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  1. Black_Russian

    US Edition?

    Hmm thnkas for the suggestions.

    While the direction thing is an option, I don't really want to mess with the directory. I only own CoV and so the CoH has been downloaded to a separate directory (wouldn't let me install to the same directory). I'd prefer to have a physical copy of both games.

    I'll have a look in the city. I know there's a JB-Hi and an EB Games outlet down there. Plus, considering the price of a 2-in-1 purchase nowadays, it shouldn't be much of a problem.
  2. Black_Russian

    US Edition?

    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    You could just copy your EU shortcut link and change the path name to the US version. Just need a US account then.
    I'm not entirely sure I follow on that. Wouldn't I need the US version for that to work? Hence the subject of the thread

    Are you referring to the EU updater files? I read somewhere about that but wasn't entirely sure if it's workable...
  3. Black_Russian

    US Edition?

    For those in Auckland, anyone know where I can find the US Edition of CoX? Or is purchasing online the only recommended solution?

    Currently playing on the European servers and I feel like I'm missing out on some "homegrown" fun

    Unless there's an alternative?...
  4. Hi, I'm Black Russian (CoV), White Russian (CoH). I'm not Russian. I live in Auckland. And I'm stuck with a European version of the game until I can be bothered buying a US one (not that I'm in a hurry).
  5. An idea I'd like to see come to fruition. An archetype whose primary power sets are melee and secondary power sets are ranged (or vice versa).

    Now I realise that it is possible to mimic this setup with certain archetypes it doesn't quite do it justice in which I'm referring to here.

    For example:
    Super Strength / Energy Blast
    Ice Melee / Ice Blast
    Broadsword / Electrical Blast

    I also realise that while this archetype could potential be powerful on the offensive, gameplay would be balanced out with the lack of defense.

    What are your thoughts?
  6. Black_Russian

    Union Costumes!

    Currently a level 26 technology brute. Super Strength / Energy Aura - as well as Flight, Concealment, Health, Stamina. Think of him as an evil version of Iron Man. But from Russia.

  7. Black_Russian

    AE suggestions

    (1) I'd like see more options for ambushes and battles etc. I tried building a map where the player was thrust into the middle of a warzone between two factions only for the battle to end after a minute or so.

    Perhaps a "attack target every so number of minutes" option or something. Of course, I'm not sure if this would add to the "farming" issue or not.

    (2) In-mission interactive NPCs. It would be cool to come across npcs that are minding their own business (civilians, workers in Sharkhead, etc), or running around panicking if theirs bad guys around, etc.

    Plus, it also seems pointless to have a description for your mission contact if all you're going to see is "this is a hologram created by etc..." in the "About Contact" selection. I'd like the description to at least be able to add to the story arc.
  8. Wasn't sure where to make my presence known.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hello. Used to play back in '06 but just recently got back into playing in the last month or so.

    If anyone does remember me, I used to play as Black Russian (no surprise), a level 24 Tech Corrupter, but now I've rebooted the character as a Super Strength / Energy Aura Tech Brute.

    Anyway, nice to see the many changes - especially the fact that I've got CoH now as a free download

    Hope to see you around (though I live in NZ...makes teaming that bit harder).