AE suggestions

You wouldn't be able to put together low-level co-op teams, though, so this might not suit your purposes.
-Maybe this a bug, but if not yeah this. Selecting a placement of a clue in a mission means the clue will be placed in that area. I tried making a mission with multiple decoy clues everywhere and an actual clue in the middle so the speed the player/team finds the real one would be at random, but the real one got moved to the back. The area you pick to place something should be the area it goes to.
-If possible in the future different next missions if the last mission was failed or succeeded.
-Option to have bosses do emotes at certain hit point ranges. Boss at 1/4 Hit Points "This battle I can not win there is only one thing left to do. Dance." /e boombox.
I'd also like to add one suggestion of my own, aggregate-triggers. This means a trigger, or mission-goal that is executed only once all the aggregated mission-goals are complete. For example, "Defeat Boss1; Defeat Boss2; Defeat Boss3; Find 3 Clues" could all be aggregated into one trigger so that the player can go at their own pace and defeat the Bosses and collect the clues in whatever order but the mission itself will only advance once all the goals are met.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Edited the OP
If it ain't broke set it on fire, then say it was a fault in the design.
Main:50 Force Encephalon Mind/Kinetic Controller, Protector Server
(1) I'd like see more options for ambushes and battles etc. I tried building a map where the player was thrust into the middle of a warzone between two factions only for the battle to end after a minute or so.
Perhaps a "attack target every so number of minutes" option or something. Of course, I'm not sure if this would add to the "farming" issue or not.
(2) In-mission interactive NPCs. It would be cool to come across npcs that are minding their own business (civilians, workers in Sharkhead, etc), or running around panicking if theirs bad guys around, etc.
Plus, it also seems pointless to have a description for your mission contact if all you're going to see is "this is a hologram created by etc..." in the "About Contact" selection. I'd like the description to at least be able to add to the story arc.
-An alternate team text command, /at oringinal text(alternate text). The alternate text is used in used for multiple player teams instead of the original text used for solo teams. Get /at $name!(them!). Changes "Get $name!" to "Get them!"
-A $gender command, him/her and $pgender command for posession his/her. Don't let $gender escape! If the team leader is a male the text would read, "Don't let him escape!". If the team leader is a female the text would read, "Don't let her escape!".
-A $date+(-)t command to display the day's date plus, minus time: d for day, m for month, and y for year. $date-3d the day's date minus 3 days will be displayed in the text. $date+3d-4m the day's date plus 3 days minus 4 months.
-<br> to count as one text. It was one text when first pressing enter.
-Center Text command. /ct (text to be centered) text after gets droped a line. Used for forms, reports and such.
-Being able to make an alternate mission or alternate Mission Introduction Dialog in responce to a failed mission.
-Give players of different alliances the ability to complete their own goals. Mission Goal > Settings > Alliance of Mission Goal > Hero/Villain/Neutral. Mission Goal not required if needed alliance is not on the team.
-Option to have what happens in old mission affect things in later missions. Mission Goal > Setting > This Collection becomes active when... > Collect: Past Mission Clue
-Ability to place a mission boss with guards other than with boss guards, i.e Escort, Destroy Item, etc and a lone boss guard.
-Mission Boss Vs Mission Boss Goal and/or Mission Boss double teaming.
-Boss teleports from mission after being defeated option
-A Required Mission Goal being able to be attached to a Non-Required Mission Goal, only required when the non-required mission goal is completed. This would allow players to make missions that play out differently depending on what order goals are completed.
-Splitting NPC groups into subgroups Crey > Security/Power Suit/Research/Paragon Protector
-Place an AE in Pocket D.
If it ain't broke set it on fire, then say it was a fault in the design.
Main:50 Force Encephalon Mind/Kinetic Controller, Protector Server