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  1. Excellent.

    I've skimmed the forums linked from the wiki and all looks nice - I will read more thoroughly presently. In the meantime I'll find one of you in-game.

    Edit - I'll be online tomorrow at around 1800, or perhaps later tonight. My Global handle is @Azezel.
  2. Azezel

    Union Costumes!

    Malleus Maleficarum

    (She has worked in the past with Plot Thickens pictured above.)
  3. I'm certainly interested. (I like your wiki lots). Is there an interview process? What do you want from me? Anything I can do to help.

    My main character is a Defender with Forcefields and Energy Blasts, which it looks as though you don't have.

    I'll provide actual character info (y'know, the good stuff) at your convinience.
  4. I'm looking for a smallish (almost everybody knows almost everybody else) roleplay heavy group. The kind where I can be in-character pretty much all the time.

    My main character is a Defender (l25) but I wouldn't be aversed to creating a new one specifically for the group if any specific archetype is needed.

    If there's any more information I can provide please ask.