind of thing. LOL!

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Well, come on, we can live in this world together. No need for us to get power hungry. Unless of course you're into that kind of thing. LOL!
Mmmm, power. Tastes like chicken.



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Gimme some! *dives*
*snaps hand shut* When you can snatch the power from my hand, then you will be ready, grasshopper.