Character naming "cheat"




I have a character whose name fits perfectly with the concept.
I have that character on the Justice server but I'm transferring over to the Virtue server.
The name is not available on the Virtue server but I can use the name if I put a period at the end of it.

What is the general outlook on doing this?
Do people care?
Is it frowned upon?

Example: I make my characters name Superman. because Superman is already taken.



Some players affect to look down on it. The guy on your new server (if he is still playing) may think you "ripped him off." But do what pleases you, you will not be breaking a rule.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



Well, it is what it is. If you add something to the end of the name in general people know thats the reason why.

If you abbreviate something or hyphenate a name as part of the name, then its a different story.

You could easily do something like Super.Man, or Super-Man or be even more inventive Subparman

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
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I think using a "-" is better than "." because it's more easy to see, so there's not such a problem with sending tells or invites.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



There are a variety of options. My main is Lionheart, a character I've had in various PnP and PC games (e.g., Freedom Force) for years. However, when I made the first iteration of Lionheart for the Freedom Reborn supergroup, the name was taken. So I appended FR to the name -- the acronym for our SG -- as an identifier.

I do not call my character Lionheart FR, I refer to him as Lionheart. The FR allows others to differentiate him from any other "Lionheart" variation on that server.



Thats a common practice in lots of mmos though. Its common for people to abbreviate their names with a Guild Tag.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
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In general I would say if the name is already taken, it's time to look for a more unique name. "Dark Beast" may sound cool, but it's not very original. You wouldn't be breaking any rules or get kicked from teams or anything, but I usually find the people with symbols in their names to be kind of uncreative.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Another reason to avoid a period at the end of a name, or even in the middle of one, is that it looks really weird when your name is put into sentences by contacts or NPCs, as it totally messes up the punctuation.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



It's probably better to use a bit of extra punctuation than to try to pull the ol 1 = I trick. Not sure if that even still works, but generally a number 1 looks exactly like a capital letter I. zero and the letter o are also commonly swapped.


Don't do that. It makes it really hard to type your name out.

Punctuation is sorta cheesy, but can be understandable. I'd try to avoid even doing that though.



Originally Posted by Frost_NA View Post
It's probably better to use a bit of extra punctuation than to try to pull the ol 1 = I trick. Not sure if that even still works, but generally a number 1 looks exactly like a capital letter I. zero and the letter o are also commonly swapped.


Don't do that. It makes it really hard to type your name out.

Punctuation is sorta cheesy, but can be understandable. I'd try to avoid even doing that though.
The 1 = l still works, but it shows up as a 1 in normal text - it only looks like a l in your name.
For example, you can use it to call yourself "leet lass", and it'd look fine for your ID screen, but NPC text would show it as "1eet 1ass".

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Frost_NA View Post
It's probably better to use a bit of extra punctuation than to try to pull the ol 1 = I trick. Not sure if that even still works, but generally a number 1 looks exactly like a capital letter I. zero and the letter o are also commonly swapped.


Don't do that. It makes it really hard to type your name out.

Punctuation is sorta cheesy, but can be understandable. I'd try to avoid even doing that though.
Using the default font, sure. However, if you use the tweak coh app you can change your font to whatever you want. That would solve some of those issues.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
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While I personally believe that throwing a period at the end of your character's name shows a singular lack of creativity, the act does not break any rules.

That being said I completely understand the frustration of having that perfect concept and name only to be denied at character creation. So I would like to see CoH take a page out of CO's book and assign player name designators to the character names (i.e. Captain Spandex@McBoo, Captain Spandex@Dispari, etc.) that would be totally transparent in game so that no one misses out on being Captain Spandex

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

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That would require a huge ravamp of the current account system, and database coding to manage the nomenclature. Then you'd have to recode the game client chat system to affect the changes.

Its not something easily done and could cause a lot more chat problems than we currently have.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
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Yeah. I get the impression that the server chat/global chat system in this game is held together by duct tape and chewing gum.



My personal opinion is I don't like it. I wouldn't do it.

I wouldn't hold it against you if you did it... but if you're like me, and I suspect you are if you felt like asking here... you'll probably regret using the 'cheat' and seeing the name on the screen will remind you of it every time you play. Since it's something you'd have to live with forever on that toon, you probably want to find another name.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Originally Posted by Inokis View Post
That would require a huge ravamp of the current account system, and database coding to manage the nomenclature. Then you'd have to recode the game client chat system to affect the changes.

Its not something easily done and could cause a lot more chat problems than we currently have.
Indeed, such a change would be fraught with problems I think. In over five years of playing this game, I've never had any material difficulty in coming up with unique and creative names. When difficulties do arise, the use of an online thesaurus has always solved the problem.

To the OP, do whatever floats your boat, so to speak. There is no rule per se you are breaking by adding a period, hyphen, whatever to the end of your name. Personally, when I see this in game, I tend to "look down" upon the player.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



Originally Posted by McBoo View Post
While I personally believe that throwing a period at the end of your character's name shows a singular lack of creativity, the act does not break any rules.

That being said I completely understand the frustration of having that perfect concept and name only to be denied at character creation. So I would like to see CoH take a page out of CO's book and assign player name designators to the character names (i.e. Captain Spandex@McBoo, Captain Spandex@Dispari, etc.) that would be totally transparent in game so that no one misses out on being Captain Spandex
Personally I think that setup looks totally fugly. I mean, yeah it is nice to see the global name all the time with whoever is talking but it's just so awful. I'm not sure if it lets two characters have the same name, if so that's a nice feature but not /that/ great.



Not really forever, theres always the option of purchasing a rename token.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
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Originally Posted by McBoo View Post
So I would like to see CoH take a page out of CO's book and assign player name designators to the character names (i.e. Captain Spandex@McBoo, Captain Spandex@Dispari, etc.) that would be totally transparent in game so that no one misses out on being Captain Spandex
What? Did they finally heed the countless requests to make the @global part of the name transparent? Last I heard, everyone would be seen specifically as charactername@globalname (global visible all the time).

Random NPC: I heard Captain Spandex@McBoo foiled yet another Nemesis plot.

That is the type of nonsense we would see if CoH implemented it just like the other game.



Originally Posted by Spatch View Post
Indeed, such a change would be fraught with problems I think. In over five years of playing this game, I've never had any material difficulty in coming up with unique and creative names. When difficulties do arise, the use of an online thesaurus has always solved the problem.

To the OP, do whatever floats your boat, so to speak. There is no rule per se you are breaking by adding a period, hyphen, whatever to the end of your name. Personally, when I see this in game, I tend to "look down" upon the player.
You look down on people for what they choose as a name well isn't that all high and mighty of you.

To the OP do it who cares it's a game and if the name you want is taken well you put your hyphen or whatever in I won't judge you on your name. I have had this happen to a few of my characters and and used it and don't see what the big deal is. If anything it's clever and a way to get what you want.



Originally Posted by Grumble View Post of...thread.
Now that you mention it...

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
You look down on people for what they choose as a name well isn't that all high and mighty of you.
1. Unlike you, I don't make a big deal out of the matter publically when I see any one of the following:


However, I do feel the player couldn't be bothered to make even the slightest of effort to come up with something original. So, yes, in that way I "look down" upon that player.

2. And, if you tell me you've never exercised any kind of judgement based on a superficial observation, at any point in your life, I'll call you a bald-faced liar. Throwing stones, glass houses, etc., etc.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



Originally Posted by McBoo View Post
While I personally believe that throwing a period at the end of your character's name shows a singular lack of creativity, the act does not break any rules.

That being said I completely understand the frustration of having that perfect concept and name only to be denied at character creation. So I would like to see CoH take a page out of CO's book and assign player name designators to the character names (i.e. Captain Spandex@McBoo, Captain Spandex@Dispari, etc.) that would be totally transparent in game so that no one misses out on being Captain Spandex

Is -this- what The Competition™ is doing? I can see what they are trying to achieve, but what a gawd awful way of going about it.

Never had a problem myself, in over 5 active years of playing this game, in coming up with an original name. I like the way CoX deals with names:

1. The "Check Name" function on the charactor selector screen
2. Ability to purchase a Rename token
3. Occasional purge of inactive names that meet certain criteria

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



Could not care less. Except if I'm trying to pst you and I miss the .

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