Hi guys!




Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
This is a giant myth. Sex and the City isn't man-bashing and all estrogen and actually a very significant amount of viewers were straight men. They were "suckered into" watching with their wives, or girlfriends, or sisters, or mothers, only to realize the show was flipping hilarious. You'd be surprised over the "straight men" whom you and I either both know or know ABOUT who admit to watching and loving the show. Just sayin'.

In fact, the show made fun of women more than anything by expressing the female-gender-conditioned insanity through the four stereotypical archetypes. That's what made it brilliant.

It had no more "drama" than "Entourage" or "Rescue Me," the only difference is that it occasionally talked about "female fabulous things" such as shoes. And that really WAS occasionally.

Just like me watching WWE (which I don't' because I find it god freaking awful writing and acting) or Rescue Me, or any other "male" oriented show doesn't make me into a butch ****, no it just means that I am secure in my femininity and can appreciate good writing no matter the "genre."

Oh I threw the gauntlet down. :O
((Maybe it's just an aquired taste. I've watched it a couple times, and just... myeh. But it's a matter of taste. And maybe a generational thing. I much prefer Matlock, In the Heat of the Night, and Golden Girls (that Rose is a hottie!) ))



I feel less of a sensitive, chick flick watching, hetro male now because I love wrestling.


PS Do I get bonus points for typing this with a 9 week old kitten sleeping on my chest?



Well, while I'm secure in my masculinity, I didn't enjoy Sex and the City. Not because I found it too "girly" but because I didn't find it funny. Partially its a cultural thing; as happens in quite a few American comedy shows, references are made that haven't crossed the pond, or refer to people that I'm unfamiliar with. But then, that happens far more often in Family Guy and American Dad and I find them to be fairly fun. So clearly its just personal preference.

Now, I have no problem with people liking the show, but what gets me is the fevered, almost rabid fanatacism that I'm faced with almost every time the show is brought up in the presence of women I know. Every single one of them. Its actually pretty creepy.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
Well, while I'm secure in my masculinity, I didn't enjoy Sex and the City. Not because I found it too "girly" but because I didn't find it funny. Partially its a cultural thing; as happens in quite a few American comedy shows, references are made that haven't crossed the pond, or refer to people that I'm unfamiliar with. But then, that happens far more often in Family Guy and American Dad and I find them to be fairly fun. So clearly its just personal preference.

Now, I have no problem with people liking the show, but what gets me is the fevered, almost rabid fanatacism that I'm faced with almost every time the show is brought up in the presence of women I know. Every single one of them. Its actually pretty creepy.
The fanaticism is no worse than those people who are in love with Whedon and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Or Star Trek. Or Star Wars...

To women's defense on the topic, it has been one of the only female-targeted shows in a very long time. I mean sure, they tried it again with Desperate Housewives (which sucked and was pale in comparison to the brilliant writing on SATC) and Lipstick Jungle (which was canceled quickly). But before SATC, there wasn't MUCH. And it was empowering for female viewers because we knew that SJParker was running the show.

One of the reasons the show WAS so special is because of the structure of the show.
-You had the 4 archetypes of woman (making it accessible to several audience types of women). None of them were ever "insulted" or seen as "lesser," they were just different personality types (albeit simplified and exaggerated).
-Each show you were presented with a premise that not only moved the overall story along, but were tangible situations in which almost every individual has been in, in one form or another.
-That premise/question was addressed four times throughout the episode through each of the characters, all of whom would tackle the situation differently, giving a variety of perspectives. And the writers were unapologetic of handling the issues.
-At the end of the show, the question was never truly answered - it was left up to the audience to think, "What would I have done? What wouldn't have I done?"

People have accused the show of promoting materialism when if they actually watched the ******* show, it didn't. In the same vein that people accuse the show of being anti-men, pro-women, etc, those are individuals who I can guarantee watched the show (or didn't) and just didn't understand the messages being sent. Perfect example is the SATC movie. Think about what happened when SJParker's character allowed to get sucked INTO materialism and the social conditioning of the world...her personal relationships fell apart. Another example is the fact every time in the show that they supposedly "GLORIFIED" materialism they were being realistic and socially chiding of the lifestyle choice. SJParker's forgoes eating for days and buys an expensive pair of shoes simply to make sure she looks ravishingly gorgeous at a luncheon in front of her ex's new wife. Something that MANY people (women and men) do due to low self esteem and the like. I don't qualify myself as someone with excessive amounts of low self esteem...I don't look for the approval of people, I like to think I'm more self-actuated than that...but ya know what? When I ran into an ex-boyfriend of mind and saw that he had accomplished nothing (as I had predicted he would have) and had gotten fat? Yeah. I gave myself a little freaking pat on the back for calling that and getting the hell out when I did.

We can posture all we like, but the written psychology behind the show was freaking brilliant.

And ya know, I watch a lot of foreign television shows (French, British, Korean) with subtitles and DESPITE there being cultural differences and issues with references, I can still enjoy the show for what it is. SATC didn't depend on social references. It depended on social psychology.


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That's why the "cultural differences" part of my post was only very minor. I've watched a lot of different shows and films in many different languages, and enjoyed a lot of them. It was more of a "this contributed to my lack of enjoyment" rather than "This is the sole cause and the writers should feel TERRIBLE for doing this!" (Yes, a lot of hyperbole there, sorry about that.)

I'm sure the show was written very well, or it wouldn't have had the longevity it did. I watched a couple of episodes and, while I found some parts amusing, I just didn't feel it was worth the investment of a few laughs per thirty minutes. I've made that call a couple of times over different shows.

As for my "rabid fanaticism" comment... yeah, that could conceivably possibly have been influenced by a few female friends of mine trying to actively strong-arm me into going to see the film with them. Possibly. Conceivably. So apologies there for the lack of objectivity.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



((Okay, two points...

1. I was joking about liking Matlock, In the Heat of the Night, and Golden Girls. I'm not that old yet.

2. I'm not bashing SATC. I listen to NPR all the time and I know that it is considered one of the most intelligently written shows ever on television.

I think I just can't relate to the characters, who are (at least it seemed to me) upper-middle class to wealthy. I'm not a city boy, and I don't *care* what happens to the haves because I've always been a have-not. I never liked Dallas or Dynasty either. So I think that plays into my "myeh" response to SATC. I'm sure it's a good show, but it is targeted at educated, upwardly mobile women. I'm not putting it down, just acknowledging that it's not for me.

(And Sorah, in contrast to another thread we've had discussions in, there is no absolute hate of the subject involved here.)

I do watch some shows aimed at intelligent women -- the Starter Wife for instance (Debra Messing -- another beauty) and the Girls Next Door (that Bridget is such a brain!).

And I will fault no one for fanaticism. I am a fanatic for the Chicago Cubs. There is no explanation for it. No reason to be one. They continually disappoint me, but that makes me love them more. (Which sounds like a line from SATC.)

And I looove British sitcoms and now, I'm able to look up the things I don't get on the internet. ))



Don't you dare invoke anything to do with the current state of the Sex Industry as being aimed at intelligent women. I'm appalled. I watch porn, but I know what it's for. And it's not made for THINKING, and glorifying a lifestyle based on looks over brains is fine, but if anyone calls it "intelligent" I will gag myself now thank you.

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Don't you dare invoke anything to do with the current state of the Sex Industry as being aimed at intelligent women. I'm appalled. I watch porn, but I know what it's for. And it's not made for THINKING, and glorifying a lifestyle based on looks over brains is fine, but if anyone calls it "intelligent" I will gag myself now thank you.
((I was joking about the Girls Next Door... The whole mainstreaming of the porn industry kinda boggles my mind. I mean, yeah, it shouldn't be criminal, but I can't see how they should expect their parents to be proud of them for their "accomplishments".

But the Starter Wife was an interesting show and I can't help but like looking at Debra Messing.

Edit: On a side note, the effects in T2 stand up pretty well considering how old this movie is. ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((I was joking about the Girls Next Door... The whole mainstreaming of the porn industry kinda boggles my mind. I mean, yeah, it shouldn't be criminal, but I can't see how they should expect their parents to be proud of them for their "accomplishments".
The interesting thing here is that the southern California affiliate of NPR has done a couple of shows where they talk with a porn star (I forget her name, but she used to be big back in the '70s I think) and discuss the current state of the porn industry, including call in questions from the listeners.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
And I looove British sitcoms and now, I'm able to look up the things I don't get on the internet. ))
Have you ever watched Bottom?



Ah, Bottom... now thats some pure-grade lowest-common-denominator right there. The creators (Adrian Edmonson and Rick Mayall) originally wanted to call it "Your Bottom" so that kids who saw it could go into school tomorrow and say "Did you see your bottom on tv yesterday?" ... that's about the level of comedy you can expect here.

Not to say that it isn't funny at times but... just don't go in there expecting clever wordplay and witty repartee.

I'd recommend the Young Ones over it, personally. There's roughly the same level of comedy violence, but with much more other stuff going on too.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



I've actually stopped watching tv anymore... Not through any real reason other then the little bunny ears I got don't get digital signal and I'm too cheap to upgrade, which is ironic considering I bought a new 42 inch LCD TV just before the transition... but I don't actually feel like I've missed much in not watching.

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



you can watch tv on the internet also rent from net flixs for 20 bucks a month tv series

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Meh, Not that interested anymore. Even when I did watch, I watched more news then anything.

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



Only ever got the local channels anyway

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



I caught about 30 seconds of an episode of SATC once..
Kim Catralls line: 'My boyfriend's spunk tastes funky..Like asparagus.'
AND, change the channel...Sorry, I tried.

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Hmmmmm, what episode was that? Cause I don't remember it...I shall have to google.

However, they probably then addressed the joys of diets in guys and how that can change the world in terms of activities that they would "receive" if you know what I mean.

Guys SHOULD watch the show, they'd learn some things.

Had a male friend of mine watched the show, he would've learned that to aid his endeavors in that department, he would have to cut down on his protein and red-meat intake. After months of failure, he asked me about what the deal was, I gave him the advice, he took it, his problem disappeared.

Just sayin'. :P

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The only character worth her salt on that show was Miranda.



Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post
The only character worth her salt on that show was Miranda.
((Oh snap!))



She was my least favorite because she was the biggest hypocrit.

Charlotte may have been a naive, conditioned, agenda-ridden little girl, but she accepted that.

Samantha may have been "loose," man-hating, committment phobe, but she accepted that.

Carrie was love-sick and self abusive, but she accepted that.

Miranda was a wannabe-feminist and tried to shove her personal dogma down everyone else's throat all the while, she was in complete denial over her own MAJOR flaws most of which were in direct contradiction with her "ideals." (And she never deserved Steve. Just sayin')

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((Uh-oh -- time for a preemptive subject!

Ghost Rider is better than any other Marvel movie except for Iron Man, which is the best superhero movie ever (with the possible exception of Hellboy). ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((Uh-oh -- time for a preemptive subject!

Ghost Rider is better than any other Marvel movie except for Iron Man, which is the best superhero movie ever (with the possible exception of Hellboy). ))
I love Iron Man....Ghost Rider I enjoyed its campiness...until I found out that it was unintentionally campy...then my heart gave out a single emo tear of blood.

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NUH-UUUHHH!!!!! The Bale Batman movies are the bestest EVAH!!! *nodnod* But, even though I cant stand the comic book character, the Iron Man movie was very good and I did nlove the first Hellboy movie. The theater I saw the second one in had some technical problems so I really couldnt enjoy seeing the sequel. To be fair though I will objectively watch it at home though before formulating an opinion on it.

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now