Union Costumes!
Here's Legislate my main toon.
My first level 50 - Thyristor
Storm summoning / electric blast
Technology origin
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)
Currently a level 26 technology brute. Super Strength / Energy Aura - as well as Flight, Concealment, Health, Stamina. Think of him as an evil version of Iron Man. But from Russia.
The Unionites should all know this particular sword wielding regular, where there are Rikti to be found Tsumiju Zero isn't far behind!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
50 Martial Artist/Super Reflexes
Kid Snowflake, level 50 ice/ice/munitions blaster.
Not the most complex of costumes, especially as it's only a level 8 char.
I enjoy it though.
Action shot:
And here's my Defender.
Sorry for double post but I seem to be having major issues staying logged in!
Some of my heroes, I am quite fond of old school cossies and that my heroes look as heroic as possible, and usually human looking.
Elbowanna - Archery/Energy Blaster.
Evermind - Mind/Trick Arrow Controller.
Plot Thickens (Should be The Plot Thickens but "The" only shows up at some parts) - Archery/Devices Blaster.
Shade of Blue (was meant to be Shades of Blue but that was taken) - Invulnerability/Super Strengt Tanker. One of my favorite cossies for the moment, and my third to hit 50.
Womandragora - Empathy/Archery Defender
Red Five - My new main, have alternative cossies to fit her concept - Archery/Devices Blaster. My second 50 and number one badge hunter.
Yes I am a major Archery/TA fan.
That's Clone Wanderer, my level 21 Kat/Regen Scrapper in the centre.
Hey guys...
I've been playin this game for a looong time now, and I've made some wacky costumes over the years, and every time I've become a little better (well I think so at least =P)...
I've won quite a few costume competitions, as well as I've been the official SG Tailor in Ultimate Darkness, so I must be have been doing something right... ^_^
There's also a few costumes from Champions Online, of revised "City of " characters...
Here's some of my best costumes, though I wanted to post all of them, I had to pick out my personal favorites (15x5 costumes might be a bit much to show, and that is not counting all those costume requests that I tailored for SG members)...
In alphabetical order:
Dark Incendo:
Double Season:
Double Season (Champions Online Version):
Energizer 3000:
Gadget Elf:
Infiltraitor (Freakshow Costume):
Infiltraitor (Malta Costume):
Infiltraitor (Nemesis Costume):
Mega Troll:
Mega Troll (Champions Online Version):
Planetar Angel:
Planetar Angel (Champions Online Version):
Power Edge:
Queen of Thorns:
Sand Shinobi:
Sister Showdown:
Sister Showdown (Champions Online Version):
Urban Crusader:
Urban Crusader (Dark Costume):
Voodoo Shaman:
Malleus Maleficarum
(She has worked in the past with Plot Thickens pictured above.)
Some more cossies that have seen the light of day, or dark of night maybe, since the last post.
Radical Force - Radiation Blast/Electricity Manipulation
Sir Cantakealot - Willpower/Electrical Melee
Current Selection - Electrical Blast/Energy Manipulation
Seems I been on on an elec spree lately.
In level order, here we go.
My 39 BS/Regen Scrapper
My 25 Stone/Stone Tank
My 21 Zombies/Dark Mastermind
My 20 Fire/Therm Corruptor
My 12 (I think) Mind/Psi Dominator
My 8 Rad/NRG Blaster

Claiming the Isles (The Nemesis Strike Force), Arc 448371 - Rogueish action from the Prussian Prince of Automatons himself!
These were actually created on Zukunft but they're all on Union now so I hope I don't lower the standard over here
And they're not actually all my favourites, just the ones I could find good screenshots.
Here's my main Villian, the Shadow Talon
Johnny Quest!
He thinks we're sellouts!
My tanker:
and my scrapper (The Deuce of Blades):
Hi guys, thanks for the welcome i've been given on Union server, really cool I'm obviously a late starter in this game, but loving it none the less. Find myself spending hours just designing costumes, lol. I'm getting to grips with the invention system to unlock some costume pieces and just got cloaks unlocked, but not got any other unlocks yet.
Anyway, here's some costumes i've done so far. Hope i've not posted too many Cya ingame.
Here's my favourite costumes I've made for my heroes:

Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer
I know it, so do the rest of the Unionites, weve got the best costumes on the forums.
So lets showcase them off.